35 resultados para uniform storng consistency
Based on the balance theory (Heider, 1958), we hypothesized that emotions (i.e., schadenfreude, resentment, joy and sorrow) induced by other person’s outcomes function as responses restoring balance within cognitive units consisting of the perceiver, other persons and their outcomes. As a consequence, emotional reactions towards others’ outcomes depend on the perceiver’s attitudes in such a way that outcomes of a well-liked person rise congruous responses (sorrow after failure and joy after success), while outcomes of a disliked other lead to incongruous responses (schadenfreude after failure and resentment after success). Our participants recalled a situation from their past in which somebody they liked or disliked had succeed or failed. Additionally, we manipulated whether the outcome referred to a domain where participants’ self-interest was involved or not. We analyzed the participants’ average emotional state as well as specific emotions induced by the recalled events. Consistently with expectations we found that balancing principles played a major role in shaping emotional responses to successes and failures of person who were well-liked or disliked.
Mechanical properties of human trabecular bone play an important role in age-related bone fragility and implant stability. Micro-finite element (microFE) analysis allows computing the apparent elastic properties of trabecular bone biopsies, but the results depend on the type of applied boundary conditions (BCs). In this study, 167 femoral trabecular cubic biopsies with a side length of 5.3 mm were analyzed using microFE analysis to compare their stiffness systematically with kinematic uniform boundary conditions (KUBCs) and periodicity-compatible mixed uniform boundary conditions (PMUBCs). The obtained elastic constants were then used in the volume fraction and fabric-based orthotropic Zysset-Curnier model to identify their respective model parameters. As expected, PMUBCs lead to more compliant apparent elastic properties than KUBCs, especially in shear. The differences in stiffness decreased with bone volume fraction and mean intercept length. Unlike KUBCs, PMUBCs were sensitive to heterogeneity of the biopsies. The Zysset-Curnier model predicted apparent elastic constants successfully in both cases with adjusted coefficients of determination of 0.986 for KUBCs and 0.975 for PMUBCs. The role of these boundary conditions in finite element analyses of whole bones and bone-implant systems will need to be investigated in future work.
There are large variations in the incidence, registration methods and reported causes of sudden cardiac arrest/sudden cardiac death (SCA/SCD) in competitive and recreational athletes. A crucial question is to which degree these variations are genuine or partly due to methodological incongruities. This paper discusses the uncertainties about available data and provides comprehensive suggestions for standard definitions and a guide for uniform registration parameters of SCA/SCD. The parameters include a definition of what constitutes an 'athlete', incidence calculations, enrolment of cases, the importance of gender, ethnicity and age of the athlete, as well as the type and level of sporting activity. A precise instruction for autopsy practice in the case of a SCD of athletes is given, including the role of molecular samples and evaluation of possible doping. Rational decisions about cardiac preparticipation screening and cardiac safety at sport facilities requires increased data quality concerning incidence, aetiology and management of SCA/SCD in sports. Uniform standard registration of SCA/SCD in athletes and leisure sportsmen would be a first step towards this goal.
Studying individual differences in conscious awareness can potentially lend fundamental insights into the neural bases of binding mechanisms and consciousness (Cohen Kadosh and Henik, 2007). Partly for this reason, considerable attention has been devoted to the neural mechanisms underlying grapheme–color synesthesia, a healthy condition involving atypical brain activation and the concurrent experience of color photisms in response to letters, numbers, and words. For instance, the letter C printed in black on a white background may elicit a yellow color photism that is perceived to be spatially colocalized with the inducing stimulus or internally in the “mind's eye” as, for instance, a visual image. Synesthetic experiences are involuntary, idiosyncratic, and consistent over time (Rouw et al., 2011). To date, neuroimaging research on synesthesia has focused on brain areas activated during the experience of synesthesia and associated structural brain differences. However, activity patterns of the synesthetic brain at rest remain largely unexplored. Moreover, the neural correlates of synesthetic consistency, the hallmark characteristic of synesthesia, remain elusive.
Charged massive matter fields of spin-0 and spin- 1/2 are quantized in the presence of an external uniform magnetic field in a spatial region bounded by two parallel plates. The most general set of boundary conditions at the plates, that is required by mathematical consistency and the self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian operator, is employed. The vacuum fluctuations of the matter field in the case of the magnetic field orthogonal to the plates are analyzed, and it is shown that the pressure from the vacuum onto the plates is positive and independent of the boundary condition, as well as of the distance between the plates. Possibilities of the detection of this new-type Casimir effect are discussed. Read More: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/10.1142/S0217732315500996