125 resultados para spinal cord diseases
OBJECTIVES: (1) To assess spinal cord blood flow (SCBF) during surgical treatment of disk extrusion in dogs and (2) to investigate associations between SCBF, clinical signs, presurgical MRI images, and 24-hour surgical outcome. STUDY DESIGN: Cohort study. ANIMALS: Chondrodystrophic dogs with thoracolumbar disk extrusion (n=12). METHODS: Diagnosis was based on clinical signs and MRI findings, and confirmed at surgery. Regional SCBF was measured intraoperatively by laser-Doppler flowmetry before, immediately after surgical spinal cord decompression, and after 15 minutes of lavaging the lesion. Care was taken to ensure a standardized surgical procedure to minimize factors that could influence measurement readings. RESULTS: A significant increase in intraoperative SCBF was found in all dogs (Wilcoxon's signed-rank test; P=.05) immediately after spinal cord decompression and after 15 minutes. Changes in SCBF were not associated with duration of clinical signs; initial or 24-hour neurologic status; or degree of spinal cord compression assessed by MRI. CONCLUSION: SCBF increases immediately after spinal cord decompression in dogs with disk herniation; however, increased SCBF was not associated with a diminished 24-hour neurologic status. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: An increase in SCBF does not appear to be either associated with the degree of spinal cord compression or of a magnitude sufficient to outweigh the benefit of surgical decompression by resulting in clinically relevant changes in 24-hour outcome.
Acute administration of a mononclonal antibody (mAb) raised against the CD11d subunit of the leukocyte CD11d/CD18 integrin after spinal cord injury (SCI) in the rat greatly improves neurological outcomes. We have profiled gene expression in anti-CD11d and isotyped-matched control mAb-treated rats after SCI. Microarray analysis demonstrated reduced expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and increased expression of inflammatory mediators that promote wound healing and the expression of scar proteins predicted to improve nerve growth. These changes in gene expression may reflect changes in the types of macrophages that populate the lesions in anti-CD11d mAb-treated rats.
The outcome of spinal surgery in dogs with absent voluntary motor function and nociception following intervertebral disc (IVD) herniation is highly variable, which likely attests to differences in the severity of spinal cord damage. This retrospective study evaluated the extent to which neurological signs correlated with histologically detected spinal cord damage in 60 dogs that were euthanased because of thoracolumbar IVD herniation. Clinical neurological grades correlated significantly with the extent of white matter damage (P<0.001). However, loss of nociception also occurred in 6/31 (19%) dogs with relatively mild histological changes. The duration of clinical signs, Schiff-Sherrington posture, loss of reflexes and pain on spinal palpation were not significantly associated with the severity of spinal cord damage. Although clinical-pathological correlation was generally good, some clinical signs frequently thought to indicate severe cord injury did not always correlate with the degree of cord damage, suggesting functional rather than structural impairment in some cases.
OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence of spinal cord compression subsequent to traumatic intervertebral disk (IVD) extrusion in dogs, characterize factors associated with spinal cord compression in dogs with traumatic IVD extrusion, and evaluate the outcomes of dogs with traumatic IVD extrusion with or without spinal cord compression. DESIGN Retrospective case series. ANIMALS 31 dogs with traumatic IVD extrusion. PROCEDURES Medical records and MRI findings were reviewed for dogs with a history of trauma to the spinal region. Dogs were included in the study if a neurologic examination and MRI were performed and there was a description of clinical signs and MRI findings including identification of the spinal cord segment affected by IVD extrusion, presence or absence of spinal cord compression, treatment, and outcome available for review. RESULTS 31 of 50 (62%) dogs had traumatic IVD extrusions without any other detectable vertebral lesions; 9 (29%) and 22 (71%) of those 31 dogs did and did not have spinal cord compression, respectively. Dogs with spinal cord compression were significantly older and more likely to be chondrodystrophic and have evidence of generalized IVD degeneration, compared with dogs without spinal cord compression. The outcome for dogs with spinal cord compression was similar to that for dogs without spinal cord compression. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated traumatic IVD extrusion was common and should be considered as a differential diagnosis for dogs with trauma to the spinal region, and spinal cord compression should be evaluated, especially in older or chondrodystrophic dogs.
BACKGROUND Bodily sensations are an important component of corporeal awareness. Spinal cord injury can leave affected body parts insentient and unmoving, leading to specific disturbances in the mental representation of one's own body and the sense of self. OBJECTIVE Here, we explored how illusions induced by multisensory stimulation influence immediate sensory signals and tactile awareness in patients with spinal cord injuries. METHODS The rubber hand illusion paradigm was applied to 2 patients with chronic and complete spinal cord injury of the sixth cervical spine, with severe somatosensory impairments in 2 of 5 fingers. RESULTS Both patients experienced a strong illusion of ownership of the rubber hand during synchronous, but not asynchronous, stroking. They also, spontaneously reported basic tactile sensations in their previously numb fingers. Tactile awareness from seeing the rubber hand was enhanced by progressively increasing the stimulation duration. CONCLUSIONS Multisensory illusions directly and specifically modulate the reemergence of sensory memories and enhance tactile sensation, despite (or as a result of) prior deafferentation. When sensory inputs are lost, and are later illusorily regained, the brain updates a coherent body image even several years after the body has become permanently unable to feel. This particular example of neural plasticity represents a significant opportunity to strengthen the sense of the self and the feelings of embodiment in patients with spinal cord injury.
INTRODUCTION Toward the end of the nineteenth century, it was Gowers, Horsley and Macewen who first reported successful surgical procedures for the treatment of subdural extramedullary tumors. Following this, Church and Eisendrath as well as Putnam and Warren reported unsuccessful attempts to treat subpial spinal pathologies in their patients. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century did reports of successful interventions of this type accumulate. In the analysis of these case reports, the authors noticed a certain lack of accuracy about the anatomical allocations and descriptions of intra- and extramedullary spinal lesions. From this, the question of who actually carried out the pioneering works in the early twentieth century in the field of surgery of intramedullary pathologies arose. METHODS Analysis of the relevant original publications of Hans Brun and research on the poorly documented information about his life history by personally contacting contemporary relatives. RESULTS The literature analysis showed that the Swiss neurologist Otto Veraguth and surgeon Hans Brun made fundamental contributions to subpial spinal cord surgery at the very beginning of the last century that remain valid today. According to our research, Hans Brun should be remembered as the third surgeon (after von Eiselsberg and Elsberg) who successfully removed an intramedullary lesion in a patient. CONCLUSION Brun should be remembered as an early and successful surgeon in this specialized field. His operative work is described in detail in this article. At the same time, his achievements in the fields of brain and disc herniation surgery are presented.
Ischaemic spinal cord injury (SCI) remains the Achilles heel of open and endovascular descending thoracic and thoracoabdominal repair. Neurological outcomes have improved coincidentially with the introduction of neuroprotective measures. However, SCI (paraplegia and paraparesis) remains the most devastating complication. The aim of this position paper is to provide physicians with broad information regarding spinal cord blood supply, to share strategies for shortening intraprocedural spinal cord ischaemia and to increase spinal cord tolerance to transitory ischaemia through detection of ischaemia and augmentation of spinal cord blood perfusion. This study is meant to support physicians caring for patients in need of any kind of thoracic or thoracoabdominal aortic repair in decision-making algorithms in order to understand, prevent or reverse ischaemic SCI. Information has been extracted from focused publications available in the PubMed database, which are cohort studies, experimental research reports, case reports, reviews, short series and meta-analyses. Individual chapters of this position paper were assigned and after delivery harmonized by Christian D. Etz, Ernst Weigang and Martin Czerny. Consequently, further writing assignments were distributed within the group and delivered in August 2014. The final version was submitted to the EJCTS for review in September 2014.
BACKGROUND CONTEXT In canine intervertebral disc (IVD) extrusion, a spontaneous animal model of spinal cord injury, hemorrhage is a consistent finding. In rodent models, hemorrhage might be involved in secondary tissue destruction by biochemical mechanisms. PURPOSE This study aimed to investigate a causal association between the extents of intramedullary, subdural and epidural hemorrhage and the severity of spinal cord damage following IVD extrusion in dogs. STUDY DESIGN/SETTING A retrospective study using histologic spinal cord sections from 83 dogs euthanized following IVD extrusion was carried out. METHODS The degree of hemorrhage (intramedullary, subdural, epidural), the degree of spinal cord damage in the epicenter (white and gray matter), and the longitudinal extent of myelomalacia were graded. Associations between the extent of hemorrhage and the degree of spinal cord damage were evaluated statistically. RESULTS Intramedullary and subdural hemorrhages were significantly associated with the degree of white (p<.001/ p=.004) and gray (both p<.001) matter damage, and with the longitudinal extension of myelomalacia (p<.001/p=.005). Intriguingly, accumulation of hemorrhagic cord debris inside or dorsal to a distended and ruptured central canal in segments distant to the epicenter of the lesion was observed exhibiting a wave-like pattern on longitudinal assessment. The occurrence of this debris accumulation was associated with high degrees of tissue destruction (all p<.001). CONCLUSIONS Tissue liquefaction and increased intramedullary pressure associated with hemorrhage are involved in the progression of spinal cord destruction in a canine model of spinal cord injury and ascending or descending myelomalacia. Functional and dynamic studies are needed to investigate this concept further.
STUDY DESIGN Retrospective data analysis. OBJECTIVES To document fracture characteristics, management and related complications in individuals with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). SETTING Rehabilitation centre for SCI individuals. METHOD Patients' records were reviewed. Patients with traumatic SCI and extremity fractures that had occurred after SCI were included. Patient characteristics, fractured bone, fracture localisation, severity and management (operative/conservative), and fracture-related complications were extracted. RESULTS A total of 156 long-bone fractures in 107 SCI patients (34 women and 73 men) were identified. The majority of patients were paraplegics (77.6%) and classified as American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale A (86.0%). Only the lower extremities were affected, whereby the femur (60.9% of all fractures) was fractured more frequently than the lower leg (39.1%). A total of 70 patients (65.4%) had one fracture, whereas 37 patients (34.6%) had two or more fractures. Simple or extraarticular fractures were most common (75.0%). Overall, 130 (83.3%) fractures were managed operatively. Approximately half of the femur fractures (48.2%) were treated with locking compression plates. In the lower leg, fractures were mainly managed with external fixation (48.8%). Conservative fracture management was applied in 16.7% of the cases and consisted of braces or a well-padded soft cast. Fracture-associated complications were present in 13.5% of the cases but did not differ significantly between operative (13.1%) and conservative (15.4%) fracture management. CONCLUSION SCI was associated with simple or extraarticular fractures of the distal femur and the lower leg. Fractures were mainly managed operatively with a low complication rate.
The objectives of this study were to describe a new spinal cord injury scale for dogs, evaluate repeatability through determining inter-rater variability of scores, compare these scores to another established system (a modified Frankel scale), and determine if the modified Frankel scale and the newly developed scale were useful as prognostic indicators for return to ambulation. A group of client-owned dogs with spinal cord injury were examined by 2 independent observers who applied the new Texas Spinal Cord Injury Score (TSCIS) and a modified Frankel scale that has been used previously. The newly developed scale was designed to describe gait, postural reactions and nociception in each limb. Weighted kappa statistics were utilized to determine inter-rater variability for the modified Frankel scale and individual components of the TSCIS. Comparisons were made between raters for the overall TSCIS score and between scales using Spearman's rho. An additional group of dogs with surgically treated thoracolumbar disk herniation was enrolled to look at correlation of both scores with spinal cord signal characteristics on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ambulatory outcome at discharge. The actual agreement between raters for the modified Frankel scale was 88%, with a weighted kappa value of 0.93. The TSCIS had weighted kappa scores for gait, proprioceptive positioning and nociception components that ranged from 0.72 to 0.94. Correlation between raters for the overall TSCIS score was Spearman's rho=0.99 (P<0.001). Comparison of the overall TSCIS score to the modified Frankel score resulted in a Spearman's rho value of 0.90 (P<0.001). The modified Frankel score was weakly correlated with the length of hyperintensity of the spinal cord: L2 vertebral body length ratio on mid-sagittal T2-weighted MRI (Spearman's rho=-0.45, P=0.042) as was the overall TSCIS score (Spearman's rho=-0.47, P=0.037). There was also a significant difference in admitting modified Frankel scores (P=0.029) and admitting overall TSCIS scores (P=0.02) between dogs that were ambulatory at discharge and those that were not. Results from this study suggest that the TSCIS is an easy to administer scale for evaluating canine spinal cord injury based on the standard neurological exam and correlates well with a previously described modified Frankel scale.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate changes over time in owner-perceived, weighted quality-of-life assessments in dogs with spinal cord injuries and determine whether scores were associated with underlying etiology or with veterinarian-assigned scores for severity of neurologic dysfunction. DESIGN Cohort study. ANIMALS 100 dogs with spinal cord injury. PROCEDURES Duration of dysfunction, modified Frankel neurologic injury score, and etiology were recorded. At initial and recheck (4- to 6-week) evaluations, owners were asked to identify 5 areas or activities they believed had the most influence on their dogs' quality of life, assess their dogs' current status in each area, and provide a weighting for the importance of each area; results were used to construct a weighted quality-of-life score. Owners were also asked to provide a quality-of-life score with a visual analog scale (VAS). RESULTS At initial and recheck evaluations, weighted quality-of-life scores were higher for ambulatory than for nonambulatory dogs. However, scores did not differ among groups when dogs were grouped on the basis of underlying etiology or duration of injury. Dogs with an increase in Frankel score between the initial and recheck evaluations had a significant increase in weighted quality-of-life score, whereas for dogs that did not have any change in Frankel score, initial and recheck weighted quality-of-life scores were not significantly different. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggested that owner-assigned, weighted quality-of-life scores for dogs with spinal cord injuries did not vary significantly on the basis of underlying etiology or duration of injury but were higher for ambulatory than for nonambulatory dogs.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate a questionnaire for obtaining owner-perceived, weighted quality-oflife assessments for dogs with spinal cord injuries. DESIGN Evaluation study. Animals-100 dogs with spinal cord injuries and 48 healthy control dogs. PROCEDURES The questionnaire was adapted from a questionnaire (the schedule for the evaluation of individual quality of life-direct weighting) used for human patients. Specifically, owners were asked to identify 5 areas or activities they believed had the most influence on their dogs' quality of life, assess their dogs' current status in each of those areas, and provide a weighting for the importance of each area. Results were used to construct a weighted quality-of-life score ranging from 0 to 100 for each dog. Owners were also asked to provide a quality-of-life score with a visual analog scale (VAS). RESULTS A good correlation was found between weighted and VAS quality-of-life scores. Dogs with spinal cord injuries had weighted quality-of-life scores that were significantly lower than scores for control dogs. Quality-of-life areas and activities provided by owners of dogs with spinal cord injuries were similar to areas and activities provided by owners of healthy control dogs and could mostly be encompassed by 5 broader domains: mobility, play or mental stimulation, health, companionship, and other. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggested that the questionnaire could be used to obtain owner-perceived, weighted quality-of-life assessments for dogs with spinal cord injuries. Obtaining owner-perceived quality-of-life assessments for individual dogs should allow veterinarians to better address quality-of-life concerns and expectations of owners.