61 resultados para smooth muscle layer
Adult-type Pompe's disease (glycogen storage disease type II) has rarely been shown to present with dilatative arteriopathy, suggesting potential smooth muscle involvement in addition to lysosomal glycogen deposits usually restricted to skeletal muscle tissue. We report the case of a middle-aged man under enzyme replacement therapy presenting with an exceedingly large thoracic aortic aneurysm. Surprisingly, the histological work-up of resected aortic tissue revealed changes mimicking those observed in patients with classic connective tissue diseases. Enzyme replacement therapy, in addition to musculoskeletal and pulmonary treatment for patients with Pompe's disease, may prolong survival and lead to patients presenting with vascular alterations that may pose surgical and potential diagnostic challenges in the future.
By analogy to gliosarcoma, the neologism "oligosarcoma" is to describe an uncommon form of biphasic central nervous system tumor composed of contiguous neuroepithelial and mesenchymal elements, each of which individually meet the criteria of oligodendroglioma and sarcoma, respectively. By virtue of its distinctive genotype (codeletion 1p/19q), oligodendroglioma is a particularly inviting paradigm to test the assumption that such mixed tumors are clonally derived from a glial primary. We observed this constellation in a 41-year-old male who underwent two resection procedures for a recurring right frontal tumor at five years' interval. On imaging, both lesions were contrast-enhancing, and measured 7 cm × 7 cm × 6.8 cm and 7 cm × 6.5 cm × 4cm, respectively. Following the first operation, temozolomide monotherapy was administered. Whereas initial histology showed conventional anaplastic oligodendroglioma, the recurrence consisted mostly of a fibrosarcoma-like, fascicular neoplasm that was immunoreactive for vimentin, smooth muscle actin, S100 protein, and focally epithelial membrane antigen. In between, a subset of otherwise indistinguishable spindle cells expressed GFAP, and focally merged with residues of oligodendroglioma. Molecular testing for loss of heterozygosity confirmed codeletion of 1p/19q in both the primary tumor and the sarcomatous recurrence. Similarly, generalized immunoreactivity for the mutant R132H form of isocitrate dehydrogenase in both lesions indicated an identical mutation of the IDH1 gene. By the above standards, biologically consistent "oligosarcomas" are felt to be exceedingly rare, and possibly participate of a nosologically heterogeneous group of combined glial/mesenchymal lesions that may also include iatrogenically induced second malignancies as well as true collision tumors.
Cardiovascular disease is a complex disorder involving multiple pathophysiological processes, several of which involve activation of toll-like receptors (TLRs) of the innate immune system. As sentinels of innate immunity TLRs are nonclonally germline-encoded molecular pattern recognition receptors that recognize exogenous as well as tissue-derived molecular dangers signals promoting inflammation. In addition to their expression in immune cells, TLRs are found in other tissues and cell types including cardiomyocytes, endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells. TLRs are differentially regulated in various cell types by several cardiovascular risk factors such as hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia and may represent a key mechanism linking chronic inflammation, cardiovascular disease progression, and activation of the immune system. Modulation of TLR signaling by specific TLR agonists or antagonists, alone or in combination, may be a useful therapeutic approach to treat various cardiovascular inflammatory conditions such as atherosclerosis, peripheral arterial disease, secondary microvascular complications of diabetes, autoimmune disease, and ischemia reperfusion injury. In this paper we discuss recent developments and current evidence for the role of TLR in cardiovascular disease as well as the therapeutic potential of various compounds on inhibition of TLR-mediated inflammatory responses.
The transient receptor potential channel (TRP) family comprises at least 28 genes in the human genome. These channels are widely expressed in many different tissues, including those of the cardiovascular system. The transient receptor potential channel melastatin 4 (TRPM4) is a Ca(2+)-activated non-specific cationic channel, which is impermeable to Ca(2+). TRPM4 is expressed in many cells of the cardiovascular system, such as cardiac cells of the conduction pathway and arterial and venous smooth muscle cells. This review article summarizes the recently described roles of TRPM4 in normal physiology and in various disease states. Genetic variants in the human gene TRPM4 have been linked to several cardiac conduction disorders. TRPM4 has also been proposed to play a crucial role in secondary hemorrhage following spinal cord injuries. Spontaneously hypertensive rats with cardiac hypertrophy were shown to over-express the cardiac TRPM4 channel. Recent studies suggest that TRPM4 plays an important role in cardiovascular physiology and disease, even if most of the molecular and cellular mechanisms have yet to be elucidated. We conclude this review article with a brief overview of the compounds that have been shown to either inhibit or activate TRPM4 under experimental conditions. Based on recent findings, the TRPM4 channel can be proposed as a future target for the pharmacological treatment of cardiovascular disorders, such as hypertension and cardiac arrhythmias.
Defects in urothelial integrity resulting in leakage and activation of underlying sensory nerves are potential causative factors of bladder pain syndrome, a clinical syndrome of pelvic pain and urinary urgency/frequency in the absence of a specific cause. Herein, we identified the microRNA miR-199a-5p as an important regulator of intercellular junctions. On overexpression in urothelial cells, it impairs correct tight junction formation and leads to increased permeability. miR-199a-5p directly targets mRNAs encoding LIN7C, ARHGAP12, PALS1, RND1, and PVRL1 and attenuates their expression levels to a similar extent. Using laser microdissection, we showed that miR-199a-5p is predominantly expressed in bladder smooth muscle but that it is also detected in mature bladder urothelium and primary urothelial cultures. In the urothelium, its expression can be up-regulated after activation of cAMP signaling pathways. While validating miR-199a-5p targets, we delineated novel functions of LIN7C and ARHGAP12 in urothelial integrity and confirmed the essential role of PALS1 in establishing and maintaining urothelial polarity and junction assembly. The present results point to a possible link between miR-199a-5p expression and the control of urothelial permeability in bladder pain syndrome. Up-regulation of miR-199a-5p and concomitant down-regulation of its multiple targets might be detrimental to the establishment of a tight urothelial barrier, leading to chronic pain.
BACKGROUND: The pathology of pediatric severe therapy-resistant asthma (STRA) is little understood. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized that STRA in children is characterized by airway eosinophilia and mast cell inflammation and is driven by the T(H)2 cytokines IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13. METHODS: Sixty-nine children (mean age, 11.8 years; interquartile range, 5.6-17.3 years; patients with STRA, n = 53; control subjects, n = 16) underwent fiberoptic bronchoscopy, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), and endobronchial biopsy. Airway inflammation, remodeling, and BAL fluid and biopsy specimen T(H)2 cytokines were quantified. Children with STRA also underwent symptom assessment (Asthma Control Test), spirometry, exhaled nitric oxide and induced sputum evaluation. RESULTS: Children with STRA had significantly increased BAL fluid and biopsy specimen eosinophil counts compared with those found in control subjects (BAL fluid, P < .001; biopsy specimen, P < .01); within the STRA group, there was marked between-patient variability in eosinophilia. Submucosal mast cell, neutrophil, and lymphocyte counts were similar in both groups. Reticular basement membrane thickness and airway smooth muscle were increased in patients with STRA compared with those found in control subjects (P < .0001 and P < .001, respectively). There was no increase in BAL fluid IL-4, IL-5, or IL-13 levels in patients with STRA compared with control subjects, and these cytokines were rarely detected in induced sputum. Biopsy IL-5(+) and IL-13(+) cell counts were also not higher in patients with STRA compared with those seen in control subjects. The subgroup (n = 15) of children with STRA with detectable BAL fluid T(H)2 cytokines had significantly lower lung function than those with undetectable BAL fluid T(H)2 cytokines. CONCLUSIONS: STRA in children was characterized by remodeling and variable airway eosinophil counts. However, unlike in adults, there was no neutrophilia, and despite the wide range in eosinophil counts, the T(H)2 mediators that are thought to drive allergic asthma were mostly absent.
Structural remodeling of the myocardium associated with mechanical overload or cardiac infarction is accompanied by the appearance of myofibroblasts. These fibroblast-like cells express alpha-smooth muscle actin (alphaSMA) and have been shown to express connexins in tissues other than heart. The present study examined whether myofibroblasts of cardiac origin establish heterocellular gap junctional coupling with cardiomyocytes and whether ensuing electrotonic interactions affect impulse propagation. For this purpose, impulse conduction characteristics (conduction velocity [theta] and maximal upstroke velocity [dV/dtmax]) were assessed optically in cultured strands of cardiomyocytes, which were coated with fibroblasts of cardiac origin. Immunocytochemistry showed that cultured fibroblasts underwent a phenotype switch to alphaSMA-positive myofibroblasts that expressed connexin 43 and 45 both among themselves and at contact sites with cardiomyocytes. Myofibroblasts affected theta and dV/dtmax in a cell density-dependent manner; a gradual increase of myofibroblast-to-cardiomyocyte ratios up to 7:100 caused an increase of both theta and dV/dtmax, which was followed by a progressive decline at higher ratios. On full coverage of the strands with myofibroblasts (ratio >20:100), theta fell <200 mm/s. This biphasic dependence of theta and dV/dtmax on myofibroblast density is reminiscent of "supernormal conduction" and is explained by a myofibroblast density-dependent gradual depolarization of the cardiomyocyte strands from -78 mV to -50 mV as measured using microelectrode recordings. These findings suggest that myofibroblasts, apart from their role in structural remodeling, might contribute to arrhythmogenesis by direct electrotonic modulation of conduction and that prevention of their appearance might represent an antiarrhythmic therapeutic target.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the distribution of muscarinic receptor subtypes M(1) to M(5) and interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) in the gastrointestinal tract of healthy dairy cows. SAMPLE POPULATION: Full-thickness samples were collected from the fundus, corpus, and pyloric part of the abomasum and from the duodenum, ileum, cecum, proximal loop of the ascending colon, and both external loops of the spiral colon of 5 healthy dairy cows after slaughter. PROCEDURES: Samples were fixed in paraformaldehyde and embedded in paraffin. Muscarinic receptor subtypes and ICCs were identified by immunohistochemical analysis. RESULTS: Staining for M(1) receptors was found in the submucosal plexus and myenteric plexus. Antibodies against M(2) receptors stained nuclei of smooth muscle cells only. Evidence of M(3) receptors was found in the lamina propria, in intramuscular neuronal terminals, on intermuscular nerve fibers, and on myocytes of microvessels. There was no staining for M(4) receptors. Staining for M(5) receptors was evident in the myocytes of microvessels and in smooth muscle cells. The ICCs were detected in the myenteric plexus and within smooth muscle layers. Distribution among locations of the bovine gastrointestinal tract did not differ for muscarinic receptor subtypes or ICCs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The broad distribution of M(1), M(3), M(5), and ICCs in the bovine gastrointestinal tract indicated that these components are likely to play an important role in the regulation of gastrointestinal tract motility in healthy dairy cows. Muscarinic receptors and ICCs may be implicated in the pathogenesis of motility disorders, such as abomasal displacement and cecal dilatation-dislocation.
It has been proposed that gonadotropins and/or gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) could be involved in the pathophysiology of the side effects after spaying in bitches, such as urinary incontinence and an increased production of a woolly undercoat. In order to provide tools to investigate the role of these hormones in dogs we developed immunohistochemical techniques and real-time RT-PCR to study whether GnRH-, LH-, and FSH-receptors exist in canine skin and urinary bladder. Tissue samples from the skin of the flank region and the ventral midline of the urinary bladder from euthanised dogs were examined. We were able to quantify mRNA expression of GnRH-, FSH-, and LH-receptors in canine skin and bladder biopsies with a high primer efficacy. Immunohistochemical studies showed that GnRH-, FSH-, and LH-receptors are expressed in vessel walls, the epidermis, the hair follicle and in sebaceous and sweat glands in canine skin and in transitional epithelium, and smooth muscle tissue in the urinary bladder. Our data provide the fundamentals to examine the distribution of FSH-, LH-, and GnRH-receptors in canine skin and urinary bladder and to assess gene activity at the transcriptional level by real-time RT-PCR.
The tall epithelium of the developing chick embryo lung is converted to a squamous one, which participates in formation of the thin blood-gas barrier. We show that this conversion occurred through processes resembling exocrine secretion. Initially, cells formed intraluminal protrusions (aposomes), and then transcellular double membranes were established. Gaps between the membranes opened, thus, severing the aposome from the cell. Alternatively, aposomes were squeezed out by adjacent cells or were spontaneously constricted and extruded. As a third mechanism, formation and fusion of severed vesicles or vacuoles below the aposome and their fusion with the apicolateral plasma membrane resulted in severing of the aposome. The atria started to form by progressive epithelial attenuation and subsequent invasion of the surrounding mesenchyme at regions delineated by subepithelial alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive cells. Further epithelial attenuation was achieved by vacuolation; rupture of such vacuoles with resultant numerous microfolds and microvilli, which were abscised to accomplish a smooth squamous epithelium just before hatching.
Prevention of coronary artery disease (CAD) and reduction of its mortality and morbidity remains a major public health challenge throughout the "Western world". Recent evidence supports the concept that the impairment of endothelial function, a hallmark of insulin resistance states, is an upstream event in the pathophysiology of insulin resistance and its main corollaries: atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction. Atherosclerosis is currently thought to be the consequence of a subtle imbalance between pro- and anti-oxidants that produces favourable conditions for lesion progression towards acute thrombotic complications and clinical events. Over the last decade, a remarkable burst of evidence has accumulated, offering the new perspective that bioavailable nitric oxide (NO) plays a pivotal role throughout the CAD-spectrum, from its genesis to the outcome after acute events. Vascular NO is a critical modulator of coronary blood flow by inhibiting smooth muscle contraction and platelet aggregation. It also acts in angiogenesis and cytoprotection. Defective endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) driven NO synthesis causes development of major cardiovascular risk factors (insulin resistance, arterial hypertension and dyslipidaemia) in mice, and characterises CAD-prone insulin-resistant humans. On the other hand, stimulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and NO overproduction causes metabolic insulin resistance and characterises atherosclerosis, heart failure and cardiogenic shock in humans, suggesting a "Yin-Yang" effect of NO in the cardiovascular homeostasis. Here, we will present a concise overview of the evidence for this novel concept, providing the conceptual framework for developing a potential therapeutic strategy to prevent and treat CAD.
A numerous studies suggest that Vitamin E has a preventive role in atherosclerosis, although the mechanism of action still remains unclear. CD36, a member of the scavenger receptor family is centrally involved in the uptake of oxidized low density proteins (oxLDLs) from bloodstream. During the atherosclerotic process, the lipid cargo of oxLDL accumulates in macrophages and smooth muscle cells, inducing their pathological conversion to foam cells. In the present study, we investigate the role of Vitamin E on CD36 expression in an in vivo model. Atherosclerosis was induced by a 2% cholesterol containing Vitamin E poor diet. Three groups of six rabbits each were studied. The first group (control) was fed on Vitamin E poor diet. The second group was fed with Vitamin E poor diet containing 2% cholesterol and the rabbits in the third group were fed with Vitamin E poor diet containing 2% cholesterol and received injections of 50 mg/kg of Vitamin E i.m. After 4 weeks, aortas were removed and analysed by light microscopy for atherosclerotic lesions. Aortic samples were analysed for CD36 mRNA expression. The aortas of cholesterol-fed rabbits showed typical atherosclerotic lesions, detected by macroscopic and microscopic examination, and exhibited an increase in CD36 mRNA expression. Vitamin E fully prevented cholesterol induced atherosclerotic lesions and the induction of CD36 mRNA expression. The effects observed at the level of CD36 scavenger receptor expression in vivo suggest an involvement of reduced foam cell formation in the protective effect of Vitamin E against atherosclerosis.
The murine gap junction protein connexin43 (Cx43) is expressed in blood vessels, with vastly different contribution by endothelial and smooth muscle cells. We have used the Cre recombinase under control of TIE2 transcriptional elements to inactivate a floxed Cx43 gene specifically in endothelial cells. Cre-mediated deletion led to replacement of the Cx43 coding region by a lacZ reporter gene. This allowed us to monitor the extent of deletion and to visualize the endothelial expression pattern of Cx43. We found widespread endothelial expression of the Cx43 gene during embryonic development, which became restricted largely to capillaries and small vessels in all adult organs examined. Mice lacking Cx43 in endothelium did not exhibit altered blood pressure, in contrast to mice deficient in Cx40. Our results show that lacZ activation after deletion of the target gene allows us to determine the extent of cell type-specific deletion after phenotypical investigation of the same animal.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) have a different prognosis and should be dealt with differently. The pathogenesis of NASH implicates the overexpression of cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1). We investigated whether the noninvasive determination of CYP2E1 activity could replace a liver biopsy in order to differentiate NASH from NAFL. METHOD: Forty patients referred for suspicion of NASH underwent liver biopsy. In these patients, CYP2E1 activity was determined noninvasively by the 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone/chlorzoxazone (CHZ) ratio (CHZ test). Expression of CYP2E1 on liver slides was assessed by immunohistochemistry, and immunostaining for smooth muscle actin was used to assess the activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSC). RESULTS: Thirty patients with NASH were compared with 10 subjects with NAFL. No statistically significant difference could be identified for the clinical and biochemical parameters between the two groups. In the histology, steatosis was more important in NASH than in NAFL (P<0.0001). There was no difference either in the activity (CHZ test) or in the expression of CYP2E1 (immunohistochemistry) between patients with NASH and patients with NAFL. The degree of HSC activation was also comparable between the two groups. A positive and significant correlation was found between the activity of CYP2E1 and body mass index (P<0.001) as well as with the degree of steatosis (P=0.008). CONCLUSION: For patients suspected to have NASH, noninvasive tests including the determination of the CYP2E1 activity are unable to distinguish them from patients with steatosis.
The regulation of blood pressure is complex with several organs being involved. Intracellular calcium plays a crucial role in the regulation of cardiovascular functions: An increased influx of calcium into the vascular smooth muscle cells leads to an augmental muscular tone and therefore to an increased vascular resistance and rise in blood pressure. Parathormone plays a permissive role since it regulates the calcium-influx into the cells and thus increases the vasoconstrictive effect. There is a positive correlation between parathormone and blood pressure, present in primary as well as secondary hyperparathyroidism. Moreover, patients with essential hypertension have high parathormone levels already before hypertension is diagnosed. A calcium-rich diet (> 1000 mg calcium daily) slightly decreases blood pressure. This positive effect is due to parathormone suppression with a subsequently decreased calcium content in the vascular smooth muscle cells. A calcium-rich diet inhibits lipogenesis in the fat tissue; thus additionally improving the cardiovascular risk profile.