37 resultados para neurotransmitter


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Major depression is a common, recurrent mental illness that affects millions of people worldwide. Recently, a unique fast neuroprotective and antidepressant treatment effect has been observed by ketamine, which acts via the glutamatergic system. Hence, a steady accumulation of evidence supporting a role for the excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter (EAA) glutamate in the treatment of depression has been observed in the last years. Emerging evidence indicates that N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonists and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) agonists have antidepressant properties. Indeed, treatment with NMDA receptor antagonists has shown the ability to sprout new synaptic connections and reverse stress-induced neuronal changes. Based on glutamatergic signaling, a number of therapeutic drugs might gain interest in the future. Several compounds such as ketamine, memantine, amantadine, tianeptine, pioglitazone, riluzole, lamotrigine, AZD6765, magnesium, zinc, guanosine, adenosine aniracetam, traxoprodil (CP-101,606), MK-0657, GLYX-13, NRX-1047, Ro25-6981, LY392098, LY341495, D-cycloserine, D-serine, dextromethorphan, sarcosine, scopolamine, pomaglumetad methionil, LY2140023, LY404039, MGS0039, MPEP, 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid, all of which target this system, have already been brought up, some of them recently. Drugs targeting the glutamatergic system might open up a promising new territory for the development of drugs to meet the needs of patients with major depression.


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One of the simplest questions that can be asked about molecular diversity is how many organic molecules are possible in total? To answer this question, my research group has computationally enumerated all possible organic molecules up to a certain size to gain an unbiased insight into the entire chemical space. Our latest database, GDB-17, contains 166.4 billion molecules of up to 17 atoms of C, N, O, S, and halogens, by far the largest small molecule database reported to date. Molecules allowed by valency rules but unstable or nonsynthesizable due to strained topologies or reactive functional groups were not considered, which reduced the enumeration by at least 10 orders of magnitude and was essential to arrive at a manageable database size. Despite these restrictions, GDB-17 is highly relevant with respect to known molecules. Beyond enumeration, understanding and exploiting GDBs (generated databases) led us to develop methods for virtual screening and visualization of very large databases in the form of a “periodic system of molecules” comprising six different fingerprint spaces, with web-browsers for nearest neighbor searches, and the MQN- and SMIfp-Mapplet application for exploring color-coded principal component maps of GDB and other large databases. Proof-of-concept applications of GDB for drug discovery were realized by combining virtual screening with chemical synthesis and activity testing for neurotransmitter receptor and transporter ligands. One surprising lesson from using GDB for drug analog searches is the incredible depth of chemical space, that is, the fact that millions of very close analogs of any molecule can be readily identified by nearest-neighbor searches in the MQN-space of the various GDBs. The chemical space project has opened an unprecedented door on chemical diversity. Ongoing and yet unmet challenges concern enumerating molecules beyond 17 atoms and synthesizing GDB molecules with innovative scaffolds and pharmacophores.


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Oligomeric assembly of neurotransmitter transporters is a prerequisite for their export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and their subsequent delivery to the neuronal synapse. We previously identified mutations, e.g., in the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporter-1 (GAT1), which disrupted assembly and caused retention of the transporter in the ER. Using one representative mutant, GAT1-E101D, we showed here that ER retention was due to association of the transporter with the ER chaperone calnexin: interaction with calnexin led to accumulation of GAT1 in concentric bodies corresponding to previously described multilamellar ER-derived structures. The transmembrane domain of calnexin was necessary and sufficient to direct the protein into these concentric bodies. Both yellow fluorescent protein-tagged versions of wild-type GAT1 and of the GAT1-E101D mutant remained in disperse (i.e., non-aggregated) form in these concentric bodies, because fluorescence recovered rapidly (t(1/2) approximately 500 ms) upon photobleaching. Fluorescence energy resonance transfer microscopy was employed to visualize a tight interaction of GAT1-E101D with calnexin. Recognition by calnexin occurred largely in a glycan-independent manner and, at least in part, at the level of the transmembrane domain. Our findings are consistent with a model in which the transmembrane segment of calnexin participates in chaperoning the inter- and intramolecular arrangement of hydrophobic segment in oligomeric proteins.


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Glutamate transporters maintain synaptic concentration of the excitatory neurotransmitter below neurotoxic levels. Their transport cycle consists of cotransport of glutamate with three sodium ions and one proton, followed by countertransport of potassium. Structural studies proposed that a highly conserved serine located in the binding pocket of the homologous GltPh coordinates l-aspartate as well as the sodium ion Na1. To experimentally validate these findings, we generated and characterized several mutants of the corresponding serine residue, Ser-364, of human glutamate transporter SLC1A2 (solute carrier family 1 member 2), also known as glutamate transporter GLT-1 and excitatory amino acid transporter EAAT2. S364T, S364A, S364C, S364N, and S364D were expressed in HEK cells and Xenopus laevis oocytes to measure radioactive substrate transport and transport currents, respectively. All mutants exhibited similar plasma membrane expression when compared with WT SLC1A2, but substitutions of serine by aspartate or asparagine completely abolished substrate transport. On the other hand, the threonine mutant, which is a more conservative mutation, exhibited similar substrate selectivity, substrate and sodium affinities as WT but a lower selectivity for Na(+) over Li(+). S364A and S364C exhibited drastically reduced affinities for each substrate and enhanced selectivity for l-aspartate over d-aspartate and l-glutamate, and lost their selectivity for Na(+) over Li(+). Furthermore, we extended the analysis of our experimental observations using molecular dynamics simulations. Altogether, our findings confirm a pivotal role of the serine 364, and more precisely its hydroxyl group, in coupling sodium and substrate fluxes.


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GABAA receptors are the major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in the brain and are the target for many clinically important drugs such as the benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines act at the high-affinity binding site at the α+/γ- subunit interface. Previously, an additional low affinity binding site for diazepam located in the transmembrane (TM) domain has been described. The compound SJM-3 was recently identified in a prospective screening of ligands for the benzodiazepine binding site and investigated for its site of action. We determined the binding properties of SJM-3 at GABAA receptors recombinantly expressed in HEK-cells using radioactive ligand binding assays. Impact on function was assessed in Xenopus laevis oocytes with electrophysiological experiments using the two-electrode voltage clamp method. SJM-3 was shown to act as an antagonist at the α+/γ- site. At the same time it strongly potentiated GABA currents via the binding site for diazepam in the transmembrane domain. Mutation of a residue in M2 of the α subunit strongly reduced receptor modulation by SJM-3 and a homologous mutation in the β subunit abolished potentiation. SJM-3 acts as a more efficient modulator than diazepam at the site in the trans-membrane domain. In contrast to low concentrations of benzodiazepines, SJM-3 modulates both synaptic and extrasynaptic receptors. A detailed exploration of the membrane site may provide the basis for the design and identification of subtype-selective modulatory drugs.


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GABAA receptors are the major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in the brain and are the target for many clinically important drugs. Among the many modulatory compounds are also the intravenous anesthetics propofol and etomidate, and barbiturates. The mechanism of receptor modulation by these compounds is of mayor relevance. The site of action of these compounds has been located to subunit interfaces in the intra-membrane region of the receptor. In α1β2γ2 GABAA receptors there are five such interfaces, two β+/α- and one each of α+/β-, α+/γ- and γ+/β- subunit interfaces. We have used reporter mutations located in the second trans-membrane region in different subunits to probe the effects of changes at these subunit interfaces on modulation by propofol, etomidate and pentobarbital. We provide evidence for the fact that each of these compounds either modulates through a different set of subunit interfaces or through the same set of subunit interfaces to a different degree. As a GABAA receptor pentamer harbors two β+/α- subunit interfaces, we used concatenated receptors to dissect the contribution of individual interfaces and show that only one of these interfaces is important for receptor modulation by etomidate.


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Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain. Its rapid clearance after the release into the synaptic cleft is vital in order to avoid toxic effects and is ensured by several transmembrane transport proteins, so-called excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs). Impairment of glutamate removal has been linked to several neurodegenerative diseases and EAATs have therefore received increased attention as therapeutic targets. O-benzylated L-threo-β-hydroxyaspartate derivatives have been developed previously as highly potent inhibitors of EAATs with TFB-TBOA ((2S,3S)-2-amino-3-((3-(4-(trifluoromethyl)benzamido)benzyl)oxy)succinic acid) standing out as low-nanomolar inhibitor. We report the stereoselective synthesis of all four stereoisomers of TFB-TBOA in less than a fifth of synthetic steps than the published route. For the first time, the inhibitory activity and isoform selectivity of these TFB-TBOA enantio- and diastereomers were assessed on human glutamate transporters EAAT1-3. Furthermore, we synthesized potent photoaffinity probes based on TFB-TBOA using our novel synthetic strategy.