74 resultados para growth analysis, gas exchange


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A morphological and morphometric study of the lung of the newborn quokka wallaby (Setonix brachyurus) was undertaken to assess its morphofunctional status at birth. Additionally, skin structure and morphometry were investigated to assess the possibility of cutaneous gas exchange. The lung was at canalicular stage and comprised a few conducting airways and a parenchyma of thick-walled tubules lined by stretches of cuboidal pneumocytes alternating with squamous epithelium, with occasional portions of thin blood-gas barrier. The tubules were separated by abundant intertubular mesenchyme, aggregations of developing capillaries and mesenchymal cells. Conversion of the cuboidal pneumocytes to type I cells occurred through cell broadening and lamellar body extrusion. Superfluous cuboidal cells were lost through apoptosis and subsequent clearance by alveolar macrophages. The establishment of the thin blood-gas barrier was established through apposition of the incipient capillaries to the formative thin squamous epithelium. The absolute volume of the lung was 0.02 +/- 0.001 cm(3) with an air space surface area of 4.85 +/- 0.43 cm(2). Differentiated type I pneumocytes covered 78% of the tubular surface, the rest 22% going to long stretches of type II cells, their precursors or low cuboidal transitory cells with sparse lamellar bodies. The body weight-related diffusion capacity was 2.52 +/- 0.56 mL O(2) min(-1) kg(-1). The epidermis was poorly developed, and measured 29.97 +/- 4.88 microm in thickness, 13% of which was taken by a thin layer of stratum corneum, measuring 4.87 +/- 0.98 microm thick. Superficial capillaries were closely associated with the epidermis, showing the possibility that the skin also participated in some gaseous exchange. Qualitatively, the neonate quokka lung had the basic constituents for gas exchange but was quantitatively inadequate, implying the significance of percutaneous gas exchange.


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In the current study, the contribution of the major angiogenic mechanisms, sprouting and intussusception, to vascular development in the avian lung has been demonstrated. Sprouting guides the emerging vessels to form the primordial vascular plexus, which successively surrounds and encloses the parabronchi. Intussusceptive angiogenesis has an upsurge from embryonic day 15 (E15) and contributes to the remarkably rapid expansion of the capillary plexus. Increased blood flow stimulates formation of pillars (the archetype of intussusception) in rows, their subsequent fusion and concomitant delineation of slender, solitary vascular entities from the disorganized meshwork, thus crafting the organ-specific angioarchitecture. Morphometric investigations revealed that sprouting is preponderant in the early period of development with a peak at E15 but is subsequently supplanted by intussusceptive angiogenesis by the time of hatching. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed that moderate levels of basic FGF (bFGF) and VEGF-A were maintained during the sprouting phase while PDGF-B remained minimal. All three factors were elevated during the intussusceptive phase. Immunohistoreactivity for VEGF was mainly in the epithelial cells, whereas bFGF was confined to the stromal compartment. Temporospatial interplay between sprouting and intussusceptive angiogenesis fabricates a unique vascular angioarchitecture that contributes to the establishment of a highly efficient gas exchange system characteristic of the avian lung.


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Exercise intolerance may be reported by parents of young children with respiratory diseases. There is, however, a lack of standardized exercise protocols which allow verification of these reports especially in younger children. Consequently the aims of this pilot study were to develop a standardized treadmill walking test for children aged 4-10 years demanding low sensorimotor skills and achieving high physical exhaustion. In a prospective experimental cross sectional pilot study, 33 healthy Caucasian children were separated into three groups: G1 (4-6 years, n = 10), G2 (7-8 years, n = 12), and G3 (9-10 years, n = 11). Children performed the treadmill walking test with increasing exercise levels up to peak condition with maximal exhaustion. Gas exchange, heart rate, and lactate were measured during the test, spirometry before and after. Parameters were statistically calculated at all exercise levels as well as at 2 and 4 mmol/L lactate level for group differences (Kruskal-Wallis H-test, alpha = 0.05; post hoc: Mann-Whitney U-test with Bonferroni correction alpha = 0.05/n) and test-retest differences (Wilcoxon-rank-sum test) with SPSS. The treadmill walking test could be demonstrated to be feasible with a good repeatability within groups for most of the parameters. All children achieved a high exhaustion level. At peak level under exhaustion condition only the absolute VO2 and VCO2 differed significantly between age groups. In conclusion this newly designed treadmill walking test indicates a good feasibility, safety, and repeatability. It suggests the potential usefulness of exercise capacity monitoring for children aged from early 4 to 10 years. Various applications and test modifications will be investigated in further studies.


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Severe acute respiratory failure of varying etiology may require the temporary use of artificial gas exchange devices. So far, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal have been used successfully for this purpose. A totally implantable intravascular oxygenator (IVOX) recently became available. The authors have used IVOX in three patients who presented with severe respiratory failure secondary to pneumonia (n = 2) and post-traumatic adult respiratory distress syndrome (n = 1). At the time of implantation, all patients had hypoxemia (PaO2 less than 60) despite a 100% inspired oxygen concentration and forced mechanical ventilation. The duration of IVOX therapy ranged from 12 to 71 hr. All patients initially showed improvement in arterial oxygenation, allowing for moderate reduction of ventilator therapy after several hours. In one patient the pulmonary status deteriorated further, and she died from multiple organ failure despite IVOX therapy. One patient could be stabilized but died from other causes. The third patient is a long-term survivor 18 months after IVOX therapy. Gas transfer capabilities of IVOX are limited when compared to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, and this may restrict its clinical applicability in cases of severe adult respiratory distress syndrome. However, IVOX may be used successfully in selected patients with less severe respiratory failure.


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Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) was used to achieve temporary artificial support in cardiac and pulmonary function in 22 patients from 1987 to September 1990. Standard indications were postcardiotomy cardiogenic shock (n = 4), neonatal (n = 1) and adult respiratory distress syndrome (n = 4). ECMO was also used for extended indications, such as graft failure following heart (n = 11) or lung transplantation (n = 2). In six of these cases ECMO was instituted as a bridge device to subsequent retransplantation of either the heart (n = 4) or one lung (n = 2). One out of nine patients supported by ECMO for standard indications, and two out of 13 patients supported for extended indications are long-term survivors. This series illustrates the results with ECMO in emergency situations, in patients under immunosuppressive protocols, or in patients with advanced lung failure requiring almost complete artificial gas exchange. In such complex situations, ECMO does provide stabilization until additional therapeutic measures are in effect. ECMO cannot be recommended for postoperative cardiogenic shock but short-term ECMO support is an accepted method in most cases with graft failure or pulmonary failure or other origin.


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Direct revascularization of a bronchial artery has been proposed as a measure to alleviate the problem of bronchial ischemia after lung transplantation. To assess the effect of restoration of arterial blood flow to the transplanted bronchus, bronchial mucosal blood flow was measured in a model of modified unilateral lung transplantation in pigs. Laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) and radioisotope studies using radio-labeled erythrocytes (RI) were used to measure blood flow at the donor main carina (DC) and upper lobe carina (DUC) after 3 h of reperfusion. The recipient carina was used as a reference point; values obtained by LDV and RI were expressed as percentage of blood flow at the recipient carina. Two groups of animals were studied. In group 1 (n = 6) standard unilateral transplantation was performed; in group 2 (n = 6) a left bronchial artery was reimplanted into the descending thoracic aorta of the recipient. No differences were observed between the two groups with respect to preoperative or postoperative gas exchange or hemodynamics. In group 1, bronchial blood flow at the DC was 37.6 +/- 2.2% (LDV) and 44.1 +/- 14.8% (RI) of reference blood flow. At the DUC, blood flow was 54.9 +/- 7.7% (LDV) and 61.6 +/- 25.7% (RI) of normal flow. In group 2, blood flow was increased at the DC as measured by LDV (55.3 +/- 17.1%; p less than 0.05) and by RI (60.8 +/- 25.3%; p less than 0.2). A similar increase was found at the DUC (LDV: 81.8 +/- 19.3%; p less than 0.05; RI: 88.6 +/- 31.0%; p less than 0.2). It is concluded that there is a significant gradient of blood flow from intra- to extrapulmonary airways after lung transplantation. Reimplantation of a bronchial artery results in significant improvement of graft bronchial blood flow. Restoration of bronchial perfusion to normal levels, however, cannot be achieved, suggesting a possible defect in the microcirculation of the donor airways.


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BACKGROUND: The question whether patients suffering from end-stage emphysema who are candidates for lung transplantation should be treated with a single lung or with a double lung transplantation is still unanswered. METHODS: We reviewed 24 consecutive lung transplant procedures, comparing the results of 6 patients with an unilateral and 17 with a bilateral transplantation. PATIENTS AND RESULTS: After bilateral transplantation the patients showed a trend towards better blood gas exchange with shorter time on ventilator and intensive care compared patients after unilateral procedure. Three-year-actuarial survival was higher in the group after bilateral transplantation (83% versus 67%). There was a continuous improvement in pulmonary function in both groups during the first months after transplantation. Vital capacity and forced exspiratory ventilation therapies during the first second were significantly higher in the bilateral transplant group. CONCLUSION: Both unilateral and bilateral transplantation are feasible for patients with end-stage emphysema. Bilateral transplantation results in better pulmonary reserve capacity and faster rehabilitation.


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Grassland is an important ecosystem type which is not only used agriculturally, but also covers sites which cannot be used for other purposes, e.g. in very steep locations or above timberlines. Prolonged summer droughts in the mid-term future, as are predicted for Central Europe, are expected to have a major impact on such ecosystems. To address this topic, rainfall exclusion via shelters was performed on three grassland sites at different altitudes (393, 982 and 1978 m above sea level) in Switzerland. Diurnal drought treatment effects were studied at each study site on a completely sunny day towards the end of an 8–10 week shelter period. Ecophysiological parameters including gas exchange (An, gs and intrinsic WUE) and chlorophyll a fluorescence (Fv/Fm, ΦPSII and NPQ) were considered for several species. The lowland and the Alpine field site were more strongly affected by soil drought than the pre-Alpine site. At all sites, grasses showed different patterns of reductions in stomatal conductance under soil drought compared to legumes and forbs. In addition, grasses were significantly more affected by reductions in assimilation rates at all sites. Time courses of reductions in assimilation rates relative to controls differed between species at the Alpine site, as some species showed reduced assimilation rates at this site in the early morning. Thus, similar rainfall exclusion treatments can trigger different reactions in various species at different sites, which might not become obvious during mere midday measurements. Overall, results suggest strong impacts of prolonged summer drought on grassland net photosynthesis especially at the Alpine site and, within sites, for grasses


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Roughly 90% of the gas-exchange surface is formed by alveolarization of the lungs. To the best of our knowledge, the formation of new alveoli has been followed in rats only by means of morphological description or interpretation of semiquantitative data until now. Therefore, we estimated the number of alveoli in rat lungs between postnatal days 4 and 60 by unambiguously counting the alveolar openings. We observed a bulk formation of new alveoli between days 4 and 21 (17.4 times increase from 0.8 to 14.3 millions) and a second phase of continued alveolarization between days 21 and 60 (1.3 times increase to 19.3 million). The (number weighted) mean volume of the alveoli decreases during the phase of bulk alveolarization from ∼593,000 μm(3) at day 4 to ∼141,000 μm(3) at day 21, but increases again to ∼298,000 μm(3) at day 60. We conclude that the "bulk alveolarization" correlates with the mechanism of classical alveolarization (alveolarization before the microvascular maturation is completed) and that the "continued alveolarization" follows three proposed mechanisms of late alveolarization (alveolarization after microvascular maturation). The biphasic pattern is more evident for the increase in alveolar number than for the formation of new alveolar septa (estimated as the length of the free septal edge). Furthermore, a striking negative correlation between the estimated alveolar size and published data on retention of nanoparticles was detected.


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Developing career-choice readiness is an important task in adolescence, but current theory and research has provided a rather static view of the phenomenon. The present study investigated the development of career-choice readiness among a group of 325 Swiss students assessed four times every 5 months from seventh through eighth grade. A variable-centered approach applying latent curve modeling showed not only a linear increase of readiness over time but also significant inter-individual differences in the level and development of readiness. Higher levels were predicted by more self-esteem and generalized self-efficacy and fewer perceived barriers while increase in readiness was predicted by increase in occupational information. A person-centered approach applying latent class-growth analysis identified four distinct developmental trajectories: high-increasing (42%), high-decreasing (5%), moderate-increasing (42%), and constantly low (11%). Students with different trajectories showed significant differences in core self-evaluations, occupational knowledge, and barriers. The results suggest that environmental demands promote a developmental trend in readiness development that overrules individual differences for the majority of students. Individual differences affect the level of readiness to a greater extent than the process of its development. Career information seems pivotal for readiness increase.


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The Earth’s carbon and hydrologic cycles are intimately coupled by gas exchange through plant stomata1, 2, 3. However, uncertainties in the magnitude4, 5, 6 and consequences7, 8 of the physiological responses9, 10 of plants to elevated CO2 in natural environments hinders modelling of terrestrial water cycling and carbon storage11. Here we use annually resolved long-term δ13C tree-ring measurements across a European forest network to reconstruct the physiologically driven response of intercellular CO2 (Ci) caused by atmospheric CO2 (Ca) trends. When removing meteorological signals from the δ13C measurements, we find that trees across Europe regulated gas exchange so that for one ppmv atmospheric CO2 increase, Ci increased by ~0.76 ppmv, most consistent with moderate control towards a constant Ci/Ca ratio. This response corresponds to twentieth-century intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) increases of 14 ± 10 and 22 ± 6% at broadleaf and coniferous sites, respectively. An ensemble of process-based global vegetation models shows similar CO2 effects on iWUE trends. Yet, when operating these models with climate drivers reintroduced, despite decreased stomatal opening, 5% increases in European forest transpiration are calculated over the twentieth century. This counterintuitive result arises from lengthened growing seasons, enhanced evaporative demand in a warming climate, and increased leaf area, which together oppose effects of CO2-induced stomatal closure. Our study questions changes to the hydrological cycle, such as reductions in transpiration and air humidity, hypothesized to result from plant responses to anthropogenic emissions.


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Millennial-scale climate changes during the last glacial period and deglaciation were accompanied by rapid changes in atmospheric CO2 that remain unexplained. While the role of the Southern Ocean as a ’control valve’ on ocean–atmosphere CO2 exchange has been emphasized, the exact nature of this role, in particular the relative contributions of physical (for example, ocean dynamics and air–sea gas exchange) versus biological processes (for example, export productivity), remains poorly constrained. Here we combine reconstructions of bottom-water [O2], export production and 14C ventilation ages in the sub-Antarctic Atlantic, and show that atmospheric CO2 pulses during the last glacial- and deglacial periods were consistently accompanied by decreases in the biological export of carbon and increases in deep-ocean ventilation via southern-sourced water masses. These findings demonstrate how the Southern Ocean’s ’organic carbon pump’ has exerted a tight control on atmospheric CO2, and thus global climate, specifically via a synergy of both physical and biological processes.


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The 15N ratio of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emitted from vehicles, measured in the air adjacent to a highway in the Swiss Middle Land, was very high [δ15N(NO2) = +5.7‰]. This high 15N abundance was used to estimate long-term NO2 dry deposition into a forest ecosystem by measuring δ15N in the needles and the soil of potted and autochthonous spruce trees [Picea abies (L.) Karst] exposed to NO2 in a transect orthogonal to the highway. δ15N in the current-year needles of potted trees was 2.0‰ higher than that of the control after 4 months of exposure close to the highway, suggesting a 25% contribution to the N-nutrition of these needles. Needle fall into the pots was prevented by grids placed above the soil, while the continuous decomposition of needle litter below the autochthonous trees over previous years has increased δ15N values in the soil, resulting in parallel gradients of δ15N in soil and needles with distance from the highway. Estimates of NO2 uptake into needles obtained from the δ15N data were significantly correlated with the inputs calculated with a shoot gas exchange model based on a parameterisation widely used in deposition modelling. Therefore, we provide an indication of estimated N inputs to forest ecosystems via dry deposition of NO2 at the receptor level under field conditions.


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During maturation, pollen undergoes a period of dehydration accompanied by the accumulation of compatible solutes.Solute import across the pollen plasma membrane, which occurs via proteinaceous transporters, is required to support pollen development and also for subsequent germination and pollen tube growth. Analysis of the free amino acid composition of various tissues in tomato revealed that the proline content in flowers was 60 times higher than in any other organ analyzed. Within the floral organs, proline was confined predominantly to pollen, where it represented >70 of total free amino acids. Uptake experiments demonstrated that mature as well as germinated pollen rapidly take up proline. To identify proline transporters in tomato pollen, we isolated genes homologous to Arabidopsis proline transporters. LeProT1 was specifically expressed both in mature and germinating pollen, as demonstrated by RNA in situ hybridization. Expression in a yeast mutant demonstrated that LeProT1 transports proline and γ-amino butyric acid with low affinity and glycine betaine with high affinity. Direct uptake and competition studies demonstrate that LeProT1 constitutes a general transporter for compatible solutes.


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The development and improvement of MC-ICP-MS instruments have fueled the growth of Lu–Hf geochronology over the last two decades, but some limitations remain. Here, we present improvements in chemical separation and mass spectrometry that allow accurate and precise measurements of 176Hf/177Hf and 176Lu/177Hf in high-Lu/Hf samples (e.g., garnet and apatite), as well as for samples containing sub-nanogram quantities of Hf. When such samples are spiked, correcting for the isobaric interference of 176Lu on 176Hf is not always possible if the separation of Lu and Hf is insufficient. To improve the purification of Hf, the high field strength elements (HFSE, including Hf) are first separated from the rare earth elements (REE, including Lu) on a first-stage cation column modified after Patchett and Tatsumoto (Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 1980, 75, 263–267). Hafnium is further purified on an Ln-Spec column adapted from the procedures of Münker et al. (Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst., 2001, DOI: 10.1029/2001gc000183) and Wimpenny et al. (Anal. Chem., 2013, 85, 11258–11264) typically resulting in Lu/Hf < 0.0001, Zr/Hf < 1, and Ti/Hf < 0.1. In addition, Sm–Nd and Rb–Sr separations can easily be added to the described two-stage ion-exchange procedure for Lu–Hf. The isotopic compositions are measured on a Thermo Scientific Neptune Plus MC-ICP-MS equipped with three 1012 Ω resistors. Multiple 176Hf/177Hf measurements of international reference rocks yield a precision of 5–20 ppm for solutions containing 40 ppb of Hf, and 50–180 ppm for 1 ppb solutions (=0.5 ng sample Hf 0.5 in ml). The routine analysis of sub-ng amounts of Hf will facilitate Lu–Hf dating of low-concentration samples.