67 resultados para experimental visual perception


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Background: Co-speech gestures are part of nonverbal communication during conversations. They either support the verbal message or provide the interlocutor with additional information. Furthermore, they prompt as nonverbal cues the cooperative process of turn taking. In the present study, we investigated the influence of co-speech gestures on the perception of dyadic dialogue in aphasic patients. In particular, we analysed the impact of co-speech gestures on gaze direction (towards speaker or listener) and fixation of body parts. We hypothesized that aphasic patients, who are restricted in verbal comprehension, adapt their visual exploration strategies. Methods: Sixteen aphasic patients and 23 healthy control subjects participated in the study. Visual exploration behaviour was measured by means of a contact-free infrared eye-tracker while subjects were watching videos depicting spontaneous dialogues between two individuals. Cumulative fixation duration and mean fixation duration were calculated for the factors co-speech gesture (present and absent), gaze direction (to the speaker or to the listener), and region of interest (ROI), including hands, face, and body. Results: Both aphasic patients and healthy controls mainly fixated the speaker’s face. We found a significant co-speech gesture x ROI interaction, indicating that the presence of a co-speech gesture encouraged subjects to look at the speaker. Further, there was a significant gaze direction x ROI x group interaction revealing that aphasic patients showed reduced cumulative fixation duration on the speaker’s face compared to healthy controls. Conclusion: Co-speech gestures guide the observer’s attention towards the speaker, the source of semantic input. It is discussed whether an underlying semantic processing deficit or a deficit to integrate audio-visual information may cause aphasic patients to explore less the speaker’s face. Keywords: Gestures, visual exploration, dialogue, aphasia, apraxia, eye movements


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Perceptual accuracy is known to be influenced by stimuli location within the visual field. In particular, it seems to be enhanced in the lower visual hemifield (VH) for motion and space processing, and in the upper VH for object and face processing. The origins of such asymmetries are attributed to attentional biases across the visual field, and in the functional organization of the visual system. In this article, we tested content-dependent perceptual asymmetries in different regions of the visual field. Twenty-five healthy volunteers participated in this study. They performed three visual tests involving perception of shapes, orientation and motion, in the four quadrants of the visual field. The results of the visual tests showed that perceptual accuracy was better in the lower than in the upper visual field for motion perception, and better in the upper than in the lower visual field for shape perception. Orientation perception did not show any vertical bias. No difference was found when comparing right and left VHs. The functional organization of the visual system seems to indicate that the dorsal and the ventral visual streams, responsible for motion and shape perception, respectively, show a bias for the lower and upper VHs, respectively. Such a bias depends on the content of the visual information.


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Humans perceive the content (gist) of a scene very rapidly within about 40 ms [Castelhano and Henderson, 2008 Journal of Experimental Psychology Human Perception and Performance 43(3) 660-675]. It has also been demonstrated that colours contribute to the perception of the gist of a scene if the colours are diagnostic for the distinction of scenes (Oliva and Schyns, 2000 Cognitive Psychology 41 176-210). We presented 320 coloured photographs of 2 diagnostic (mountains and coasts) and 2 nondiagnostic colour scenes (cities and rooms), 80 per category, in a masking paradigm. The mask consisted of randomly distributed colour patches. SOA was varied between 20 and 80 ms, in steps of 20 ms and subjects had to indicate the gist of the scene (4AFC). A control condition without masking was also included. In line with previous results we have found that the gist of nondiagnostic coloured scenes is extracted within 40 ms. However, if colour comes into play, the extraction of the scene gist is prolonged by about 20 ms. A possible reason for this outcome might be that nondiagnostic colour scenes are identified by their luminance components which are processed faster than the colour information, which in turn mediates the identification of diagnostic colour scenes


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Patients with homonymous hemianopia have altered visual search patterns, but it is unclear how rapidly this develops and whether it reflects a strategic adaptation to altered perception or plastic changes to tissue damage. To study the temporal dynamics of adaptation alone, we used a gaze-contingent display to simulate left or right hemianopia in 10 healthy individuals as they performed 25 visual search trials. Visual search was slower and less accurate in hemianopic than in full-field viewing. With full-field viewing, there were improvements in search speed, fixation density, and number of fixations over the first 9 trials, then stable performance. With hemianopic viewing, there was a rapid shift of fixation into the blind field over the first 5-7 trials, followed by continuing gradual improvements in completion time, number of fixations, and fixation density over all 25 trials. We conclude that in the first minutes after onset of hemianopia, there is a biphasic pattern of adaptation to altered perception: an early rapid qualitative change that shifts visual search into the blind side, followed by more gradual gains in the efficiency of using this new strategy, a pattern that has parallels in other studies of motor learning.


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The theory of ecological speciation suggests that assortative mating evolves most easily when mating preferences are;directly linked to ecological traits that are subject to divergent selection. Sensory adaptation can play a major role in this process,;because selective mating is often mediated by sexual signals: bright colours, complex song, pheromone blends and so on. When;divergent sensory adaptation affects the perception of such signals, mating patterns may change as an immediate consequence.;Alternatively, mating preferences can diverge as a result of indirect effects: assortative mating may be promoted by selection;against intermediate phenotypes that are maladapted to their (sensory) environment. For Lake Victoria cichlids, the visual environment;constitutes an important selective force that is heterogeneous across geographical and water depth gradients. We investigate;the direct and indirect effects of this heterogeneity on the evolution of female preferences for alternative male nuptial colours;(red and blue) in the genus Pundamilia. Here, we review the current evidence for divergent sensory drive in this system, extract;general principles, and discuss future perspectives


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OBJECTIVE: To test the prediction by the Perception and Attention Deficit (PAD) model of complex visual hallucinations that cognitive impairment, specifically in visual attention, is a key risk factor for complex hallucinations in eye disease. METHODS: Two studies of elderly patients with acquired eye disease investigated the relationship between complex visual hallucinations (CVH) and impairments in general cognition and verbal attention (Study 1) and between CVH, selective visual attention and visual object perception (Study 2). The North East Visual Hallucinations Inventory was used to classify CVH. RESULTS: In Study 1, there was no relationship between CVH (n=10/39) and performance on cognitive screening or verbal attention tasks. In Study 2, participants with CVH (n=11/31) showed poorer performance on a modified Stroop task (p<0.05), a novel imagery-based attentional task (p<0.05) and picture (p<0.05) but not silhouette naming (p=0.13) tasks. Performance on these tasks correctly classified 83% of the participants as hallucinators or non-hallucinators. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that, consistent with the PAD model, complex visual hallucinations in people with acquired eye disease are associated with visual attention impairment.


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In binocular rivalry, presentation of different images to the separate eyes leads to conscious perception alternating between the two possible interpretations every few seconds. During perceptual transitions, a stimulus emerging into dominance can spread in a wave-like manner across the visual field. These traveling waves of rivalry dominance have been successfully related to the cortical magnification properties and functional activity of early visual areas, including the primary visual cortex (V1). Curiously however, these traveling waves undergo a delay when passing from one hemifield to another. In the current study, we used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to investigate whether the strength of interhemispheric connections between the left and right visual cortex might be related to the delay of traveling waves across hemifields. We measured the delay in traveling wave times (ΔTWT) in 19 participants and repeated this test 6 weeks later to evaluate the reliability of our behavioral measures. We found large interindividual variability but also good test-retest reliability for individual measures of ΔTWT. Using DTI in connection with fiber tractography, we identified parts of the corpus callosum connecting functionally defined visual areas V1-V3. We found that individual differences in ΔTWT was reliably predicted by the diffusion properties of transcallosal fibers connecting left and right V1, but observed no such effect for neighboring transcallosal visual fibers connecting V2 and V3. Our results demonstrate that the anatomical characteristics of topographically specific transcallosal connections predict the individual delay of interhemispheric traveling waves, providing further evidence that V1 is an important site for neural processes underlying binocular rivalry.


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The aim of this functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study was to identify human brain areas that are sensitive to the direction of auditory motion. Such directional sensitivity was assessed in a hypothesis-free manner by analyzing fMRI response patterns across the entire brain volume using a spherical-searchlight approach. In addition, we assessed directional sensitivity in three predefined brain areas that have been associated with auditory motion perception in previous neuroimaging studies. These were the primary auditory cortex, the planum temporale and the visual motion complex (hMT/V5+). Our whole-brain analysis revealed that the direction of sound-source movement could be decoded from fMRI response patterns in the right auditory cortex and in a high-level visual area located in the right lateral occipital cortex. Our region-of-interest-based analysis showed that the decoding of the direction of auditory motion was most reliable with activation patterns of the left and right planum temporale. Auditory motion direction could not be decoded from activation patterns in hMT/V5+. These findings provide further evidence for the planum temporale playing a central role in supporting auditory motion perception. In addition, our findings suggest a cross-modal transfer of directional information to high-level visual cortex in healthy humans.


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The processing of orientations is at the core of our visual experience. Orientation selectivity in human visual cortex has been inferred from psychophysical experiments and more recently demonstrated with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). One method to identify orientation-selective responses is fMRI adaptation, in which two stimuli—either with the same or with different orientations—are presented successively. A region containing orientation-selective neurons should demonstrate an adapted response to the “same orientation” condition in contrast to the “different orientation” condition. So far, human primary visual cortex (V1) showed orientation-selective fMRI adaptation only in experimental designs using prolonged pre-adaptation periods (∼40 s) in combination with top-up stimuli that are thought to maintain the adapted level. This finding has led to the notion that orientation-selective short-term adaptation in V1 (but not V2 or V3) cannot be demonstrated using fMRI. The present study aimed at re-evaluating this question by testing three differently timed adaptation designs. With the use of a more sensitive analysis technique, we show robust orientation-selective fMRI adaptation in V1 evoked by a short-term adaptation design.


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Patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders often maintain deviating views on cause-effect relationships, especially when positive and disorganization symptoms are manifest. Altered perceived causality is prominent in delusional ideation, in ideas of reference, and in the mentalizing ability (theory of mind [ToM]) of patients. Perceiving causal relationships may be understood either as higher order cognitive reasoning or as low-level information processing. In the present study, perception of causality was investigated as a low-level, preattentional capability similar to gestalt-like perceptual organization. Thirty-one patients (24 men and 7 women with mean age 27.7 years) and the same number of healthy control subjects matched to patients with respect to age and sex were tested. A visual paradigm was used in which 2 identical discs move, from opposite sides of a monitor, steadily toward and then past one another. Their coincidence generates an ambiguous, bistable percept (discs either "stream through" or "bounce off" one another). The bouncing perception, ie, perceived causality, is enhanced when auditory stimuli are presented at the time of coincidence. Psychopathology was measured using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. It was found that positive symptoms were strongly associated with increased perceived causality and disorganization with attenuated perceived causality. Patients in general were not significantly different from controls, but symptom subgroups showed specifically altered perceived causality. Perceived causality as a basic preattentional process may contribute to higher order cognitive alterations and ToM deficiencies. It is suggested that cognitive remediation therapy should address both increased and reduced perception of causality.


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We combined repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the functional relevance of parietal cortex activation during the performance of visuospatial tasks. fMRI provides information about local transient changes in neuronal activation during behavioural or cognitive tasks. Information on the functional relevance of this activation was obtained by using rTMS to induce temporary regional deactivations. We thereby turned the physiological parameter of brain activity into an independent variable controlled and manipulated by the experimenter and investigated its effect on the performance of the cognitive tasks within a controlled experimental design. We investigated cognitive tasks that were performed on the same visual material but differed in the demand on visuospatial functions. For the visuospatial tasks we found a selective enhancement of fMRI signal in the superior parietal lobule (SPL) and a selective impairment of performance after rTMS to this region in comparison to a control group. We could thus show that the parietal cortex is functionally important for the execution of spatial judgements on visually presented material and that TMS as an experimental tool has the potential to interfere with higher cognitive functions such as visuospatial information processing.


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BACKGROUND: To determine the value of the distance doubling visual acuity test in the diagnosis of nonorganic visual loss in a comparative observational case series. METHODS: Twenty-one consecutive patients with nonorganic visual acuity loss and 21 subjects with organic visual loss as controls were included. Best corrected visual acuity was tested at the normal distance of 5 meters using Landolt Cs. The patient was then repositioned and best corrected visual acuity was tested with the previous optotypes at double the distance via a mirror. RESULTS: Nonorganic visual acuity loss was identified in 21 of 21 patients. Sensitivity and specificity of distance-doubling visual acuity test in functional visual loss were found to be 100% (CI; 83%-100%) and 100% (CI; 82%-100%), respectively. CONCLUSION: Distance doubling visual acuity test is widely used to detect nonorganic visual loss. Our results show that this test has a high specificity and sensitivity to detect nonorganic visual impairment.


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The aim of this study was to investigate how oculomotor behaviour depends on the availability of colour information in pictorial stimuli. Forty study participants viewed complex images in colour or grey-scale, while their eye movements were recorded. We found two major effects of colour. First, although colour increases the complexity of an image, fixations on colour images were shorter than on their grey-scale versions. This suggests that colour enhances discriminability and thus affects low-level perceptual processing. Second, colour decreases the similarity of spatial fixation patterns between participants. The role of colour on visual attention seems to be more important than previously assumed, in theoretical as well as methodological terms.


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OBJECTIVES: To analyze the survival and success rates of implants installed utilizing the (transalveolar) osteotome technique, to compare peri-implant soft tissue parameters and marginal bone levels of osteotome-installed implants with implants placed using standard surgical procedures, and to evaluate patient-centered outcomes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: During 2000 to 2005, 252 Straumann dental implants were inserted in 181 patients. The surgical technique was a modification of the original osteotome technique presented by Summers. In addition to the clinical examination, the patients were asked to give their perception of the surgical procedure, utilizing a visual analogue scale. RESULTS: The cumulative survival rate of the osteotome-installed implants after a mean follow-up time of 3.2 years, was 97.4% (95% confidence intervals: 94.4-98.8%). From the 252 implants inserted, three were lost before loading and another three were lost in the first and second year. According to residual bone height the survival was 91.3% for implant sites with < or =4 mm residual bone height, and 90% for sites with 4 mm and 5 mm, when compared with that of 100% in sites with bone height of above 5 mm. According to implant length the survival rates were 100% for 12 mm, 98.7% for 10 mm, 98.7% for 8 mm and only 47.6% for 6 mm implants. Soft tissue parameters (pocket probing depth, probing attachment level, bleeding on probing and marginal bone levels) did not yield any differences between the osteotome-installed and the conventionally placed implants. More than 90% of the patients were satisfied with the implant therapy and would undergo similar therapy again if necessary. The cost associated with implant therapy was considered to be justified. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the osteotome technique was a reliable method for implant insertion in the posterior maxilla, especially at sites with 5 mm or more of preoperative residual bone height and a relatively flat sinus floor.