52 resultados para entrepreneurial


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The present paper examines to what degree the Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) construct is prolific in explaining business activity of firms with a transgenerational outlook. In particular, we are challenging the fundamental claim by entrepreneurship scholars that the more entrepreneurial a firm is, hence the higher it scores in the five EO dimensions, the more successful it should be in the long-run.


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According to the STEP research framework, entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is one key element of transgenerational value creation. EO refers to key entrepreneurial processes in a company, i.e. to the methods, practices and decision-making styles managers use to act entrepreneurially. 3 EO consists of five main dimensions and several sub dimensions. However, there is a puzzle. Many studies suggest that the higher EO, the more successful a company is. But this seems not always to be true. Just think of many of the dot.com firms at the end of the 1990s. Firm members could act very autonomously, the companies were very innovative, took high risks, were very proactive and very aggressive in the market. However, most of them were not able to survive for more than a few years. So how entrepreneurial has a firm to be in order to achieve long-term success?


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How is expected financial support by the family related to individuals' entrepreneurial intentions? By drawing on family embeddedness literature we take a novel perspective and argue that the stronger the financial support that individuals will receive from their family to start a new venture is, the lower is the likelihood that they actually form entrepreneurial intentions. We confirm this prediction on a sample of 23,866 individuals from 19 countries and find in addition that the negative relationship between the expected financial support by the family and entrepreneurial intentions is contingent on the level of family cohesion and individuals' entrepreneurial self-efficacy. These results add valuable knowledge to the entrepreneurship and family embeddedness literature.


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Regional and rural development policies in Europe increasingly emphasize entrepreneurship to mobilize the endogenous economic potential of rural territories. This study develops a concept to quantify entrepreneurship as place-dependent local potential to examine its impact on the local economic performance of rural territories in Switzerland. The short-to-medium-term impact of entrepreneurship on the economic performance of 1706 rural municipalities in Switzerland is assessed by applying three spatial random effects models. Results suggest a generally positive relationship between entrepreneurship and local development: rural municipalities with higher entrepreneurial potential generally show higher business tax revenues per capita and a lower share of social welfare cases among the population, although the impact on local employment is less clear. The explanatory power of entrepreneurship in all three models, however, was only moderate. This finding suggests that political expectations of fostering entrepreneurship to boost endogenous rural development in the short-to-medium term should be damped.


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Mayer H. Entrepreneurship in a hub-and-spoke industrial district: firm survey evidence from Seattle's technology industry, Regional Studies. The paper investigates entrepreneurial dynamics in a hub-and-spoke industrial district. Using data on the genealogy of high-technology firms in Seattle, Washington State, the study examines the ways in which entrepreneurial firms relate to their parent firms and the role of agglomeration economies. The results illustrate that entrepreneurship is an important vehicle for the diversification of such a district. When compared, hub-related spinoffs such as those founded by former Microsoft employees do not differ much from other start-ups. The differences between Microsoft spinoffs and start-ups are very limited; both diversify the regional economy by entering new markets when compared with their parents.


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This paper examines how a second-tier high-technology region leveraged corporate assets—mostly from transnational firms—in building a knowledge-based economy. The paper reviews how firm building and entrepreneurship influence the evolution of a peripheral regional economy. Using a case study of Boise, Idaho (the US), the research highlights several important sources of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial firm formation is closely linked with a region's ability to grow incubator organizations, particularly innovative firms. These innovative firms provide the training ground for entrepreneurs. Firms, however, differ and the ways in which firm building activities influence regional entrepreneurship depend on firm strategy and organization. Thus, second-tier high-tech regions in the US are taking a different path than their well-known counterparts such as Silicon Valley or Route 128 around Boston.


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Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über den Stand der Forschung zur staatlichen Gründungsfinanzierung, speziell in Deutschland. Dabei steht die Frage im Vordergrund, ob eine öffentliche Gründungsfinanzierung aus wirtschaftspolitischer Sicht zu rechtfertigen ist. Konkret werden vier Forschungsfragen untersucht. Die erste Frage lautet, ob Unternehmensgründungen für eine Wirtschaft überhaupt Nutzen stiften. Die zweite Frage lautet, ob auf dem Markt der Finanzierung von Gründungsunternehmen Unvollkommenheiten bzw. Marktversagen feststellbar sind. Die dritte Frage lautet, ob staatliche Maßnahmen der Gründungsfinanzierung einzelwirtschaftlich effektiv sind, dass sich also geförderte Unternehmen als erfolgreicher erweisen als nicht geförderte. Die vierte Frage lautet, ob eine staatliche Gründungsfinanzierung die angestrebten wirtschaftspolitischen Ziele zu den niedrigstmöglichen Kosten erreicht, also effizient ist. Die Antworten sind durchweg negativ und zeigen, dass die bisherige Forschung keine ausreichende Rechtfertigung für eine staatliche Gründungsfinanzierung bieten kann.


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Für das wirtschaftliche Wachstum und die Innovationskraft einer Volkswirtschaft sind junge Unternehmen von herausragender Bedeutung. Ein wichtiges Ziel von Politik und Wirtschaft muss folglich die Sensibilisierung und Förderung potenzieller Gründer sein. Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht der Frage nach, ob eine universitäre Gründungsausbildung die Gründungsabsicht von Studierenden positiv beeinflussen kann. Aufbauend auf dem intentionsbasierten Modell von Krueger /Carsrud (1993) wurden im Rahmen einer Befragung an der TU Dortmund 111 Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften zu ihren Gründungsabsichten befragt. Es zeigte sich, dass die Gründungsabsicht durch den Besuch von Veranstaltungen zum Gründungsmanagement deutlich gesteigert werden kann. Für die deutsche Wirtschafts- und Bildungspolitik ergibt sich aus den Ergebnissen die Handlungsempfehlung, die universitäre Gründungsausbildung auszubauen und intensiv zu fördern.


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Although prior research on new venture creation has identified several antecedents that differentiate entrepreneurs from non-entrepreneurs, scholars still have an incomplete understanding of the factors and decision processes that lead an individual to become an entrepreneur. By applying prospect theory, we introduce the reference point as an important antecedent of new venture creation. Testing our research model and hypotheses with entrepreneurs and employees, results show that entrepreneurs set more aspiring reference points and therefore find themselves more often in a perceived loss situation. Results are also robust when testing for entrepreneurial intention of business graduate students. According to prospect theory, the perceived loss triggers more risk-seeking behavior. Summing up, the reference point has a positive effect on new venture creation and differentiates entrepreneurs from nonentrepreneurs. We discuss theoretical and managerial implications of the findings and develop avenues for future research.


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Most case studies of successful high-technology industry regions highlight the role of research universities in fostering regional economic development. The Portland, Oregon, region managed to root a thriving high-tech industry in the absence of this critical factor. In this article, I present a case study of the evolution of Portland's high-tech industry and propose that high-tech firms can act as surrogate universities that attract and develop labor, create knowledge, and function as incubators for startups. I conclude that planners working to develop high-tech industries in regions without major research universities should attract R&D-intensive firms, maintain information on key busineses and entrepreneurial ventures, support an innovation milieu, and set realistic goals.


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The strategic orientation of firms can take on many forms. Researchers most commonly distinguish between entrepreneurial, market, and learning orientations. In combination, strategic orientations represent a firm's value proposition in terms of the markets in which it operates, where it deploys its resources, and which behavioral patterns are established. This thesis provides insights into the effectiveness of strategic orientations by adopting multiple theoretical perspectives. The strategic orientations of entrepreneurial, market, learning, and innovation orientations are investigated in an isolated as well as interrelated manner. The first research article concentrates on entrepreneurial orientation as its conceptualization and operationalization is subject to several debates in the literature. This conceptual study shows how the challenges of the entrepreneurial orientation construct can be overcome in future research to arrive at a higher level of construct clarity. Thereby, the theoretical perspectives of entrepreneurial dominant logic and the theory of planned behavior are employed. The literature has predominantly focused on investigating the effectiveness of particular strategic orientations. Recently, scholars have stressed their synergetic impact on firm performance and, as such, the relevance of considering their combined role in creating superior value for firms. However, empirical research on their interrelatedness remains scant and dispersed, making it necessary to conduct further research on strategic orientations in an integrative manner. As such, the second research article demonstrates which interrelated roles are played by entrepreneurial, market, and learning orientations in their relationship to firm performance. The rich body of existing knowledge is synthesized by means of meta-analysis under the perspective of strategic coalignment as well as the resource-based view of the firm.