33 resultados para combustion-generated particulate matter


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Particulate matter (PM) pollution is a leading cause of premature death, particularly in those with pre-existing lung disease. A causative link between particle properties and adverse health effects remains unestablished mainly due to complex and variable physico-chemical PM parameters. Controlled laboratory experiments are required. Generating atmospherically realistic Aerosols and performing cell-exposure studies at relevant particle-doses are challenging. Here we examine gasoline-exhaust particle toxicity from a Euro-5 passenger car in a uniquely realistic exposure scenario, combining a smog chamber simulating atmospheric ageing, an aerosol enrichment System varying particle number concentration independent of particle chemistry, and an aerosol Deposition chamber physiologically delivering particles on air-liquid interface (ALI) cultures reproducing normal and susceptible health status. Gasoline-exhaust is an important PM source with largely unknown health effects. We investigated acute responses of fully-differentiated normal, distressed (antibiotics treated) normal, and cystic fibrosis human bronchial epithelia (HBE), and a proliferating, single-cell type bronchial epithelial cell-line (BEAS-2B). We show that a single, short-term exposure to realistic doses of atmospherically-aged gasoline-exhaust particles impairs epithelial key-defence mechanisms, rendering it more vulnerable to subsequent hazards. We establish dose-response curves at realistic particle-concentration levels. Significant differences between cell models suggest the use of fully differentiated HBE is most appropriate in future toxicity studies.


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Field deployments of the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS) have significantly advanced real-time measurements and source apportionment of non-refractory particulate matter. However, the cost and complex maintenance requirements of the AMS make its deployment at sufficient sites to determine regional characteristics impractical. Furthermore, the negligible transmission efficiency of the AMS inlet for supermicron particles significantly limits the characterization of their chemical nature and contributing sources. In this study, we utilize the AMS to characterize the water-soluble organic fingerprint of ambient particles collected onto conventional quartz filters, which are routinely sampled at many air quality sites. The method was applied to 256 particulate matter (PM) filter samples (PM1, PM2:5, and PM10, i.e., PM with aerodynamic diameters smaller than 1, 2.5, and 10 μm, respectively), collected at 16 urban and rural sites during summer and winter. We show that the results obtained by the present technique compare well with those from co-located online measurements, e.g., AMS or Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM). The bulk recoveries of organic aerosol (60–91 %) achieved using this technique, together with low detection limits (0.8 μg of organic aerosol on the analyzed filter fraction) allow its application to environmental samples. We will discuss the recovery variability of individual hydrocarbon ions, ions containing oxygen, and other ions. The performance of such data in source apportionment is assessed in comparison to ACSM data. Recoveries of organic components related to different sources as traffic, wood burning, and secondary organic aerosol are presented. This technique, while subjected to the limitations inherent to filter-based measurements (e.g., filter artifacts and limited time resolution) may be used to enhance the AMS capabilities in measuring size-fractionated, spatially resolved longterm data sets.


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OBJECTIVE To assess the impact of potential risk factors on the development of respiratory symptoms and their specific modification by breastfeeding in infants in the first year of life. STUDY DESIGN We prospectively studied 436 healthy term infants from the Bern-Basel Infant Lung Development cohort. The breastfeeding status, and incidence and severity of respiratory symptoms (score) were assessed weekly by telephone interview during the first year of life. Risk factors (eg, pre- and postnatal smoking exposure, mode of delivery, gestational age, maternal atopy, and number of older siblings) were obtained using standardized questionnaires. Weekly measurements of particulate matter <10 μg were provided by local monitoring stations. The associations were investigated using generalized additive mixed model with quasi Poisson distribution. RESULTS Breastfeeding reduced the incidence and severity of the respiratory symptom score mainly in the first 27 weeks of life (risk ratio 0.70; 95% CI 0.55-0.88). We found a protective effect of breastfeeding in girls but not in boys. During the first 27 weeks of life, breastfeeding attenuated the effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy, gestational age, and cesarean delivery on respiratory symptoms. There was no evidence for an interaction between breastfeeding and maternal atopy, number of older siblings, child care attendance, or particulate matter <10 μg. CONCLUSIONS This study shows the risk-specific effect of breastfeeding on respiratory symptoms in early life using the comprehensive time-series approach.