54 resultados para brain development


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The present study was performed to evaluate the role of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) in the pathogenesis of the inflammatory reaction and the development of neuronal injury in a rat model of bacterial meningitis. mRNA encoding specific MMPs (MMP-3, MMP-7, MMP-8, and MMP-9) and the inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) were significantly (P < 0.04) upregulated, compared to the beta-actin housekeeping gene, in cortical homogenates at 20 h after infection. In parallel, concentrations of MMP-9 and TNF-alpha in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were significantly increased in rats with bacterial meningitis compared to uninfected animals (P = 0.002) and showed a close correlation (r = 0.76; P < 0. 001). Treatment with a hydroxamic acid-type MMP inhibitor (GM6001; 65 mg/kg intraperitoneally every 12 h) beginning at the time of infection significantly lowered the MMP-9 (P < 0.02) and TNF-alpha (P < 0.02) levels in CSF. Histopathology at 25.5 +/- 5.7 h after infection showed neuronal injury (median [range], 3.5% [0 to 17.5%] of the cortex), which was significantly (P < 0.01) reduced to 0% (0 to 10.8%) by GM6001. This is the first report to demonstrate that MMPs contribute to the development of neuronal injury in bacterial meningitis and that inhibition of MMPs may be an effective approach to prevent brain damage as a consequence of the disease.


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Morbidity and mortality associated with bacterial meningitis remain high, although antibiotic therapy has improved during recent decades. The major intracranial complications of bacterial meningitis are cerebrovascular arterial and venous involvement, brain edema, and hydrocephalus with a subsequent increase of intracranial pressure. Experiments in animal models and cell culture systems have focused on the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of bacterial meningitis in an attempt to identify the bacterial and/or host factors responsible for brain injury during the course of infection. An international workshop entitled "Bacterial Meningitis: Mechanisms of Brain Injury" was organized by the Department of Neurology at the University of Munich and was held in Eibsee, Germany, in June 1993. This conference provided a forum for the exchange of current information on bacterial meningitis, including data on the clinical spectrum of complications, the associated morphological alterations, the role of soluble inflammatory mediators (in particular cytokines) and of leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions in tissue injury, and the molecular mechanisms of neuronal injury, with potential mediators such as reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species, and excitatory amino acids. It is hoped that a better understanding of the pathophysiological events that take place during bacterial meningitis will lead to the development of new therapeutic regimens.


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A number of advances in our understanding of the pathophysiology of bacterial meningitis have been made in recent years. In vivo studies have shown that bacterial cell wall fragments and endotoxins are highly active components, independent of the presence of viable bacteria in the subarachnoid space. Their presence in the cerebrospinal fluid is associated with the induction of inflammation and with the development of brain edema and increased intracranial pressure. Antimicrobial therapy may cause an additional increase of harmful bacterial products in the cerebrospinal fluid and thereby potentiate these pathophysiological alterations. These changes may contribute to the development of brain damage during meningitis. Some promising experimental work has been directed toward counteracting the above phenomena with non-steroidal or steroidal anti-inflammatory agents as well as with monoclonal antibodies. Although considerable advances have been made, further research needs to be done in these areas to improve the prognosis of bacterial meningitis.


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We investigated the effect of cefotaxime and chloramphenicol on endotoxin concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and on the development of brain edema in rabbits with Escherichia coli meningitis. Both antibiotics were similarly effective in reducing bacterial titers. Cefotaxime, but not chloramphenicol, induced a marked increase of endotoxin in CSF, from log10 1.5 +/- 0.8 to log10 2.8 +/- 0.7 ng/ml (P less than .01). This result was associated with an increase in brain water content (405 +/- 12 g of water/100 g of dry weight compared with 389 +/- 8 g in untreated controls; P less than .01), whereas in animals treated with chloramphenicol, brain water content was identical to controls. The cefotaxime-induced increase in endotoxin concentration and brain edema were both neutralized by polymyxin B, which binds to the lipid A moiety of endotoxin, or by a monoclonal antibody to lipid A. These results indicate that treating gram-negative bacillary meningitis with selected antibiotics induces increased endotoxin concentrations in CSF that are associated with brain edema.


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A study was made of the effects of antibiotics and corticosteroids on parameters that reflect brain dysfunction and potential neurological damage in experimental pneumococcal meningitis in rabbits. Brain water content was 398 +/- 10 g/100 g dry weight in normal rabbits and 410 +/- 11 g in rabbits after 24 hr of infection (P less than .001). Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lactate levels increased from 16.3 +/- 3.4 mg/dl to 69.5 +/- 28.2 mg/dl (P less than .001), and CSF pressure increased by +8.3 +/- 3.6 mm Hg (P less than .005) over the same interval. Antibiotic therapy with ampicillin sterilized CSF and normalized CSF pressure and brain water content in all animals within 24 hr, while CSF lactate levels remained elevated. Administration of methyl prednisolone, 30 mg/kg, or dexamethasone, 1 mg/kg, 15 and 22 hr after infection completely reversed the development of brain edema, but only dexamethasone also significantly reduced the increase in CSF lactate level (43.8 +/- 12.3 mg/dl) and CSF pressure (+1.8 +/- 2.7 mm Hg). Methyl prednisolone did not significantly affect pressure or lactate levels.


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OBJECTIVE: Nitric oxide (NO), one of the most powerful endogenous vasodilators, is thought to play a major role in the development of delayed vasospasm in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). However, the role of the production of cerebral NO in patients with SAH is not known. In other SAH studies, NO metabolites such as nitrite and nitrate have been demonstrated to be decreased in cerebrospinal fluid and in plasma. METHODS: In this study, a microdialysis probe was used, along with a multiparameter sensor, to measure NO metabolites, brain tissue oxygen tension, brain tissue carbon dioxide tension, and pH in the cortex of patients with severe SAH who were at risk for developing secondary brain damage and vasospasm. NO metabolites, glucose, and lactate were analyzed in the dialysates to determine the time course of NO metabolite changes and to test the interrelationship between the analytes and clinical variables. RESULTS: Brain tissue oxygen tension was strongly correlated to dialysate nitrate and nitrite (r2 = 0.326; P < 0.001); however, no correlation was noted between brain tissue oxygen tension and NO metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid (r2 = 0.018; P = 0.734). No significant correlation between NO production, brain tissue carbon dioxide tension, and dialysate glucose and lactate was observed. CONCLUSION: Cerebral ischemia and compromised substrate delivery are often responsible for high morbidity rates and poor outcomes after SAH. The relationship between brain tissue oxygen and cerebral NO metabolites that we demonstrate suggests that substrate delivery and NO are linked in the pathophysiology of vasospasm after SAH.


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This study compares basal and induced expression of cytochrome P4501A-CYP1A in the brain of gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata. Larval or adult seabream were exposed to benzo(a)pyrene -B(a)P- and the CYP1A response was assessed by analyzing CYP1A mRNA (RT-PCR), CYP1A protein (expression levels: ELISA, western blotting; cellular localization: immunohistochemistry), and CYP1A catalytic activity (7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase-EROD). In the brain of adult S. aurata, CYP1A immunostaining was generally detected in the vasculature. It was present in the neuronal fibers and glial cells of the olfactory bulbs and the ventral telencephalon. ELISA and RT-PCR analyses confirmed CYP1A expression in the brains of non-exposed seabream. B(a)P exposure led to increased CYP1A staining mainly in neuronal fibers and glial cells of the olfactory bulbs, but also in the vascular endothelia. EROD activity, however, could not be detected in the brain of adult seabream, neither in control nor in exposed fish. In the developing brain of S. aurata larvae, immunohistochemical staining detected CYP1A protein exclusively in endothelia of the olfactory placode and in retina. Staining intensity of CYP1A slightly increases with larval development, especially in vascular brain endothelia. Exposing the larvae to 0.3 or 0.5 microg B(a)P/L from hatching until 15 days post hatching (dph) did not result in enhanced CYP1A immunostaining in the brain. In samples of whole seabream larvae, both from controls and BaP treatments, neither CYP1A mRNA, protein nor catalytic activity were detectable. The results demonstrate that CYP1A is expressed already and inducible in the larval brain, but that the regional and cellular expression differs partly between larval and adult brain. This may have implications for the toxicity of CYP1A-inducing xenobiotics on early and mature life stages of seabream.


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Structural and functional connectivity are intrinsic properties of the human brain and represent the amount of cognitive capacities of individual subjects. These connections are modulated due to development, learning, and disease. Momentary adaptations in functional connectivity alter the structural connections, which in turn affect the functional connectivity. Thus, structural and functional connectivity interact on a broad timescale. In this study, we aimed to explore distinct measures of connectivity assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging and their association to the dominant electroencephalogram oscillatory property at rest: the individual alpha frequency (IAF). We found that in 21 healthy young subjects, small intraindividual temporal IAF fluctuations were correlated to increased blood oxygenation level-dependent signal in brain areas associated to working memory functions and to the modulation of attention. These areas colocalized with functionally connected networks supporting the respective functions. Furthermore, subjects with higher IAF show increased fractional anisotropy values in fascicles connecting the above-mentioned areas and networks. Hence, due to a multimodal approach a consistent functionally and structurally connected network related to IAF was observed.


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This study describes the development and validation of a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method to identify and quantitate phenytoin in brain microdialysate, saliva and blood from human samples. A solid-phase extraction (SPE) was performed with a nonpolar C8-SCX column. The eluate was evaporated with nitrogen (50°C) and derivatized with trimethylsulfonium hydroxide before GC-MS analysis. As the internal standard, 5-(p-methylphenyl)-5-phenylhydantoin was used. The MS was run in scan mode and the identification was made with three ion fragment masses. All peaks were identified with MassLib. Spiked phenytoin samples showed recovery after SPE of ≥94%. The calibration curve (phenytoin 50 to 1,200 ng/mL, n = 6, at six concentration levels) showed good linearity and correlation (r² > 0.998). The limit of detection was 15 ng/mL; the limit of quantification was 50 ng/mL. Dried extracted samples were stable within a 15% deviation range for ≥4 weeks at room temperature. The method met International Organization for Standardization standards and was able to detect and quantify phenytoin in different biological matrices and patient samples. The GC-MS method with SPE is specific, sensitive, robust and well reproducible, and is therefore an appropriate candidate for the pharmacokinetic assessment of phenytoin concentrations in different human biological samples.


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Mice that lack all beta1-class integrins in neurons and glia die prematurely after birth with severe brain malformations. Cortical hemispheres and cerebellar folia fuse, and cortical laminae are perturbed. These defects result from disorganization of the cortical marginal zone, where beta1-class integrins regulate glial endfeet anchorage, meningeal basement membrane remodeling, and formation of the Cajal-Retzius cell layer. Surprisingly, beta1-class integrins are not essential for neuron-glia interactions and neuronal migration during corticogenesis. The phenotype of the beta1-deficient mice resembles pathological changes observed in human cortical dysplasias, suggesting that defective integrin-mediated signal transduction contributes to the development of some of these diseases.


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Pneumococcal meningitis (PM) results in high mortality rates and long-lasting neurological deficits. Hippocampal apoptosis and cortical necrosis are histopathological correlates of neurofunctional sequelae in rodent models and are frequently observed in autopsy studies of patients who die of PM. In experimental PM, inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and/or tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-converting enzyme (TACE) has been shown to reduce brain injury and the associated impairment of neurocognitive function. However, none of the compounds evaluated in these studies entered clinical development. Here, we evaluated two second-generation MMP and TACE inhibitors with higher selectivity and improved oral availability. Ro 32-3555 (Trocade, cipemastat) preferentially inhibits collagenases (MMP-1, -8, and -13) and gelatinase B (MMP-9), while Ro 32-7315 is an efficient inhibitor of TACE. PM was induced in infant rats by the intracisternal injection of live Streptococcus pneumoniae. Ro 32-3555 and Ro 32-7315 were injected intraperitoneally, starting at 3 h postinfection. Antibiotic (ceftriaxone) therapy was initiated at 18 h postinfection, and clinical parameters (weight, clinical score, mortality rate) were recorded. Myeloperoxidase activities, concentrations of cytokines and chemokines, concentrations of MMP-2 and MMP-9, and collagen concentrations were measured in the cerebrospinal fluid. Animals were sacrificed at 42 h postinfection, and their brains were assessed by histomorphometry for hippocampal apoptosis and cortical necrosis. Both compounds, while exhibiting disparate MMP and TACE inhibitory profiles, decreased hippocampal apoptosis and cortical injury. Ro 32-3555 reduced mortality rates and cerebrospinal fluid TNF, interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and collagen levels, while Ro 32-7315 reduced weight loss and cerebrospinal fluid TNF and IL-6 levels.


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To evaluate the spectrum and regulation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in bacterial meningitis (BM), concentrations of MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-8, and MMP-9 and endogenous inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP-1 and TIMP-2) were measured in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 27 children with BM. MMP-8 and MMP-9 were detected in 91% and 97%, respectively, of CSF specimens from patients but were not detected in control patients. CSF levels of MMP-9 were higher (P<.05) in 5 patients who developed hearing impairment or secondary epilepsy than in those who recovered without neurological deficits. Levels of MMP-9 correlated with concentrations of TIMP-1 (P<.001) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (P=.03). Repeated lumbar punctures showed that levels of MMP-8 and MMP-9 were regulated independently and did not correlate with the CSF cell count. Therefore, MMPs may derive not only from granulocytes infiltrating the CSF space but also from parenchymal cells of the meninges and brain. High concentrations of MMP-9 are a risk factor for the development of postmeningitidal neurological sequelae.


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Notch signaling is an evolutionarily conserved pathway, which is fundamental for neuronal development and specification. In the last decade, increasing evidence has pointed out an important role of this pathway beyond embryonic development, indicating that Notch also displays a critical function in the mature brain of vertebrates and invertebrates. This pathway appears to be involved in neural progenitor regulation, neuronal connectivity, synaptic plasticity and learning/memory. In addition, Notch appears to be aberrantly regulated in neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and ischemic injury. The molecular mechanisms by which Notch displays these functions in the mature brain are not fully understood, but are currently the subject of intense research. In this review, we will discuss old and novel Notch targets and molecular mediators that contribute to Notch function in the mature brain and will summarize recent findings that explore the two facets of Notch signaling in brain physiology and pathology.


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Virtual reality (VR) is a powerful tool for simulating aspects of the real world. The success of VR is thought to depend on its ability to evoke a sense of "being there", that is, the feeling of "Presence". In view of the rapid progress in the development of increasingly more sophisticated virtual environments (VE), the importance of understanding the neural underpinnings of presence is growing. To date however, the neural correlates of this phenomenon have received very scant attention. An fMRI-based study with 52 adults and 25 children was therefore conducted using a highly immersive VE. The experience of presence in adult subjects was found to be modulated by two major strategies involving two homologous prefrontal brain structures. Whereas the right DLPFC controlled the sense of presence by down-regulating the activation in the egocentric dorsal visual processing stream, the left DLPFC up-regulated widespread areas of the medial prefrontal cortex known to be involved in self-reflective and stimulus-independent thoughts. In contrast, there was no evidence of these two strategies in children. In fact, anatomical analyses showed that these two prefrontal areas have not yet reached full maturity in children. Taken together, this study presents the first findings that show activation of a highly specific neural network orchestrating the experience of presence in adult subjects, and that the absence of activity in this neural network might contribute to the generally increased susceptibility of children for the experience of presence in VEs.


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This study investigates neural language organization in very preterm born children compared to control children and examines the relationship between language organization, age, and language performance. Fifty-six preterms and 38 controls (7–12 y) completed a functional magnetic resonance imaging language task. Lateralization and signal change were computed for language-relevant brain regions. Younger preterms showed a bilateral language network whereas older preterms revealed left-sided language organization. No age-related differences in language organization were observed in controls. Results indicate that preterms maintain atypical bilateral language organization longer than term born controls. This might reflect a delay of neural language organization due to very premature birth.