48 resultados para appraisal


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The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) adopted in 2005 the first legally binding international instrument on culture. The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions was agreed upon with an overwhelming majority and after the swiftest ratification process in the history of the UNESCO entered into force on 18 March 2007. Now, five years later and with some 125 Members committed to implementing the Convention, not only observers with a particular interest in the topic but also the broader public may be eager to know what has happened and in how far has the implementation progress advanced. This is the question that animates this paper and which it seeks to answer by giving a brief background to the UNESCO Convention, clarifying its legal and political status and impact, as well as by looking at the current implementation activities in the domestic and international contexts.


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The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) adopted in 2005 the first legally binding international instrument on culture. The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions was agreed upon with an overwhelming majority and after the swiftest ratification process in the history of the UNESCO entered into force on 18 March 2007. Now, five years later and with some 125 Members committed to implementing the Convention, not only observers with a particular interest in the topic but also the broader public may be eager to know what has happened and in how far has the implementation progress advanced. This is the question that animates this paper and which it seeks to answer by giving a brief background to the UNESCO Convention, clarifying its legal and political status and impact, as well as by looking at the current implementation activities in the domestic and international contexts.


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Irrespective of the diverse stances taken on the effect of the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity in the external relations context, since its wording is fairly open-ended, it is clear to all observers that the Convention’s impact will largely depend on how it is implemented domestically. The discussion on the national implementation of the Convention, both in the policy and in the academic discourses, is only just emerging. The implementation model of the EU could set an important example for the international community and for the other State Parties that have ratified the UNESCO Convention, as both the EU and its Member States acting individually, have played a critical role in the adoption of the Convention, as well as in the longer process of promoting cultural concerns on the international scene. Against this backdrop, this article analyses the extent to which the EU internal law and policies, in particular in the key area of media, take into account the spirit and the letter of the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity. The article seeks to critically evaluate the present state of affairs and make some recommendations for calibration of future policies.


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Objective To discuss the diagnostic validity of unusual bodily perceptions along the spectrum from age-specific, often transitory and normal, to pathological phenomena in adolescence to hypochondriasis and finally to psychosis. Methods Critical literature review of the cornerstone diagnostic groups along the spectrum embracing anxiety and cenesthopathy in adolescence, hypochondriasis, and cenesthopathy and psychosis, followed by a discussion of the diagnostic overlaps along this spectrum. Results The review highlights significant overlaps between the diagnostic cornerstones. It is apparent that adolescents with unusual bodily perceptions may conceptually qualify for more than one diagnostic group along the spectrum. To determine whether cenesthopathies in adolescence mirror emerging psychosis, a number of issues need to be considered, i.e. age and mode of onset, gender, level of functioning and drug use. The role of overvalued ideas at the border between hypochondriasis and psychosis must be considered. Conclusion As unusual bodily symptoms may in some instances meet formal psychosis risk criteria, a narrow understanding of these symptoms may lead to both inappropriate application of the new DSM-5 attenuated psychosis syndrome and of treatment selection. On the other hand, the possibility of a psychotic dimension of unusual bodily symptoms in adolescents must always be considered as most severe expression of the cenesthopathy spectrum.


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Anticipatory cognitive stress appraisal (ACSA) can affect the stress-induced release of stress hormones, which, in turn, can modulate microbicidal potential of macrophages. This study examines whether ACSA modulates wound-induced activation of macrophage microbicidal potential in 22 acutely stressed compared to 17 nonstressed healthy men. After catheter-induced wound infliction and completing the ACSA questionnaire, the stress group underwent an acute mental stress task, while the nonstressed group did not. Macrophage microbicidal potential and stress hormones were repeatedly measured. In acutely stressed men, but not in nonstressed men, higher scores in ACSA related to lower macrophage microbicidal potential. This association was statistically mediated by the norepinephrine (NE) stress response. Our data suggest that ACSA modulates stress-induced suppression of wound-induced macrophage activation and that the NE stress response underlies this effect.


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The study deals with the status and potential of surface water resources in Upper Anseba, Central Highlands of Eritrea, one of the most densely populated regions in Eritrea, including small scale farming and the country's capital city. water demand is increasing rapidly for all uses. The area has no perennial water course and depends very largely on reservoirs for its water supply. The report finds that there are 74 reservoirs in the area, of which 49 are in Upper Anseba. Total reservoir capacity already corresponds to 70% of runoff. the capacity of some of the reservoirs already exceeds annual runoff of their catchment. Recommendations thus include the use of water saving technologies for irrigation; and above all, preparation of a regional master plan for development, including water allocation planning with a mid term perspective.


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Several componential emotion theories suggest that appraisal outcomes trigger characteristic somatovisceral changes that facilitate information processing and prepare the organism for adaptive behavior. The current study tested predictions derived from Scherer's Component Process Model. Participants viewed unpleasant and pleasant pictures (intrinsic pleasantness appraisal) and were asked to concurrently perform either an arm extension or an arm flexion, leading to an increase or a decrease in picture size. Increasing pleasant stimuli and decreasing unpleasant stimuli were considered goal conducive; decreasing pleasant stimuli and increasing unpleasant stimuli were considered goal obstructive (goal conduciveness appraisal). Both appraisals were marked by several somatovisceral changes (facial electromyogram, heart rate (HR)). As predicted, the changes induced by the two appraisals showed similar patterns. Furthermore, HR results, compared with data of earlier studies, suggest that the adaptive consequences of both appraisals may be mediated by stimulus proximity.


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In the context of a memory task, participants were presented with pictures displaying biological and cultural threat stimuli or neutral stimuli (stimulus relevance manipulation) with superimposed symbols signaling monetary gains or losses (goal conduciveness manipulation). Results for heart rate and facial electromyogram show differential efferent effects of the respective appraisal outcomes and provide first evidence for sequential processing, as postulated by Scherer's component process model of emotion. Specifically, as predicted, muscle activity over the brow and cheek regions marking the process of relevance appraisal occurred significantly earlier than facial muscle activity markers of goal conduciveness appraisal. Heart rate, in contrast, was influenced by the stimulus relevance manipulation only.


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The present publication is the final outcome of the "Syndrome Pre-SynthesisProject" (SPSP), a preparatory project initiated in 2001 to pave the way for the NCCR North-South. The SPSP applied a transdisciplinary approach to identify research partnerships for development in 8 regions of the world. The primary aim of the present publication is to present an initial synthesis of core problems in each region, of the status and focus of related research, and of corresponding new research needs. Based on the results of this participatory process, the NCCR North-South programme has followed up on the outcomes of the regional syntheses by identifying future research aims along the general lines determined in the workshops.