53 resultados para Winer, Georg Benedikt, 1789-1858.
Zusammenfassung: Der Zürcher Universalgelehrte Konrad Gessner (1516-1565) war die zentrale Figur einer Welle der Bergbegeisterung, die knapp zweihundert Jahre vor Albrecht von Hallers Epoche machendem Lehrgedicht 'Die Alpen' theologische, philologische und naturwissenschaftliche Lebensentwürfe verband und sich an den Wundern der Gebirgsland-schaft berauschte. In diesen Umkreis gehört der Bericht des Berner Humanisten Benedikt Aretius über die Besteigung der beiden Voralpengipfel Stockhorn und Niesen im Jahr 1557. Die nachfolgenden Überlegungen zu den darin genannten Namen für den Berg Niesen (Nessus, Niesen, Jesen, Stalden, Zum wilden Andres) zeigen, dass Aretius Ausführungen hauptsächlich als Hommage an den Zeitgeist und an den Freund Konrad Gessner zu lesen sind – auch und vor allem die darin enthaltenen etymologischen Versuche und Anspielungen.
PRINCIPALS The liver plays an important role in glucose metabolism, in terms of glucolysis and gluconeogenesis. Several studies have shown that hyperglycemia in patients with liver cirrhosis is associated with progression of the liver disease and increased mortality. However, no study has ever targeted the influence of hypoglycemia. The aim of this study was to assess the association of glucose disturbances with outcome in patients presenting to the emergency department with acute decompensated liver cirrhosis. METHODS Our retrospective data analysis comprised adult (≥16 years) patients admitted to our emergency department between January 1, 2002, and December 31, 2012, with the primary diagnosis of decompensated liver cirrhosis. RESULTS A total of 312 patients were eligible for study inclusion. Two hundred thirty-one (74.0%) patients were male; 81 (26.0%) were female. The median age was 57 years (range, 51-65 years). Overall, 89 (28.5%) of our patients had acute glucose disturbances; 49 (15.7%) of our patients were hypoglycemic and 40 (12.8%) were hyperglycemic. Patients with hypoglycemia were significantly more often admitted to the intensive care unit than hyperglycemic patients (20.4% vs 10.8%, P < .015) or than normoglycemic patients (20.4% vs 10.3%, P < .011), and they significantly more often died in the hospital (28.6% hypoglycemic vs 7.5% hyperglycemic, P < .024; 28.6% hypoglycemic vs 10.3% normoglycemic P < .049). Survival analysis showed a significantly lower estimated survival for hypoglycemic patients (36 days) than for normoglycemic patients (54 days) or hyperglycemic patients (45 days; hypoglycemic vs hyperglycemic, P < .019; hypoglycemic vs normoglycemic, P < .007; hyperglycemic vs normoglycemic, P < .477). CONCLUSION Hypoglycemia is associated with increased mortality in patients with acute decompensated liver cirrhosis. It is not yet clear whether hypoglycemia is jointly responsible for the increased short-term mortality of patients with acute decompensated liver cirrhosis or is only a consequence of the severity of the disease or the complications.
OBJECTIVE To study the relevance of high-sensitive troponin measurements in the acute workup in patients admitted to the emergency department of a large university hospital due to syncope. METHODS In this retrospective study all patients admitted to the emergency department because of syncope of the Inselspital, University Hospital Bern between 01 August 2010 and 31 October 2012, with serial determination of high-sensitive troponin (baseline and three hours control) were included. Of all identified patients we obtained data on demographics, laboratory data, ECG as well as on outcome. A change in high-sensitive troponin in the three hours control of +/-30% compared to baseline was considered significant. RESULTS A total of 121 patients with a mean age of 67 years (SD 16) were included in the study. 79 patients (65%) were male and 42 (35%) were female. There was no significant difference in the median high sensitive-troponin level at baseline and in the three hours control (0.01 mcg/L [0.003 to 0.022] versus 0.011 mcg/L [0.003 to 0.022], p = 0.47). Median percent change in high-sensitive troponin level between baseline and control was 0% (-9.1 to 5). 51 patients (42%) had elevated high-sensitive troponin levels at baseline with 7 patients (6%) showing a dynamic of +/-30% change from the baseline measurement in the 3 hours control. 3 of these patients received coronary angiography due to the dynamic in high-sensitive troponin, none of whom needed intervention for coronary revascularization. CONCLUSIONS On basis of the current study, where no single patient took benefit from determination of high-sensitive troponin, measurement of cardiac troponins should be reserved for patients with syncope presenting with symptoms suggestive for the presence of an acute cardiac syndrome.
BACKGROUND Heat periods during recent years were associated with excess hospitalization and mortality rates, especially in the elderly. We intended to study whether prolonged warmth/heat periods are associated with an increased prevalence of disorders of serum sodium and potassium and an increased hospital mortality. METHODS In this cross-sectional analysis all patients admitted to the Department of Emergency Medicine of a large tertiary care facility between January 2009 and December 2010 with measurements of serum sodium were included. Demographic data along with detailed data on diuretic medication, length of hospital stay and hospital mortality were obtained for all patients. Data on daily temperatures (maximum, mean, minimum) and humidity were retrieved by Meteo Swiss. RESULTS A total of 22.239 patients were included in the study. 5 periods with a temperature exceeding 25 °C for 3 to 5 days were noticed and 2 periods with temperatures exceeding 25 °C for more than 5 days were noted. Additionally, 2 periods with 3 to 5 days with daily temperatures exceeding 30 °C were noted during the study period. We found a significantly increased prevalence of hyponatremia during heat periods. However, in the Cox regression analysis, prolonged heat was not associated with the prevalence of disorders of serum sodium or potassium. Admission during a heat period was an independent predictor for hospital mortality. CONCLUSIONS Although we found an increased prevalence of hyponatremia during heat periods, no convincing connection could be found for hypernatremia or disorders of serum potassium.