51 resultados para VENTRAL HIPPOCAMPUS


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Trefoil factor 1 (TFF1) belongs to a family of secreted peptides with a characteristic tree-looped trefoil structure. TFFs are mainly expressed in the gastrointestinal tract where they play a critical role in the function of the mucosal barrier. TFF1 has been suggested as a neuropeptide, but not much is known about its expression and function in the central nervous system. We investigated the expression of TFF1 in the developing and adult rat midbrain. In the adult ventral mesencephalon, TFF1-immunoreactive (-ir) cells were predominantly found in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and in periaqueductal areas. While around 90% of the TFF1-ir cells in the SNc co-expressed tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), only a subpopulation of the TH-ir neurons expressed TFF1. Some TFF1-ir cells in the SNc co-expressed the calcium-binding proteins calbindin or calretinin and nearly all were NeuN-ir confirming a neuronal phenotype, which was supported by lack of co-localization with the astroglial marker glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Interestingly, at postnatal (P) day 7 and P14, a significantly higher proportion of TH-ir neurons in the SNc co-expressed TFF1 as compared to P21. In contrast, the proportion of TFF1-ir cells expressing TH remained unchanged during postnatal development. Furthermore, significantly more TH-ir neurons expressed TFF1 in the SNc, compared to the VTA at all four time-points investigated. Injection of the tracer fluorogold into the striatum of adult rats resulted in retrograde labeling of several TFF1 expressing cells in the SNc showing that a significant fraction of the TFF1-ir cells were projection neurons. This was also reflected by unilateral loss of TFF1-ir cells in SNc of 6-hydroxylase-lesioned hemiparkinsonian rats. In conclusion, we show for the first time that distinct subpopulations of midbrain dopaminergic neurons express TFF1, and that this expression pattern is altered in a rat model of Parkinson's disease.


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Relational inference denotes the capacity to encode, flexibly retrieve, and integrate multiple memories to combine past experiences to update knowledge and improve decision-making in new situations. Although relational inference is thought to depend on the hippocampus and consciousness, we now show in young, healthy men that it may occur outside consciousness but still recruits the hippocampus. In temporally distinct and unique subliminal episodes, we presented word pairs that either overlapped (“winter–red”, “red–computer”) or not. Effects of unconscious relational inference emerged in reaction times recorded during unconscious encoding and in the outcome of decisions made 1 min later at test, when participants judged the semantic relatedness of two supraliminal words. These words were either episodically related through a common word (“winter–computer” related through “red”) or unrelated. Hippocampal activity increased during the unconscious encoding of overlapping versus nonoverlapping word pairs and during the unconscious retrieval of episodically related versus unrelated words. Furthermore, hippocampal activity during unconscious encoding predicted the outcome of decisions made at test. Hence, unconscious inference may influence decision-making in new situations.


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Reelin is an extracellular matrix glycoprotein expressed in different nerve cell populations in the developing, early postnatal and adult central nervous system. During histogenesis of the neocortex and hippocampus, reelin is present in Cajal-Retzius cells and other early neurons and contributes to correct layering of these regions. During early postnatal life, pioneer neurons disappear and reelin expression establishes in a subpopulation of cortical and hippocampal GABAergic interneurons, where it is maintained throughout adult life. We studied the developmental distribution pattern of reelin in dissociated cultures obtained from the early postnatal hippocampus to verify whether or not such a maturation phenomenon is maintained in vitro. Reelin is expressed both in Cajal-Retzius cells and multipolar and pyramidal neurons in younger cultures. The density of reelin-positive Cajal-Retzius cells dropped drastically by about 84% in 4-week-old cultures. Multipolar and pyramidal neurons containing reelin represented 12% of the total cell population in younger cultures and decreased by about 25% after 3 to 4 weeks of cultivation. Their density was significantly lower in cultures of the same age treated with glutamate receptor antagonists. These reelin-positive multipolar and pyramidal neurons were heterogeneous, including a larger amount of non-GABAergic, and 30-40% of GABAergic neurons. Cells double labeled for reelin and the GABA synthesizing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase represented about 4% of the total neuron population in culture and their density remained constant with age. It is thus possible that the decrease in the total reelin population may selectively be of importance to the larger non-GABAergic fraction of reelin cells. This study shows that reelin-expressing neurons are maintained in dissociated cultures of the neonatal hippocampus and their distribution and age-dependent changes in density resemble those of the early postnatal hippocampus in vivo.


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Music is an intriguing stimulus widely used in movies to increase the emotional experience. However, no brain imaging study has to date examined this enhancement effect using emotional pictures (the modality mostly used in emotion research) and musical excerpts. Therefore, we designed this functional magnetic resonance imaging study to explore how musical stimuli enhance the feeling of affective pictures. In a classical block design carefully controlling for habituation and order effects, we presented fearful and sad pictures (mostly taken from the IAPS) either alone or combined with congruent emotional musical excerpts (classical pieces). Subjective ratings clearly indicated that the emotional experience was markedly increased in the combined relative to the picture condition. Furthermore, using a second-level analysis and regions of interest approach, we observed a clear functional and structural dissociation between the combined and the picture condition. Besides increased activation in brain areas known to be involved in auditory as well as in neutral and emotional visual-auditory integration processes, the combined condition showed increased activation in many structures known to be involved in emotion processing (including for example amygdala, hippocampus, parahippocampus, insula, striatum, medial ventral frontal cortex, cerebellum, fusiform gyrus). In contrast, the picture condition only showed an activation increase in the cognitive part of the prefrontal cortex, mainly in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Based on these findings, we suggest that emotional pictures evoke a more cognitive mode of emotion perception, whereas congruent presentations of emotional visual and musical stimuli rather automatically evoke strong emotional feelings and experiences.


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Textbooks divide between human memory systems based on consciousness. Hippocampus is thought to support only conscious encoding, while neocortex supports both conscious and unconscious encoding. We tested whether processing modes, not consciousness, divide between memory systems in three neuroimaging experiments with 11 amnesic patients (mean age = 45.55 years, standard deviation = 8.74, range = 23-60) and 11 matched healthy control subjects. Examined processing modes were single item versus relational encoding with only relational encoding hypothesized to depend on hippocampus. Participants encoded and later retrieved either single words or new relations between words. Consciousness of encoding was excluded by subliminal (invisible) word presentation. Amnesic patients and controls performed equally well on the single item task activating prefrontal cortex. But only the controls succeeded on the relational task activating the hippocampus, while amnesic patients failed as a group. Hence, unconscious relational encoding, but not unconscious single item encoding, depended on hippocampus. Yet, three patients performed normally on unconscious relational encoding in spite of amnesia capitalizing on spared hippocampal tissue and connections to language cortex. This pattern of results suggests that processing modes divide between memory systems, while consciousness divides between levels of function within a memory system.


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Recent experiments suggest that humans can form and later retrieve new semantic relations unconsciously by way of hippocampus - the key structure thought to support conscious relational (episodic) memory. Given that the hippocampus subserves both conscious and unconscious relational encoding/retrieval, we expected the hippocampus to be place of unconscious-conscious interactions. This hypothesis was tested in an fMRI experiment on the interaction between the unconscious retrieval of face-associated occupations and the subsequent conscious retrieval of celebrities’ occupations. For subliminal encoding, masked combinations of an unfamiliar face and a written occupation (“actor” or “politician”) were subliminally presented. At test, we presented the former subliminal faces again, without occupations and masks, as conscious retrieval cues. We hypothesized that faces would trigger the unconscious reactivation of the associated occupation - actor or politician -, which in turn would facilitate or inhibit the subsequent conscious recollection of a celebrity’s occupation. Following the presentation of a former subliminal face, we presented the portrait of a celebrity that participants were required to sort according to “actor” or “politician”. Depending on whether the triggered unconscious occupation was congruent or incongruent with the celebrity’s occupation, we expected an expedited or retarded conscious retrieval process as reflected in reaction times. Conscious retrieval was expedited in the congruent condition, but there was no effect in the incongruent condition. fMRI data collected during subliminal relational encoding confirmed that the hippocampus was interacting with neocortical semantic storage sites. fMRI data collected at test indicated that the facilitated conscious retrieval of celebrity-associated occupations was related to deactivations in this same network spanning hippocampus and neocortical semantic storage sites. Hence, unconscious retrieval likely preactivated this network, which allowed for a sparing recruitment of additional neural resources to assist conscious retrieval. This finding supports the notion that consciously and unconsciously acquired relational memories are stored in a single, cohesive hippocampal-neocortical memory space.


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Recent evidence suggests that humans can form and later retrieve new semantic relations unconsciously by way of hippocampus-the key structure also recruited for conscious relational (episodic) memory. If the hippocampus subserves both conscious and unconscious relational encoding/retrieval, one would expect the hippocampus to be place of unconscious-conscious interactions during memory retrieval. We tested this hypothesis in an fMRI experiment probing the interaction between the unconscious and conscious retrieval of face-associated information. For the establishment of unconscious relational memories, we presented subliminal (masked) combinations of unfamiliar faces and written occupations ("actor" or "politician"). At test, we presented the former subliminal faces, but now supraliminally, as cues for the reactivation of the unconsciously associated occupations. We hypothesized that unconscious reactivation of the associated occupation-actor or politician-would facilitate or inhibit the subsequent conscious retrieval of a celebrity's occupation, which was also actor or politician. Depending on whether the reactivated unconscious occupation was congruent or incongruent to the celebrity's occupation, we expected either quicker or delayed conscious retrieval process. Conscious retrieval was quicker in the congruent relative to a neutral baseline condition but not delayed in the incongruent condition. fMRI data collected during subliminal face-occupation encoding confirmed previous evidence that the hippocampus was interacting with neocortical storage sites of semantic knowledge to support relational encoding. fMRI data collected at test revealed that the facilitated conscious retrieval was paralleled by deactivations in the hippocampus and neocortical storage sites of semantic knowledge. We assume that the unconscious reactivation has pre-activated overlapping relational representations in the hippocampus reducing the neural effort for conscious retrieval. This finding supports the notion of synergistic interactions between conscious and unconscious relational memories in a common, cohesive hippocampal-neocortical memory space.


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BACKGROUND High mortality and morbidity rates are observed in patients with bacterial meningitis (BM) and urge for new adjuvant treatments in addition to standard antibiotic therapies. In BM the hippocampal dentate gyrus is injured by apoptosis while in cortical areas ischemic necrosis occurs. Experimental therapies aimed at reducing the inflammatory response and brain damage have successfully been evaluated in animal models of BM. Fluoxetine (FLX) is an anti-depressant of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and was previously shown to be neuroprotective in vitro and in vivo. We therefore assessed the neuroprotective effect of FLX in experimental pneumococcal meningitis. METHODS Infant rats were infected intracisternally with live Streptococcus pneumoniae. Intraperitoneal treatment with FLX (10mgkg(-1)d(-1)) or an equal volume of NaCl was initiated 15min later. 18, 27, and 42h after infection, the animals were clinically (weight, clinical score, mortality) evaluated and subject to a cisternal puncture and inflammatory parameters (i.e., cyto-/chemokines, myeloperoxidase activity, matrix metalloproteinase concentrations) were measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples. At 42h after infection, animals were sacrificed and the brains collected for histomorphometrical analysis of brain damage. RESULTS A significant lower number of animals treated with FLX showed relevant hippocampal apoptosis when compared to littermates (9/19 animals vs 18/23, P=0.038). A trend for less damage in cortical areas was observed in FLX-treated animals compared to controls (13/19 vs 13/23, P=ns). Clinical and inflammatory parameters were not affected by FLX treatment. CONCLUSION A significant neuroprotective effect of FLX on the hippocampus was observed in acute pneumococcal meningitis in infant rats.


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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a disorder that involves impaired regulation of the fear response to traumatic reminders. This study tested how women with male-perpetrated interpersonal violence-related PTSD (IPV-PTSD) differed in their brain activation from healthy controls (HC) when exposed to scenes of male-female interaction of differing emotional content. Sixteen women with symptoms of IPV-PTSD and 19 HC participated in this study. During magnetic resonance imaging, participants watched a stimulus protocol of 23 different 20 s silent epochs of male-female interactions taken from feature films, which were neutral, menacing or prosocial. IPV-PTSD participants compared with HC showed (i) greater dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) activation in response to menacing vs prosocial scenes and (ii) greater anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), right hippocampus activation and lower ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) activty in response to emotional vs neutral scenes. The fact that IPV-PTSD participants compared with HC showed lower activity of the ventral ACC during emotionally charged scenes regardless of the valence of the scenes suggests that impaired social perception among IPV-PTSD patients transcends menacing contexts and generalizes to a wider variety of emotionally charged male-female interactions.