76 resultados para Transnational Social Movement, Transnational Dinamics


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A kvalitatv mdszerekkel nyert kutatsi eredmnyeink rtelmezse sorn a transznacionlis tr, a transznacionlis s az etnikai migrci elmleti s szemlleti kereteit egyarnt figyelembe vettk. Az ltalunk vizsglt migrcis folyamatok transznacionlis trben zajlanak, s a transznacionlis irodalomban lert migrns lethelyzetek, gyakorlatok klnbz nemzetllamokban elhelyezked lokalitsokhoz val egyidej, br eltr intenzits ktds, kapcsolatok tbb pldjval is tallkoztunk. Ludger Pries nyomn a transznacionlis migrcit s a transznacionlis migrns alakjt olyan ideltpusnak tekintettk, amelyhez az egyes migrns utak s helyzetek csupn kzeltenek, s empirikus eredmnyeink alapjn azt mondhatjuk, hogy a valban pluriloklis, vagyis a kt helyhez val egyidej, intenzv s tarts ktds s az ehhez kapcsold gyakorlatok csupn a migrnsok kisebbsgt, illetve a migrcis letplyk egy-egy szakaszt jellemzik. A vizsglt migrcis folyamatokban az etnicits strukturlis tnyezknt s a migrns tapasztalatok rtelmezsi kereteknt egyarnt perdnt szerepet jtszik. Az etnikai migrci szakirodalomban trgyalt mindhrom magyarz modellje az anyaorszgba val hazatrs, a gazdasgi okokbl val, illetve a kisebbsgi ltben elszenvedett srelmek ltal sztnztt migrci alkalmas a migrcit kivlt s mozgat okok elemzsre, a migrns narratvk rtelmezsre, azt azonban nem llthatjuk, hogy brmelyikk kizrlagos rvnyre tehet szert. Ms kutatkhoz hasonlan Rogers Brubaker meghatrozst tartjuk a leginkbb gymlcsznek, aki az etnikai migrci tg rtelmezst hasznlva minden olyan vndorlsi folyamatot etnikai migrcinak tekint, amelyben az etnicits kulturlis s szimbolikus tkeknt szablyoz szerepet jtszik. This special issue of Tr s Trsadalom presents some results of an international research project carried out by researchers from Switzerland, Hungary and Serbia between 2010 and 2012. The topic of the research was Integrating (Trans-)national Migrants in Transition States (TRANSMIG) and was financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). The research aimed to explore and interpret migration flows from the Vojvodina (Serbia) to Hungary and from ex-Yugoslav republics to the Vojvodina. In the first period of the last twenty years, wars which contributed to the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the formation of new national states have caused migration flows. After the change of the millennium, educational migration of Vojvodina Hungarian youth can be considered the most important migratory movement from the Vojvodina to Hungary. Labour (economic) migration also occurs, but this cannot be understood as a one-way movement, since in the HungarianSerbian border zone migrants from the Vojvodina who already resettled to Hungary commute to the Vojvodina. While interpreting the qualitative research data the theoretical frameworks and approaches of transnational space, transnationalism and ethnic migration were taken into consideration. The migration movement in question occurs in a transnational social space where migrants are in constant motion. By their movements and actions that space is continually recreated. With Ludger Pries we see a transnational migrant as an ideal type to whom individual migratory movements and positions only approximate. Based on our empirical results we can conclude that real pluri-local, intensive and long-lasting bonding to two places at the same time and the relating practices only characterise a minority of migrants and certain sections of migratory careers. In the migration processes studied, ethnicity as a term is needed as a structural factor and frame of interpretation to approach migrant experiences. All three explanatory models for ethnic migration return migration, economic migration, migration motivated by grievances suffered in a minority situation are suitable to analyse the reasons that initiated migration and kept it in motion. They are helpful in interpreting migrant narratives. However, none of the reasons can claim exclusive validity. Agreeing with other researchers, we find Roger Brubakers definition the most useful: Ethnic migration should be comprehended in a broad sense. In addition, every migration can be considered as ethnically motivated where ethnicity plays a dominant role as a cultural and symbolic capital.


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This exegesis focuses on the work of minority committees of transnational associations in the interwar period. Most of their members considered the League system to be inefficient and supported the establishment of non-state alternatives, which included private investigations on the spot, publicity for specific problems of minorities, and attempts to reconcile representatives of ethnic minorities with those of the majority. Members of non-involved states were pre-destined especially to act as neutral moderators. Only those in close contact with League officials avoided being misused by political forces that did not seek reconciliation but border revision. They learnt that the League rules looked inadequate from the outside but turned out to be useful in coming to applicable solutions once they started their own alternative methods. Their publications and investigative journeys turned out to deepen the problems, whilst their reconciliation work became an appreciated supplement of the League system.


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