125 resultados para TISSUE-ENGINEERED BONE
Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis rely on understanding of the micromechanical behaviour of bone and its influence on fracture toughness and cell-mediated adaptation processes. Postyield properties may be assessed by nonlinear finite element simulations of nanoindentation using elastoplastic and damage models. This computational study aims at determining the influence of yield surface shape and damage on the depth-dependent response of bone to nanoindentation using spherical and conical tips. Yield surface shape and damage were shown to have a major impact on the indentation curves. Their influence on indentation modulus, hardness, their ratio as well as the elastic-to-total work ratio is well described by multilinear regressions for both tip shapes. For conical tips, indentation depth was not statistically significant (p<0.0001). For spherical tips, damage was not a significant parameter (p<0.0001). The gained knowledge can be used for developing an inverse method for identification of postelastic properties of bone from nanoindentation.
One of the most promising applications for the restoration of small or moderately sized focal articular lesions is mosaicplasty (MP). Although recurrent hemarthrosis is a rare complication after MP, recently, various strategies have been designed to find an effective filling material to prevent postoperative bleeding from the donor site. The porous biodegradable polymer Polyactive (PA; a polyethylene glycol terephthalate - polybutylene terephthalate copolymer) represents a promising solution in this respect. A histological evaluation of the longterm PA-filled donor sites obtained from 10 experimental horses was performed. In this study, attention was primarily focused on the bone tissue developed in the plug. A computer-assisted image analysis and quantitative polarized light microscopic measurements of decalcified, longitudinally sectioned, dimethylmethylene blue (DMMB)- and picrosirius red (PS) stained sections revealed that the coverage area of the bone trabecules in the PA-filled donor tunnels was substantially (25%) enlarged compared to the neighboring cancellous bone. For this quantification, identical ROIs (regions of interest) were used and compared. The birefringence retardation values were also measured with a polarized light microscope using monochromatic light. Identical retardation values could be recorded from the bone trabeculae developed in the PA and in the neighboring bone, which indicates that the collagen orientation pattern does not differ significantly among these bone trabecules. Based on our new data, we speculate that PA promotes bone formation, and some of the currently identified degradation products of PA may enhance osteo-conduction and osteoinduction inside the donor canal.
Introduction: Discectomy and spinal fusion is the gold standard for spinal surgery to relieve pain. However, fusion can be hindered for yet unknown reasons that lead to non-fusions with pseudo-arthrose. It is hence appealing to develop biomaterials that can enhance bone formation. Clinical observations indicate that presence of residual intervertebral disc (IVD) tissue might hinder the ossification. We hypothesize that BMP-antagonists are constantly secreted by IVD cells and potentially prevent the ossification process. Furthermore, L51P, the engineered BMP2 variant, stimulates osteoinduction of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) by antagonizing BMP-inhibitors. Methods: Human MSCs, primary nucleus pulposus (NPC) and annulus pulposus cells (AFC) were isolated and expanded in monolayer cultures up to passage 3. IVD cells were seeded in 1.2% alginate beads (4Mio/mL) and separated by culture inserts from MSCs in a co-culture set-up. MSCs were kept in 1:control medium, 2:osteogenic medium+alginate control, 3:osteogenic medium+NPC (±L51P) and 4:osteogenic medium+AFC (±L51P) for 21 days. Relative gene expression of bone-related genes, Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) assay and histological staining were performed. Results: Osteogenesis of MSCs was hindered as shown by reduced alizarin red staining in the presence of NPC. No such inhibition was observed if co-cultured with alginate only or in the presence of AFC. The results were confirmed on the RNA and protein level. Addition of L51P to the co-cultures induced mineralization of MSCs, however a reduced ALP was observed. Conclusion: We demonstrated that NPC secrete BMP-antagonists that prevent osteogenesis of MSCs and L51P can antagonize BMP-antagonists and induce bone formation.
The round window placement of a floating mass transducer (FMT) is a new approach for coupling an implantable hearing system to the cochlea. We evaluated the vibration transfer to the cochlear fluids of an FMT placed at the round window (rwFMT) with special attention to the role of bone conduction. A posterior tympanotomy was performed on eleven ears of seven human whole head specimens. Several rwFMT setups were examined using laser Doppler vibrometry measurements at the stapes and the promontory. In three ears, the vibrations of a bone anchored hearing aid (BAHA) and an FMT fixed to the promontory (pFMT) were compared to explore the role of bone conduction. Vibration transmission to the measuring point at the stapes was best when the rwFMT was perpendicularly placed in the round window and underlayed with connective tissue. Fixation of the rwFMT to the round window exhibited significantly lower vibration transmission. Although measurable, bone conduction from the pFMT was much lower than that of the BAHA. Our results suggest that the rwFMT does not act as a small bone anchored hearing aid, but instead, acts as a direct vibratory stimulator of the round window membrane.
OBJECTIVE: Myofibroblasts are responsible for contraction and scarring after cleft palate repair. This leads to growth disturbances in the upper jaw. We hypothesized that cells from the bone marrow are recruited to palatal wounds and differentiate into myofibroblasts. METHODS: We transplanted bone marrow from green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic rats into lethally irradiated wild-type rats. After recovery, experimental wounds were made in the palatal mucoperiosteum, and harvested 2 weeks later. GFP-expressing cells were identified using immunostaining. Myofibroblasts, activated fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and myeloid cells were quantified with specific markers. RESULTS: After transplantation, 89 ± 8.9% of mononuclear cells in the blood expressed the GFP and about 50% of adherent cells in the bone marrow. Tissue obtained during initial wounding contained only minor numbers of GFP-positive cells, like adjacent control tissue. Following wound healing, 8.1 ± 5.1% of all cells in the wound area were positive, and 5.0 ± 4.0% of the myofibroblasts, which was significantly higher than in adjacent tissue. Similar percentages were found for activated fibroblasts and endothelial cells, but for myeloid cells it was considerably higher (22 ± 9%). CONCLUSIONS: Bone marrow-derived cells contribute to palatal wound healing, but are not the main source of myofibroblasts. In small wounds, the local precursor cells are probably sufficient to replenish the defect.
BACKGROUND: There are still limited data on the outcomes of regenerative periodontal surgery using a combination of an enamel matrix protein derivative (EMD) and autogenous bone (AB). AIM: To evaluate the healing of deep intrabony defects treated with either a combination EMD+AB or EMD alone. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients with advanced chronic periodontitis, with one deep intrabony defect, were randomly treated with either EMD+AB (test) or EMD (control). Clinical assessments were performed at baseline and at 1 year after treatment. The primary outcome variable was relative attachment level (RAL). RESULTS: Healing was uneventful in all patients. The test sites showed a reduction in the mean probing pocket depth (PPD) of 5.6 +/- 0.9 mm (p<0.001), a gain in the mean RAL of 4.2 +/- 1.1 mm (p<0.001) and a gain in the mean probing bone level (PBL) of 3.9 +/- 1.0 mm (p<0.001). The control group displayed a mean PPD reduction of 4.6 +/- 0.4 mm (p<0.001), a mean RAL gain of 3.4 +/- 0.8 mm (p<0.001) and a mean PBL gain of 2.8 +/- 0.8 mm (p<0.001). RAL gains of > or =4 mm were measured in 90% of the test defects and in 55% of the controls. PBL gains of > or =4 mm were obtained in 85% of the test defects and in 25% of the control ones. The test treatment resulted in statistically higher PPD reductions, RAL gains and PBL gains compared with the control (p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Within their limits, the present results indicate that: (i) at 1 year after surgery, both therapies resulted in statistically significant clinical improvements compared with baseline and (ii) although the combination of EMD+AB resulted in statistically significant higher soft and hard tissue improvements compared with treatment with EMD, the clinical relevance of this finding is unclear.
Osteoarticular allograft is one possible treatment in wide surgical resections with large defects. Performing best osteoarticular allograft selection is of great relevance for optimal exploitation of the bone databank, good surgery outcome and patient’s recovery. Current approaches are, however, very time consuming hindering these points in practice. We present a validation study of a software able to perform automatic bone measurements used to automatically assess the distal femur sizes across a databank. 170 distal femur surfaces were reconstructed from CT data and measured manually using a size measure protocol taking into account the transepicondyler distance (A), anterior-posterior distance in medial condyle (B) and anterior-posterior distance in lateral condyle (C). Intra- and inter-observer studies were conducted and regarded as ground truth measurements. Manual and automatic measures were compared. For the automatic measurements, the correlation coefficients between observer one and automatic method, were of 0.99 for A measure and 0.96 for B and C measures. The average time needed to perform the measurements was of 16 h for both manual measurements, and of 3 min for the automatic method. Results demonstrate the high reliability and, most importantly, high repeatability of the proposed approach, and considerable speed-up on the planning.
Clinically, the displacement of intravertebral fat into the circulation during vertebroplasty is reported to lead to problems in elderly patients and can represent a serious complication, especially when multiple levels have to be treated. An in vitro study has shown the feasibility of removing intravertebral fat by pulsed jet-lavage prior to vertebroplasty, potentially reducing the embolization of bone marrow fat from the vertebral bodies and alleviating the cardiovascular changes elicited by pulmonary fat embolism. In this in vivo study, percutaneous vertebroplasty using polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) was performed in three lumbar vertebrae of 11 sheep. In six sheep (lavage group), pulsed jet-lavage was performed prior to injection of PMMA compared to the control group of five sheep receiving only PMMA vertebroplasty. Invasive recording of blood pressures was performed continuously until 60 min after the last injection. Cardiac output and arterial blood gas parameters were measured at selected time points. Post mortem, the injected cement volume was measured using CT and lung biopsies were processed for assessment of intravascular fat. Pulsed jet-lavage was feasible in the in vivo setting. In the control group, the injection of PMMA resulted in pulmonary fat embolism and a sudden and significant increase in mean pulmonary arterial pressure. Pulsed jet-lavage prevented any cardiovascular changes and significantly reduced the severity of bone marrow fat embolization. Even though significantly more cement had been injected into the lavaged vertebral bodies, significantly fewer intravascular fat emboli were identified in the lung tissue. Pulsed jet-lavage prevented the cardiovascular complications after PMMA vertebroplasty in sheep and alleviated the severity of pulmonary fat embolism.
Objective: To compare the soft and hard tissue healing and remodeling around tissue-level implants with different neck configurations after at least 1 year of functional loading. Material and methods: Eighteen patients with multiple missing teeth in the posterior area received two implants inserted in the same sextant. One test (T) implant with a 1.8 mm turned neck and one control (C) implant with a 2.8 mm turned neck were randomly assigned. All implants were placed transmucosally to the same sink depth of approximately 1.8 mm. Peri-apical radiographs were obtained using the paralleling technique and digitized. Two investigators blinded to the implant type-evaluated soft and hard tissue conditions at baseline, 6 months and 1 year after loading. Results: The mean crestal bone levels and soft tissue parameters were not significantly different between T and C implants at all time points. However, T implants displayed significantly less crestal bone loss than C implants after 1 year. Moreover, a frequency analysis revealed a higher percentage (50%) of T implants with crestal bone levels 1–2 mm below the implant shoulder compared with C implants (5.6%) 1 year after loading. Conclusion: Implants with a reduced height turned neck of 1.8 mm may, indeed, lower the crestal bone resorption and hence, may maintain higher crestal bone levels than do implants with a 2.8 mm turned neck, when sunk to the same depth. Moreover, several factors other than the vertical positioning of the moderately rough SLA surface may influence crestal bone levels after 1 year of function.
The osteogenic potential of autogenous bone grafts is superior to that of allografts and xenografts because of their ability to release osteoinductive growth factors and provide a natural osteoconductive surface for cell attachment and growth. In this in vitro study, autogenous bone particles were harvested by four commonly used techniques and compared for their ability to promote an osteogenic response. Primary osteoblasts were isolated and seeded on autogenous bone grafts prepared from the mandibles of miniature pigs with a bone mill, piezo-surgery, bone scraper, and bone drill (bone slurry). The osteoblast cultures were compared for their ability to promote cell attachment, proliferation, and differentiation. After 4 and 8 hrs, significantly higher cell numbers were associated with bone mill and bone scraper samples compared with those acquired by bone slurry and piezo-surgery. Similar patterns were consistently observed up to 5 days. Furthermore, osteoblasts seeded on bone mill and scraper samples expressed significantly elevated mRNA levels of collagen, osteocalcin, and osterix at 3 and 14 days and produced more mineralized tissue as assessed by alizarin red staining. These results suggest that the larger bone graft particles produced by bone mill and bone scraper techniques have a higher osteogenic potential than bone slurry and piezo-surgery.
Wounded skin recruits progenitor cells, which repair the tissue defect. These cells are derived from stem cells in several niches in the skin. In addition, bone marrow-derived cells (BMDCs) are recruited and contribute to wound repair. We hypothesized that larger wounds recruit more cells from the bone marrow. Wild-type rats were lethally irradiated and transplanted with bone marrow cells from green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic rats. Seven weeks later, 4, 10, and 20 mm wounds were created. The wound tissue was harvested after 14 days. The density of GFP-positive cells in the wounds and the adjacent tissues was determined, as well as in normal skin from the flank. Bone marrow-derived myofibroblasts, activated fibroblasts, and macrophages were also quantified. After correction for cell density, the recruitment of BMDCs (23±11%) was found to be independent of wound size. Similar fractions of GFP-positive cells were also detected in nonwounded adjacent tissue (29±11%), and in normal skin (26±19%). The data indicate that BMDCs are not preferentially recruited to skin wounds. Furthermore, wound size does not seem to affect the recruitment of BMDCs.
A minimal marginal bone loss around implants during early healing has been considered acceptable. However, the preservation of the marginal bone is related to soft tissue stability and esthetics. Implant designs and surfaces were evaluated to determine their impact on the behavior of the crestal bone. The purpose of this study is to evaluate histologic marginal bone level changes around early loaded, chemically modified, sandblasted acid-etched-surfaced implants with a machined collar (MC) or no MC (NMC).