53 resultados para Svento, Reinhold
The use of fresh osteochondral allografts is a popular approach to treat articular cartilage lesions. Immunological reactions of the recipient elicited by the allograft's osseous portion, however, frequently result in their deterioration. So far, little emphasis has been put on describing morphology and biological activity in fresh allografts and paralleling these to the immunological processes triggered in the host. Therefore, in the present study murine neonatal femora, serving as osteochondral grafts, were transplanted as fresh isografts (controls) or allografts (the latter in non- or presensitized mice) and retrieved after 2, 5, 10, and 20 days. It was shown that (1) in isografts active bone cells (osteoblasts, osteoclasts) were present, the bone marrow was repopulated with hematopoietic cells, the diaphysis increased in length, and no specific immunological reaction by the recipient was evoked. (2) Allografts transplanted into nonsensitized hosts initially appeared similar as isografts, but activated T lymphocytes at the transplantation site preceded loss of active bone cells within the graft and development of fibrosis within the marrow cavity. (3) In allografts transplanted into presensitized recipients, severe deterioration of the graft was observed with very few active bone cells, accompanied by an invasion of T lymphocytes and fibrosis in the marrow cavity already in early stages. Similar to vital organ transplantation, the function of cells within osteochondral allografts is severely impaired after being recognized by the immune system. Therefore, emphasis has to be placed on the development of procedures preserving cartilage biology while reducing the antigenicity of the allograft's osseous portion.
OBJECTIVE: 5-Aminolevulinic acid based photodynamic therapy (5-ALA-PDT) has revealed promising results in the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases due to the sensitivity of inflamed synovial tissue. For 5-ALA-PDT to be safe and beneficial for intra-articular applications, resistance of chondrocytes is essential to prevent cartilage damage. As no data yet exist, the aim of the present study was to assess in vitro the response of the chondrocytes to 5-ALA-PDT and to compare with osteoblasts and synovial tissue derived cells. METHODS: Bovine articular chondrocytes, osteoblasts, and synovial cells were subjected to 5-ALA-PDT in cell culture. The PpIX accumulation and the function of the cells were assessed for up to 12 days. RESULTS: Bovine chondrocytes showed lower PpIX fluorescence upon incubation with 5-ALA (0.0-2.0 mM) for 4 hours as compared to osteoblasts and synovial cells suggesting a low PpIX accumulation. After incubation with 0.5 mM 5-ALA and application of light at a dose of 20 J/cm2, chondrocytes were functionally not affected (collagen type II and aggrecan mRNA, glycosaminoglycan synthesis) whereas a decrease in the proportion of viable cells was observed in osteoblasts and synovial cells (2+/-2% and 14+/-8%, respectively; chondrocytes 91+/-13%). Chondrocytes showed a 58% reduction of 5-ALA uptake using [3H]5-ALA as compared to osteoblasts and a lower mitochondrial content as assessed by the activity of the mitochondrial marker enzyme citrate synthase (9.2+/- 3.6 mU/mg protein) than osteoblasts (32.6+/-10.5 mU/mg) and synovial cells (60.0+/-10.8 mU/mg). The reduced uptake of 5-ALA and/or the low mitochondrial content, an adaptation to their in vivo environment and the site of PpIX synthesis, presumably explains the lower PpIX content in chondrocytes and their resistance against 5-ALA-PDT. CONCLUSION: 5-ALA-PDT might represent a treatment strategy in inflammatory joint diseases without endangering the cartilage function. However, further in vitro and in vivo experiments are required to confirm this data in the authentic environment of chondrocytes, the articular cartilage.
For cell-based cartilage repair strategies, an ex vivo expansion phase is required to obtain sufficient numbers of cells needed for therapy. Although recent reports demonstrated the central role of oxygen for the function and differentiation of chondrocytes, a beneficial effect of low oxygen concentrations during the expansion of the cells to further improve their chondrogenic capacity has not been investigated.Therefore, freshly harvested bovine articular chondrocytes were grown in two-dimensional monolayer cultures at 1.5% and 21% O2 and redifferentiation was subsequently induced in three-dimensional micromass cultures at 1.5%, 5%, and 21% O2. Cells expanded at 1.5% O2 were characterized by low citrate synthase (aerobic energy metabolism)--and high LDH (anaerobic energy metabolism-activities,suggesting an anaerobic energy metabolism. Collagen type II mRNA was twofold higher in cells expanded at 1.5% as compared to expansion at 21% O2. Micromass cultures grown at 21% O2 showed up to a twofold increase in the tissue content of glycosaminoglycans when formed with cells expanded at 1.5% instead of 21% O2. However, no differences in the levels of transcripts and in the staining for collagen type II protein were observed in these micromass cultures. Hypoxia (1.5% and 5% O2) applied during micromass cultures gave rise to tissues with low contents of glycosaminoglycans only. In vivo, the chondrocytes are adapted to a hypoxic environment. Taking this into account, by applying 1.5% O2 in the expansion phase in the course of cell-based cartilage repair strategies, may result in a repair tissue with higher quality by increasing the content of glycosaminoglycans.
Prosthetic and osteosynthetic implants from metal alloys will be indispensable in orthopedic surgery, as long as tissue engineering and biodegradable bone substitutes do not lead to products that will be applied in clinical routine for the repair of bone, cartilage, and joint defects. Therefore, the elucidation of the interactions between the periprosthetic tissues and the implant remains of clinical relevance and several factors are known to affect the longevity of implants. Within this study, the effects of metal particles and surface topography on the recruitment of osteoclasts was investigated in vitro in a coculture of osteoblasts and bone marrow cells. The cells were grown in the presence of particles of different sizes and chemical composition or on metal discs with polished or sandblasted surfaces, respectively. At the end of the culture, newly formed osteoclasts were counted. Osteoclastogenesis was reduced when particles were added directly to the coculture. The effect depended on the size of the particles, small particles exerting stronger effects than larger ones. The chemical composition of the particles, however, did not affect the development of osteoclasts. In cocultures grown on sandblasted surfaces, osteoclasts developed at higher rates than they did in cultures on polished surfaces. The data demonstrate that wear particles and implant surfaces affect osteoclastogenesis and thus may be involved in the induction of local bone resorption and the formation of osteolytic lesions, leading eventually to the loosening of orthopedic implants.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to develop an experimental model that allows to elude the potential role of the preexisting graft microvasculature for vascularization and mineralization of osteochondral grafts. ANIMALS AND METHODS: For that purpose, the II-IV metatarsals of fetal DDY-mice known to be nonvascularized at day 16 of gestation (M16) but vascularized at day 18 (M18) were freshly transplanted into dorsal skin fold chambers of adult DDY mice. Using intravital microscopy angiogenesis, leukocyte-endothelium interaction and mineralization were assessed for 12 days. RESULTS: Angiogenesis occurred at 32 hours in M18, but not before 57 hours in M16 (p = 0.002), with perfusion of these vessels at 42 hours (p = 0.005) and 65 hours (p = 0.1), respectively. Vessels reached a density three times as high as that of the recipient site at day 6, remaining constant until day 12 in M18, whereas in M16 vascular density increased from day 6 and reached that of M18 at day 12 (p = 0.04). Leukocyte-endothelium interaction showed sticker counts elevated by a factor of 4-5 in M18 as compared to M16. Mineralization of osteochondral grafts did not differ between M16 and M18, which significantly increased in both groups throughout the observation period. INTERPRETATION: We propose the faster kinetics in the angiogenic response to M18 and the elevated counts of sticking leukocytes to rest on the potential of establishing end-to-end anastomoses (inosculation) of the vascularized graft with recipient vessels.
BACKGROUND Although periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) provides conceptual advantages compared with other osteotomies and reportedly is associated with joint survivorship of 60% at 20 years, the beneficial effect of proper acetabular reorientation with concomitant arthrotomy and creation of femoral head-neck offset on 10-year hip survivorship remains unclear. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES We asked the following questions: (1) Does the 10-year survivorship of the hip after PAO improve with proper acetabular reorientation and a spherical femoral head; (2) does the Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score improve; (3) can the progression of osteoarthritis (OA) be slowed; and (4) what factors predict conversion to THA, progression of OA, or a Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score less than 15 points? METHODS We retrospectively reviewed 147 patients who underwent 165 PAOs for DDH with two matched groups: Group I (proper reorientation and spherical femoral head) and Group II (improper reorientation and aspherical femoral head). We compared the Kaplan-Meier survivorship, Merle d'Aubigné-Postel scores, and progression of OA in both groups. A Cox regression analysis (end points: THA, OA progression, or Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score less than 15) was performed to detect factors predicting failure. The minimum followup was 10 years (median, 11 years; range, 10-14 years). RESULTS An increased survivorship was found in Group I. The Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score did not differ. Progression of OA in Group I was slower than in Group II. Factors predicting failure included greater age, lower preoperative Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score, and the presence of a Trendelenburg sign, aspherical head, OA, subluxation, postoperative acetabular retroversion, excessive acetabular anteversion, and undercoverage. CONCLUSIONS Proper acetabular reorientation and the creation of a spherical femoral head improve long-term survivorship and decelerate OA progression in patients with DDH.
BACKGROUND Traditionally arthrotomy has rarely been performed during surgery for slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE). As a result, most pathophysiological information about the articular surfaces was derived clinically and radiographically. Novel insights regarding deformity-induced damage and epiphyseal perfusion became available with surgical hip dislocation. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES We (1) determined the influence of chronicity of prodromal symptoms and severity of SCFE deformity on severity of cartilage damage. (2) In surgically confirmed disconnected epiphyses, we determined the influence of injury and time to surgery on epiphyseal perfusion; and (3) the frequency of new bone at the posterior neck potentially reducing perfusion during epimetaphyseal reduction. METHODS We reviewed 116 patients with 119 SCFE and available records treated between 1996 and 2011. Acetabular cartilage damage was graded as +/++/+++ in 109 of the 119 hips. Epiphyseal perfusion was determined with laser-Doppler flowmetry at capsulotomy and after reduction. Information about bone at the posterior neck was retrieved from operative reports. RESULTS Ninety-seven of 109 hips (89%) had documented cartilage damage; severity was not associated with higher slip angle or chronicity; disconnected epiphyses had less damage. Temporary or definitive cessation of perfusion in disconnected epiphyses increased with time to surgery; posterior bone resection improved the perfusion. In one necrosis, the retinaculum was ruptured; two were in the group with the longest time interval. Posterior bone formation is frequent in disconnected epiphyses, even without prodromal periods. CONCLUSIONS Addressing the cause of cartilage damage (cam impingement) should become an integral part of SCFE surgery. Early surgery for disconnected epiphyses appears to reduce the risk of necrosis. Slip reduction without resection of posterior bone apposition may jeopardize epiphyseal perfusion. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Level IV, retrospective case series. See Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Impingement of the lesser trochanter on the ischium or the posterior acetabular rim is not a frequent pathology, but has recently received increased recognition. We have seen 14 cases over a period of 14 years, but concentrate on eight hips showing complex deformities revealing similar characteristics. All eight hips had a residual Perthes or a Perthes-like disease with an elliptically deformed femoral head, but a congurent joint a short or absent femoral neck, a high riding greater trochanter, and a reduced vertical distance between the head and the lesser trochanter. Impingement took place between the lesser trochanter and the ischium or the posteroinferior acetabular border, but was hardly recognisable due to the predominant intraarticular impingement of the nonspherical femoral head and the extraarticular impingement of the greater trochanter. In three cases the impingement showed reproducible subluxation of the hip. While in our hips, excision was the preferred treatment for impingement due to an oversized lesser trochanter, distal advancement was used in the hips with the Perthes morphology; the surgical time was not longer. The overall clinical results in this group however were dominated by a substantial increase in the range of motion (ROM), dependent mainly on the achieved contour of the femoral head and the relative lengthening of the neck. Strength of active hip flexion was normal. Recurrent subluxation disappeared and no complications were recorded.
BACKGROUND Traumatic posterior hip dislocation in adults is generally understood to be the result of a high-energy trauma. Aside from reduced femoral antetorsion, morphologic risk factors for dislocation are unknown. We previously noticed that some hips with traumatic posterior dislocations had evidence of morphologic features of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), therefore, we sought to evaluate that possibility more formally. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES We asked whether hips with a traumatic posterior hip dislocation present with (1) a cam-type deformity and/or (2) a retroverted acetabulum. METHODS We retrospectively compared the morphologic features of 53 consecutive hips (53 patients) after traumatic posterior hip dislocation with 85 normal hips (44 patients) based on AP pelvic and crosstable axial radiographs. We measured the axial and the lateral alpha angle for detection of a cam deformity and the crossover sign, ischial spine sign, posterior wall sign, retroversion index, and ratio of anterior to posterior acetabular coverage to describe the acetabular orientation. RESULTS Hips with traumatic posterior traumatic dislocation were more likely to have cam deformities than were normal hips, in that the hips with dislocation had increased axial and lateral alpha angles. Hips with posterior dislocation also were more likely to be retroverted; dislocated hips had a higher prevalence of a positive crossover sign, ischial spine sign, and posterior wall sign, and they had a higher retroversion index and increased ratio of anterior to posterior acetabular coverage. CONCLUSIONS Hips with posterior traumatic dislocation typically present with morphologic features of anterior FAI, including a cam-type deformity and retroverted acetabulum. An explanation for these findings could be that the early interaction between the aspherical femoral head and the prominent acetabular rim acts as a fulcrum, perhaps making these hips more susceptible to traumatic dislocation.
Acetabular retroversion following acetabular osteotomy in hips with dysplasia can negatively effect the outcome. Total retroversion, where the entire anterior rim is lateral to the posterior rim, is rare and can easily be missed on pelvic radiographs due to the lack of a crossover sign. We evaluated the clinical and radiographic presentation, the surgical management, and the outcome of hips with total acetabular retroversion. We retrospectively reviewed 26 patients (26 hips) with total retroversion following 15 periacetabular osteotomies (PAO), 10 triple type, and one Salter osteotomy. We obtained range of motion (ROM), anterior impingement test, Drehmann's sign, Merle d’Aubigné-Postel score, and Tönnis score for osteoarthrosis. Corrective surgery included 19 revision PAOs and seven total hip arthroplasties (THA). The mean follow-up was 4.7 ± 4.2 (range 0.5-13.8) years. Patients presented with a restricted ROM (flexion and internal rotation), a positive anterior impingement test, a positive Drehmann's sign, and a decreased Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score due to pain. Corrective surgery was performed after mean of 7 ± 5 (1-15) years. Complications for revision PAO and THA occurred in 37% and 29%, respectively. At follow-up, the Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score improved for both revision PAOs and THAs. The prevalence of a positive anterior impingement test and Drehmann's sign decreased for revision PAOs. There was a tendency for progression of OA in hips with revision PAO. Iatrogenic total acetabular retroversion following reorientation is a disabling condition for the patients. Corrective surgery including revision PAO and THA results in improved clinical outcome. However, these procedures are technically challenging and associated with high complication rates.
The analysis and treatment of hips with healed Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (LCPD) differs substantially from the treatment in the acute phase of the disease. More specifically, the treating orthopaedic surgeon is often faced with a complex three-dimensional pathomorphology of the hip that is difficult to understand and correct. To date, none of the current classification systems provide a useful decision-making algorithm with regards to the type of surgical intervention necessary to improve hip function in patients with sequelae of LCPD. The conceptual recognition of the femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and the ability to safely dislocate the hip have revolutionised our diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm for joint-preserving surgery of hips with structural residuals of LCPD. We present a systematic approach to analyse femoral and acetabular pathomorphologic features. The resulting pathomechanisms and the surgical treatment options are presented.
Two surveys of over 1,700 publications whose authors use quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) reveal a lack of transparent and comprehensive reporting of essential technical information. Reporting standards are significantly improved in publications that cite the Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE) guidelines, although such publications are still vastly outnumbered by those that do not.