300 resultados para Stift König-Lutter.
Core networks for visual-concrete and abstract thought content: a brain electric microstate analysis
Commonality of activation of spontaneously forming and stimulus-induced mental representations is an often made but rarely tested assumption in neuroscience. In a conjunction analysis of two earlier studies, brain electric activity during visual-concrete and abstract thoughts was studied. The conditions were: in study 1, spontaneous stimulus-independent thinking (post-hoc, visual imagery or abstract thought were identified); in study 2, reading of single nouns ranking high or low on a visual imagery scale. In both studies, subjects' tasks were similar: when prompted, they had to recall the last thought (study 1) or the last word (study 2). In both studies, subjects had no instruction to classify or to visually imagine their thoughts, and accordingly were not aware of the studies' aim. Brain electric data were analyzed into functional topographic brain images (using LORETA) of the last microstate before the prompt (study 1) and of the word-type discriminating event-related microstate after word onset (study 2). Conjunction analysis across the two studies yielded commonality of activation of core networks for abstract thought content in left anterior superior regions, and for visual-concrete thought content in right temporal-posterior inferior regions. The results suggest that two different core networks are automatedly activated when abstract or visual-concrete information, respectively, enters working memory, without a subject task or instruction about the two classes of information, and regardless of internal or external origin, and of input modality. These core machineries of working memory thus are invariant to source or modality of input when treating the two types of information.
Biodiversity is rapidly declining, and this may negatively affect ecosystem processes, including economically important ecosystem services. Previous studies have shown that biodiversity has positive effects on organisms and processes across trophic levels. However, only a few studies have so far incorporated an explicit food-web perspective. In an eight-year biodiversity experiment, we studied an unprecedented range of above- and below-ground organisms and multitrophic interactions. A multitrophic data set originating from a single long-term experiment allows mechanistic insights that would not be gained from meta-analysis of different experiments. Here we show that plant diversity effects dampen with increasing trophic level and degree of omnivory. This was true both for abundance and species richness of organisms. Furthermore, we present comprehensive above-ground/below-ground biodiversity food webs. Both above ground and below ground, herbivores responded more strongly to changes in plant diversity than did carnivores or omnivores. Density and richness of carnivorous taxa was independent of vegetation structure. Below-ground responses to plant diversity were consistently weaker than above-ground responses. Responses to increasing plant diversity were generally positive, but were negative for biological invasion, pathogen infestation and hyperparasitism. Our results suggest that plant diversity has strong bottom-up effects on multitrophic interaction networks, with particularly strong effects on lower trophic levels. Effects on higher trophic levels are indirectly mediated through bottom-up trophic cascades.
INTRODUCTION Age at onset of psychosis (AAO) may be younger in patients with cannabis use disorders (CUD) compared to those without CUD (NCUD). Previous studies included CUD co-morbid with other substance use disorders (SUD), and many did not control for confounders. METHODS Controlling for relevant confounders, differences in AAO between patients with and without CUD excluding those with any other SUD were analyzed in a large representative file audit of 625 first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients (age 14 to 29years) admitted to the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre in Melbourne, Australia. RESULTS Three quarters of the 625 FEP patients had a CUD. Cannabis use started before psychosis onset in 87.6% of patients. AAO was not significantly different between CUD (without other SUD, n=201) and NCUD (n=157). However, AAO was younger in those with early CUD (starting age 14 or younger) compared to NCUD (F(1)=5.2; p=0.024; partial η(2)=0.026). Earlier age at onset of cannabis use predicted earlier age at onset of psychosis (β=-0.49, R(2)-change=0.25, p<0.001). CONCLUSION Only CUD starting age 14 or younger was associated with an earlier AAO at a small effect size. These findings suggest that CUD may exert an indirect effect on brain maturation resulting in earlier AAO potentially only in cannabis sensitive subjects.
The clinical validity of at-risk criteria of psychosis had been questioned based on epidemiological studies that have reported much higher prevalence and annual incidence rates of psychotic-like experiences (PLEs as assessed by either self rating questionnaires or layperson interviews) in the general population than of the clinical phenotype of psychotic disorders (van Os et al., 2009). Thus, it is unclear whether “current at-risk criteria reflect behaviors so common among adolescents and young adults that a valid distinction between ill and non-ill persons is difficult” (Carpenter, 2009). We therefore assessed the 3-month prevalence of at-risk criteria by means of telephone interviews in a randomly drawn general population sample from the at-risk age segment (age 16–35 years) in the Canton Bern, Switzerland. Eighty-five of 102 subjects had valid phone numbers, 21 of these subjects refused (although 6 of them signaled willingness to participate at a later time), 4 could not be contacted. Sixty subjects (71% of the enrollment fraction) participated. Two participants met exclusion criteria (one for being psychotic, one for lack of language skills). Twenty-two at-risk symptoms were assessed for their prevalence and severity within the 3 months prior to the interview by trained clinical raters using (i) the Structured Interview for Prodromal Syndromes (SIPS; Miller et al., 2002) for the evaluation of 5 attenuated psychotic and 3 brief limited intermittent psychotic symptoms (APS, BLIPS) as well as state-trait criteria of the ultra-high-risk (UHR) criteria and (ii) the Schizophrenia Proneness Instrument, Adult version (SPI-A; Schultze-Lutter et al., 2007) for the evaluation of the 14 basic symptoms included in COPER and COGDIS (Schultze-Lutter et al., 2008). Further, psychiatric axis I diagnoses were assessed by means of the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview, M.I.N.I. (Sheehan et al., 1998), and psychosocial functioning by the Scale of Occupational and Functional Assessment (SOFAS; APA, 1994). All interviewees felt ‘rather’ or ‘very’ comfortable with the interview. Of the 58 included subjects, only 1 (2%) fulfilled APS criteria by reporting the attenuated, non-delusional idea of his mind being literally read by others at a frequency of 2–3 times a week that had newly occurred 6 weeks ago. BLIPS, COPER, COGDIS or state-trait UHR criteria were not reported. Yet, twelve subjects (21%) described sub-threshold at-risk symptoms: 7 (12%) reported APS relevant symptoms but did not meet time/frequency criteria of APS, and 9 (16%) reported COPER and/or COGDIS relevant basic symptoms but at an insufficient frequency or as a trait lacking increase in severity; 4 of these 12 subjects reported both sub-threshold APS and sub-threshold basic symptoms. Table 1 displays type and frequency of the sub-threshold at-risk symptoms.
The early detection and treatment of persons at risk for psychosis is currently regarded as a promising strategy in fighting the devastating consequences of psychotic disorders. The two current favored at-risk approaches, i.e., the «ultra high risk» and the «basic symptom» criteria, were developed mainly using adult samples. Initial evidence suggests, however, that they cannot simply be applied to children and adolescents. For «ultra-high risk» criteria, there is indication of some attenuated psychotic symptoms being potentially nonspecific in adolescents, and of brief limited intermittent symptoms being difficult to clinically classify in children when observable behavioral correlates are missing. For basic symptoms, too, only a preliminary indication of their usefulness in children and adolescents exists. Since developmental peculiarities in the assessment of basic symptoms should be considered, a child and youth version of the Schizophrenia Proneness Instrument (SPI-CY) was developed. In conclusion, research on the clinical-prognostic validity of the at-risk criteria and their potential adaption to the special needs of children and adolescents is needed. If a «Prodromal Risk Syndrome for Psychosis» or «Attenuated Psychotic Symptoms Syndrome» are included in the upcoming DSM-5, it should be highlighted that its suitability for children and adolescents is only insufficiently known.
It is barely 15 years since, in 1996, the issue theme of Schizophrenia Bulletin (Vol 22, 2) “Early Detection, and Intervention in Schizophrenia” signified the commencement of this field of research. Since that time the field of early detection research has developed rapidly and it may be translated into clinical practice by the introduction of an Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, (DSM-5) (www.dsm5.org/ProposedRevisions/Pages/proposedrevision.aspx?rid=412#). Attenuated psychotic symptoms (APS) had first been suggested as a clinical predictor of first-episode psychosis by the Personal Assessment and Crisis Evaluation (PACE) Clinic group as part of the ultrahigh risk (UHR) criteria.1 The term ultrahigh risk became broadly accepted for this set of criteria for imminent risk of developing psychosis in the late 1990s. The use of the term “prodrome” for a state characterized by at-risk (AR) criteria was criticized as a retrospective concept inevitably followed by the full-blown disorder.1 Although alternative terms have been suggested, prodrome is still used in prospective studies (eg, prodromally symptomatic, potentially or putatively prodromal, prodrome-like state/symptoms). Some alternative suggestions such as prepsychotic state/symptoms, subthreshold psychotic symptoms, early psychosis, subsyndromal psychosis, hypopsychosis, or subpsychosis were short-lived. Other terms still in use include UHR, at-risk mental state (ARMS), AR, high risk, clinical high risk (CHR), or early and late AR state. Further, the term psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) has recently (re-)entered early detection research. …
BACKGROUND: To develop risk-adapted prevention of psychosis, an accurate estimation of the individual risk of psychosis at a given time is needed. Inclusion of biological parameters into multilevel prediction models is thought to improve predictive accuracy of models on the basis of clinical variables. To this aim, mismatch negativity (MMN) was investigated in a sample clinically at high risk, comparing individuals with and without subsequent conversion to psychosis. METHODS: At baseline, an auditory oddball paradigm was used in 62 subjects meeting criteria of a late risk at-state who remained antipsychotic-naive throughout the study. Median follow-up period was 32 months (minimum of 24 months in nonconverters, n = 37). Repeated-measures analysis of covariance was employed to analyze the MMN recorded at frontocentral electrodes; additional comparisons with healthy controls (HC, n = 67) and first-episode schizophrenia patients (FES, n = 33) were performed. Predictive value was evaluated by a Cox regression model. RESULTS: Compared with nonconverters, duration MMN in converters (n = 25) showed significantly reduced amplitudes across the six frontocentral electrodes; the same applied in comparison with HC, but not FES, whereas the duration MMN in in nonconverters was comparable to HC and larger than in FES. A prognostic score was calculated based on a Cox regression model and stratified into two risk classes, which showed significantly different survival curves. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate the duration MMN is significantly reduced in at-risk subjects converting to first-episode psychosis compared with nonconverters and may contribute not only to the prediction of conversion but also to a more individualized risk estimation and thus risk-adapted prevention.
In modern medicine, vigorous efforts are being made in the prediction and prevention of diseases. Mental disorders are suitable candidates for the application of this program. The currently known neurobiological and psychosocial risk indicators for schizophrenia do not have a predictive power sufficient for selective prevention in asymptomatic patients at risk. However, once predictive basic and later pre-psychotic high risk symptoms of psychosis develop into the five-year initial prodrome, the impending outbreak of the disease can be predicted with high accuracy. Research findings suggest a differential strategy of indicated prevention with cognitive behavioral therapy in early initial prodromal states and low dosage atypical antipsychotics in late initial prodromal states. The most important future tasks are the improvement of the predictive power by risk enrichment and stratification, as well as the confirmation of the existing and the development of new prevention strategies, with a stronger focus on the etiology of the disorder. In addition, the prediction and prevention approach would benefit from the inclusion of risk symptoms in the DSM-5 criteria.
O Instrumento de Propensão a Esquizofrenia tem suas origens no conceito de sintoma básico descrito primeiramente por Gerd Huber. Sintomas básicos são distúrbios sub-clínicos sutis auto-experimentados da motivação, da tolerância ao estresse, do afeto, do pensamento, do discurso, da ação motora e da percepção, os quais são claramente distintos fenomenologicamente dos sintomas psicóticos. Eles podem estar presentes antes do primeiro episódio psicótico, entre e após episódios psicóticos, e mesmo durante os próprios episódios psicóticos. Pensava-se que eles eram a mais imediata expressão psicopatológica da alteração somática por trás do desenvolvimento da psicose – assim o termo “básico”. Sintomas básicos são fenomenologicamente diferentes dos estados mentais conhecidos pelo paciente/sujeito do que ele/ela considera seu eu “normal” e assim são claramente distinguíveis dos distúrbios sutis descritos como traços naqueles com alto risco genético. Além disso, sintomas básicos são claramente distintos fenomenologicamente dos sintomas psicóticos atenuados ou francos - empregados no critério de “risco-ultra-alto” (Ultra High Risk − UHR) para risco iminente de um primeiro episódio psicótico – já que não são necessariamente observáveis por outros, como pensamento e discurso estranhos, sintomas negativos e alteração formal do pensamento. Eles são considerados como sendo desenvolvidos no próprio sujeito, contrariamente aos distúrbios de percepção esquizotípicos e alucinações, e não afetam primariamente o conteúdo do pensamento como o fazem o pensamento mágico, as idéias de referência, a ideação paranóide e os delírios.