37 resultados para Specialties


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Advertisement for any dental treatment was rare in Switzerland. Then the use of digital media became popular, particularly in the field of implant- and esthetic-dentistry. In parallel to the dental schools of public universities, private universities and companies built up centers for continuing education that issue specialists diplomas and M.Sc. degrees. Prosthodontics itself is characterized by many sub-disciplines that incorporated their own associations. These also offer graduate training curricula which diminish the significance of specialization in prosthodontics. Specialized prosthodontists do not have a financial benefit in Switzerland where dentistry is not supported by any insurance. In other European countries funding of prosthodontic treatment depends on their healthcare systems. There are four specialties in Dentistry recognized by the European Union (EU). Specialization in prosthodontics was introduced in Sweden already in 1982 and today it is declared in about 20 European countries, while for others no recognized program exists. Thus there are great variations with more recognized specialists in former east European countries. In Switzerland the prosthodontic specialization curriculum was developed and guided by the Swiss Society for Reconstructive Dentistry, and only in 2001 it became fully acknowledged by the Federal Department of Health. The four Swiss Universities offer the 3-year program under the supervision of the society, while the government remains the executive body. In 2003 EPA tried to set up guidelines and quality standards for an EPA recognized specialization. In spite of these attempts and the Bologna Reform in Europe, it appears that the quality standards and the level of education still may differ significantly among European countries.


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DNA testing is available for a growing number of hereditary diseases in neurology and other specialties. In addition to guiding breeding decisions, DNA tests are important tools in the diagnosis of diseases, particularly in conditions for which clinical signs are relatively nonspecific. DNA testing also can provide valuable insight into the risk of hereditary disease when decisions about treating comorbidities are being made. Advances in technology and bioinformatics will make broad screening for potential disease-causing mutations available soon. As DNA tests come into more common use, it is critical that clinicians understand the proper application and interpretation of these test results.


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A total of 210 food samples originating from milk products, ready-to-eat salads, raw meat and raw meat products purchased in ten open-air market places in Thessaloniki, Greece, were analyzed for the presence of Listeria monocytogenes. Thirty (14.3%) contained L. monocytogenes with the highest prevalence in raw meat (27.5%), raw meat products (18%) and cheese (8%). The strains were susceptible to 16 antimicrobials as determined by microbroth dilution, except one strain which displayed resistance to tetracycline (MIC > 32 μg/ml). This strain carried the tetracycline resistance gene tet(M). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) revealed a low genetic diversity among the isolates, irrespective of their origin. This suggests that dominant L. monocytogenes clones are widespread in different food product types in open-air food markets in Greece. The high prevalence of L. monocytogenes in these products indicates that appropriate hygienic measures and periodic bacteriological controls are also necessary in open-air food markets to reduce contamination with food-borne pathogens. Greek specialties made with raw meat and raw milk may contain L. monocytogenes and should not be consumed by persons at risk.


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The discussion about setting up a program for lung cancer screening was launched with the publication of the results of the National Lung Screening Trial, which suggested reduced mortality in high-risk subjects undergoing CT screening. However, important questions about the benefit-harm balance and the details of a screening program and its cost-effectiveness remain unanswered. A panel of specialists in chest radiology, respiratory medicine, epidemiology, and thoracic surgery representing all Swiss university hospitals prepared this joint statement following several meetings. The panel argues that premature and uncontrolled introduction of a lung cancer screening program may cause substantial harm that may remain undetected without rigorous quality control. This position paper focuses on the requirements of running such a program with the objective of harmonizing efforts across the involved specialties and institutions and defining quality standards. The underlying statement includes information on current evidence for a reduction in mortality with lung cancer screening and the potential epidemiologic implications of such a program in Switzerland. Furthermore, requirements for lung cancer screening centers are defined, and recommendations for both the CT technique and the algorithm for lung nodule assessment are provided. In addition, related issues such as patient management, registry, and funding are addressed. Based on the current state of the knowledge, the panel concludes that lung cancer screening in Switzerland should be undertaken exclusively within a national observational study in order to provide answers to several critical questions before considering broad population-based screening for lung cancer.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE To address the increasing need to counsel patients about treatment indications for unruptured intracranial aneurysms (UIA), we endeavored to develop a consensus on assessment of UIAs among a group of specialists from diverse fields involved in research and treatment of UIAs. METHODS After composition of the research group, a Delphi consensus was initiated to identify and rate all features, which may be relevant to assess UIAs and their treatment by using ranking scales and analysis of inter-rater agreement (IRA) for each factor. IRA was categorized as very high, high, moderate, or low. RESULTS Ultimately, 39 specialists from 4 specialties agreed (high or very high IRAs) on the following key factors for or against UIA treatment decisions: (1) patient age, life expectancy, and comorbid diseases; (2) previous subarachnoid hemorrhage from a different aneurysm, family history for UIA or subarachnoid hemorrhage, nicotine use; (3) UIA size, location, and lobulation; (4) UIA growth or de novo formation on serial imaging; (5) clinical symptoms (cranial nerve deficit, mass effect, and thromboembolic events from UIAs); and (6) risk factors for UIA treatment (patient age and life expectancy, UIA size, and estimated risk of treatment). However, IRAs for features rated with low relevance were also generally low, which underlined the existing controversy about the natural history of UIAs. CONCLUSIONS Our results highlight that neurovascular specialists currently consider many features as important when evaluating UIAs but also highlight that the appreciation of natural history of UIAs remains uncertain, even within a group of highly informed individuals.


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Introduction: Laser tissue fusion has a large potential for minimal invasive tissue fusion in different surgical specialties. We have developed a combined endovascular minimal invasive surgical technique to fuse blood vessels for bypass surgery. However, the main difficulty was to achieve reproducible results as the main tensile strength is a result of protein denaturation. We therefore aimed to develop a quantitative, reproducible tissue fusion using polycapsulated silica core nanoparticles containing indocyanine green (Si@PCL/ICG). Methods: In a first step we developed mesoporous indocyanine green (ICG) containing nanoparticles and assessed their heating profile. Furthermore the stability to light exposure and ICG degradation was measured. In a second phase Si@PCL/ICG nanoparticles for embedding into a biodegradeable implant was developed and characterized using differential scanning calomeritry technique (DSC). Results: ICG containing mesoporous silica nanoparticles showed a sufficient increase in temperature up to 80°C suitable for laser tissue fusion. However, long-term stability of ICG mesoporous nanoparticles is lost after 7 days of light exposure. In contrast Si@PCL/ICG nanoparticles demonstrated a strong heating capacity as well as a good DSC profile for laser tissue fusion and long-term stability of 3 weeks. Furthermore Si@PCL/ICG nanoparticles can be directly dispersed in spin-coated polycaprolactone polymer. Conclusion: Si@PCL/ICG nanoparticles have good long-term stability and polymer embedding properties suitable for laser tissue fusion.


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Personen mit einer HIV-Infektion, nach einer Organ- oder einer hämatologischen Stammzelltransplantation oder mit einer funktionalen oder anatomischen Asplenie sind gegenüber Infektionen anfälliger. Sie haben eine grössere Komplikationsrate und ein höheres Risiko für einen chronifizierten Verlauf. Impfungen wären eine ideale primäre Präventionsmassnahme, sind aber – durch dieselben Mechanismen des Immundefektes der zu schwereren Krankheitsverläufen führt – in ihrer Wirksamkeit vermindert. Die Impfungen sollen daher, wenn immer möglich, vor Beginn der Immunsuppression oder später zum Zeitpunkt der minimalsten Immunsuppression, durchgeführt werden. Trotzdem bleibt der Benefit von Impfungen bei immunsupprimierten Personen unbestritten, sofern die Indikationsstellung bezüglich Zeitpunkt und Dosierung (Dosismenge und -anzahl), die zu einem maximalen Ansprechen führt, beachtet wird. Lebendimpfungen sind wegen der Gefahr der unkontrollierten Vermehrung der Impfviren bei schwerer Immunsuppression kontraindiziert. Die Serologie soll unspezifischer gemessen werden, da schwer immunsupprimierte Personen im Falle einer relevanten Exposition durch passive Immunisierung mittels spezifischer oder unspezifischer intravenöser Immunglobuline geschützt werden können.