42 resultados para Solon, ca. 630 B.C.-ca. 560 B.C.
Der Katalog inventarisiert alle erhaltenen und dokumentierten Quellen zwischen 1490 und 1630 aus dem iberischen und Lateinamerikanischen Raum, die mehrstimmige Ordinariumskompositionen, Requiemskompositionen oder Einzelsätze überliefern mit Quellenbeschreibung und Inhaltsangabe.
Drawing on the reception of Noh drama by Ezra Pound and William Butler Yeats, the article analyses both the literary and cultural ‘translations’ of this form of Japanese theatre in their works, focusing on Yeats’s play At the Hawk’s Well (1917). I conceptualize ‘cultural translation’ as the staging of relations that mark a residual cultural difference. Referred to as ‘foreignizing’ in translation theory, this method enables what Erika Fischer-Lichte has termed a ‘liminal experience’ for the audience –– an effect Yeats intended for the performance of his play. It evokes situations in which opposites collapse and new ways of acting or new combinations of symbols can be tried out. Yeats’s play will be used to sketch how an analysis of relations could serve as a general model for the study of cultural transfer as cultural translation in general. Keywords: cultural translation, translation theory, performance, William Butler Yeats, Itō Michio, Ezra Pound, At the Hawk’s Well
An 11-year-old Warmblood gelding was presented for inspiratory stridor and dysphagia. Based on history and clinical examination, a solitary mass localised in the oropharynx was suspected. Due to its inaccessibility and defensive behaviour of the horse, it was difficult to visualise this mass either by upper airway endoscopy or by oral examination and the conventional imaging methods (radiology and ultrasound) provided only limited information. Fine needle aspiration cytology was suggestive of lymphoma, but the exact localisation and the extent of tissue infiltration of the tumour could only be defined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI has proved to be a very useful diagnostic tool in equine lameness investigation and, as this case illustrates, it has considerable diagnostic potential for soft tissue examination of the equine head.
UNLABELLED CpG-oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG-ODNs) interact with dendritic cells (DCs), but evidence is less clear for CpG-ODN admixed with or incorporated into vaccine delivery vehicles. We loaded alginate-coated chitosan-nanogels (Ng) with class-A or class-B CpG-ODN, and compared with the same CpG-ODNs free or admixed with empty Ng. Experiments were performed on both porcine and human blood DC subpopulations. Encapsulation of class-A CpG-ODN (loading into Ng) strongly reduced the CpG-ODN uptake and intracellular trafficking in the cytosol; this was associated with a marked deficiency in IFN-α induction. In contrast, encapsulation of class-B CpG-ODN increased its uptake and did not influence consistently intracellular trafficking into the nucleus. The choice of CpG-ODN class as adjuvant is thus critical in terms of how it will behave with nanoparticulate vaccine delivery vehicles. The latter can have distinctive modulatory influences on the CpG-ODN, which would require definition for different CpG-ODN and delivery vehicles prior to vaccine formulation. FROM THE CLINICAL EDITOR This basic science study investigates the role of class-A and class-B CpG-oligodeoxynucleotides loaded into alginate-coated chitosan nanogels, demonstrating differential effects between the two classes as related to the use of these nanoformulations as vaccine delivery vehicles.
This study presents static measurements of the Ca isotopic composition of standard reference materials SRM 915 a/b on a Triton Plus™ thermal ionization mass spectrometer with a specially developed Faraday cup array allowing simultaneous measurement of 40Ca and 48Ca. The total amount of Ca in all analyses was kept < 1 µg. With this setup the measurement uncertainties were 0.06 ‰ for 40Ca/44Ca and 0.12 ‰ for 48Ca/40Ca. Measuring all isotopes simultaneously better allows to test the internal consistency of different Ca isotope abundances reported in the literature. The exponential law was observed to correct incompletely instrumental mass fractionation. An improved fractionation correction based on the exponential law is proposed. It changes the 40Ca/44Ca ratio of SRM 915a (corrected relative to 42Ca/44Ca = 0.31221; 48Ca/44Ca = 0.08871) from 47.1635 ± 0.0028 to 47.1649 ± 0.0047. The measurements of SRM 915b were performed with different analytical conditions (runs were prolonged till complete filament load depletion). Even if the 40Ca/44Ca ratio of SRM 915b, when corrected with the simple exponential law, appears different (47.1532 ± 0.0038) from that of SRM 915a, it becomes coincident (47.1613 ± 0.0028) when corrected with a second-order refinement. This supports the use of the improved exponential law to obtain internally consistent Ca isotope ratio for natural samples.
Der natürliche Verlauf einer HepatitisB-Virus(HBV)-Infektion ist komplex und wird einerseits durch das Alter zum Zeitpunkt der Infektion, anderseits durch Komorbiditäten bzw. Koinfektionen und zum Teil noch nicht identifizierte Faktoren bestimmt. Das HBV wird nie komplett eliminiert. Das Erreichen des inaktiven Trägerstatus ist aber ein realistisches Therapieziel. Zur Therapie stehen Nukleosid/NukleotidAnaloga sowie pegyliertes Interferonalpha zur Verfügung. Screening von bestimmten Patientengruppen und eine generelle Impfung sind wichtige prophylaktische Massnahmen. Die chronische Hepatitis-C-Virus(HCV) -Infektion führt in circa einem Drittel der Fälle zur Leberzirrhose. Eine Therapie ist generell ab Fibrosestadium Metavir 2 indiziert. Neue DAA (directly acting antivirals) erlauben kurzfristige, hochpotente und nebenwirkungsarme Therapieschemata.