37 resultados para SMOKE DETECTORS
We present a real-world problem that arises in security threat detection applications. The problem consists of deploying mobile detectors on moving units that follow predefined routes. Examples of such units are buses, coaches, and trolleys. Due to a limited budget not all available units can be equipped with a detector. The goal is to equip a subset of units such that the utility of the resulting coverage is maximized. Existing methods for detector deployment are designed to place detectors in fixed locations and are therefore not applicable to the problem considered here. We formulate the planning problem as a binary linear program and present a coverage heuristic for generating effective deployments in short CPU time. The heuristic has theoretical performance guarantees for important special cases of the problem. The effectiveness of the coverage heuristic is demonstrated in a computational analysis based on 28 instances that we derived from real-world data.
This Habilitationsschrift (Habilitation thesis) is focused on my research activities on medical applications of particle physics and was written in 2013 to obtain the Venia Docendi (Habilitation) in experimental physics at the University of Bern. It is based on selected publications, which represented at that time my major scientific contributions as an experimental physicist to the field of particle accelerators and detectors applied to medical diagnostics and therapy. The thesis is structured in two parts. In Part I, Chapter 1 presents an introduction to accelerators and detectors applied to medicine, with particular focus on cancer hadrontherapy and on the production of radioactive isotopes. In Chapter 2, my publications on medical particle accelerators are introduced and put into their perspective. In particular, high frequency linear accelerators for hadrontherapy are discussed together with the new Bern cyclotron laboratory. Chapter 3 is dedicated to particle detectors with particular emphasis on three instruments I contributed to propose and develop: segmented ionization chambers for hadrontherapy, a proton radiography apparatus with nuclear emulsion films, and a beam monitor detector for ion beams based on doped silica fibres. Selected research and review papers are contained in Part II. For copyright reasons, they are only listed and not reprinted in this on-line version. They are available on the websites of the journals.
We study the sensitivity of multi ton-scale time projection chambers using a liquid xenon target, e.g., the proposed DARWIN instrument, to spin-independent and spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon scattering interactions. Taking into account realistic backgrounds from the detector itself as well as from neutrinos, we examine the impact of exposure, energy threshold, background rejection efficiency and energy resolution on the dark matter sensitivity. With an exposure of 200 t x y and assuming detector parameters which have been already demonstrated experimentally, spin-independent cross sections as low as 2.5×10−49 cm2 can be probed for WIMP masses around 40 GeV/c2. Additional improvements in terms of background rejection and exposure will further increase the sensitivity, while the ultimate WIMP science reach will be limited by neutrinos scattering coherently off the xenon nuclei.
Proton therapy is a high precision technique in cancer radiation therapy which allows irradiating the tumor with minimal damage to the surrounding healthy tissues. Pencil beam scanning is the most advanced dose distribution technique and it is based on a variable energy beam of a few millimeters FWHM which is moved to cover the target volume. Due to spurious effects of the accelerator, of dose distribution system and to the unavoidable scattering inside the patient's body, the pencil beam is surrounded by a halo that produces a peripheral dose. To assess this issue, nuclear emulsion films interleaved with tissue equivalent material were used for the first time to characterize the beam in the halo region and to experimentally evaluate the corresponding dose. The high-precision tracking performance of the emulsion films allowed studying the angular distribution of the protons in the halo. Measurements with this technique were performed on the clinical beam of the Gantry1 at the Paul Scherrer Institute. Proton tracks were identified in the emulsion films and the track density was studied at several depths. The corresponding dose was assessed by Monte Carlo simulations and the dose profile was obtained as a function of the distance from the center of the beam spot.
The AEgIS experiment at CERN aims to perform the first direct measurement of gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter by measuring the deviation of a cold antihydrogen beam in the Earth gravitational field. The design of the experiment has been recently updated to include emulsion films as position sensitive detector. The submicrometric position accuracy of emulsions leads indeed to a significant improvement of the experimental sensitivity. We present results of preliminary tests and discuss perspectives for the final measurement.