40 resultados para SAND FLY SALIVA


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The protozoan pathogen Trypanosoma brucei is transmitted between mammals by tsetse flies. The first compartment colonised by trypanosomes after a blood meal is the fly midgut lumen. Trypanosomes present in the lumen-designated as early procyclic forms-express the stage-specific surface glycoproteins EP and GPEET procyclin. When the trypanosomes establish a mature infection and colonise the ectoperitrophic space, GPEET is down-regulated, and EP becomes the major surface protein of late procyclic forms. A few years ago, it was discovered that procyclic form trypanosomes exhibit social motility (SoMo) when inoculated on a semi-solid surface. We demonstrate that SoMo is a feature of early procyclic forms, and that late procyclic forms are invariably SoMo-negative. In addition, we show that, apart from GPEET, other markers are differentially expressed in these two life-cycle stages, both in culture and in tsetse flies, indicating that they have different biological properties and should be considered distinct stages of the life cycle. Differentially expressed genes include two closely related adenylate cyclases, both hexokinases and calflagins. These findings link the phenomenon of SoMo in vitro to the parasite forms found during the first 4-7 days of a midgut infection. We postulate that ordered group movement on plates reflects the migration of parasites from the midgut lumen into the ectoperitrophic space within the tsetse fly. Moreover, the process can be uncoupled from colonisation of the salivary glands. Although they are the major surface proteins of procyclic forms, EP and GPEET are not essential for SoMo, nor, as shown previously, are they required for near normal colonisation of the fly midgut.


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Abstract AIM: To investigate the inflammatory response of dental pulp fibroblasts and the respective explants to whole saliva. METHODOLOGY: Explants from human and porcine dental pulp tissue and isolated dental pulp fibroblasts were used to investigate the inflammatory response to sterile saliva. Cytokine and chemokine expression was assessed by RT-PCR. Western blot analysis and pharmacologic inhibitors were used to determine the involvement of signalling pathways. RESULTS: Dental pulp explants of human and porcine origin exposed to human saliva exhibited no major changes of IL-6 and IL-8 mRNA expression (P > 0.05). In contrast, isolated porcine and human dental pulp fibroblasts, when stimulated with human saliva, exhibited a vastly increased expression of IL-6 and IL-8 mRNA (P < 0.05). In pulp fibroblasts, saliva also increased the expression of other cytokines and chemokines via activation of NFkappaB, ERK and p38 signalling. Notably, a significantly reduced inflammatory response was elicited when pulp fibroblasts were transiently exposed to saliva. CONCLUSIONS: Saliva has a potential impact on inflammation of dental pulp fibroblasts in vitro but not when cells are embedded in the intrinsic extracellular matrix of the explant tissue.


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PURPOSE Whole saliva comprises components of the salivary pellicle that spontaneously forms on surfaces of implants and teeth. However, there are no studies that functionally link the salivary pellicle with a possible change in gene expression. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study examined the genetic response of oral fibroblasts exposed to the salivary pellicle and whole saliva. Oral fibroblasts were seeded onto a salivary pellicle and the respective untreated surface. Oral fibroblasts were also exposed to freshly harvested sterile-filtered whole saliva. A genome-wide microarray of oral fibroblasts was performed, followed by gene ontology screening with DAVID functional annotation clustering, KEGG pathway analysis, and the STRING functional protein association network. RESULTS Exposure of oral fibroblasts to saliva caused 61 genes to be differentially expressed (P < .05). Gene ontology screening assigned the respective genes into 262 biologic processes, 3 cellular components, 13 molecular functions, and 7 pathways. Most remarkable was the enrichment in the inflammatory response. None of the genes regulated by whole saliva was significantly changed when cells were placed onto a salivary pellicle. CONCLUSION The salivary pellicle per se does not provoke a significant inflammatory response of oral fibroblasts in vitro, whereas sterile-filtered whole saliva does produce a strong inflammatory response.


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OBJECTIVES Saliva has been implicated to support oral wound healing, a process that requires a transient inflammatory reaction. However, definitive proof that saliva can provoke an inflammatory response remained elusive. MATERIALS AND METHODS We investigated the ability of freshly harvested and sterile-filtered saliva to cause an inflammatory response of oral fibroblasts and epithelial cells. The expression of cytokines and chemokines was assessed by microarray, RT-PCR, immunoassays, and Luminex technology. The involvement of signaling pathways was determined by Western blot analysis and pharmacologic inhibitors. RESULTS We report that sterile-filtered whole saliva was a potent inducer of IL-6 and IL-8 in fibroblasts from the gingiva, the palate, and the periodontal ligament, but not of oral epithelial cells. This strong inflammatory response requires nuclear factor-kappa B and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling. The pro-inflammatory capacity is heat stable and has a molecular weight of <40 kDa. Genome-wide microarrays and Luminex technology further revealed that saliva substantially increased expression of other inflammatory genes and various chemokines. To preclude that the observed pro-inflammatory activity is the result of oral bacteria, sterile-filtered parotid saliva, collected under almost aseptic conditions, was used and also increased IL-6 and IL-8 expression in gingiva fibroblasts. The inflammatory response was, furthermore, independent of MYD88, an adapter protein of the Toll-like receptor signaling pathway. CONCLUSIONS We conclude that saliva can provoke a robust inflammatory response in oral fibroblasts involving the classical nuclear factor-kappa B and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Since fibroblasts but not epithelial cells show a strong inflammatory response, saliva may support the innate immunity of defect sites exposing the oral connective tissue.


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The interaction of comets with the solar wind has been the focus of many studies including numerical modeling. We compare the results of our multifluid MHD simulation of comet 1P/Halley to data obtained during the flyby of the European Space Agency's Giotto spacecraft in 1986. The model solves the full set of MHD equations for the individual fluids representing the solar wind protons, the cometary light and heavy ions, and the electrons. The mass loading, charge-exchange, dissociative ion-electron recombination, and collisional interactions between the fluids are taken into account. The computational domain spans over several million kilometers, and the close vicinity of the comet is resolved to the details of the magnetic cavity. The model is validated by comparison to the corresponding Giotto observations obtained by the Ion Mass Spectrometer, the Neutral Mass Spectrometer, the Giotto magnetometer experiment, and the Johnstone Plasma Analyzer instrument. The model shows the formation of the bow shock, the ion pile-up, and the diamagnetic cavity and is able to reproduce the observed temperature differences between the pick-up ion populations and the solar wind protons. We give an overview of the global interaction of the comet with the solar wind and then show the effects of the Lorentz force interaction between the different plasma populations.


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Si les hommes bénéficient d’emblée de mythes (Pygmalion, Orphée) qui légitiment et motivent leur créativité, il faut attendre Corinne (1807) de Mme Staël et Consuelo (1842) de George Sand pour que le mythe de la femme créatrice trouve enfin, dans la littérature européenne, à se concrétiser et à se développer sous la forme de Künstlerromane féminins. Corinne la poétesse et Consuelo la cantatrice sont devenues des exemples littéraires non seulement pour les femmes victoriennes, comme le montre par exemple le livre de Linda Lewis intitulé Germaine de Staël, George Sand and the Victorian Woman Artist, mais également pour les femmes polonaises issues des classes favorisées - qui lisaient d’ailleurs couramment en français. En effet, même si elles ont été officiellement décriées par la critique conservatrice polonaise pour leur « immoralité », George Sand et Mme de Staël ont été lues, bien lues et même beaucoup lues par leurs contemporaines polonaises - comme le témoigne la correspondance de ces dernières, dans laquelle elles ont moins de peine à se livrer. Le thème de la femme artiste déchirée entre la carrière publique et la vie privée, tel qu’il est représenté dans Corinne et dans Consuelo, a en particulier attiré toute leur attention et suscité chez les femmes écrivains le désir d’apporter de nouvelles manières de résoudre ce conflit. Dans cet article, le Künstlerinroman polonais Książka Pamiątek (Livre des souvenirs, 1846) de Narcyza Żmichowska fait l’objet d’une analyse comparative détaillée avec les deux Künstlerinromane français dont par ailleurs il se réclame.