50 resultados para Rodents.
CD45, also called leucocyte common antigen is a transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase on the surface of nearly all white blood cells and has a functional role in signal transduction. In the brain, the expression of CD45 can be used to distinguish microglial cells with a characteristic phenotype of CD11b/c+ and CD45(low) from other central nervous system (CNS) macrophages which show an expression of CD11b/c+ and CD45(high). In the course of pathological changes in the CNS, microglia in rodents is known to readily upregulate expression of various surface molecules, such as CD45. Understanding the mechanisms that regulate expression of surface molecules is essential to study the pathogenesis of CNS diseases. In the present study, the expression of CD45 on microglia of 42 dogs was examined ex vivo by means of flow cytometry. The dogs were classified in two groups according to the histopathological diagnosis in the CNS. All dogs without changes in the CNS (group I; n = 22) only showed low percentages of CD45+ microglial cells. In group II consisting of 20 dogs with different intracranial diseases varying results were obtained. Thirteen dogs showed a low percentage of CD45+ microglial cells whereas seven dogs exhibited high percentages of microglial cells expressing CD45. Evaluation of expression intensity in these seven dogs revealed two subpopulations of CD45+ microglial cells: a large subpopulation with CD45(low) and a small subpopulation with CD45(high). The expression intensity of CD45(high) was comparable with that of canine monocytes. It was attempted to correlate these findings to age of the animals, underlying disease, duration of clinical signs, medical treatment, occurrence of seizure activity and the expression of other surface molecules. It appeared that dogs with high percentages of CD45+ suffered from long-lasting CNS disease with seizures. In future studies, the reason and consequences for upregulated CD45 in long-lasting CNS diseases has to be further evaluated.
Experimental partial hepatectomy of more than 80% of the liver weight bears an increased mortality in rodents, due to impaired hepatic regeneration in small-for-size liver remnants. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) promotes progenitor cell expansion and mobilization and also has immunomodulatory properties. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of systemically administered G-CSF on liver regeneration and animal survival in a small-for-size liver remnant mouse model. Mice were preconditioned daily for 5 days with subcutaneous injections of 5 microg G-CSF or aqua ad injectabile. Subsequently, 83% partial hepatectomy was performed by resecting the median, the left, the caudate, and the right inferior hepatic lobes in all animals. Daily sham or G-CSF injection was continued. Survival was significantly better in G-CSF-treated animals (P < 0.0001). At 36 and 48 h after microsurgical hepatic resection, markers of hepatic proliferation (Ki67, BrdU) were elevated in G-CSF-treated mice compared to sham injected control animals (P < 0.0001) and dry liver weight was increased (P < 0.05). G-CSF conditioning might prove to be useful in patients with small-for-size liver remnants after extended hepatic resections due to primary or secondary liver tumors or in the setting of split liver transplantation.
Francisella tularensis, a small Gram-negative facultative intracellular bacterium, is the causative agent of tularaemia, a severe zoonotic disease transmitted to humans mostly by vectors such as ticks, flies and mosquitoes. The disease is endemic in many parts of the northern hemisphere. Among animals, the most affected species belong to rodents and lagomorphs, in particular hares. However, in the recent years, many cases of tularaemia among small monkeys in zoos were reported. We have developed a real-time PCR that allows to quantify F. tularensis in tissue samples. Using this method, we identified the spleen and the kidney as the most heavily infected organ containing up to 400 F. tularensis bacteria per simian host cell in two common squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) from a zoo that died of tularaemia. In other organs such as the brain, F. tularensis was detected at much lower titres. The strain that caused the infection was identified as F. tularensis subsp. holarctica biovar I, which is susceptible to erythromycin. The high number of F. tularensis present in soft organs such as spleen, liver and kidney represents a high risk for persons handling such carcasses and explains the transmission of the disease to a pathologist during post-mortem analysis. Herein, we show that real-time PCR allows a reliable and rapid diagnosis of F. tularensis directly from tissue samples of infected animals, which is crucial in order to attempt accurate prophylactic measures, especially in cases where humans or other animals have been exposed to this highly contagious pathogen.
Microbeam radiation therapy (MRT), a form of experimental radiosurgery of tumours using multiple parallel, planar, micrometres-wide, synchrotron-generated X-ray beams ('microbeams'), can safely deliver radiation doses to contiguous normal animal tissues that are much higher than the maximum doses tolerated by the same normal tissues of animals or patients from any standard millimetres-wide radiosurgical beam. An array of parallel microbeams, even in doses that cause little damage to radiosensitive developing tissues, for example, the chick chorioallantoic membrane, can inhibit growth or ablate some transplanted malignant tumours in rodents. The cerebella of 100 normal 20 to 38g suckling Sprague-Dawley rat pups and of 13 normal 5 to 12kg weanling Yorkshire piglets were irradiated with an array of parallel, synchrotron-wiggler-generated X-ray microbeams in doses overlapping the MRT-relevant range (about 50-600Gy) using the ID17 wiggler beamline tangential to the 6GeV electron synchrotron ring at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France. Subsequent favourable development of most animals over at least 1 year suggests that MRT might be used to treat children's brain tumours with less risk to the development of the central nervous system than is presently the case when using wider beams.
Ca(v)2.1 Ca(2+) channels (P/Q-type), which participate in various key roles in the CNS by mediating calcium influx, are extensively spliced. One of its alternatively-spliced exons is 37, which forms part of the EF hand. The expression of exon 37a (EFa form), but not exon 37b (EFb form), confers the channel an activity-dependent enhancement of channel opening known as Ca(2+)-dependent facilitation (CDF). In this study, we analyzed the trend of EF hand splice variant distributions in mouse, rat and human brain tissues. We observed a developmental switch in rodents, as well as an age and gender bias in human brain tissues, suggestive of a possible role of these EF hand splice variants in neurophysiological specialization. A parallel study performed on rodent brains showed that the data drawn from human and rodent tissues may not necessarily correlate in the process of aging.
This study aimed at isolating Trypanosoma brucei gambiense from human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) patients from south Sudan. Fifty HAT patients identified during active screening surveys were recruited, most of whom (49/50) were in second-stage disease. Blood and cerebrospinal fluid samples collected from the patients were cryopreserved using Triladyl as the cryomedium. The samples were stored at -150 degrees C in liquid nitrogen vapour in a dry shipper. Eighteen patient stabilates could be propagated in immunosuppressed Mastomys natalensis and/or SCID mice. Parasitaemia was highest in SCID mice. Further subpassages in M. natalensis increased the virulence of the trypanosomes and all 18 isolates recovered from M. natalensis or SCID mice became infective to other immunosuppressed mouse breeds. A comparison of immunosuppressed M. natalensis and Swiss White, C57/BL and BALB/c mice demonstrated that all rodent breeds were susceptible after the second subpassage and developed a parasitaemia >10(6)/ml by Day 5 post infection. The highest parasitaemias were achieved in C57/BL and BALB/c mice. These results indicate that propagation of T. b. gambiense isolates after initial isolation in immunosuppressed M. natalensis or SCID mice can be done in a range of immunosuppressed rodents.
The bacterium Listeria monocytogenes causes meningoencephalitis in humans. In rodents, listeriosis is associated with granulomatous lesions in the liver and the spleen, but not with meningoencephalitis. Here, infant rats were infected intracisternally to generate experimental listeric meningoencephalitis. Dose-dependent effects of intracisternal inoculation with L. monocytogenes on survival and activity were noted; 10(4) L. monocytogenes organisms induced a self-limiting brain infection. Bacteria invaded the basal meninges, chorioid plexus and ependyme, spread to subependymal tissue and hippocampus, and disappeared by day 7. This was paralleled by recruitment and subsequent disappearance of macrophages expressing inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and nitrotyrosine accumulation, an indication of nitric oxide (NO.) production. Treatment with the spin-trapping agent alpha-phenyl-tert-butyl nitrone (PBN) dramatically increased mortality and led to bacterial numbers in the brain 2 orders of magnitude higher than in control animals. Treatment with the selective iNOS inhibitor L-N(6)-(1-iminoethyl)-lysine (L-NIL) increased mortality to a similar extent and led to 1 order of magnitude higher bacterial counts in the brain, compared with controls. The numbers of bacteria that spread to the spleen and liver did not significantly differ among L-NIL-treated, PBN-treated, and control animals. Thus, the infant rat brain is able to mobilize powerful antilisterial mechanisms, and both reactive oxygen and NO. contribute to Listeria growth control.
The network regulating human adrenal development is complex. Studies of patients with adrenal insufficiency due to gene mutations established a central role for transcription factors GLI3, SF1 and DAX1 in the initial steps of adrenal formation. Adrenal differentiation seems to depend on adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation and signalling, including biosynthesis and action of POMC, PC1, TPIT, MC2R, MRAP and ALADIN, all of which cause adrenocortical hypoplasia when mutated in humans. Studies of knockout mice revealed many more factors involved in adrenal development; however, in contrast to rodents, in humans several of those factors had no adrenal phenotype when mutated (e.g. WT1, WNT4) or, alternatively, human mutations have not (yet) been identified. Tissue profiling of fetal and adult adrenals suggested 69 genes involved in adrenal development. Among them were genes coding for steroidogenic enzymes, transcription and growth factors, signalling molecules, regulators of cell cycle and angiogenesis, and extracellular matrix proteins; however, the exact role of most of them remains to be elucidated.
ntense liver regeneration and almost 100% survival follows partial hepatectomy of up to 70% of liver mass in rodents. More extensive resections of 70 to 80% have an increased mortality and partial hepatectomies of >80% constantly lead to acute hepatic failure and death in mice. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of systemically administered granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) on animal survival and liver regeneration in a small for size liver remnant mouse model after 83% partial hepatectomy (liver weight <0.8% of mouse body weight). Methods: Male Balb C mice (n=80, 20-24g) were preconditioned daily for five days with 5μg G-CSF subcutaneously or sham injected (aqua ad inj). Subsequently 83% hepatic resection was performed and daily sham or G-CSF injection continued. Survival was determined in both groups (G-CSF n=35; Sham: n=33). In a second series BrdU was injected (50mg/kg Body weight) two hours prior to tissue harvest and animals euthanized 36 and 48 hours after 83% liver resection (n=3 each group). To measure hepatic regeneration the BrdU labeling index and Ki67 expression were determined by immunohistochemistry by two independent observers. Harvested liver tissue was dried to constant weight at 65 deg C for 48 hours. Results: Survival was 0% in the sham group on day 3 postoperatively and significantly better (26.2% on day 7 and thereafter) in the G-CSF group (Log rank test: p<0.0001). Dry liver weight was increased in the G-CSF group (T-test: p<0.05) 36 hours after 83% partial hepatectomy. Ki67 expression was elevated in the G-CSF group at 36 hours (2.8±2.6% (Standard deviation) vs 0.03±0.2%; Rank sum test: p<0.0001) and at 48 hours (45.1±34.6% vs 0.7±1.0%; Rank sum test: p<0.0001) after 83% liver resection. BrdU labeling at 48 hours was 0.1±0.3% in the sham and 35.2±34.2% in the G-CSF group (Rank sum test: p<0.0001) Conclusions: The surgical 83% resection mouse model is suitable to test hepatic supportive regimens in the setting of small for size liver remnants. Administration of G-CSF supports hepatic regeneration after microsurgical 83% partial hepatectomy and leads to improved long-term survival in the mouse. G-CSF might prove to be a clinically valuable supportive substance in small for size liver remnants in humans after major hepatic resections due to primary or secondary liver tumors or in the setting of living related liver donation.
Early network oscillations and spindle bursts are typical patterns of spontaneous rhythmic activity in cortical networks of neonatal rodents in vivo and in vitro. The latter can also be triggered in vivo by stimulation of afferent inputs. The mechanisms underlying such oscillations undergo profound developmental changes in the first postnatal weeks. Their possible role in cortical development is postulated but not known in detail. We have studied spontaneous and evoked patterns of activity in organotypic cultures of slices from neonatal rat cortex grown on multielectrode arrays (MEAs) for extracellular single- and multi-unit recording. Episodes of spontaneous spike discharge oscillations at 7 - 25 Hz lasting for 0.6 - 3 seconds appeared in about half of these cultures spontaneously and could be triggered by electrical stimulation of few distinct electrodes. These oscillations usually covered only restricted areas of the slices. Besides oscillations, single population bursts that spread in a wavelike manner over the whole slice also appeared spontaneously and were triggered by electrical stimulation. In most but not all cultures, population bursts preceded the oscillations. Both population bursts and spike discharge oscillations required intact glutamatergic synaptic transmission since they were suppressed by the AMPA/kainate glutamate receptor antagonist CNQX. The NMDA antagonist d-APV suppressed the oscillations but not the population bursts, suggesting an involvement of NMDA receptors in the oscillations. These findings show that spindle burst like cortical rhythms are reproduced in organotypic cultures of neonatal cortex. The culture model thus allows investigating the role of such rhythms in cortical circuit formation. Supported by SNF grant No. 3100A0-107641/1.
AIMS: A high-fructose diet (HFrD) may play a role in the obesity and metabolic disorders epidemic. In rodents, HFrD leads to insulin resistance and ectopic lipid deposition. In healthy humans, a four-week HFrD alters lipid homoeostasis, but does not affect insulin sensitivity or intramyocellular lipids (IMCL). The aim of this study was to investigate whether fructose may induce early molecular changes in skeletal muscle prior to the development of whole-body insulin resistance. METHODS: Muscle biopsies were taken from five healthy men who had participated in a previous four-week HFrD study, during which insulin sensitivity (hyperinsulinaemic euglycaemic clamp), and intrahepatocellular lipids and IMCL were assessed before and after HFrD. The mRNA concentrations of 16 genes involved in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism were quantified before and after HFrD by real-time quantitative PCR. RESULTS: HFrD significantly (P<0.05) increased stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 (SCD-1) (+50%). Glucose transporter-4 (GLUT-4) decreased by 27% and acetyl-CoA carboxylase-2 decreased by 48%. A trend toward decreased peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1alpha (PGC-1alpha) was observed (-26%, P=0.06). All other genes showed no significant changes. CONCLUSION: HFrD led to alterations of SCD-1, GLUT-4 and PGC-1alpha, which may be early markers of insulin resistance.
Fenofibrate, widely used for the treatment of dyslipidemia, activates the nuclear receptor, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha. However, liver toxicity, including liver cancer, occurs in rodents treated with fibrate drugs. Marked species differences occur in response to fibrate drugs, especially between rodents and humans, the latter of which are resistant to fibrate-induced cancer. Fenofibrate metabolism, which also shows species differences, has not been fully determined in humans and surrogate primates. In the present study, the metabolism of fenofibrate was investigated in cynomolgus monkeys by ultraperformance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-QTOFMS)-based metabolomics. Urine samples were collected before and after oral doses of fenofibrate. The samples were analyzed in both positive-ion and negative-ion modes by UPLC-QTOFMS, and after data deconvolution, the resulting data matrices were subjected to multivariate data analysis. Pattern recognition was performed on the retention time, mass/charge ratio, and other metabolite-related variables. Synthesized or purchased authentic compounds were used for metabolite identification and structure elucidation by liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry. Several metabolites were identified, including fenofibric acid, reduced fenofibric acid, fenofibric acid ester glucuronide, reduced fenofibric acid ester glucuronide, and compound X. Another two metabolites (compound B and compound AR), not previously reported in other species, were characterized in cynomolgus monkeys. More importantly, previously unknown metabolites, fenofibric acid taurine conjugate and reduced fenofibric acid taurine conjugate were identified, revealing a previously unrecognized conjugation pathway for fenofibrate.
In most rodents and some other mammals, the removal of one lung results in compensatory growth associated with dramatic angiogenesis and complete restoration of lung capacity. One pivotal mechanism in neoalveolarization is neovascularization, because without angiogenesis new alveoli can not be formed. The aim of this study is to image and analyze three-dimensionally the different patterns of neovascularization seen following pneumonectomy in mice on a sub-micron-scale. C57/BL6 mice underwent a left-sided pneumonectomy. Lungs were harvested at various timepoints after pneumonectomy. Volume analysis by microCT revealed a striking increase of 143 percent in the cardiac lobe 14 days after pneumonectomy. Analysis of microvascular corrosion casting demonstrated spatially heterogenous vascular densitities which were in line with the perivascular and subpleural compensatory growth pattern observed in anti-PCNA-stained lung sections. Within these regions an expansion of the vascular plexus with increased pillar formations and sprouting angiogenesis, originating both from pre-existing bronchial and pulmonary vessels was observed. Also, type II pneumocytes and alveolar macrophages were seen to participate actively in alveolar neo-angiogenesis after pneumonectomy. 3D-visualizations obtained by high-resolution synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy showed the appearance of double-layered vessels and bud-like alveolar baskets as have already been described in normal lung development. Scanning electron microscopy data of microvascular architecture also revealed a replication of perialveolar vessel networks through septum formation as already seen in developmental alveolarization. In addition, the appearance of pillar formations and duplications on alveolar entrance ring vessels in mature alveoli are indicative of vascular remodeling. These findings indicate that sprouting and intussusceptive angiogenesis are pivotal mechanisms in adult lung alveolarization after pneumonectomy. Various forms of developmental neoalveolarization may also be considered to contribute in compensatory lung regeneration.
Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) in humans is a parasitic disease characterized by severe damage to the liver and occasionally other organs. AE is caused by infection with the metacestode (larval) stage of the fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis, usually infecting small rodents as natural intermediate hosts. Conventionally, human AE is chemotherapeutically treated with mebendazole or albendazole. There is, however still the need for improved chemotherapeutical options. Primary in vivo studies on drugs of interest are commonly performed in small laboratory animals such as mice and Mongolian jirds, and in most cases, a secondary infection model is used, whereby E. multilocularis metacestodes are directly injected into the peritoneal cavity or into the liver. Disadvantages of this methodological approach include risk of injury to organs during the inoculation and, most notably, a limitation in the macroscopic (visible) assessment of treatment efficacy. Thus, in order to monitor the efficacy of chemotherapeutical treatment, animals have to be euthanized and the parasite tissue dissected. In the present study, mice were infected with E. multilocularis metacestodes through the subcutaneous route and were then subjected to chemotherapy employing albendazole. Serological responses to infection were comparatively assessed in mice infected by the conventional intraperitoneal route. We demonstrate that the subcutaneous infection model for secondary AE facilitates the assessment of the progress of infection and drug treatment in the live animal.
The intensive use of nano-sized particles in many different applications necessitates studies on their risk assessment as there are still open questions on their safe handling and utilization. For reliable risk assessment, the interaction of nanoparticles (NP) with biological systems after various routes of exposure needs to be investigated using well-characterized NP. We report here on the generation of gold-NP (Au-NP) aerosols for inhalation studies with the spark ignition technique, and their characterization in terms of chemical composition, physical structure, morphology, and specific surface area, and on interaction with lung tissues and lung cells after 1 h inhalation by mice. The originally generated agglomerated Au-NP were converted into compact spherical Au-NP by thermal annealing at 600 °C, providing particles of similar mass, but different size and specific surface area. Since there are currently no translocation data available on inhaled Au-NP in the 10–50 nm diameter range, the emphasis was to generate NP as small as 20 nm for inhalation in rodents. For anticipated in vivo systemic translocation and dosimetry analyses, radiolabeled Au-NP were created by proton irradiating the gold electrodes of the spark generator, thus forming gamma ray emitting 195Au with 186 days half-life, allowing long-term biokinetic studies. The dissolution rate of 195Au from the NP was below detection limits. The highly concentrated, polydisperse Au-NP aerosol (1–2 × 107 NP/cm3) proved to be constant over several hours in terms of its count median mobility diameter, its geometric standard deviation and number concentration. After collection on filters particles can be re-suspended and used for instillation or ingestion studies.