34 resultados para Promoter Regions, Genetic


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The susceptibility of humans to the variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is greatly influenced by polymorphisms within the human prion protein gene (PRNP). Similar genetic differences exist in sheep, in which PRNP polymorphisms modify the susceptibility to scrapie. However, the known coding polymorphisms within the bovine PRNP gene have little or no effect on bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) susceptibility in cattle. We have recently found a tentative association between PRNP promoter polymorphisms and BSE susceptibility in German cattle (Sander, P., Hamann, H., Pfeiffer, I., Wemheuer, W., Brenig, B., Groschup, M., Ziegler, U., Distl, O., and Leeb, T. (2004) Neurogenetics 5, 19-25). A plausible hypothesis explaining this observation could be that the bovine PRNP promoter polymorphisms cause changes in PRNP expression that might be responsible for differences in BSE incubation time and/or BSE susceptibility. To test this hypothesis, we performed a functional promoter analysis of the different bovine PRNP promoter alleles by reporter gene assays in vitro and by measuring PRNP mRNA levels in calves with different PRNP genotypes in vivo. Two variable sites, a 23-bp insertion/deletion (indel) polymorphism containing a RP58-binding site and a 12-bp indel polymorphism containing an SP1-binding site, were investigated. Band shift assays indicated differences in transcription factor binding to the different alleles at the two polymorphisms. Reporter gene assays demonstrated an interaction between the two postulated transcription factors and lower expression levels of the ins/ins allele compared with the del/del allele. The in vivo data revealed substantial individual variation of PRNP expression in different tissues. In intestinal lymph nodes, expression levels differed between the different PRNP genotypes.


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Currently several thousands of objects are being tracked in the MEO and GEO regions through optical means. The problem faced in this framework is that of Multiple Target Tracking (MTT). In this context both the correct associations among the observations, and the orbits of the objects have to be determined. The complexity of the MTT problem is defined by its dimension S. Where S stands for the number of ’fences’ used in the problem, each fence consists of a set of observations that all originate from dierent targets. For a dimension of S ˃ the MTT problem becomes NP-hard. As of now no algorithm exists that can solve an NP-hard problem in an optimal manner within a reasonable (polynomial) computation time. However, there are algorithms that can approximate the solution with a realistic computational e ort. To this end an Elitist Genetic Algorithm is implemented to approximately solve the S ˃ MTT problem in an e cient manner. Its complexity is studied and it is found that an approximate solution can be obtained in a polynomial time. With the advent of improved sensors and a heightened interest in the problem of space debris, it is expected that the number of tracked objects will grow by an order of magnitude in the near future. This research aims to provide a method that can treat the correlation and orbit determination problems simultaneously, and is able to e ciently process large data sets with minimal manual intervention.


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To investigate the evolution of globin genes in the genus Xenopus, we have determined the primary structure of the related adult alpha I- and alpha II-globin genes of X. laevis and of the adult alpha-globin gene of X. tropicalis, including their 5'-flanking regions. All three genes are comprised of three exons and two introns at homologous positions. The exons are highly conserved and code for 141 amino acids. By contrast, the corresponding introns vary in length and show considerable divergence. Comparison of 900 bp of the 5'-flanking region revealed that the X. tropicalis gene contains a conserved proximal 310-bp promoter sequence, comprised of the canonical TATA and CCAAT motifs at homologous positions, and five conserved elements in the same order and at similar positions as previously shown for the corresponding genes of X. laevis. We therefore conclude that these conserved upstream elements may represent regulatory sequences for cell-specific regulation of the adult Xenopus globin genes.


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Although genetic diversity is one of the key components of biodiversity, its drivers are still not fully understood. While it is known that genetic diversity is affected both by environmental parameters as well as habitat history, these factors are not often tested together. Therefore, we analyzed 14 microsatellite loci in Abax parallelepipedus, a flightless, forest dwelling ground beetle, from 88 plots in two study regions in Germany. We modeled the effects of historical and environmental variables on allelic richness, and found for one of the regions, the Schorfheide-Chorin, a significant effect of the depth of the litter layer, which is a main component of habitat quality, and of the sampling effort, which serves as an inverse proxy for local population size. For the other region, the Schwäbische Alb, none of the potential drivers showed a significant effect on allelic richness. We conclude that the genetic diversity in our study species is being driven by current local population sizes via environmental variables and not by historical processes in the studied regions. This is also supported by lack of genetic differentiation between local populations sampled from ancient and from recent woodlands. We suggest that the potential effects of former fragmentation and recolonization processes have been mitigated by the large and stable local populations of Abax parallelepipedus in combination with the proximity of the ancient and recent woodlands in the studied landscapes.