36 resultados para Primary Electron Donor


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MATERNO-FETAL NUTRIENT TRANSFER ACROSS PRIMARY HUMAN TROPHOBLAST MONOLAYER Objectives: Polarized trophoblasts represent the transport and metabolic barrier between the maternal and fetal circulation. Currently human placental nutrient transfer in vitro is mainly investigated unidirectionallyon cultured primary trophoblasts, or bidirectionally on the Transwell® system using BeWo cells treated with forskolin. As forskolin can induce various gene alterations (e.g. cAMP response element genes), we aimed to establish a physiological primary trophoblast model for materno-fetal nutrient exchange studies without forskolin application. Methods: Human term cytotrophoblasts were isolated by enzymatic digestion and Percoll® gradient separation. The purity of the primary cells was assessed by flow cytometry using the trophoblast-specific marker cytokeratin-7. After screening different coating matrices, we optimized the growth conditions for the primary cytotrophoblasts on Transwell/ inserts. The morphology of 5 days cultured trophoblasts was determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Membrane makers were visualized using confocal microscopy. Additionally transport studies were performed on the polarized trophoblasts in the Transwell® system. Results: During 5 days culture, the trophoblasts (>90% purity) developed a modest trans-epithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and a sizedependent apparent permeability coefficient (Papp) to fluorescently labeled compounds (MW ~400-70’000D). SEM analyses confirmed a confluent trophoblast layer with numerous microvilli at day six, and TEM revealed a monolayer with tight junctions. Immunocytochemistry on the confluent trophoblasts showed positivity for the cell-cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin, the tight junction protein ZO-1, and the membrane proteins ABCA1 and Na+/K+-ATPase. Vectorial glucose and cholesterol transport studies confirmed functionality of the cultured trophoblast barrier. Conclusion: Evidence from cell morphology, biophysical parameters and cell marker expressions indicate the successful and reproducible establishment of a primary trophoblast monolayer model suitable for transport studies. Application of this model to pathological trophoblasts will help to better understand the mechanism underlying gestational diseases, and to define the consequences of placental pathology on materno-fetal nutrient transport.


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The formation of blood vessels is a complex tissue-specific process that plays a pivotal role during developmental processes, in wound healing, cancer progression, fibrosis and other pathologies. To study vasculogenesis and vascular remodeling in the context of the lung, we developed an in-vitro microvascular model that closely mimics the human lung microvasculature in terms of 3D architecture, accessibility, functionality and cell types. Human pericytes from the distal airway were isolated and characterized using flow cytometry. To assess their role in the generation of normal microvessels, lung pericytes were mixed in fibrin gel and seeded into well-defined microcompartments together with primary endothelial cells (HUVEC). Patent microvessels covering an area of 3.1 mm2 formed within 3-5 days and were stable for up to 14 days. Soluble signals from the lung pericytes were necessary to establish perfusability, and pericytes migrated towards endothelial microvessels. Cell-cell communication in the form of adherens and tight junctions, as well as secretion of basement membrane was confirmed using transmission electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry on chip. Direct co-culture of pericytes with endothelial cells decreased the microvascular permeability by one order of magnitude from 17.8∙10-6 cm/s to 2.0∙10-6 cm/s and led to vessels with significantly smaller and less variable diameter. Upon phenylephrine administration, vasoconstriction was observed in microvessels lined with pericytes but not in endothelial microvessels only. Perfusable microvessels were also generated with human lung microvascular endothelial cells and lung pericytes. Human lung pericytes were thus shown to have a prominent influence on microvascular morphology, permeability, vasoconstriction and long-term stability in an in-vitro microvascular system. This biomimetic platform opens new possibilities to test functions and interactions of patient-derived cells in a physiologically relevant microvascular setting.


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BACKGROUND To cover the shortage of cadaveric organs, new approaches to expand the donor pool are needed. Here we report on a case of domino liver transplantation (DLT) using an organ harvested from a compound heterozygous patient with primary hyperoxaluria (PHO), who underwent combined liver and kidney transplantation. The DLT recipient developed early renal failure with oxaluria. The time to the progression to oxalosis with renal failure in such situations is unknown, but, based on animal data, we hypothesize that calcineurin inhibitors may play a detrimental role. METHODS A cadaveric liver and kidney transplantation was performed in a 52-year-old male with PHO. His liver was used for a 64-year-old patient with a non-resectable, but limited cholangiocarcinoma. RESULTS While the course of the PHO donor was uneventful, in the DLT recipient early post-operative, dialysis-dependent renal failure with hyperoxaluria developed. Histology of a kidney biopsy revealed massive calcium oxalate crystal deposition as the leading aetiological cause. CONCLUSIONS DLT using PHO organs for marginal recipients represents a possible therapeutic approach regarding graft function of the liver. However, it may negatively alter the renal outcome of the recipient in an unpredictable manner, especially with concomitant use of cyclosporin. Therefore, we suggest that, although DLT should be promoted, PHO organs are better excluded from such procedures.


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Primary ciliary dyskinesia is a rare heterogeneous recessive genetic disorder of motile cilia, leading to chronic upper and lower respiratory symptoms. Prevalence is estimated at around 1:10,000, but many patients remain undiagnosed, while others receive the label incorrectly. Proper diagnosis is complicated by the fact that the key symptoms such as wet cough, chronic rhinitis and recurrent upper and lower respiratory infection, are common and nonspecific. There is no single gold standard test to diagnose PCD. Presently, the diagnosis is made by augmenting the medical history and physical examination with in patients with a compatible medical history following a demanding combination of tests including nasal nitric oxide, high- speed video microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, genetics, and ciliary culture. These tests are costly and need sophisticated equipment and experienced staff, restricting use to highly specialised centers. Therefore, it would be desirable to have a screening test for identifying those patients who should undergo detailed diagnostic testing. Three recent studies focused on potential screening tools: one paper assessed the validity of nasal nitric oxide for screening, and two studies developed new symptom-based screening tools. These simple tools are welcome, and hopefully remind physicians whom to refer for definitive testing. However, they have been developed in tertiary care settings, where 10 to 50% of tested patients have PCD. Sensitivity and specificity of the tools are reasonable, but positive and negative predictive values may be poor in primary or secondary care settings. While these studies take an important step forward towards an earlier diagnosis of PCD, more remains to be done before we have tools tailored to different health care settings.


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Diagnosis of primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) lacks a "gold standard" test and is therefore based on combinations of tests including nasal nitric oxide (nNO), high-speed video microscopy analysis (HSVMA), genotyping and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). There are few published data on the accuracy of this approach.Using prospectively collected data from 654 consecutive patients referred for PCD diagnostics we calculated sensitivity and specificity for individual and combination testing strategies. Not all patients underwent all tests.HSVMA had excellent sensitivity and specificity (100% and 93%, respectively). TEM was 100% specific, but 21% of PCD patients had normal ultrastructure. nNO (30 nL·min(-1) cut-off) had good sensitivity and specificity (91% and 96%, respectively). Simultaneous testing using HSVMA and TEM was 100% sensitive and 92% specific.In conclusion, combination testing was found to be a highly accurate approach for diagnosing PCD. HSVMA alone has excellent accuracy, but requires significant expertise, and repeated sampling or cell culture is often needed. TEM alone is specific but misses 21% of cases. nNO (≤30 nL·min(-1)) contributes well to the diagnostic process. In isolation nNO screening at this cut-off would miss ∼10% of cases, but in combination with HSVMA could reduce unnecessary further testing. Standardisation of testing between centres is a future priority.


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STUDY HYPOTHESIS Using optimized conditions, primary trophoblast cells isolated from human term placenta can develop a confluent monolayer in vitro, which morphologically and functionally resembles the microvilli structure found in vivo. STUDY FINDING We report the successful establishment of a confluent human primary trophoblast monolayer using pre-coated polycarbonate inserts, where the integrity and functionality was validated by cell morphology, biophysical features, cellular marker expression and secretion, and asymmetric glucose transport. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY Human trophoblast cells form the initial barrier between maternal and fetal blood to regulate materno-fetal exchange processes. Although the method for isolating pure human cytotrophoblast cells was developed almost 30 years ago, a functional in vitro model with primary trophoblasts forming a confluent monolayer is still lacking. STUDY DESIGN, SAMPLES/MATERIALS, METHODS Human term cytotrophoblasts were isolated by enzymatic digestion and density gradient separation. The purity of the primary cells was evaluated by flow cytometry using the trophoblast-specific marker cytokeratin 7, and vimentin as an indicator for potentially contaminating cells. We screened different coating matrices for high cell viability to optimize the growth conditions for primary trophoblasts on polycarbonate inserts. During culture, cell confluency and polarity were monitored daily by determining transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and permeability properties of florescent dyes. The time course of syncytia-related gene expression and hCG secretion during syncytialization were assessed by quantitative RT-PCR and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, respectively. The morphology of cultured trophoblasts after 5 days was determined by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Membrane makers were visualized using confocal microscopy. Additionally, glucose transport studies were performed on the polarized trophoblasts in the same system. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE During 5-day culture, the highly pure trophoblasts were cultured on inserts coated with reconstituted basement membrane matrix . They exhibited a confluent polarized monolayer, with a modest TEER and a size-dependent apparent permeability coefficient (Papp) to fluorescently labeled compounds (MW ∼400-70 000 Da). The syncytialization progress was characterized by gradually increasing mRNA levels of fusogen genes and elevating hCG secretion. SEM analyses confirmed a confluent trophoblast layer with numerous microvilli, and TEM revealed a monolayer with tight junctions. Immunocytochemistry on the confluent trophoblasts showed positivity for the cell-cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin, the tight junction protein 1 (ZO-1) and the membrane proteins ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) and glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1). Applying this model to study the bidirectional transport of a non-metabolizable glucose derivative indicated a carrier-mediated placental glucose transport mechanism with asymmetric kinetics. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION The current study is only focused on primary trophoblast cells isolated from healthy placentas delivered at term. It remains to be evaluated whether this system can be extended to pathological trophoblasts isolated from diverse gestational diseases. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS These findings confirmed the physiological properties of the newly developed human trophoblast barrier, which can be applied to study the exchange of endobiotics and xenobiotics between the maternal and fetal compartment, as well as intracellular metabolism, paracellular contributions and regulatory mechanisms influencing the vectorial transport of molecules. LARGE-SCALE DATA Not applicable. STUDY FUNDING AND COMPETING INTERESTS This study was supported by the Swiss National Center of Competence in Research, NCCR TransCure, University of Bern, Switzerland, and the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant no. 310030_149958, C.A.). All authors declare that their participation in the study did not involve factual or potential conflicts of interests.