32 resultados para Phoenix (tavaramerkki)
This research examines whether female consumers benefit from brand strategies that attempt to decrease their self-discrepancies by setting more realistic ideals (i.e., therapeutic advertising, such as Body Shop, Aerie, and Always). The results of our preliminary study reveal that therapeutic advertising leads to stronger self-conscious emotions than idealistic advertising. More specifically, it leads to stronger emotions of both pride and shame. However, the latter only holds true for female consumers low in self-liking and high difficulties in abandoning unattainable goals. Female consumers who like themselves and are able to abandon unattainable goals do not feel more ashamed when being exposed to therapeutic advertising compared to idealized advertising. These findings have implications for marketing managers and policy makers.
This article develops an integrative framework of the concept of perceived brand authenticity (PBA) and sheds light on PBA’s (1) measurement, (2) drivers, (3) consequences, as well as (4) an underlying process of its effects and (5) boundary conditions. A multi-phase scale development process resulted in a 15-item PBA scale to measure its four dimensions of credibility, integrity, symbolism, and continuity. PBA is influenced by indexical, existential, and iconic cues, whereby the latter’s influence is moderated by consumers’ level of marketing skepticism. Results also suggest that PBA drives brand choice likelihood through self-congruence for consumers high in self-authenticity.