45 resultados para Palm, Johannes Henricus van der, 1763-1840.
Travelogues involve different truth claims, depending on whether their authors attempt on the one hand to convey received knowledge about entities and places, or on the other hand, present accounts of the traveler character’s own experiences. This study focuses on a travelogue from 1764 written by the Arabian Nights’ Syrian storyteller, Ḥanna Dyāb. Having written his travelogue more than 50 years after his trip to Paris, he evidently conceived of his narrative as a means to re-enact his experiences as a young traveler. To describe his particular self-staging in this autodiegetic narration “before fiction” (Paige 2011), I argue that an understanding of focalization as a graded visual mediation between the character’s inner life and the reader is needed. This approach helps one grasp how, with reference to Dyāb’s travelogue, truth is not something the traveler witnesses, but rather something the reader is invited to realize. I conclude that, with this shift from witnessing to visualization (Vergegenwärtigung), Dyāb’s travelogue fulfills a core function of literature.
BACKGROUND: In equine laminitis, the deep digital flexor muscle (DDFM) appears to have increased muscle force, but evidence-based confirmation is lacking. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to test if the DDFM of laminitic equines has an increased muscle force detectable by needle electromyography interference pattern analysis (IPA). ANIMALS AND METHODS: The control group included six Royal Dutch Sport horses, three Shetland ponies and one Welsh pony [10 healthy, sound adults weighing 411 ± 217 kg (mean ± SD) and aged 10 ± 5 years]. The laminitic group included three Royal Dutch Sport horses, one Friesian, one Haflinger, one Icelandic horse, one Welsh pony, one miniature Appaloosa and six Shetland ponies (14 adults, weight 310 ± 178 kg, aged 13 ± 6 years) with acute/chronic laminitis. The electromyography IPA measurements included firing rate, turns/second (T), amplitude/turn (M) and M/T ratio. Statistical analysis used a general linear model with outcomes transformed to geometric means. RESULTS: The firing rate of the total laminitic group was higher than the total control group. This difference was smaller for the ponies compared to the horses; in the horses, the geometric mean difference of the laminitic group was 1.73 [geometric 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.29-2.32], and in the ponies this value was 1.09 (geometric 95% CI 0.82-1.45). CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In human medicine, an increased firing rate is characteristic of increased muscle force. Thus, the increased firing rate of the DDFM in the context of laminitis suggests an elevated muscle force. However, this seems to be only a partial effect as in this study, the unchanged turns/second and amplitude/turn failed to prove the recruitment of larger motor units with larger amplitude motor unit potentials in laminitic equids.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The posterior circulation Acute Stroke Prognosis Early CT Score (pc-APECTS) applied to CT angiography source images (CTA-SI) predicts the functional outcome of patients in the Basilar Artery International Cooperation Study (BASICS). We assessed the diagnostic and prognostic impact of pc-ASPECTS applied to perfusion CT (CTP) in the BASICS registry population. METHODS We applied pc-ASPECTS to CTA-SI and cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral blood volume (CBV), and mean transit time (MTT) parameter maps of BASICS patients with CTA and CTP studies performed. Hypoattenuation on CTA-SI, relative reduction in CBV or CBF, or relative increase in MTT were rated as abnormal. RESULTS CTA and CTP were available in 27/592 BASICS patients (4.6%). The proportion of patients with any perfusion abnormality was highest for MTT (93%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 76%-99%), compared with 78% (58%-91%) for CTA-SI and CBF, and 46% (27%-67%) for CBV (P < .001). All 3 patients with a CBV pc-ASPECTS < 8 compared to 6/23 patients with a CBV pc-ASPECTS ≥ 8 had died at 1 month (RR 3.8; 95% CI, 1.9-7.6). CONCLUSION CTP was performed in a minority of the BASICS registry population. Perfusion disturbances in the posterior circulation were most pronounced on MTT parameter maps. CBV pc-ASPECTS < 8 may indicate patients with high case fatality.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Pituitary Gland of Horses With Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction
Die sportmotorische Leistungsfähigkeit (SMLF) gilt in jüngster Zeit als ein Prädiktor für schulische Leistung (SL) (Diamond, 2013). Um die Frage zu beantworten, wie denn zwei auf den ersten Blick so distale Merkmale zusammenhängen sollen, werden unterschiedliche erklärende Variablen diskutiert, wobei die kognitive Stimulationshypothese die exekutiven Funktionen (EF) als mediierende Variable im Zusammenhang zwischen SMLF und SL postuliert. Die Annahme hierbei ist, dass die mit komplexen motorischen Kontrollprozessen einhergehende kognitive Beanspruchung bei einem wiederholten Ausführen von nicht-automatisierten sportbezogenen Handlungen zu einer Aktivierung und somit Förderung der EF führt (Best, 2010). Der mediierende Effekt der EF im Zusammenhang zwischen der SMLF und der SL wird seit einigen Jahren in der Literatur diskutiert und wird im Folgenden innerhalb einer längsschnittlichen Untersuchung getestet. Im Rahmen der Studie SpuK wurden 237 Primarschulkinder (52.3% ♀; 11.31 ± 0.62 Jahre) zu drei Messzeitpunkten in ihrer SMLF (T1) und ihren EF (T2) getestet. Zur Ermittlung der SMLF wurden drei sportmotorische Tests in den Bereichen Koordination, Ausdauer und Schnellkraft durchgeführt. Die EF Inhibition, kognitive Flexibilität und Arbeitsgedächtnis wurden computerbasiert über den N-Back- und Flanker-Test operationalisiert. Zusätzlich wurde die SL (T3) mittels objektiver Schulleistungstests erhoben. Um die Hauptfragestellung zu prüfen, wurde eine bootstrapping basierte Mediationsanalyse in AMOS durchgeführt. Das Strukturgleichungsmodell (2 (22, N=237)=30.357, p=.110; CFI=.978) weist eine zufriedenstellende Anpassungsgüte auf. Erwartungsgemäss zerfällt der Zusammenhang innerhalb des Mediationsmodells zwischen der SMLF und der SL, alsbald die EF ins Modell aufgenommen werden (β=.16, p= .634). Sowohl der Zusammenhang zwischen der SMLF und den EF (β=.38, p= .039), als auch der Zusammenhang zwischen den EF und der SL fallen signifikant aus (β=.91, p=.001) und ergeben dabei eine volle Mediation über den indirekten (p=.021) und totalen Effekt (p=.001). Die vorliegenden längs-schnittlichen Daten bestätigen den Zusammenhang zwischen SMLF und SL bei einer Mediation über die EF und bestätigen somit die aus querschnittlichem Design stammenden Resultate von van der Niet et al. (2014). Literatur Best, J. R. (2010). Effects of physical activity on children’s executive function: Contributions of ex-perimental research on aerobic exercise. Developmental Review, 30, 331-351. Diamond, A. (2013). Executive functions. Annual Review of Psychology, 64, 135-168. van der Niet, A. G., Hartmann, E., Smith, J. & Visscher, C. (2014). Modeling relationships between physical fitness, executive functioning, and academic achievement in primary school chil-dren. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 15(4), 319-325.