Peripheral artery disease is a progressive disease. Primary ischemic leg symptoms are muscle fatigue, discomfort or pain during ambulation, known as intermittent claudication. The most severe manifestation of peripheral artery disease is critical limb ischemia (CLI). The long-term safety of gene therapy in peripheral artery disease remains unclear. This four center peripheral artery disease registry was designed to evaluate the long-term safety of the intramuscular non-viral fibroblast growth factor-1 (NV1FGF), a plasmid-based angiogenic gene for local expression of fibroblast growth factor-1 versus placebo in patients with peripheral artery disease who had been included in five different phase I and II trials. Here we report a 3-year follow-up in patients suffering from CLI or intermittent claudication. There were 93 evaluable patients, 72 of them in Fontaine stage IV (47 NV1FGF versus 25 placebo) and 21 patients in Fontaine stage IIb peripheral artery disease (15 NV1FGF versus 6 placebo). Safety parameters included rates of non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, death, cancer, retinopathy and renal dysfunction. At 3 years, in 93 patients included this registry, there was no increase in retinopathy or renal dysfunction associated with delivery of this angiogenic factor. There was also no difference in the number of strokes, MI or deaths, respectively, for NV1FGF versus placebo. In the CLI group, new cancer occurred in two patients in the NV1FGF group. Conclusions that can be drawn from this relatively small patient group are limited because of the number of patients followed and can only be restricted to safety. Yet, data presented may be valuable concerning rates in cancer, retinopathy, MI or strokes following angiogenesis gene therapy in the absence of any long-term data in angiogenesis gene therapy. It may take several years until data from larger patient populations will become available.
Different therapeutic approaches have been used in fetal-neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, but many centers administer immunoglobulin G infusions to the pregnant woman. We studied the effect of maternal antenatal immunoglobulin infusions on fetal platelet counts in pregnancies with fetal alloimmune thrombocytopenia.
Intravenous thrombolysis is an approved treatment for anterior (ACS) and posterior (PCS) circulation stroke. However, no randomized controlled trial has investigated safety and efficacy of intravenous thrombolysis according to stroke territory, although PCS is assumed to differ from ACS in many ways. We aimed to compare the safety and clinical outcome of intravenous thrombolysis applied to patients with PCS and ACS.
Obesity is an established risk factor for stroke and has reached epidemic proportions. However, its impact on intravenous thrombolysis applied for acute ischemic stroke is not well known. We aimed to compare the clinical outcome and safety after intravenous thrombolysis in obese (body mass index ≥30 kg/m²) and nonobese (body mass index <30 kg/m²) patients with ischemic stroke.
Demographic changes will result in a rapid increase of patients age ≥90 years (nonagenarians), but little is known about outcomes in these patients after intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) for acute ischemic stroke. We aimed to assess safety and functional outcome in nonagenarians treated with IVT and to compare the outcomes with those of patients age 80 to 89 years (octogenarians).
Various factors, including maturity, have been shown to influence peripheral nerve excitability measures, but little is known about differences in these properties between axons with different stimulation thresholds. Multiple nerve excitability tests were performed on the caudal motor axons of immature and mature female rats, recording from tail muscles at three target compound muscle action potential (CMAP) levels: 10%, 40% ("standard" level), and 60% of the maximum CMAP amplitude. Compared to lower target levels, axons at high target levels have the following characteristics: lower strength-duration time constant, less threshold reduction during depolarizing currents and greater threshold increase to hyperpolarizing currents, most notably to long hyperpolarizing currents in mature rats. Threshold-dependent effects on peripheral nerve excitability properties depend on the maturation stage, especially inward rectification (Ih), which becomes inversely related to threshold level. Performing nerve excitability tests at different target levels is useful in understanding the variation in membrane properties between different axons within a nerve. Because of the threshold effects on nerve excitability and the possibility of increased variability between axons and altered electric recruitment order in disease conditions, excitability parameters measured only at the "standard" target level should be interpreted with caution, especially the responses to hyperpolarizing currents.
Microneurography is a method suitable for recording intraneural single or multiunit action potentials in conscious subjects. Microneurography has rarely been applied to animal experiments, where more invasive methods, like the teased fiber recording technique, are widely used. We have tested the feasibility of microneurographic recordings from the peripheral nerves of rats. Tungsten microelectrodes were inserted into the sciatic nerve at mid-thigh level. Single or multiunit action potentials evoked by regular electrical stimulation were recorded, digitized and displayed as a raster plot of latencies. The method allows unambiguous recording and recognition of single C-fiber action potentials from an in vivo preparation, with minimal disruption of the nerve being recorded. Multiple C-fibers can be recorded simultaneously for several hours, and if the animal is allowed to recover, repeated recording sessions can be obtained from the same nerve at the same level over a period of weeks or months. Also, single C units can be functionally identified by their changes in latency to natural stimuli, and insensitive units can be recognized as 'silent' nociceptors or sympathetic efferents by their distinctive profiles of activity-dependent slowing during repetitive electrical stimulation, or by the effect on spontaneous efferent activity of a proximal anesthetic block. Moreover, information about the biophysical properties of C axons can be obtained from their latency recovery cycles. Finally, we show that this preparation is potentially suitable for the study of C-fiber behavior in models of neuropathies and nerve lesions, both under resting conditions and in response to drug administration.
Intravenous thrombolysis with alteplase for ischemic stroke is fixed at a maximal dose of 90 mg for safety reasons. Little is known about the clinical outcomes of stroke patients weighing >100 kg, who may benefit less from thrombolysis due to this dose limitation.
Perineurioma is an uncommon, mostly benign, spindle-cell tumor of peripheral nerve sheath origin with a predilection for the soft tissues. Although increasing awareness points to the sites of involvement by perineurioma possibly being as ubiquitous as those frequented by schwannian tumors, only one intracerebral example has been described to date. We report on a surgically resected perineurioma of the falx cerebri in an 86-year-old woman. Preoperative imaging showed an enhancing extraaxial mass of 6 cm × 5.7 cm × 3.7 cm. Histologically, the tumor consisted of a proliferation of spindle cells interwoven by a lattice of basal lamina. Alongside a prevailing soft tissue perineurioma pattern, sclerosing and reticular areas were seen as well. Tumor cells coexpressed EMA and GLUT-1, and a minority immunoreacted for smooth muscle actin. Pericellular basal lamina was decorated with collagen type IV. No staining for S100 protein was detected. Mitotic activity was virtually absent, and the MIB1 labeling index averaged 2%. Ultrastructural examination revealed abundant pinocytotic vesicles within and conspicuous tight junctions between slender cytoplasmic processes which, in turn, were encased by discontinuous basal lamina. FISH analysis confirmed loss of at least part of one chromosome 22q. This observation calls attention to perineurioma as a novel item in the repertoire of low-grade meningial spindle cell neoplasms, in the differential diagnostic context of which it is apt to being misconstrued as either meningioma, solitary fibrous tumor, or neurofibroma. Confusion with the latter bears the risk of overgrading innocuous features of perineurioma as criteria for malignancy.
The activation of 5-hydroxytryptamine-3 (5-HT-3) receptors in spinal cord can enhance intrinsic spinal mechanisms of central hypersensitivity, possibly leading to exaggerated pain responses. Clinical studies suggest that 5-HT-3 receptor antagonists may have an analgesic effect. This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study tested the hypothesis that the 5-HT-3 receptor antagonist tropisetron attenuates pain and central hypersensitivity in patients with chronic low back pain. Thirty patients with chronic low back pain, 15 of whom were women (aged 53 ± 14 years) and 15 men (aged 48 ± 14 years), were studied. A single intravenous injection of 0.9% saline solution, tropisetron 2mg, and tropisetron 5mg was administrated in 3 different sessions, in a double-blind crossover manner. The main outcome was the visual analogue scale (VAS) score of spontaneous low back pain before, and 15, 30, 60, and 90 minutes after drug administration. Secondary outcomes were nociceptive withdrawal reflexes to single and repeated electrical stimulation, area of reflex receptive fields, pressure pain detection and tolerance thresholds, conditioned pain modulation, and area of clinical pain. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance and panel multiple regressions. All 3 treatments reduced VAS scores. However, there was no statistically significant difference between tropisetron and placebo in VAS scores. Compared to placebo, tropisetron produced a statistically significant increase in pain threshold after single electrical stimulation, but no difference in all other secondary outcomes was found. A single-dose intravenous administration of tropisetron in patients with chronic low back pain had no significant specific effect on intensity of pain and most parameters of central hypersensitivity.