117 resultados para PERIODONTAL PATHOGENS


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The aim of this study has been to compare the clinical and radiographic outcome of periodontal intrabony defect treatment by open flap debridement alone or in combination with nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite bone substitute application. Thirty patients diagnosed with advanced periodontits were divided into two groups: the control group (OFD), in which an open flap debridement procedure was performed and the test group (OFD+NHA), in which defects were additionally filled with nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite bone substitute material. Plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), bleeding on probing (BOP), pocket depth (PD), gingival recession (GR) and clinical attachment level (CAL) were measured prior to, then 6 and 12months following treatment. Radiographic depth and width of defects were also evaluated. There were no differences in any clinical and radiographic parameters between the examined groups prior to treatment. After treatment, BOP, GI, PD, CAL, radiographic depth and width parameter values improved statistically significantly in both groups. The PI value did not change, but the GR value increased significantly after treatment. There were no statistical differences in evaluated parameters between OFD and OFD+NHA groups 6 and 12months after treatment. Within the limits of the study, it can be concluded that the additional use of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite bone substitute material after open flap procedure does not improve clinical and radiographic treatment outcome.


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To assess clinical and microbiological outcomes of an Er:YAG laser in comparison with sonic debridement in the treatment of persistent periodontal pockets in a prospective randomized controlled multicentre study design.


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To present the safety profile, the early healing phase and the clinical outcomes at 24 weeks following treatment of human intrabony defects with open flap debridement (OFD) alone or with OFD and rhGDF-5 adsorbed onto a particulate β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) carrier. Twenty chronic periodontitis patients, each with at least one tooth exhibiting a probing depth ≥6 mm and an associated intrabony defect ≥4 mm entered the study. Ten subjects (one defect/patient) were randomized to receive OFD alone (control) and ten subjects OFD combined with rhGDF-5/β-TCP. Blood samples were collected at screening, and at weeks 2 and 24 to evaluate routine hematology and clinical chemistry, rhGDF-5 plasma levels, and antirhGDF-5 antibody formation. Plaque and gingival indices, bleeding on probing, probing depth, clinical attachment level, and radiographs were recorded pre- and 24 weeks postsurgery. Comparable safety profiles were found in the two treatment groups. Neither antirhGDF-5 antibody formation nor relevant rhGDF-5 plasma levels were detected in any patient. At 6 months, treatment with OFD + rhGDF-5/β-TCP resulted in higher but statistically not significant PD reduction (3.7 ± 1.2 vs. 3.1 ± 1.8 mm; p = 0.26) and CAL gain (3.2 ± 1.7 vs. 1.7 ± 2.2 mm; p = 0.14) compared to OFD alone. In the tested concentration, the use of rhGDF-5/β-TCP appeared to be safe and the material possesses a sound biological rationale. Thus, further adequately powered, randomized controlled clinical trials are warranted to confirm the clinical relevance of this new approach in regenerative periodontal therapy. rhGDF-5/β-TCP may represent a promising new techology in regenerative periodontal therapy.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the 4-year clinical outcomes following regenerative surgery in intrabony defects with either EMD + BCP or EMD. Twenty-four patients with advanced chronic periodontitis, displaying one-, two-, or three-walled intrabony defect with a probing depth of at least 6 mm, were randomly treated with either EMD + BCP (test) or EMD alone (control). The following clinical parameters were evaluated at baseline, at 1 year and at 4 years after regenerative surgery: plaque index, gingival index, bleeding on probing, probing depth, gingival recession, and clinical attachment level (CAL). The primary outcome variable was CAL. No differences in any of the investigated parameters were observed at baseline between the two groups. The test group demonstrated a mean CAL change from from 10.8 ± 1.6 mm to 7.4 ± 1.6 mm (p < 0.001) and to 7.6 ± 1.7 mm (p < 0.001) at 1 and 4 years, respectively. In the control group, mean CAL changed from 10.4 ± 1.3 at baseline to 6.9 ± 1.0 mm (p < 0.001) at 1 year and 7.2 ± 1.2 mm (p < 0.001) at 4 years. At 4 years, two defects in the test group and three defects in the control group have lost 1 mm of the CAL gained at 1 year. Compared to baseline, at 4 years, a CAL gain of ≥3 mm was measured in 67% of the defects (i.e., in 8 out of 12) in the test group and in 75% of the defects (i.e., in 9 out of 12) in the control group. There were no statistically significant differences in any of the investigated parameters at 1 and at 4 years between the two groups. Within their limits, the present results indicate that: (a) the clinical improvements obtained with both treatments can be maintained over a period of 4 years, and (b) in two- and three-walled intrabony defects, the addition of BCP did not additionally improve the outcomes obtained with EMD alone. In two- and three-walled intrabony defects, the combination of EMD + BCP did not show any advantage over the use of EMD alone.


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Reconstructive therapies to promote the regeneration of lost periodontal support have been investigated through both preclinical and clinical studies. Advanced regenerative technologies using new barrier-membrane techniques, cell-growth-stimulating proteins or gene-delivery applications have entered the clinical arena. Wound-healing approaches using growth factors to target the restoration of tooth-supporting bone, periodontal ligament and cementum are shown to significantly advance the field of periodontal-regenerative medicine. Topical delivery of growth factors, such as platelet-derived growth factor, fibroblast growth factor or bone morphogenetic proteins, to periodontal wounds has demonstrated promising results. Future directions in the delivery of growth factors or other signaling models involve the development of innovative scaffolding matrices, cell therapy and gene transfer, and these issues are discussed in this paper.


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There has been a rapid rise in the emergence of multi-drug-resistant pathogens in the past 10 to 15 yr and some bacteria are now resistant to most antimicrobial agents. Antibiotic use is very restricted on Swiss organic dairy farms, and a purely prophylactic use, such as for dry cow mastitis prevention, is forbidden. A low prevalence of antibiotic resistance in organic farms can be expected compared with conventional farms because the bacteria are infrequently or not exposed to antibiotics. The occurrence of antibiotic resistance was compared between mastitis pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, nonaureus staphylococci, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus uberis) from farms with organic and conventional dairy production. Clear differences in the percentage of antibiotic resistance were mainly species-related, but did not differ significantly between isolates from cows kept on organic and conventional farms, except for Streptococcus uberis, which exhibited significantly more single resistances (compared with no resistance) when isolated from cows kept on organic farms (6/10 isolates) than on conventional farms (0/5 isolates). Different percentages were found (albeit not statistically significant) in resistance to ceftiofur, erythromycin, clindamycin, enrofloxacin, chloramphenicol, penicillin, oxacillin, gentamicin, tetracycline, and quinupristin-dalfopristin, but, importantly, none of the strains was resistant to amoxicillin-clavulanic acid or vancomycin. Multidrug resistance was rarely encountered. The frequency of antibiotic resistance in organic farms, in which the use of antibiotics must be very restricted, was not different from conventional farms, and was contrary to expectation. The antibiotic resistance status needs to be monitored in organic farms as well as conventional farms and production factors related to the absence of reduced antibiotic resistance in organic farms need to be evaluated.


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Periodontitis is a multi-factorial disease and in most cases also a disease with a chronic progression. Exposure to factors which contribute to periodontitis occurs over a long period, so that at the time of diagnosis it may be difficult to identify and evaluate what co-factors have contributed to its development. These include exposure to bacteria and viruses, inflammation, genetic factors, health behaviours and a variety of social factors, socio-economic status, behavioural and nutritional habits, the ability to cope with stress and the ability of the immune system to fight infections. Many patients in their 50s also experience other conditions such as heart disease, diabetes mellitus, or rheumatoid arthritis and recent reports on the associations and potential biological mechanisms by which periodontitis can be linked to other systemic diseases suggest that the patient with periodontitis is a challenged individual. Neither individuals nor their oral health care providers are currently prepared for the challenges in oral health care as the expectation of successful ageing with remaining and aesthetically functional teeth is increasing. The scientific evidence is, however, growing, and while the opportunities to prepare for successful ageing exist they must be included in the educational process of both current and future oral health care providers and their patients.


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OBJECTIVE: (I) To compare the oral microflora at implant and tooth sites in subjects participating in a periodontal recall program, (II) to test whether the microflora at implant and tooth sites differ as an effect of gingival bleeding (bleeding on probing (BOP)), or pocket probing depth (PPD), and (III) to test whether smoking and gender had an impact on the microflora. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data were collected from 127 implants and all teeth in 56 subjects. Microbiological data were identified by the DNA-DNA checkerboard hybridization. RESULTS: PPD> or =4 mm were found in 16.9% of tooth, and at 26.6% of implant sites (P<0.01). Tooth sites with PPD> or =4 mm had a 3.1-fold higher bacterial load than implant sites (mean difference: 66%, 95% confidence interval (CI): 40.7-91.3, P<0.001). No differences were found for the red, orange, green, and yellow complexes. A higher total bacterial load was found at implant sites with PPD> or =4 mm (mean difference 35.7 x 10(5), 95% CI: 5.2 (10(5)) to 66.1 (10(5)), P<0.02 with equal variance not assumed). At implant sites, BOP had no impact on bacterial load but influenced the load at tooth sites (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: BOP, and smoking had no impact on bacteria at implant sites but influenced the bacterial load at tooth sites. Tooth sites harbored more bacteria than implant sites with comparable PPD. The 4 mm PPD cutoff level influenced the distribution and amounts of bacterial loads. The subject factor is explanatory to bacterial load at both tooth and implant sites.


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A derivative (EMD) of enamel matrix proteins (EMPs) is used for periodontal regeneration because EMPs are believed to induce the formation of acellular extrinsic fiber cementum (AEFC). Other reports, however, indicate that EMPs have osteogenic potential. The aim of this study was to characterize the nature of the tissue that forms on the root surface following application of EMD. Ten human teeth affected by periodontitis and scheduled for extraction were treated with EMD. Four to six weeks later, they were extracted and processed for analysis by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Immunocytochemistry with antibodies against bone sialoprotein (BSP) and osteopontin (OPN) was performed to determine the mineralization pattern. The newly formed tissues on the root were thick and contained embedded cells. Small mineralization foci were regularly seen, and large organic matrix patches were occasionally seen, but a distinct mineralization front was lacking. While labeling for BSP was always associated with small mineralization foci and large matrix patches, OPN labeling was seen inconsistently. It is concluded that tissues resembling either cellular intrinsic fiber cementum or a type of bone were observed. The mineralization pattern mostly resembled that found in bone, except for a few areas that exhibited a hitherto undescribed mineralization pattern.


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This third part of a series of publications from the Swiss task force "Smoking--Intervention in the private dental office" on the topic "tobacco use and dental medicine" describes the clinical and radiographic changes of the periodontium within smokers as well as the consequences of tobacco use on periodontal and implant therapy. With increased use of tobacco, patients show higher periodontal probing depths, increased clinical attachment loss, more alveolar bone resorption, a higher prevalence of gingival recessions, and a higher risk for tooth loss. In contrast to this, with smokers, the clinical characteristics of gingival inflammation or bleeding on periodontal probing are less established. Smokers show less positive results after conventional, surgical and regenerative periodontal therapy. The benefits of mucogingval surgery are reduced and less successful in smokers. Moreover, smoking impairs the osseointegration of oral implants and is at least partly responsible for a majority of biological complications in implant dentistry, such as periimplantitis. Based on the present understanding of periodontal diseases, the clinical findings, and the specific therapeutic outcomes with smokers, it appears to be reasonable, next to the current classification of periodontal diseases, to use the term "smokers periodontitis".