42 resultados para Oral History and Ethics -symposiumi 3.-4.12.2008 Helsingissä


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Oral contraceptives containing synthetic oestrogens have been used successfully as birth control for > 40 years and are currently prescribed to > 100 million women worldwide. Several new progestins have been introduced and the third generation of progestins has now been available for two decades. Oral contraceptives are prescribed over a prolonged period of time and therefore substantially impact on hormonal, metabolic and plasmatic functions. Oral contraceptives increase the risk for venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, particularly if associated with confounding factors, such as genetic predisposition, smoking, hypertension or obesity. The risk of developing coronary artery disease is also increased in users with cardiovascular risk factors. This article discusses mechanistic and clinical issues and reviews the need for novel approaches targeting the considerable side effects in order to reduce cardiovascular morbidity in women using oral contraceptives.


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A method for the culturing and propagation of ovine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) in vitro is described. Bone marrow cells from sterna of freshly slaughtered sheep were cultured in hydrophobic (teflon foil) bags in the presence of high serum concentrations (20% autologous serum and 20% fetal calf serum). During an 18 day culture period in the absence of added conditioned medium, and without medium change, a strong enrichment of mononuclear phagocytes was achieved. Whereas the number of macrophages increased four to fivefold during this time, granulocytes, lymphoid cells, stem cells and undifferentiated progenitor cells were reduced to less than 3% of their numbers at Day 0. This resulted in BMM populations of 94 +/- 3% purity. These cells had morphological and histochemical characteristics of differentiated macrophages, and they performed functions similar to those of non-activated, unprimed human monocyte-derived macrophages. Thus, they avidly ingested erythrocytes coated with IgG of heterologous or homologous origin. They expressed a modest level of procoagulant activity, but upon triggering with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a marked increase in cell-associated procoagulant activity was observed. LPS triggering promoted the secretion of interleukin-1, as evidenced by measurement of murine thymocyte costimulatory activity, and transforming growth factor-beta. Using the mouse L929 cell cytotoxicity assay as an indication of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) activity, no TNF activity was detected in the same supernatants, a result possibly due to species restriction. BMM generated low levels of O2- upon triggering with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). On the other hand, no O2- production was observed upon stimulation with zymosan opsonized with ovine or human serum. Using luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence (CL) as a more sensitive indicator of an oxidative burst, both PMA or zymosan were able to trigger CL, but the response was subject to partial inhibition by sodium azide, an inhibitor of myeloperoxidase. This points to non-macrophage cells contributing also to the CL response, and is consistent with the view that unprimed BMM elicit a low oxidative burst upon triggering with strong inducers of a burst. Our functional characterization now allows us to apply priming and activation protocols and to relate their effect to functional alterations.


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Acquired Fanconi syndrome is characterized by inappropriate urinary loss of amino acids, bicarbonate, electrolytes, and water. It has recently been described in dogs fed chicken jerky treats from China, a new differential diagnosis to the classical inciting infectious diseases (e.g. leptospirosis, pyelonephritis) and toxins. A dog fed exclusively chicken jerky treats purchased in Switzerland was presented to our clinic with severe polyuria, polydipsia and profound electrolyte and acid base disturbances. Other inciting causes of Fanconi syndrome were ruled out. The requirement of a very intensive supportive treatment in this dog stands in contrast to treatment of chronic forms of Fanconi syndrome as described in the Basenji. This intensive therapy and the associated monitoring can be a real challenge and a limiting factor for the prognosis of acquired Fanconi syndrome. Veterinarians should be aware of the risk of excessive feeding of chicken jerky treats.


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Coumarins are extensively studied anticoagulants that exert additional effects such as anticancerogenic and even anti-inflammatory. In order to find new drugs with anticancer activities, we report here the synthesis and the structural analysis of new coumarin derivatives which combine the coumarin core and five member heterocycles in hydrazinylidene-chroman-2,4-diones. The derivatives were prepared by derivatization of the appropriate heterocyclic amines which were used as electrophiles to attack the coumarin ring. The structures were characterized by spectroscopic techniques including IR, NMR, 2D-NMR and MS. These derivatives were further characterized especially in terms of a potential cytotoxic and apoptogenic effect in several cancer cell lines including the breast and prostate cancer cell lines MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, PC-3, LNCaP, and the monocytic leukemia cell line U937. Cell viability was determined after 48 h and 72 h of treatment with the novel compounds by MTT assay and the 50% inhibitory concentrations (EC50 values) were determined. Out of the 8 novel compounds screened for reduced cell viability, 4c, 4d and 4e were found to be the most promising and effective ones having EC50 values that were several fold reduced when compared to the reference substance 4-hydroxycoumarin. However, the effects were cancer cell line dependent. The breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells, the prostate cancer LNCaP cells, and U937 cells were most sensitive, MCF-7 cells were less sensitive, and PC-3 cells were more resistant. Reduced cell viability was accompanied by increased apoptosis as shown by PARP-1 cleavage and reduced activity of the survival protein kinase Akt. In summary, this study has identified three novel coumarin derivatives that in comparison to 4-hydroxycoumarin have a higher efficiency to reduce cancer cell viability and trigger apoptosis and therefore may represent interesting novel drug candidates


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In the present study, we examined the hypothesis that individuals’ motivational tendency to engage in effortful information processing (i.e., their need for cognition; NFC) is positively related to their self-control capacity. This hypothesis was based on previous findings that effortful information processing and self-control both depend on a joint strength resource, and that this resource is boosted by frequent use. NFC was assessed via questionnaire. One week later, the participants (N = 46) completed a test of self-control capacity (Stroop Task). As expected, NFC was positively related to self-control capacity but unrelated to general processing speed.


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This research examined the effect of marital status and gender on various indicators of psychological adaptation, namely depressive symptoms, loneliness, and life satisfaction. It further explores the role of trait resilience, marital history, and context of death for predicting These outcomes in bereaved individuals. Four hundred eighty widowed individuals aged between 60 and 89 were compared with 759 married peers. Main effects were found for marital status and gender for all indicators. The regression analyses illustrate the multifaceted structure of psychological adaptation. Trait resilience is a key factor in adapting to spousal bereavement, whereas marital history and the context are secondary.


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Vegetation history for the study region is reconstructed on the basis of pollen, charcoal and AMS14C investigations of lake sediments from Lago del Segrino (calcareous bedrock) and Lago di Muzzano (siliceous bedrock). Late-glacial forests were characterised byBetula andPinus sylvestris. At the beginning of the Holocene they were replaced by temperate continental forest and shrub communities. A special type of temperate lowland forest, withAbies alba as the most important tree, was present in the period 8300 to 4500 B.P. Subsequently,Fagus, Quercus andAlnus glutinosa were the main forest components andA. alba ceased to be of importance.Castanea sativa andJuglans regia were probably introduced after forest clearance by fire during the first century A.D. On soils derived from siliceous bedrock,C. sativa was already dominant at ca. A.D. 200 (A.D. dates are in calendar years). In limestone areas, however,C. sativa failed to achieve a dominant role. After the introduction ofC. sativa, the main trees were initially oak (Quercus spp.) and later the walnut (Juglans regia). Ostrya carpinifolia became the dominant tree around Lago del Segrino only in the last 100–200 years though it had spread into the area at ca. 5000 cal. B.C. This recent expansion ofOstrya is confirmed at other sites and appears to be controlled by human disturbances involving especially clearance. It is argued that these forests should not be regarded as climax communities. It is suggested that under undisturbed succession they would develop into mixed deciduous forests consisting ofFraxinus excelsior, Tilia, Ulmus, Quercus and Acer.


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Little is known about the vegetation and fire history of Sardinia, and especially the long-term history of the thermo-Mediterranean belt that encompasses its entire coastal lowlands. A new sedimentary record from a coastal lake based on pollen, spores, macrofossils and microscopic charcoal analysis is used to reconstruct the vegetation and fire history in north-eastern Sardinia. During the mid-Holocene (c. 8,100–5,300 cal bp), the vegetation around Stagno di Sa Curcurica was characterised by dense Erica scoparia and E. arborea stands, which were favoured by high fire activity. Fire incidence declined and evergreen broadleaved forests of Quercus ilex expanded at the beginning of the late Holocene. We relate the observed vegetation and fire dynamics to climatic change, specifically moister and cooler summers and drier and milder winters after 5,300 cal bp. Agricultural activities occurred since the Neolithic and intensified after c. 7,000 cal bp. Around 2,750 cal bp, a further decline of fire incidence and Erica communities occurred, while Quercus ilex expanded and open-land communities became more abundant. This vegetation shift coincided with the historically documented beginning of Phoenician period, which was followed by Punic and Roman civilizations in Sardinia. The vegetational change at around 2,750 cal bp was possibly advantaged by a further shift to moister and cooler summers and drier and milder winters. Triggers for climate changes at 5,300 and 2,750 cal bp may have been gradual, orbitally-induced changes in summer and winter insolation, as well as centennial-scale atmospheric reorganizations. Open evergreen broadleaved forests persisted until the twentieth century, when they were partly substituted by widespread artificial pine plantations. Our results imply that highly flammable Erica vegetation, as reconstructed for the mid-Holocene, could re-emerge as a dominant vegetation type due to increasing drought and fire, as anticipated under global change conditions.


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A continuous record of atmospheric lead since 12,370 carbon-14 years before the present (14C yr BP) is preserved in a Swiss peat bog. Enhanced fluxes caused by climate changes reached their maxima 10,590 14C yr BP (Younger Dryas) and 823014C yr BP. Soil erosion caused by forest clearing and agricultural tillage increased lead deposition after 532014C yr BP. Increasing lead/scandium and decreasing lead-206/lead-207 beginning 3000 14C yr BP indicate the beginning of lead pollution from mining and smelting, and anthropogenic sources have dominated lead emissions ever since. The greatest lead flux (15.7 milligrams per square meter per year in A.D. 1979) was 1570 times the natural, background value (0.01 milligram per square meter per year from 8030 to 5320 14C yr BP).


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BACKGROUND The presence of oral diseases and disorders can produce an impact on the quality of life of preschool children and their parents, affecting their oral health and well-being. However, socioeconomic factors could confound this association, but it has not been yet tested at this age. OBJECTIVE To assess the impact of early childhood caries (ECC), traumatic dental injuries (TDI) and malocclusions on the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of children between 2 and 5 years of age adjusted by socioeconomic factors. METHODS Parents of 260 children answered the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS) (six domains) on their perception of the children's OHRQoL and socioeconomic conditions. Two calibrated dentists (κ>0.8) examined the severity of ECC according to dmft index, and children were categorized into: 0=caries free; 1-5=low severity; ≥6=high severity. TDI and malocclusions were examined according to Andreasen & Andreasen (1994) classification and for the presence or absence of three anterior malocclusion traits (AMT), respectively. OHRQoL was measured through ECOHIS domain and total scores, and poisson regression was used to associate the different factors with the outcome. RESULTS In each domain and overall ECOHIS scores, the severity of ECC showed a negative impact on OHRQoL (P<0.001). TDI and AMT did not show a negative impact on OHRQoL nor in each domain (P>0.05). The increase in the child's age, higher household crowding, lower family income and mother working out of home were significantly associated with OHRQoL (P<0.05). The multivariate adjusted model showed that the high severity of ECC (RR=3.81; 95% CI=2.66, 5.46; P<0.001) was associated with greater negative impact on OHRQoL, while high family income was a protective factor for OHRQoL (RR=0.93; 95% CI=0.87, 0.99; P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS The severity of ECC and a lower family income had a negative impact on the OHRQoL of preschool children and their parents.