98 resultados para Opossum Kidney


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Smoking remains a major public health problem. It is associated with a considerable number of deaths in the world's population. Smoking is just like high blood pressure, an independent predictor of progression to any primary renal disease and renal transplant patients. It seems that smoking cessation slows the progression of kidney disease in smokers. The literature data are sometimes contradictory about it because of some methodological weaknesses. However, experimental models highlight the harmful effects of tobacco by hemodynamic and non-hemodynamic factors. The conclusion is that a major effort should be further produced by the nephrology community to motivate our patients to stop smoking.


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INTRODUCTION: Sepsis may impair mitochondrial utilization of oxygen. Since hepatic dysfunction is a hallmark of sepsis, we hypothesized that the liver is more susceptible to mitochondrial dysfunction than the peripheral tissues, such as the skeletal muscle. We studied the effect of prolonged endotoxin infusion on liver, muscle and kidney mitochondrial respiration and on hepatosplanchnic oxygen transport and microcirculation in pigs. METHODS: 20 anesthetized pigs were randomized to receive endotoxin or saline infusion for 24 hours. Muscle, liver and kidney mitochondrial respiration was assessed. Cardiac output (thermodilution), carotid, superior mesenteric and kidney arterial, portal venous (ultrasound Doppler) and microcirculatory blood flow (laser Doppler) were measured, and systemic and regional oxygen transport and lactate exchange were calculated. RESULTS: Endotoxin infusion induced hyperdynamic shock and impaired the glutamate- and succinate-dependent mitochondrial respiratory control ratio (RCR) in the liver (glutamate: endotoxemia: median [range] 2.8 [2.3-3.8] vs. controls: 5.3 [3.8-7.0]; p<0.001; succinate: endotoxemia: 2.9 [1.9-4.3] vs. controls: 3.9 [2.6-6.3] p=0.003). While the ADP:O ratio was reduced with both substrates, maximal ATP production was impaired only in the succinate-dependent respiration. Hepatic oxygen consumption and extraction, and liver surface laser Doppler blood flow remained unchanged. Glutamate-dependent respiration in the muscle and kidney was unaffected. CONCLUSIONS: Endotoxemia reduces the efficiency of hepatic but neither skeletal muscle nor kidney mitochondrial respiration, independent of regional and microcirculatory blood flow changes.


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Marfan's syndrome is caused by mutations in the extracellular matrix protein fibrillin-1 with aortic aneurysm and dissection being its most life-threatening manifestations. Kidney transplantation from donors with Marfan's syndrome has never been reported in the literature, possibly because of reticences due to the underlying connective tissue disease. Here, we report two patients with end-stage renal disease, transplanted with the kidneys from a donor with Marfan's syndrome who died of aortic dissection and cerebral hemorrhage. After delayed graft function in both recipients, renal function normalized with no renovascular complications and negative proteinuria for 6 years in one patient and 2 years in the other patient, who died from an ischemic cerebrovascular insult. Kidneys from organ donors with Marfan's syndrome might be suitable for transplantation.


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Chronic allograft nephropathy, including chronic rejection, remains one of the major causes of renal allograft failure. Amongst other mediators, metzincins, such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), direct extracellular matrix metabolism and cell proliferation. Thus, we hypothesized, that these proteolytic enzymes are differentially regulated in chronic renal transplant rejection in rats and in human renal allograft nephropathy. Our studies demonstrated on the experimental level and in humans an overall up-regulation of MMP, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP) and related enzymes as a result of rejection processes. Thus, metzincins may represent novel markers and therapeutic targets with respect to renal allograft rejection.


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Nephrolithiasis is a disease with a high and even rising incidence. It has a high morbidity, generates high costs and has a high recurrence rate. Urinalysis is of importance especially in recurrent stone formers. It allows the identification and quantification of risk factors and the establishment of individual risk profiles. Based on these individual risk profiles, rational therapy for metaphylaxis of kidney stones lowers stone recurrence rates significantly. This review article aims to give a focussed overview of the most important risk factors for kidney stones and reasonable urine tests for evaluation of recurrent kidney stone formers.


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Coxsackie B viruses types 1-6 (CVB1-6) occur worldwide and cause a broad spectrum of diseases, including myocarditis and aseptic meningitis. Although renal damage due to CVB has been suspected since the 1950s, these agents are only rarely searched for in today's clinical nephrological practice. Nevertheless, CVB can infect mesangial cells. Furthermore, infections with these viruses lead to a histological picture resembling mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis and IgA-nephropathy in mice. In the present article, we provide an overview of this largely neglected topic, and of the slowly and steadily increasing evidence suggesting a link between coxsackieviral infections and kidney diseases.


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Primary renal tumors are rare neoplasms in nonhuman primates. This report describes a mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney (MESTK) in a 14.5-year-old female ringtail lemur. The well-demarcated, solid, and cystic mass was located in the pelvis of the left kidney and consisted histologically of both epithelial and mesenchymal components. The mesenchymal cells were arranged in fascicles around cysts lined by a well-differentiated epithelium. Neither the mesenchymal nor the epithelial parts showed significant nuclear atypia or mitotic figures. To our knowledge, only 1 similar case, classified as adenoleiomyofibromatous hamartoma, has been reported in a ringtail lemur. In humans this tumor affects predominantly perimenopausal women and can express estrogen and progesterone receptors. However, neither estrogen nor progesterone receptors could be identified by immunohistochemistry in the tumor of the present ringtail lemur. Therefore, a hormonal mechanism could not be demonstrated in this case.


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The prevalence of incidentally discovered lesions within the pituitary (pituitary incidentalomas) is about 10%. The most common form of sellar mass are clinically nonfunctioning adenomas (less than 10 mm); functioning adenomas, however, are rare. Incidentally discovered pituitary microadenomas causing growth hormone hypersecretion are uncommon. In addition, the association of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease with acromegaly is exceptional and has not yet been reported to our knowledge.


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BACKGROUND: Simultaneous pancreas/kidney transplantation (SPK) should be the procedure of choice for (pre)uremic patients with type 1 diabetes. All standard immunosuppressive protocols for SPK include a calcineurin-inhibitor. Both calcineurin inhibitors, cyclosporine (CyA) and probably tacrolimus (FK506) too, are associated with the occurrence of cholelithiasis due to their metabolic side effects. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We evaluated the prevalence of cholelithiasis in 83 kidney/pancreas transplanted type I-diabetic patients (46 males, 37 females, mean age 42.8 +/- 7.5 years) by conventional B-mode ultrasound 5 years after transplantation. 56 patients received CyA (group 1) and 27 received tacrolimus (group 2) as first-line-immunosuppressive drug. Additional immunosuppression consisted of steroids, azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil. Additionally, laboratory analyses of cholestasis parameters (gamma-GT and alcalic phosphatasis) were performed. RESULTS: In total, 23 patients (28%) revealed gallstones and 52 patients (62%) revealed a completely normal gallbladder. In eight patients (10%) a cholecystectomy was performed before or during transplantation because of already known gallstones. No concrements in the biliary ducts (choledocholithiasis) could be detected. In group 2 the number of patients with gallstones was slightly lower (22%) compared with group 1 patients (30%), but without statistical significance. - Cholestasis parameters were not increased and HbA1c values were normal in both groups of patients. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of biliary disease in kidney/pancreas transplanted type I-diabetic patients with 28% is increased in comparison to the general population (10-15%). Lithogenicity under tacrolimus seems to be lower as under cyclosporine based immunosuppressive drug treatment. We recommend regular sonographical examinations to detect an acute or chronic cholecystis as early as possible, which may develop occultly in these patients.


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AIM: This study was conducted to delineate partnership-relation functioning over time and specifically matched to various organs such as heart, liver, and kidney. METHOD: Prospective, paralleled case-control-study including patients and their respective partners before and one year after organ transplantation in 23 heart-transplant recipients, 19 liver-transplant patients, and 16 kidney-transplant recipients. To assess partnership functioning, the FB-Z (family assessment measure) of Cierpka and Frevert was used. Statistics included descriptive methods, correlations, and analysis of variance including the items "organ" and "time". RESULTS: Heart-transplant recipients and their partners show significant better overall measures in their partnership ratings (sum-value) in comparison to liver or kidney patients and their partners. In all patient and partner groups, except in kidney-transplant recipients a significant deterioration over time is discernible in the subscales role performance and emotionality. In respect to the item "organ" significant differences were found in overall functioning and the subscale communication where heart-transplant recipients and their partners have significant better functioning compared to kidney or liver transplant patients. In kidney patients and their partners only communication changes to the better in the time course. CONCLUSION: In any organ transplantation the two sides of the coin are important to bear in mind, the one is the live-saving act of transplantation as such, the other is the important distress in the phase before but equally after the operation, mainly in the first year where patients and their respective partners have to be followed and treated even in respect to psychosocial and marital functioning.


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RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: A feasibility study on measuring kidney perfusion by a contrast-free magnetic resonance (MR) imaging technique is presented. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery (FAIR) prepared true fast imaging with steady-state precession (TrueFISP) arterial spin labeling sequence was used on a 3.0-T MR-scanner. The basis for quantification is a two-compartment exchange model proposed by Parkes that corrects for diverse assumptions in single-compartment standard models. RESULTS: Eleven healthy volunteers (mean age, 42.3 years; range 24-55) were examined. The calculated mean renal blood flow values for the exchange model (109 +/- 5 [medulla] and 245 +/- 11 [cortex] ml/min - 100 g) are in good agreement with the literature. Most important, the two-compartment exchange model exhibits a stabilizing effect on the evaluation of perfusion values if the finite permeability of the vessel wall and the venous outflow (fast solution) are considered: the values for the one-compartment standard model were 93 +/- 18 (medulla) and 208 +/- 37 (cortex) ml/min - 100 g. CONCLUSION: This improvement will increase the accuracy of contrast-free imaging of kidney perfusion in treatment renovascular disease.