67 resultados para OUTER GALACTIC DISK


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OBJECTIVE: To compare severity of postoperative pain in dogs undergoing hemilaminectomy because of acute thoracolumbar intervertebral disk disease treated with a combination of conventional analgesics and electroacupuncture (EAP) or with conventional analgesics alone. DESIGN: Controlled clinical trial. ANIMALS: 15 dogs undergoing surgery because of acute thoracolumbar disk disease. PROCEDURES: Dogs were alternately assigned to treatment (conventional analgesics and adjunct EAP) and control (conventional analgesics alone) groups. Analgesic treatment was adjusted as necessary by the attending clinician, who was not aware of group assignment. Pain scores were assigned 1, 3, and 12 hours after surgery and every 12 hours thereafter for 72 hours by the same individual who performed acupuncture treatments. RESULTS: Total dose of fentanyl administered during the first 12 hours after surgery was significantly lower in the treatment group than in the control group, but dosages of analgesics administered from 12 through 72 hours after surgery did not differ between groups. Pain score was significantly lower in the treatment group than in the control group 36 hours after surgery, but did not differ significantly between groups at any other time. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results provided equivocal evidence that adjunct EAP might provide some mild benefit in regard to severity of postoperative pain in dogs undergoing hemilaminectomy because of acute thoracolumbar intervertebral disk disease.


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OBJECTIVES: (1) To assess spinal cord blood flow (SCBF) during surgical treatment of disk extrusion in dogs and (2) to investigate associations between SCBF, clinical signs, presurgical MRI images, and 24-hour surgical outcome. STUDY DESIGN: Cohort study. ANIMALS: Chondrodystrophic dogs with thoracolumbar disk extrusion (n=12). METHODS: Diagnosis was based on clinical signs and MRI findings, and confirmed at surgery. Regional SCBF was measured intraoperatively by laser-Doppler flowmetry before, immediately after surgical spinal cord decompression, and after 15 minutes of lavaging the lesion. Care was taken to ensure a standardized surgical procedure to minimize factors that could influence measurement readings. RESULTS: A significant increase in intraoperative SCBF was found in all dogs (Wilcoxon's signed-rank test; P=.05) immediately after spinal cord decompression and after 15 minutes. Changes in SCBF were not associated with duration of clinical signs; initial or 24-hour neurologic status; or degree of spinal cord compression assessed by MRI. CONCLUSION: SCBF increases immediately after spinal cord decompression in dogs with disk herniation; however, increased SCBF was not associated with a diminished 24-hour neurologic status. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: An increase in SCBF does not appear to be either associated with the degree of spinal cord compression or of a magnitude sufficient to outweigh the benefit of surgical decompression by resulting in clinically relevant changes in 24-hour outcome.


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A 10-year-old Domestic Shorthair cat was admitted for chronic ambulatory paraparesis and a spinal malformation. The clinical examination revealed paraparesis accentuated on the left side. Thoracolumbar radiographs revealed a spinal malformation with a narrowed intervertebral space between L1 and L2, and a dorsal fusion at the level of L2-L3 with a common dorsal process. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed an intervertebral disk herniation with a ventral compression of the spinal cord at the level of L1/2. A standard vertebral lateral corpectomy with a foraminotomy was performed with a good outcome.


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Trypanosoma brucei is a unicellular parasite that causes devastating diseases in humans and animals. It diverged from most other eukaryotes very early in evolution and, as a consequence, has an unusual mitochondrial biology. Moreover, mitochondrial functions and morphology are highly regulated throughout the life cycle of the parasite. The outer mitochondrial membrane defines the boundary of the organelle. Its properties are therefore key for understanding how the cytosol and mitochondria communicate and how the organelle is integrated into the metabolism of the whole cell. We have purified the mitochondrial outer membrane of T. brucei and characterized its proteome using label-free quantitative mass spectrometry for protein abundance profiling in combination with statistical analysis. Our results show that the trypanosomal outer membrane proteome consists of 82 proteins, two-thirds of which have never been associated with mitochondria before. 40 proteins share homology with proteins of known functions. The function of 42 proteins, 33 of which are specific to trypanosomatids, remains unknown. 11 proteins are essential for the disease-causing bloodstream form of T. brucei and therefore may be exploited as novel drug targets. A comparison with the outer membrane proteome of yeast defines a set of 17 common proteins that are likely present in the mitochondrial outer membrane of all eukaryotes. Known factors involved in the regulation of mitochondrial morphology are virtually absent in T. brucei. Interestingly, RNAi-mediated ablation of three outer membrane proteins of unknown function resulted in a collapse of the network-like mitochondrion of procyclic cells and for the first time identified factors that control mitochondrial shape in T. brucei.


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OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence of spinal cord compression subsequent to traumatic intervertebral disk (IVD) extrusion in dogs, characterize factors associated with spinal cord compression in dogs with traumatic IVD extrusion, and evaluate the outcomes of dogs with traumatic IVD extrusion with or without spinal cord compression. DESIGN Retrospective case series. ANIMALS 31 dogs with traumatic IVD extrusion. PROCEDURES Medical records and MRI findings were reviewed for dogs with a history of trauma to the spinal region. Dogs were included in the study if a neurologic examination and MRI were performed and there was a description of clinical signs and MRI findings including identification of the spinal cord segment affected by IVD extrusion, presence or absence of spinal cord compression, treatment, and outcome available for review. RESULTS 31 of 50 (62%) dogs had traumatic IVD extrusions without any other detectable vertebral lesions; 9 (29%) and 22 (71%) of those 31 dogs did and did not have spinal cord compression, respectively. Dogs with spinal cord compression were significantly older and more likely to be chondrodystrophic and have evidence of generalized IVD degeneration, compared with dogs without spinal cord compression. The outcome for dogs with spinal cord compression was similar to that for dogs without spinal cord compression. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated traumatic IVD extrusion was common and should be considered as a differential diagnosis for dogs with trauma to the spinal region, and spinal cord compression should be evaluated, especially in older or chondrodystrophic dogs.


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BACKGROUND Little is known about the pathologic changes in the epidural space after intervertebral disk (IVD) extrusion in the dog. OBJECTIVES To analyze the pathology of the epidural inflammatory response, and to search for correlations between this process and clinical findings. METHODS Clinical data from 105 chondrodystrophic (CD) and nonchondrodystrophic (NCD) dogs with IVD extrusion were recorded. Epidural material from these dogs was examined histopathologically and immunohistochemically. Using statistical analysis, we searched for correlations between severity of epidural inflammation and various clinical and pathologic variables. RESULTS Most dogs exhibited an epidural inflammatory response, ranging from acute invasion of neutrophils to formation of chronic granulation tissue. The mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates consisted mostly of monocytes and macrophages and only few T and B cells. Surprisingly, chronic inflammatory patterns also were found in animals with an acute clinical history. Severity of the epidural inflammation correlated with degree of the epidural hemorrhage and nucleus pulposus calcification (P = .003 and .040), but not with age, chondrodystrophic phenotype, neurologic grade, back pain, pretreatment, or duration. The degree of inflammation was statistically (P = .021) inversely correlated with the ability to regain ambulation. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE Epidural inflammation occurs in the majority of dogs with IVD extrusion and may develop long before the onset of clinical signs. Presence of calcified IVD material and hemorrhage in the epidural space may be the triggers of this lesion rather than an adaptive immune response to the nucleus pulposus as suggested in previous studies. Because epidural inflammation may affect outcome, further research is warranted.


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A scientific forum on “The Future Science of Exoplanets and Their Systems,” sponsored by Europlanet* and the International Space Science Institute (ISSI)† and co-organized by the Center for Space and Habitability (CSH)‡ of the University of Bern, was held during December 5 and 6, 2012, in Bern, Switzerland. It gathered 24 well-known specialists in exoplanetary, Solar System, and stellar science to discuss the future of the fast-expanding field of exoplanetary research, which now has nearly 1000 objects to analyze and compare and will develop even more quickly over the coming years. The forum discussions included a review of current observational knowledge, efforts for exoplanetary atmosphere characterization and their formation, water formation, atmospheric evolution, habitability aspects, and our understanding of how exoplanets interact with their stellar and galactic environment throughout their history. Several important and timely research areas of focus for further research efforts in the field were identified by the forum participants. These scientific topics are related to the origin and formation of water and its delivery to planetary bodies and the role of the disk in relation to planet formation, including constraints from observations as well as star-planet interaction processes and their consequences for atmosphere-magnetosphere environments, evolution, and habitability. The relevance of these research areas is outlined in this report, and possible themes for future ISSI workshops are identified that may be proposed by the international research community over the coming 2–3 years.


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Concentrations of stable and radioactive nuclides produced by cosmic ray particles in meteorites allow us to track the long term average of the primary flux of galactic cosmic rays (GCR). During the past ∼10 Ma, the average GCR flux remained constant over timescales of hundreds of thousands to millions of years, and, if corrected for known variations in solar modulation, also during the past several years to hundreds of years. Because the cosmic ray concentrations in meteorites represent integral signals, it is difficult to assess the limits of uncertainty of this statement, but they are larger than the often quoted analytical and model uncertainties of some 30%. Time series of concentrations of the radionuclide 10Be in terrestrial samples strengthen the conclusions drawn from meteorite studies, indicating that the GCR intensity on a ∼0.5 million year scale has remained constant within some ±10% during the past ∼10 million years. The very long-lived radioactive nuclide 40K allows to assess the GCR flux over about the past one billion years. The flux over the past few million years has been the same as the longer-term average in the past 0.5–1 billion years within a factor of ∼1.5. However, newer data do not confirm a long-held belief that the flux in the past few million years has been higher by some 30–50% than the very long term average. Neither does our analysis confirm a hypothesis that the iron meteorite data indicate a ∼150 million year periodicity in the cosmic ray flux, possibly related to variations in the long-term terrestrial climate.


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Kinetoplastids are defined by the unique organization of their mitochondrial DNA (kDNA). It forms a highly concatenated DNA network that is linked to the basal body of the flagellum by the tripartite attachment complex (TAC). The TAC encompasses intra and extramitochondrial filaments and a highly differentiated region of the two mitochondrial membranes. Here we identify and characterize a mitochondrial outer membrane protein of Trypanosoma brucei that is predominantly localized in the TAC. The protein is essential for growth in both life cycle stages. Immunofluorescence shows that ablation of the protein does not affect kDNA replication but abolishes the segregation of the replicated kDNA network causing rapid loss of kDNA. Besides its role in kDNA maintenance in vivo and in vitro experiments show that the protein is involved in mitochondrial protein import and that it interacts with a recently discovered protein import factor. RNAi experiments in a T. brucei cell line in which the kDNA is dispensable suggest that the essential function is linked to kDNA maintenance. Bioinformatic analysis shows that the studied outer membrane protein has beta-barrel topology and that it belongs to the mitochondrial porin family comprising VDAC, Tom40 and Mdm10. Interestingly, Mdm10 has sofar only been found in yeast. Ist function in protein import and mitochondrial DNA maintenance suggests that the protein in our study is the functional homologue of Mdm10. Thus, the TAC – a defining structure of Kinetoplastids – contains a conserved protein which in yeast and trypanosomes performs the same function. Our study therefore provides an example that trypanosomal biology, rather than being unique, often simply represents a more extreme manifestation of a conserved biological concept.


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African trypanosomes, the causative agent of Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) are among the earliest diverging eukaryotes that have bona fide mitochondria capable of oxidative phosphorylation. The mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) of T. brucei is essentially unchartered territory. The beta barrel membrane proteins VDAC, Sam50 and archaic TOM are the only MOM proteins that have been characterized so far. Using biochemical fractionation and correlated protein abundance-profiling we were able to raise the protein inventory of the MOM. Of the 82 candidate proteins two-thirds have never been associated with mitochondria before. The function of 42 proteins remains unknown. Known factors involved in the regulation of mitochondrial morphology are virtually absent in T. brucei. Interestingly, RNAi-mediated ablation of three MOM candidate proteins of unknown function resulted in a collapse of the network-like mitochondrion of insect-stage parasites and therefore directly or indirectly are involved in the regulation of mitochondrial morphology in T. brucei.


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The mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) separates the mitochondria from the cytoplasm, serving both as a barrier and as a gateway. Protein complexes — believed to be universally conserved in all eukaryotes — reside in the MOM to orchestrate and control metabolite exchange, lipid metabolism and uptake of biopolymers such as protein and RNA. African trypanosomes are the causative agent of the sleeping sickness in humans. The parasites are among the earliest diverging eukaryotes that have bona fide mitochondria capable of oxidative phosphorylation. Trypanosomes have unique mitochondrial biology that concerns their mitochondrial metabolism and their unusual mitochondrial morphology that differs to great extent between life stages. Another striking feature is the organization of the mitochondrial genome that does not encode any tRNA genes, thus all tRNAs needed for mitochondrial translation have to be imported. However, the MOM of T. brucei is essentially unchartered territory. It lacks a canonical protein import machinery and facilitation of tRNA translocation remains completely elusive. Using biochemical fractionation and label-free quantitative mass spectrometry for correlated protein abundance-profiling we were able to identify a cluster of 82 candidate proteins that can be localized to the trypanosomal MOM with high confidence. This enabled us to identify a highly unusual, potentially archaic protein import machinery that might also transport tRNAs. Moreover, two-thirds of the identified polypeptides present on the MOM have never been associated with mitochondria before. 40 proteins share homology with proteins of known functions. The function of 42 proteins remains unknown. 11 proteins are essential for the disease-causing bloodstream form of T. brucei and therefore may be exploited as novel drug targets. A comparison with the outer membrane proteome of yeast defines a set of 17 common proteins that are likely present in the MOM of all eukaryotes. Known factors involved in the regulation of mitochondrial morphology are virtually absent in T. brucei. Interestingly, RNAi-mediated ablation of three outer membrane proteins of unknown function resulted in a collapse of the network-like mitochondrion of insect-stage parasites and therefore directly or indirectly are involved in the regulation of mitochondrial morphology.


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The mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) separates the mitochondria from the cytoplasm, serving both as a barrier and as a gateway. Protein complexes residing in the MOM orchestrate protein and tRNA import, metabolite exchange and lipid metabolism. African trypanosomes are among the earliest diverging eukaryotes that have bona fide mitochondria capable of oxidative phosphorylation. The MOM of T. brucei is essentially unchartered territory. It lacks a canonical TOM-complex and proteins are imported across the MOM using ATOM, which is related to both Tom40 and to the bacterial Omp85-protein family. The beta barrel membrane proteins ATOM, VDAC and Sam50 are the only MOM proteins that have been characterized in T. brucei so far. Using biochemical fractionation and correlated protein abundance-profiling we were able to identify a cluster of 82 candidate proteins that can be localized to the trypanosomal MOM with high confidence Two-thirds of these polypeptides have never been associated with mitochondria before. 40 proteins share homology with proteins of known functions. The function of 42 proteins remains unknown. 11 proteins are essential for the disease-causing bloodstream form of T. brucei and therefore may be exploited as novel drug targets. A comparison with the outer membrane proteome of yeast defines a set of 17 common proteins that are likely present in the MOM of all eukaryotes. Known factors involved in the regulation of mitochondrial morphology are virtually absent in T. brucei. Interestingly, RNAi-mediated ablation of three outer membrane proteins of unknown function resulted in a collapse of the network-like mitochondrion of procyclic cells and therefore directly or indirectly are involved in the regulation of mitochondrial morphology in T. brucei.


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Kinetoplastids are defined by the unique organization of their mitochondrial DNA (kDNA). It forms a highly concatenated DNA network that is linked to the basal body of the flagellum by the tripartite attachment complex (TAC). The TAC encompasses intra and extramitochondrial filaments and a highly differentiated region of the two mitochondrial membranes. Here we identify and characterize a mitochondrial outer membrane protein of Trypanosoma brucei that is predominantly localized in the TAC. The protein is essential for growth in both life cycle stages. Immunofluorescence shows that ablation of the protein does not affect kDNA replication but abolishes the segregation of the replicated kDNA network causing rapid loss of kDNA. Besides its role in kDNA maintenance in vivo and in vitro experiments show that the protein is involved in mitochondrial protein import and that it interacts with a recently discovered protein import factor. RNAi experiments in a T. brucei cell line in which the kDNA is dispensable suggest that the essential function is linked to kDNA maintenance. Bioinformatic analysis shows that the studied outer membrane protein has beta-barrel topology and that it belongs to the mitochondrial porin family comprising VDAC, Tom40 and Mdm10. Interestingly, Mdm10 has so far only been found in yeast. Its function in protein import and mitochondrial DNA maintenance suggests that the protein in our study is the functional homologue of Mdm10. Thus, the TAC – a defining structure of Kinetoplastids – contains a conserved protein which in yeast and trypanosomes performs the same function. Our study therefore provides an example that trypanosomal biology, rather than being unique, often simply represents a more extreme manifestation of a conserved biological concept.