45 resultados para New mutations


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The efficacy of specifically targeted anti-viral therapy for hepatitis C virus (HCV) (STAT-C), including HCV protease and polymerase inhibitors, is limited by the presence of drug-specific viral resistance mutations within the targeted proteins. Genetic diversity within these viral proteins also evolves under selective pressures provided by host human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-restricted immune responses, which may therefore influence STAT-C treatment response. Here, the prevalence of drug resistance mutations relevant to 27 developmental STAT-C drugs, and the potential for drug and immune selective pressures to intersect at sites along the HCV genome, is explored. HCV nonstructural (NS) 3 protease or NS5B polymerase sequences and HLA assignment were obtained from study populations from Australia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Four hundred five treatment-naïve individuals with chronic HCV infection were considered (259 genotype 1, 146 genotype 3), of which 38.5% were coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We identified preexisting STAT-C drug resistance mutations in sequences from this large cohort. The frequency of the variations varied according to individual STAT-C drug and HCV genotype/subtype. Of individuals infected with subtype 1a, 21.5% exhibited genetic variation at a known drug resistance site. Furthermore, we identified areas in HCV protease and polymerase that are under both potential HLA-driven pressure and therapy selection and identified six HLA-associated polymorphisms (P


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beta-galactosidase (GLB1) forms a functional lysosomal multienzyme complex with lysosomal protective protein (PPCA) and neuraminidase 1 (NEU1) which is important for its intracellular processing and activity. Mutations in the beta-galactosidase gene cause the lysosomal storage disease G(M1)-gangliosidosis. In order to identify additional molecular changes associated with the presence of beta-galactosidase mutations, the expression of canine lysosomal multienzyme complex components in GLB1(+/+), GLB1(+/-) and GLB1(-/-) fibroblasts was investigated by quantitative RT-PCR, Western blot and enzymatic assays. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed differential regulation of total beta-galactosidase, beta-galactosidase variants and protective protein for beta-galactosidase gene (PPGB) in GLB1(+/-) and GLB1(-/-) compared to GLB1(+/+) fibroblasts. Furthermore, it was shown that PPGB levels gradually increased with the number of mutant beta-galactosidase alleles while no change in the NEU1 expression was observed. This is the first study that simultaneously examine the effect of GLB1(+/+), GLB1(+/-) and GLB1(-/-) genotypes on the expression of lysosomal multienzyme complex components. The findings reveal a possible adaptive process in GLB1 homozygous mutant and heterozygous individuals that could facilitate the design of efficient therapeutic strategies.


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White coat colour in horses is inherited as a monogenic autosomal dominant trait showing a variable expression of coat depigmentation. Mutations in the KIT gene have previously been shown to cause white coat colour phenotypes in pigs, mice and humans. We recently also demonstrated that four independent mutations in the equine KIT gene are responsible for the dominant white coat colour phenotype in various horse breeds. We have now analysed additional horse families segregating for white coat colour phenotypes and report seven new KIT mutations in independent Thoroughbred, Icelandic Horse, German Holstein, Quarter Horse and South German Draft Horse families. In four of the seven families, only one single white horse, presumably representing the founder for each of the four respective mutations, was available for genotyping. The newly reported mutations comprise two frameshift mutations (c.1126_1129delGAAC; c.2193delG), two missense mutations (c.856G>A; c.1789G>A) and three splice site mutations (c.338-1G>C; c.2222-1G>A; c.2684+1G>A). White phenotypes in horses show a remarkable allelic heterogeneity. In fact, a higher number of alleles are molecularly characterized at the equine KIT gene than for any other known gene in livestock species.


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Microsomal P450 enzymes, which metabolize drugs and catalyze steroid biosynthesis require electron donation from NADPH via P450 oxidoreductase (POR). POR knockout mice are embryonically lethal, but we found recessive human POR missense mutations causing disordered steroidogenesis and Antley-Bixler syndrome (ABS), a skeletal malformation syndrome featuring craniosynostosis. Dominant mutations in exons 8 and 10 of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) cause phenotypically related craniosynostosis syndromes and were reported in patients with ABS and normal steroidogenesis. Sequencing POR and FGFR2 exons in 32 patients with ABS and/or hormonal findings suggesting POR deficiency showed complete genetic segregation of POR and FGFR2 mutations. Fifteen patients carried POR mutations on both alleles, four carried POR mutations on 1 allele, nine carried FGFR2/3 mutations on one allele and no mutation was found in three patients. The 34 affected POR alleles included 10 with A287P, 7 with R457H, 9 other missense mutations and 7 frameshifts. These 11 missense mutations and 10 others identified by database mining were expressed in E. coli, purified to apparent homogeneity, and their catalytic capacities were measured in four assays: reduction of cytochrome c, oxidation of NADPH, and support of the 17alpha-hydroxylase and 17,20 lyase activities of human P450c17. As assessed by Vmax/Km, 17,20 lyase activity provided the best correlation with clinical findings. Modeling human POR on the X-ray crystal structure of rat POR shows that these mutant activities correlate well with their locations in the structure. POR deficiency is a new disease, distinct from the craniosynostosis syndromes caused by FGFR mutations.


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P450 oxidoreductase (POR) is the obligatory flavoprotein intermediate that transfers electrons from reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) to all microsomal cytochrome P450 enzymes. Although mouse Por gene ablation causes embryonic lethality, POR missense mutations cause disordered steroidogenesis, ambiguous genitalia, and Antley-Bixler syndrome (ABS), which has also been attributed to fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) mutations. We sequenced the POR gene and FGFR2 exons 8 and 10 in 32 individuals with ABS and/or hormonal findings that suggested POR deficiency. POR and FGFR2 mutations segregated completely. Fifteen patients carried POR mutations on both alleles, 4 carried mutations on only one allele, 10 carried FGFR2 or FGFR3 mutations, and 3 patients carried no mutations. The 34 affected POR alleles included 10 with A287P (all from whites) and 7 with R457H (four Japanese, one African, two whites); 17 of the 34 alleles carried 16 "private" mutations, including 9 missense and 7 frameshift mutations. These 11 missense mutations, plus 10 others found in databases or reported elsewhere, were recreated by site-directed mutagenesis and were assessed by four assays: reduction of cytochrome c, oxidation of NADPH, support of 17alpha-hydroxylase activity, and support of 17,20 lyase using human P450c17. Assays that were based on cytochrome c, which is not a physiologic substrate for POR, correlated poorly with clinical phenotype, but assays that were based on POR's support of catalysis by P450c17--the enzyme most closely associated with the hormonal phenotype--provided an excellent genotype/phenotype correlation. Our large survey of patients with ABS shows that individuals with an ABS-like phenotype and normal steroidogenesis have FGFR mutations, whereas those with ambiguous genitalia and disordered steroidogenesis should be recognized as having a distinct new disease: POR deficiency.


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Combined partial deficiency of 17alpha-hydroxylase and 21-hydroxylase activities was first described in 1985; however the genes for P450c17 and P450c21 in these patients lack mutations. In 1986 we postulated that this disorder might be due to mutations in P450 oxidoreductase (POR), the flavoprotein that donates electron to these and all other microsomal P450 enzymes, but this hypothesis was not tested until the POR gene sequence became available through the genome database. We found five POR missense mutations in our first four patients. In vitro assays of the activities of these mutations showed that the standard assay of POR activity, reduction of cytochrome c, correlated poorly with the patients' phenotypes, but that assays of POR-supported 17alpha-hydroxylase and 17,20 lyase activities correlated well. POR deficiency is a new disorder of adrenal and gonadal steroidogenesis that affects all microsomal cytochrome P450 enzymes, hence may have important implications for genetic differences in drug metabolism.


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Fluoroquinolone- and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolates harbor two new staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) elements that belong to class A, allotype 3 (SCCmec II-III), and to the new allotype 5 (SCCmec VII). Analysis of the complete nucleotide sequences of the topoisomerase loci gyrB/gyrA and grlB/grlA revealed mutations involved in fluoroquinolone resistance.


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The discussion on the New Philology triggered by French and North American scholars in the last decade of the 20th century emphasized the material character of textual transmission inside and outside the written evidences of medieval manuscripts by downgrading the active role of the historical author. However, the reception of the ideas propagated by the New Philology adherents was rather divided. Some researchers considered it to be the result of an academic “crisis” (R.T. Pickens) or questioned its innovative status (K. Stackmann: “Neue Philologie?”); others appreciated the “new attitudes to the page” it had brought to mind (J. Bumke after R.H. and M.A, Rouse) or even saw a new era of the “powers of philology” evoked (H.-U. Gumbrecht). Besides the debates on the New Philology another concept of textual materiality strengthened in the last decade, maintaining that textual alterations somewhat relate to biogenetic mutations. In a matter of fact, phenomena such as genetic and textual variation, gene recombination and ‘contamination’ (the mixing of different exemplars in one manuscript text) share common features. The paper discusses to what extent the biogenetic concepts can be used for evaluating manifestations of textual production (as the approach of ‘critique génétique’ does) and of textual transmission (as the phylogenetic analysis of manuscript variation does). In this context yet the genealogical concept of stemmatology – the treelike representation of textual development abhorred by the New Philology adepts – might prove to be useful for describing the history of texts. The textual material to be analyzed will be drawn from the Parzival Project, which is currently preparing a new electronic edition of Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival novel written shortly after 1200 and transmitted in numerous manuscripts up to the age of printing. Researches of the project have actually resulted in suggesting that the advanced knowledge of the manuscript transmission yields a more precise idea on the author’s own writing process.


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(Full text is available at http://www.manu.edu.mk/prilozi). New generation genomic platforms enable us to decipher the complex genetic basis of complex diseases and Balkan Endemic Nephropathy (BEN) at a high-throughput basis. They give valuable information about predisposing Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), Copy Number Variations (CNVs) or Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH) (using SNP-array) and about disease-causing mutations along the whole sequence of candidate-genes (using Next Generation Sequencing). This information could be used for screening of individuals in risk families and moving the main medicine stream to the prevention. They also might have an impact on more effective treatment. Here we discuss these genomic platforms and report some applications of SNP-array technology in a case with familial nephrotic syndrome. Key words: complex diseases, genome wide association studies, SNP, genomic arrays, next generation sequ-encing.


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The discussion on the New Philology triggered by French and North American scholars in the last decade of the 20th century emphasized the material character of textual transmission inside and outside the written evidences of medieval manuscripts by downgrading the active role of the historical author. However, the reception of the ideas propagated by the New Philology adherents was rather divided. Some researchers questioned its innovative status (K. Stackmann: “Neue Philologie?”), others saw a new era of the “powers of philology” evoked (H.-U. Gumbrecht). Besides the debates on the New Philology another concept of textual materiality strengthened in the last decade, maintaining that textual alterations somewhat relate to biogenetic mutations. In a matter of fact, phenomena such as genetic and textual variation, gene recombination and ‘contamination’ (the mixing of different exemplars in one manuscript text) share common features. The paper discusses to what extent the biogenetic concepts can be used for evaluating manifestations of textual production (as the approach of ‘critique génétique’ does) and of textual transmission (as the phylogenetic analysis of manuscript variation does). In this context yet the genealogical concept of stemmatology – the treelike representation of textual development abhorred by the New Philology adepts – might prove to be useful for describing the history of texts. The textual material to be analyzed will be drawn from the Parzival Project, which is currently preparing a new electronic edition of Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival novel written shortly after 1200 and transmitted in numerous manuscripts up to the age of printing (www.parzival.unibe.ch). Researches of the project have actually resulted in suggesting that the advanced knowledge of the manuscript transmission yields a more precise idea on the author’s own writing process.


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Defects of androgen biosynthesis cause 46,XY disorder of sexual development (DSD). All steroids are produced from cholesterol and the early steps of steroidogenesis are common to mineralocorticoid, glucocorticoid and sex steroid production. Genetic mutations in enzymes and proteins supporting the early biosynthesis pathways cause adrenal insufficiency (AI), DSD and gonadal insufficiency. The classic androgen biosynthesis defects with AI are lipoid CAH, CYP11A1 and HSD3B2 deficiencies. Deficiency of CYP17A1 rarely causes AI, and HSD17B3 or SRD5A2 deficiencies only cause 46,XY DSD and gonadal insufficiency. All androgen biosynthesis depends on 17,20 lyase activity of CYP17A1 which is supported by P450 oxidoreductase (POR) and cytochrome b5 (CYB5). Therefore 46,XY DSD with apparent 17,20 lyase deficiency may be due to mutations in CYP17A1, POR or CYB5. Illustrated by patients harboring mutations in SRD5A2, normal development of the male external genitalia depends largely on dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is converted from circulating testicular testosterone (T) through SRD5A2 in the genital skin. In the classic androgen biosynthetic pathway, T is produced from DHEA and androstenedione/-diol in the testis. However, recently found mutations in AKR1C2/4 genes in undervirilized 46,XY individuals have established a role for a novel, alternative, backdoor pathway for fetal testicular DHT synthesis. In this pathway, which has been first elucidated for the tammar wallaby pouch young, 17-hydroxyprogesterone is converted directly to DHT by 5α-3α reductive steps without going through the androgens of the classic pathway. Enzymes AKR1C2/4 catalyse the critical 3αHSD reductive reaction which feeds 17OH-DHP into the backdoor pathway. In conclusion, androgen production in the fetal testis seems to utilize two pathways but their exact interplay remains to be elucidated.


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Epileptic encephalopathies are a phenotypically and genetically heterogeneous group of severe epilepsies accompanied by intellectual disability and other neurodevelopmental features. Using next-generation sequencing, we identified four different de novo mutations in KCNA2, encoding the potassium channel KV1.2, in six isolated patients with epileptic encephalopathy (one mutation recurred three times independently). Four individuals presented with febrile and multiple afebrile, often focal seizure types, multifocal epileptiform discharges strongly activated by sleep, mild to moderate intellectual disability, delayed speech development and sometimes ataxia. Functional studies of the two mutations associated with this phenotype showed almost complete loss of function with a dominant-negative effect. Two further individuals presented with a different and more severe epileptic encephalopathy phenotype. They carried mutations inducing a drastic gain-of-function effect leading to permanently open channels. These results establish KCNA2 as a new gene involved in human neurodevelopmental disorders through two different mechanisms, predicting either hyperexcitability or electrical silencing of KV1.2-expressing neurons.


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In-depth molecular investigation of familial leukemia has been limited by the rarity of recognized cases. This study examines the genetic events initiating leukemia and details the clinical progression of disease across multiple families harboring germ-line CEBPA mutations. Clinical data were collected from 10 CEBPA-mutated families, representing 24 members with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Whole-exome (WES) and deep sequencing were performed to genetically profile tumors and define patterns of clonal evolution. Germline CEBPA mutations clustered within the N-terminal and were highly penetrant, with AML presenting at a median age of 24.5 years (range, 1.75-46 years). In all diagnostic tumors tested (n = 18), double CEBPA mutations (CEBPAdm) were detected, with acquired (somatic) mutations preferentially targeting the C-terminal. Somatic CEBPA mutations were unstable throughout the disease course, with different mutations identified at recurrence. Deep sequencing of diagnostic and relapse paired samples confirmed that relapse-associated CEBPA mutations were absent at diagnosis, suggesting recurrence was triggered by novel, independent clones. Integrated WES and deep sequencing subsequently revealed an entirely new complement of mutations at relapse, verifying the presentation of a de novo leukemic episode. The cumulative incidence of relapse in familial AML was 56% at 10 years (n = 11), and 3 patients experienced ≥3 disease episodes over a period of 17 to 20 years. Durable responses to secondary therapies were observed, with prolonged median survival after relapse (8 years) and long-term overall survival (10-year overall survival, 67%). Our data reveal that familial CEBPA-mutated AML exhibits a unique model of disease progression, associated with favorable long-term outcomes.


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INTRODUCTION Fibrinogen storage disease (FSD) is characterized by hypofibrinogenemia and hepatic inclusions due to impaired release of mutant fibrinogen which accumulates and aggregates in the hepatocellular endoplasmic reticulum. Liver disease is variable. AIM We studied a new Swiss family with fibrinogen Aguadilla. In order to understand the molecular peculiarity of FSD mutations, fibrinogen Aguadilla and the three other causative mutations, all located in the γD domain, were modelled. METHOD The proband is a Swiss girl aged 4 investigated because of fatigue and elevated liver enzymes. Protein structure models were prepared using the Swiss-PdbViewer and POV-Ray software. RESULTS The proband was found to be heterozygous for fibrinogen Aguadilla: FGG Arg375Trp. Familial screening revealed that her mother and maternal grandmother were also affected and, in addition, respectively heterozygous and homozygous for the hereditary haemochromatosis mutation HFE C282Y. Models of backbone and side-chain interactions for fibrinogen Aguadilla in a 10-angstrom region revealed the loss of five H-bonds and the gain of one H-bond between structurally important amino acids. The structure predicted for fibrinogen Angers showed a novel helical structure in place of hole 'a' on the outer edge of γD likely to have a negative impact on fibrinogen assembly and secretion. CONCLUSION The mechanism by which FSD mutations generate hepatic intracellular inclusions is still not clearly established although the promotion of aberrant intermolecular strand insertions is emerging as a likely cause. Reporting new cases is essential in the light of novel opportunities of treatment offered by increasing knowledge of the degradation pathway and autophagy.