51 resultados para Metronidazole vaginal gel
BACKGROUND: Gingivitis has been linked to adverse pregnancy outcome (APO). Bacterial vaginosis (BV) has been associated with APO. We assessed if bacterial counts in BV is associated with gingivitis suggesting a systemic infectious susceptibilty. METHODS: Vaginal samples were collected from 180 women (mean age 29.4 years, SD +/- 6.8, range: 18 to 46), and at least six months after delivery, and assessed by semi-quantitative DNA-DNA checkerboard hybridization assay (74 bacterial species). BV was defined by Gram stain (Nugent criteria). Gingivitis was defined as bleeding on probing at >or= 20% of tooth sites. RESULTS: A Nugent score of 0-3 (normal vaginal microflora) was found in 83 women (46.1%), and a score of > 7 (BV) in 49 women (27.2%). Gingivitis was diagnosed in 114 women (63.3%). Women with a diagnosis of BV were more likely to have gingivitis (p = 0.01). Independent of gingival conditions, vaginal bacterial counts were higher (p < 0.001) for 38/74 species in BV+ in comparison to BV- women. Counts of four lactobacilli species were higher in BV- women (p < 0.001). Independent of BV diagnosis, women with gingivitis had higher counts of Prevotella bivia (p < 0.001), and Prevotella disiens (p < 0.001). P. bivia, P. disiens, M. curtisii and M. mulieris (all at the p < 0.01 level) were found at higher levels in the BV+/G+ group than in the BV+/G- group. The sum of bacterial load (74 species) was higher in the BV+/G+ group than in the BV+/G- group (p < 0.05). The highest odds ratio for the presence of bacteria in vaginal samples (> 1.0 x 104 cells) and a diagnosis of gingivitis was 3.9 for P. bivia (95% CI 1.5-5.7, p < 0.001) and 3.6 for P. disiens (95%CI: 1.8-7.5, p < 0.001), and a diagnosis of BV for P. bivia (odds ratio: 5.3, 95%CI: 2.6 to 10.4, p < 0.001) and P. disiens (odds ratio: 4.4, 95% CI: 2.2 to 8.8, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Higher vaginal bacterial counts can be found in women with BV and gingivitis in comparison to women with BV but not gingivitis. P. bivia and P. disiens may be of specific significance in a relationship between vaginal and gingival infections.
Clinical application of ozone gas has been shown to arrest the progression of dentinal caries in children. In this study, we compare the immediate effects of gaseous ozone and chlorhexidine gel on bacteria in cavitated carious lesions in children. Forty children, each with at least two open occlusal carious lesions, were enrolled in the study. Two teeth were chosen randomly. In one lesion, overlying soft biological material was removed, whilst the other lesion was not excavated. Cavities were rinsed with sterile water and dried with air. A standardised sample was taken from the mesial part of each lesion. Then, gaseous ozone (HealOzone) or 1% chlorhexidine gel (Corsodyl) was applied for 30 s on both lesions of 20 children each, and a second sample was taken from the distal part of each lesion. The anaerobic microbiota was cultivated; the number of colony forming units was calculated per milligram sample. The two-sided paired t test showed no significant (P > 0.05) differences in the reduction of total bacterial counts per milligram comparing samples before and after ozone or chlorhexidine application. The tests also showed no statistically significant difference whether the superficial decayed dentine had been removed before ozone or with chlorhexidine treatment or not. It can be concluded that gaseous ozone or chlorhexidine gel application for 30 s to deep occlusal carious cavities had no significant immediate antimicrobial effects whether the superficial decayed layers dentine were removed or not.
BACKGROUND: The single-use supraglottic airway devices LMA-Supreme (LMA-S; Laryngeal Mask Company, Henley-on-Thames, United Kingdom) and i-gel (Intersurgical Ltd, Wokingham, Berkshire, United Kingdom) have a second tube for gastric tube insertion. Only the LMA-S has an inflatable cuff. They have the same clinical indications and might be useful for difficult airway management. This prospective, crossover, randomized controlled trial was performed in a simulated difficult airway scenario using an extrication collar limiting mouth opening and neck movement. METHODS: Sixty patients were included. Both devices were placed in random order in each patient. Primary outcome was overall success rate. Other measurements were time to successful ventilation, airway leak pressure, fiberoptic glottic view, and adverse events. RESULTS: Success rate for the LMA-S was 95% versus 93% for the i-gel (P = 1.000). LMA-S needed shorter insertion time (34 +/- 12 s vs. 42 +/- 23 s, P = 0.024). Tidal volumes and airway leak pressure were similar (LMA-S 26 +/- 8 cm H20; i-gel 27 +/- 9 cm H20; P = 0.441). Fiberoptic view through the i-gel showed less epiglottic downfolding. Overall agreement in insertion outcome was 54 (successes) and 1 (failure) or 55 (92%) of 60 patients. The difference in success rate was 1.7% (95% CI -11.3% to 7.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Both airway devices had similar insertion success and clinical performance in the simulated difficult airway situation. The authors found less epiglottic downfolding and better fiberoptic view but longer insertion time with the i-gel. Our study shows that both devices are feasible for emergency airway management in patients with reduced neck movement and limited mouth opening.
STUDY OBJECTIVE: To estimate the frequency of vaginal voiding as the cause of daytime urinary leakage in girls, and to study the effect of instructions intended to alleviate the problem. SETTING: Girls with vaginal voiding were identified in a group of girls referred because of daytime urinary leakage. They were evaluated by a noninvasive screening protocol. Girls with vaginal voiding were instructed on how to achieve better toilet habits. PARTICIPANTS: Twelve girls with vaginal voiding. RESULTS: Vaginal voiding was found in 12 of 39 girls with daytime urinary leakage. Their age ranged between 8.5 and 13.9 years. They all had history of small leakage immediately after voiding. A body mass index greater than the corresponding 85th percentile was noted in 5 girls, and labial fusion was noted in 2 girls. The complaint disappeared in 10 girls and improved in the remaining 2 girls after instructions on how to achieve better toilet habits. CONCLUSIONS: Vaginal voiding is common in girls. It occurs in girls at risk of overweight, in girls with labial fusion, and in girls adopting a hairpin posture while sitting on the toilet. The diagnosis is obtained by an adequate history. Proper voiding instructions resolve the problem.
We evaluated three molecular methods for identification of Francisella strains: pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis, and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The analysis was performed with 54 Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica, 5 F. tularensis subsp. tularensis, 2 F. tularensis subsp. novicida, and 1 F. philomiragia strains. On the basis of the combination of results obtained by PFGE with the restriction enzymes XhoI and BamHI, PFGE revealed seven pulsotypes, which allowed us to discriminate the strains to the subspecies level and which even allowed us to discriminate among some isolates of F. tularensis subsp. holarctica. The AFLP analysis technique produced some degree of discrimination among F. tularensis subsp. holarctica strains (one primary cluster with three major subclusters and minor variations within subclusters) when EcoRI-C and MseI-A, EcoRI-T and MseI-T, EcoRI-A and MseI-C, and EcoRI-0 and MseI-CA were used as primers. The degree of similarity among the strains was about 94%. The percent similarities of the AFLP profiles of this subspecies compared to those of F. tularensis subsp. tularensis, F. tularensis subsp. novicida, and F. philomiragia were less than 90%, about 72%, and less than 24%, respectively, thus permitting easy differentiation of this subspecies. 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed 100% similarity for all F. tularensis subsp. holarctica isolates compared in this study. These results suggest that although limited genetic heterogeneity among F. tularensis subsp. holarctica isolates was observed, PFGE and AFLP analysis appear to be promising tools for the diagnosis of infections caused by different subspecies of F. tularensis and suitable techniques for the differentiation of individual strains.
OBJECTIVES The protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia causes giardiasis, a persistent diarrhoea. Nitro drugs such as the nitroimidazole metronidazole and the nitrothiazolide nitazoxanide are used for the treatment of giardiasis. Nitroreductases may play a role in activating these drugs. G. lamblia contains two nitroreductases, GlNR1 and GlNR2. The aim of this work was to elucidate the role of GlNR2. METHODS Expression of GlNR2 was analysed by reverse transcription PCR. Recombinant GlNR2 was overexpressed in G. lamblia and drug susceptibility was analysed. Recombinant GlNR2 was subjected to functional assays. Escherichia coli expressing full-length or truncated GlNR1 and GlNR2 were grown in the presence of nitro compounds. Using E. coli reporter strains for nitric oxide and DNA damage responses, we analysed whether GlNR1 and GlNR2 elicited the respective responses in the presence, or absence, of the drugs. RESULTS G. lamblia trophozoites overexpressing GlNR2 were less susceptible to both nitro drugs as compared with control trophozoites. GlNR2 was a functional nitroreductase when expressed in E. coli. E. coli expressing GlNR1 was more susceptible to metronidazole under aerobic and semi-aerobic and to nitazoxanide under semi-aerobic growth conditions. E. coli expressing GlNR2 was not susceptible to either drug. In reporter strains, GlNR1, but not GlNR2, elicited nitric oxide and DNA repair responses, even in the absence of nitro drugs. CONCLUSIONS These findings suggest that GlNR2 is an active nitroreductase with a mode of action different from that of GlNR1. Thus, susceptibility to nitro drugs may depend not only on activation, but also on inactivation of the drugs by specific nitroreductases.
Brushite and octacalcium phosphate (OCP) crystals are well-known precursors of hydroxylapatite (HAp), the main mineral found in bone. In this report, we present a new method for biomimicking brushite and OCP using single and double diffusion techniques. Brushite and OCP crystals were grown in an iota-carrageenan gel. The aggregates were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). SEM revealed different morphologies of brushite crystals from highly porous aggregates to plate-shaped forms. OCP crystals grown in iota-carrageenan showed a porous spherical shape different from brushite growth forms. The XRD method demonstrated that the single-diffusion method favors the formation of monoclinic brushite. In contrast, the double diffusion method was found to promote the formation of the triclinic octacalcium phosphate OCP phase. By combining the different parameters for crystal growth in carrageenan, such as ion concentration, gel pH and gel density, it is possible to modify the morphology of composite crystals, change the phase of calcium phosphate and modulate the amount of carrageenan inclusion in crystals. This study suggests that iota-carrageenan is a high-molecular-weight polysaccharide that is potentially applicable for controlling calcium phosphate crystallization.
OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to compare clinical outcomes and sexual function between transvaginal and transabdominal repairs of vesicovaginal fistulae (VVF). STUDY DESIGN Participants (99 women with VVF at a tertiary referral center) were treated with urinary catheterization for 12 weeks and, if the procedure was unsuccessful, underwent repair either the transvaginal (Latzko) or transabdominal technique. Objective clinical parameters were analyzed; subjective outcomes were recorded prospectively at the 6-month follow-up examination with the use of the female sexual function index to evaluate sexual function and the visual analogue scale to measure general disturbance by the fistula. RESULTS After bladder drainage for 12 weeks, 8 patients had spontaneous fistula closure. Demographic variables were similar in the transvaginal (n = 60) and transabdominal (n = 31) repair groups. The transvaginal procedure showed significantly shorter operation times, less blood loss, and shorter hospital stay. Continence rates 6 months after surgery were 82% (transvaginal) and 90% (transabdominal). Sexual function in the 64 sexually active patients was significantly improved, and overall disturbance by the fistula was reduced with both operative techniques. Neither surgical intervention was superior to the other regarding any domain of sexual function or visual analog scale. CONCLUSION Fistula repair improves sexual function and quality of life with no difference attributable to surgical route. Given this and that operating time, blood loss and length of stay are less with the transvaginal approach, the transvaginal approach is preferred in VVF repair if fistula and patient characteristics are suitable.
OBJECTIVE The aim of this exploratory pilot study was to determine if there are differences in vaginal cytokine levels between postmenopausal women with and without vulvovaginal irritative symptoms (itching, burning, or pain). METHODS Postmenopausal women (n = 34) not using hormone therapy and presenting with or without symptoms of vulvovaginal irritation were asked to volunteer for this study. Each participant underwent a vaginal examination and screening for vaginitis using Amsel criteria, pH, and light microscopy. A vaginal lavage with 5.0 mL of sterile saline was carried out, and a peripheral blood sample was obtained. The vaginal lavage and serum samples were assayed for interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor-α by specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Results were adjusted for total protein concentration and presented as the amount of cytokines per protein (pg/μg protein). Statistical analysis was performed using SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). The means and SDs of all variables among women with and without vulvovaginal irritation were compared using independent-samples Student's t test. RESULTS A total of 26 postmenopausal women were enrolled into the study (symptomatic, n = 15; asymptomatic, n = 11). The mean (SD) vaginal pH for all participants was 5.9 (1.2). There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in age, age at menopause, vaginal pH, and vaginal and serum cytokines and chemokines (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor-α) among symptomatic versus asymptomatic women. IL-8 was the most abundant vaginal cytokine, with mean (SD) vaginal IL-8 levels being 4.1 (3.4) and 3.1 (3.9) pg/μg protein in the symptomatic versus asymptomatic groups, respectively (P = 0.55). There were no significant linear correlations (P > 0.05) between serum and vaginal cytokine levels for all endpoints. CONCLUSIONS The presence or absence of postmenopausal vulvovaginal symptoms does not significantly differentiate vaginal inflammatory markers. Serum and vaginal cytokines are not significantly linearly correlated among postmenopausal women with and without symptoms commonly associated with vaginal atrophy, implying that this is a local reaction.
The aim of this study was to evaluate in humans the amount of new bone after sinus floor elevation with a synthetic bone substitute material consisting of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite embedded in a highly porous silica gel matrix. The lateral approach was applied in eight patients requiring sinus floor elevation to place dental implants. After elevation of the sinus membrane, the cavities were filled with 0.6-mm granules of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite mixed with the patient's blood. A collagen membrane (group 1) or a platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) membrane (group 2) was placed over the bony window. After healing periods between 7 and 11 months (in one case after 24 months), 16 biopsy specimens were harvested with a trephine bur during implant bed preparation. The percentage of new bone, residual filler material, and soft tissue was determined histomorphometrically. Four specimens were excluded from the analysis because of incomplete biopsy removal. In all other specimens, new bone was observed in the augmented region. For group 1, the amount of new bone, residual graft material, and soft tissue was 28.7% ± 5.4%, 25.5% ± 7.6%, and 45.8% ± 3.2%, respectively. For group 2, the values were 28.6% ± 6.90%, 25.7% ± 8.8%, and 45.7% ± 9.3%, respectively. All differences between groups 1 and 2 were not statistically significant. The lowest and highest values of new bone were 21.2% and 34.1% for group 1 and 17.4% and 37.8% for group 2, respectively. The amount of new bone after the use of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite for sinus floor elevation in humans is comparable to values found in the literature for other synthetic or xenogeneic bone substitute materials. There was no additional beneficial effect of the PRF membrane over the non-cross-linked collagen membrane.
OBJECTIVE The use of antibacterial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) additionally to scaling and root planing (SRP) has been shown to positively influence the clinical outcomes. However, at present, it is unknown to what extent aPDT may represent a potential alternative to the use of systemic antibiotics in nonsurgical periodontal therapy in patients with aggressive periodontitis (AP). The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcomes following nonsurgical periodontal therapy and additional use of either aPDT or amoxicillin and metronidazole (AB) in patients with AP. MATERIAL AND METHODS Thirty-six patients with AP displaying at least three sites with pocket depth (PD) ≥6 mm were treated with SRP and either systemic administration of AB for 7 days or with two episodes of aPDT. The following clinical parameters were evaluated at baseline and at 6 months: plaque index (PI), bleeding on probing (BOP), PD, gingival recession (GR) and clinical attachment level (CAL). RESULTS Thirty-five patients have completed the 6-month evaluation. At 6 months, mean PD was statistically significantly reduced in both groups (from 5.0 ± 0.8 to 3.0 ± 0.6 mm with AB and from 5.1 ± 0.5 to 3.9 ± 0.8 mm with aPDT (p < 0.001)). AB yielded statistically significantly higher improvements in the primary outcome parameter PD (p < 0.001) when compared to aPDT. The number of pockets ≥7 mm was reduced from 141 to 3 after AB (p < 0.001) and from 137 to 45 after aPDT (p = 0.03). Both therapies resulted in statistically significant reductions in all parameters compared to baseline. CONCLUSION While both treatments resulted in statistically significant clinical improvements, AB showed statistically significantly higher PD reduction and lower number of pockets ≥7 mm compared to aPDT. CLINICAL RELEVANCE In patients with AP, the two times application of aPDT in conjunction with nonsurgical periodontal therapy cannot be considered an alternative to the systemic use of amoxicillin and metronidazole.
After standard hip arthroplasty, an 82-year-old patient with previously undiagnosed diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis of the cervical spine experienced life-threatening side effects after use of a supraglottic airway device (i-gel). Extensive mucosal erosion and denudation of the cricoid cartilage caused postoperative supraglottic swelling and prolonged respiratory failure requiring tracheostomy. In this case report, we highlight the importance of evaluating risk factors for failure of supraglottic airway devices.
The minimally invasive approach for hysterectomy with proven benefits and lower morbidity has become the gold standard, even in women with large uterine masses. Most women with a malignant condition present with abnormal vaginal bleeding and/or suspicious imaging such that few are diagnosed by final histopathology after surgery. However, if a malignancy is not diagnosed preoperatively, intraabdominal morcellation for uterus extraction has an increased risk for potential tumor spread and peritoneal metastases, especially in cases of unexpected leiomyosarcoma. We describe a simple method to wrap the uterus in a contained environment with a plastic bag through the posterior vaginal fornix prior to conventional coring morcellation for vaginal extraction in total laparoscopic hysterectomy. We further describe our experience with a risk stratification and treatment algorithm to implement this procedure in daily routine. A video and an illustrating sketch demonstrate the simplicity and safety of the procedure.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effectiveness of 200 mg of daily vaginal natural progesterone to prevent preterm birth in women with preterm labour. DESIGN Multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. SETTING Twenty-nine centres in Switzerland and Argentina. POPULATION A total of 385 women with preterm labour (24(0/7) to 33(6/7) weeks of gestation) treated with acute tocolysis. METHODS Participants were randomly allocated to either 200 mg daily of self-administered vaginal progesterone or placebo within 48 hours of starting acute tocolysis. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Primary outcome was delivery before 37 weeks of gestation. Secondary outcomes were delivery before 32 and 34 weeks, adverse effects, duration of tocolysis, re-admissions for preterm labour, length of hospital stay, and neonatal morbidity and mortality. The study was ended prematurely based on results of the intermediate analysis. RESULTS Preterm birth occurred in 42.5% of women in the progesterone group versus 35.5% in the placebo group (relative risk [RR] 1.2; 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 0.93-1.5). Delivery at <32 and <34 weeks did not differ between the two groups (12.9 versus 9.7%; [RR 1.3; 95% CI 0.7-2.5] and 19.7 versus 12.9% [RR 1.5; 95% CI 0.9-2.4], respectively). The duration of tocolysis, hospitalisation, and recurrence of preterm labour were comparable between groups. Neonatal morbidity occurred in 44 (22.8%) cases on progesterone versus 35 (18.8%) cases on placebo (RR: 1.2; 95% CI 0.82-1.8), whereas there were 4 (2%) neonatal deaths in each study group. CONCLUSION There is no evidence that the daily administration of 200 mg vaginal progesterone decreases preterm birth or improves neonatal outcome in women with preterm labour.
BACKGROUND The use of an enamel matrix derivative (EMD) has been shown to enhance periodontal regeneration (e.g., formation of root cementum, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone). However, in certain clinical situations, the use of EMD alone may not be sufficient to prevent flap collapse or provide sufficient stability of the blood clot. Data from clinical and preclinical studies have demonstrated controversial results after application of EMD combined with different types of bone grafting materials in periodontal regenerative procedures. The aim of the present study is to investigate the adsorption properties of enamel matrix proteins to bone grafts after surface coating with either EMD (as a liquid formulation) or EMD (as a gel formulation). METHODS Three different types of grafting materials, including a natural bone mineral (NBM), demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA), or a calcium phosphate (CaP), were coated with either EMD liquid or EMD gel. Samples were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy or transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using an immunostaining assay with gold-conjugated anti-EMD antibody. Total protein adsorption to bone grafting material was quantified using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit for amelogenin. RESULTS The adsorption of amelogenin to the surface of grafting material varied substantially based on the carrier system used. EMD gel adsorbed less protein to the surface of grafting particles, which easily dissociated from the graft surface after phosphate-buffered saline rinsing. Analyses by TEM revealed that adsorption of amelogenin proteins were significantly farther from the grafting material surface, likely a result of the thick polyglycolic acid gel carrier. ELISA protein quantification assay demonstrated that the combination of EMD liquid + NBM and EMD liquid + DFDBA adsorbed higher amounts of amelogenin than all other treatment modalities. Furthermore, amelogenin proteins delivered by EMD liquid were able to penetrate the porous surface structure of NBM and DFDBA and adsorb to the interior of bone grafting particles. Grafting materials coated with EMD gel adsorbed more frequently to the exterior of grafting particles with little interior penetration. CONCLUSIONS The present study demonstrates a large variability of adsorbed amelogenin to the surface of bone grafting materials when enamel matrix proteins were delivered in either a liquid formulation or gel carrier. Furthermore, differences in amelogenin adsorption were observed among NBM, DFDBA, and biphasic CaP particles. Thus, the potential for a liquid carrier system for EMD, used to coat EMD, may be advantageous for better surface coating.