83 resultados para Medicine, Experimental.


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Aim of the study was to investigate the possible mechanisms leading to stunted growth and osteoporosis in experimental arthritis. Fourty-two female rats of 7-8 weeks of age were randomly assigned to three groups of 14 animals each: (a) controls; (b) adjuvant-inoculated (AA); and (c) adjuvant-inoculated rats receiving 10 mg cyclosporin A (CsA) orally for 30 days. Biological parameters studied were: hindpaw swelling; vertebral length progression expressed as Delta increments between days 1 and 30 as a parameter of skeletal growth, and estimation of total skeletal mineral content by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (n=10 each group) on day 30. Endocrine parameters measured were pulsatile release of growth hormone (rGH) on day 30 following jugular cannulation and measurement of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) in pooled plasma from rGH profiles. Results can be summarized as follows: Untreated AA rats exhibited local signs of inflammation in comparison with controls (hindpaw diameter 8.1-8.9 mm vs. 5.3-5.6 mm in controls). Treatment with CsA normalized this parameter (4.9-5.6 mm). Vertebral growth was significantly retarded in AA rats in comparison with controls (214+/-32 vs. 473+/-33 microm; p<0.001). Administration of CsA normalized vertebral size increment with a clear tendency to overgrowth (523+/-43 microm, n.s.). There was also a marked reduction in total skeletal mineral content in diseased (AA) rats as compared to controls (5.8+/-0.1 vs. 7.5+/-0.1g [OH-apatite]; p<0.001), and a moderate but significant increment above controls in the group receiving CsA (8.0+/-0.1 vs. 7.5+/-0.1g [OH-appatite]; p<0.04). Integrated rGH profiles exhibited a significant fall in arthritic rats and were completely restored to normal under CsA treatment. A trend toward higher rGH values was observed in the latter group (2908+/-554 in AA vs. 8317+/-1492 ng/ml/240 min in controls; p<0.001, and 10940+/-222 ng/ml/240 min, n.s. in the CsA group). There was a good correlation between skeletal growth and rGH pulsatility (r=0.81; p<0.001). IGF-1 followed a similar pattern (630+/-44 in AA vs. 752+/-30 ng/ml in controls; p<0.04, and 769+/-59 ng/ml in the CsA group, n.s. vs. controls). Thus, a clear tendency to skeletal overgrowth following treatment was observed in agreement with the hormonal data. It can therefore be concluded that, in experimental arthritis, attenuated GH-spiking and reduced circulating IGF-1 appear to be causally related to growth retardation, probably mimicking signs and symptoms observed in juvenile arthritis. Therapy with CsA is followed by normalization of hormonal and biological parameters accompanied by a catch up phenomenon in skeletal growth which is also observed clinically in juvenile arthritis. Generalized osteopenia is a prominent feature seemingly connected with the growth abnormalities as they parallel each other during the evolution of the disease and respond equally to therapy.


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TLR2 signaling participates in the pathogenesis of pneumococcal meningitis. In infant rats, the TLR2 agonist Pam(3)CysSK(4) was applied intracisternally (0.5 microg in 10 microl saline) alone or after induction of pneumococcal meningitis to investigate the effect of TLR2 activation on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) inflammation and hippocampal apoptosis. A dose effect of Pam(3)CysSK(4) on apoptosis was investigated by intracisternal application of 0.5 microg in 10 microl saline and 40 microg in 20 microl saline. Pam(3)CysSK(4) neither induced apoptosis in sham-operated mice nor aggravated apoptosis in acute infection. However, Pam(3)CysSK(4) induced pleocytosis, TNF-alpha and MMP-9 in CSF in sham-infection but not during acute meningitis. We conclude that TLR2 signaling triggered by Pam(3)CysSK(4) at a dosage capable to induce a neuroinflammatory response does not induce hippocampal apoptosis in the infant rat model of experimental pneumococcal meningitis.


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Vibrations, Posture, and the Stabilization of Gaze: An Experimental Study on Impedance Control R. KREDEL, A. GRIMM & E.-J. HOSSNER University of Bern, Switzerland Introduction Franklin and Wolpert (2011) identify impedance control, i.e., the competence to resist changes in position, velocity or acceleration caused by environmental disturbances, as one of five computational mechanisms which allow for skilled and fluent sen-sorimotor behavior. Accordingly, impedance control is of particular interest in situa-tions in which the motor task exhibits unpredictable components as it is the case in downhill biking or downhill skiing. In an experimental study, the question is asked whether impedance control, beyond its benefits for motor control, also helps to stabi-lize gaze what, in turn, may be essential for maintaining other control mechanisms (e.g., the internal modeling of future states) in an optimal range. Method In a 3x2x4 within-subject ANOVA design, 72 participants conducted three tests on visual acuity and contrast (Landolt / Grating and Vernier) in two different postures (standing vs. squat) on a platform vibrating at four different frequencies (ZEPTOR; 0 Hz, 4 Hz, 8 Hz, 12 Hz; no random noise; constant amplitude) in a counterbalanced or-der with 1-minute breaks in-between. In addition, perceived exertion (Borg) was rated by participants after each condition. Results For Landolt and Grating, significant main effects for posture and frequency are re-vealed, representing lower acuity/contrast thresholds for standing and for higher fre-quencies in general, as well as a significant interaction (p < .05), standing for in-creasing posture differences with increasing frequencies. Overall, performance could be maintained at the 0 Hz/standing level up to a frequency of 8 Hz, if bending of the knees was allowed. The fact that this result is not only due to exertion is proved by the Borg ratings showing significant main effects only, i.e., higher exertion scores for standing and for higher frequencies, but no significant interaction (p > .40). The same pattern, although not significant, is revealed for the Vernier test. Discussion Apparently, postures improving impedance control not only turn out to help to resist disturbances but also assist in stabilizing gaze in spite of these perturbations. Con-sequently, studying the interaction of these control mechanisms in complex unpre-dictable environments seems to be a fruitful field of research for the future. References Franklin, D. W., & Wolpert, D. M. (2011). Computational mechanisms of sensorimotor control. Neuron, 72, 425-442.


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Relationships between mineralization, collagen orientation and indentation modulus were investigated in bone structural units from the mid-shaft of human femora using a site-matched design. Mineral mass fraction, collagen fibril angle and indentation moduli were measured in registered anatomical sites using backscattered electron imaging, polarized light microscopy and nano-indentation, respectively. Theoretical indentation moduli were calculated with a homogenization model from the quantified mineral densities and mean collagen fibril orientations. The average indentation moduli predicted based on local mineralization and collagen fibers arrangement were not significantly different from the average measured experimentally with nanoindentation (p=0.9). Surprisingly, no substantial correlation of the measured indentation moduli with tissue mineralization and/or collagen fiber arrangement was found. Nano-porosity, micro-damage, collagen cross-links, non-collagenous proteins or other parameters affect the indentation measurements. Additional testing/simulation methods need to be considered to properly understand the variability of indentation moduli, beyond the mineralization and collagen arrangement in bone structural units.


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T-cadherin is gaining recognition as a determinant for the development of incipient invasive squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). However, effects of T-cadherin expression on the metastatic potential of SCC have not been studied. Here, using a murine model of experimental metastasis following tail vein injection of A431 SCC cells we report that loss of T-cadherin increased both the incidence and rate of appearance of lung metastases. T-cadherin-silenced SCC metastases were highly disordered with evidence of single cell dissemination away from main foci whereas SCC metastases overexpressing T-cadherin developed as compact, tightly organised sheets. SCC cell adhesion to vascular endothelial cells (EC) in culture was increased for T-cadherin-silenced SCC and decreased for T-cadherin-overexpressing SCC. Confocal microscopy showed that T-cadherin-silenced SCC adherent on EC display an elongated morphology with long thin extensions and a high degree of intercalation within the EC monolayer, whereas SCC overexpressing T-cadherin formed poorly-spread multicellular aggregates that remain on the outer surface of the EC monolayer. T-cadherin-deficient SCC or human keratinocyte cells exhibited increased transendothelial migration in vitro which could be attenuated in the presence of EGFR inhibitor gefitinib. Our data suggest that loss of T-cadherin can increase metastatic potential and aggressiveness of SCC, possibly due to facilitating arrest and extravasation through the vascular wall and/or more efficient establishment of metastases in the new microenvironment.


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This study aimed to characterize the nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) and to define the nociceptive threshold in 25 healthy, non-medicated experimental sheep in standing posture. Electrical stimulation of the dorsal lateral digital nerves of the right thoracic and the pelvic limb was performed and surface-electromyography (EMG) from the deltoid (all animals) and the femoral biceps (18 animals) or the peroneus tertius muscles (7 animals) was recorded. The behavioural reaction following each stimulation was scored on a scale from 0 (no reaction) to 5 (strong whole body reaction). A train-of-five 1 ms constant-current pulse was used and current intensity was stepwise increased until NWR threshold intensity was reached. The NWR threshold intensity (It) was defined as the minimal stimulus intensity able to evoke a reflex with a minimal Root-Mean-Square amplitude (RMSA) of 20 μV, a minimal duration of 10 ms and a minimal reaction score of 1 (slight muscle contraction of the stimulated limb) within the time window of 20 to 130 ms post-stimulation. Based on this value, further stimulations were performed below (0.9It) and above threshold (1.5It and 2It). The stimulus-response curve was described. Data are reported as medians and interquartile ranges. At the deltoid muscle It was 4.4 mA (2.9–5.7) with an RMSA of 62 μV (30–102). At the biceps femoris muscle It was 7.0 mA (4.0–10.0) with an RMSA of 43 μV (34–50) and at the peroneus tertius muscle It was 3.4 mA (3.1–4.4) with an RMSA of 38 μV (32–46). Above threshold, RMSA was significantly increased at all muscles. Below threshold, RMSA was only significantly smaller than at It for the peroneus tertius muscle but not for the other muscles.


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The use of non-heart-beating donor (NHBD) lungs may help to overcome the shortage of lung grafts in clinical lung transplantation, but warm ischaemia and ischaemia/reperfusion injury (I/R injury) resulting in primary graft dysfunction represent a considerable threat. Thus, better strategies for optimized preservation of lung grafts are urgently needed. Surfactant dysfunction has been shown to contribute to I/R injury, and surfactant replacement therapy is effective in enhancing lung function and structural integrity in related rat models. In the present study we hypothesize that surfactant replacement therapy reduces oedema formation in a pig model of NHBD lung transplantation. Oedema formation was quantified with (SF) and without (non-SF) surfactant replacement therapy in interstitial and alveolar compartments by means of design-based stereology in NHBD lungs 7 h after cardiac arrest, reperfusion and transplantation. A sham-operated group served as control. In both NHBD groups, nearly all animals died within the first hours after transplantation due to right heart failure. Both SF and non-SF developed an interstitial oedema of similar degree, as shown by an increase in septal wall volume and arithmetic mean thickness as well as an increase in the volume of peribron-chovascular connective tissue. Regarding intra-alveolar oedema, no statistically significant difference could be found between SF and non-SF. In conclusion, surfactant replacement therapy cannot prevent poor outcome after prolonged warm ischaemia of 7 h in this model. While the beneficial effects of surfactant replacement therapy have been observed in several experimental and clinical studies related to heart-beating donor lungs and cold ischaemia, it is unlikely that surfactant replacement therapy will overcome the shortage of organs in the context of prolonged warm ischaemia, for example, 7 h. Moreover, our data demonstrate that right heart function and dysfunctions of the pulmonary vascular bed are limiting factors that need to be addressed in NHBD.


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OBJECTIVE Infection of pancreatic necrosis in necrotizing pancreatitis increases the lethality of patients with acute pancreatitis. To examine mechanisms underlying this clinical observation, we developed and tested a model, in which primary infection of necrosis is achieved in taurocholate-induced pancreatitis in mice. METHODS Sterile necrosis of acute necrotizing pancreatitis was induced by retrograde injection of 4% taurocholate into the common bile duct of Balb/c mice. Primary infection of pancreatic necrosis was induced by coinjecting 10 colony-forming units of Escherichia coli. Animals were killed after 6, 12, 24, 48, and 120 hours, and pancreatic damage and pancreatitis-associated systemic inflammatory response were assessed. RESULTS Mice with pancreatic acinar cell necrosis had an increased bacterial concentration in all tissues and showed sustained bacteremia. Acute pancreatitis was induced only by coinjection of taurocholate and not by bacterial infection alone. Infection of pancreatic necrosis increased pancreatic damage and the pulmonary vascular leak. Serum glucose concentrations serving as a parameter of hepatic function were reduced in mice with infected pancreatic necrosis. CONCLUSIONS Primary infection of pancreatic necrosis with E. coli increases both pancreatic damage and pulmonary and hepatic complications in acute necrotizing pancreatitis in mice.


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Objective: The decreasing proportion of physicians of Swiss origin and the increasing number of part-time jobs in operative medicine might lead to a shortage of physicians in operative disciplines in Switzerland. The objective of the present study was to analyze the current demographic situation in operative medicine in Switzerland. Methods: During the summer of 2011, a 19-item anonymous electronic questionnaire was mailed to all directors of departments in operative medicine in Switzerland. The questionnaire was designed to gather data about the characteristics of the participating departments, the demographics (including the appointment (consultant, attending or resident), the proportion of female and foreign physicians, the latter’s origin, and the number of part-time jobs with a working time between 20 and 90%), and the proportion of vacant posts. Results: Of 775 questionnaires mailed to all directors of departments in operative medicine in Switzerland, 183 (24%) were returned. Overall, 40% were female, and 42% foreign physicians. The proportion of part-time jobs amounted to 17%. Vacant posts were found in 2%. Conclusions: An expansion of study places at the medical universities and of the incentives for the incumbents in operative medicine is necessary to avert a shortage of physicians in Switzerland.


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QUESTION UNDER STUDY Handling emergency telephone consultations (ETCs) is a challenging and very important task for doctors. The aims of the study were to document insecurity in medical students during ETCs and to identify the reasons for that insecurity. We hypothesised that insecurity is associated with advising more urgent action (e.g. advice to call for an ambulance) in ETCs. METHODS We used ETCs with simulated patients (SPs), with each student randomly allocated two of four possible cases. After the training, 137 students reported on any insecurity that they had in the various ETC phases. We analysed the reasons for insecurity using descriptive statistics. The association between the students' advice that urgent action was needed and their insecurity was analysed with Spearman rank correlation. RESULTS Overall, 95% of the students felt insecure in at least one phase of their ETC. History taking was the phase in which students felt most insecure (63.1%), followed by the phase of analysing the information given by the patient (44.9%). Perceived insecurity was associated with more urgent advice in one case scenario (abdominal pain; correlation r = 0.46; p <0.01). The other two cases (child with fever; chest pain) also had a positive, but not statistically significant, correlation trend (p <0.12; p <0.08). CONCLUSIONS Insecurity is highly prevalent among medical students in their ETC decision-making. ETC training in medical schools, with a focus on structured history taking and formulating discriminating questions, might help decrease insecurity in ETCs. Medical education should also teach management of insecurity.


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Background: Emotion research in neuroscience targets brain structures and processes involved in discrete emotion categories (e.g. anger, fear, sadness) or dimensions (e.g. valence, arousal, approach-avoidance), and usually relies on carefully controlled experimental paradigms with standardized and often simple emotion-eliciting stimuli like e.g. unpleasant pictures. Emotion research in clinical psychology and psychotherapy is often interested in very subtle differences between emotional states, e.g. differences within emotion categories (e.g. assertive, self-protecting vs. rejecting, protesting anger or specific grief vs. global sadness), and/or the biographical, social, situational, or motivational contexts of the emotional experience, which are desired to be minimized in experimental neuroscientific research. Objective: In order to facilitate the experimental and neurophysiological investigation of psychotherapeutically relevant emotional experiences, the present study aims at developing a priming procedure to induce specific, therapeutically and biographically relevant emotional states under controlled experimental conditions. Methodology: N = 50 participants who reported negative feelings towards another close person were randomly assigned to 2 different conditions. They fulfilled 2 different sentence completion tasks that were supposed to prime either ‘therapeutically productive’ or ‘therapeutically unproductive’ emotional states and completed an expressive writing task and several self-report measures of specific emotion-related constructs. The sentence completion task consisted in max. 22 sentence stems drawn from psychotherapy patients’ statements that have been shown to be typical for productive or unproductive therapy sessions. The subjects of the present study completed these sentence stems with regard to their own negative feelings towards the close person. Results: There were a substantial inter-individual variability concerning the number of completed sentences, and significant correlations between number of completed sentences and problem activation in both conditions. No differences were observed in general mood or problem activation between both groups after priming. Descriptively, there were differences between groups concerning emotion regulation aspects. Significant differences between groups in resolution of negative feelings towards the other person were found. Discussion: The results point in the expected direction, however the small sample sizes (after exclusion of several subjects) and low power hinder the detection of convincing significant effects. More data is needed in order to evaluate the efficacy of this emotional priming procedure.


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Quantitative computer tomography (QCT)-based finite element (FE) models of vertebral body provide better prediction of vertebral strength than dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. However, most models were validated against compression of vertebral bodies with endplates embedded in polymethylmethalcrylate (PMMA). Yet, loading being as important as bone density, the absence of intervertebral disc (IVD) affects the strength. Accordingly, the aim was to assess the strength predictions of the classic FE models (vertebral body embedded) against the in vitro and in silico strengths of vertebral bodies loaded via IVDs. High resolution peripheral QCT (HR-pQCT) were performed on 13 segments (T11/T12/L1). T11 and L1 were augmented with PMMA and the samples were tested under a 4° wedge compression until failure of T12. Specimen-specific model was generated for each T12 from the HR-pQCT data. Two FE sets were created: FE-PMMA refers to the classical vertebral body embedded model under axial compression; FE-IVD to their loading via hyperelastic IVD model under the wedge compression as conducted experimentally. Results showed that FE-PMMA models overestimated the experimental strength and their strength prediction was satisfactory considering the different experimental set-up. On the other hand, the FE-IVD models did not prove significantly better (Exp/FE-PMMA: R²=0.68; Exp/FE-IVD: R²=0.71, p=0.84). In conclusion, FE-PMMA correlates well with in vitro strength of human vertebral bodies loaded via real IVDs and FE-IVD with hyperelastic IVDs do not significantly improve this correlation. Therefore, it seems not worth adding the IVDs to vertebral body models until fully validated patient-specific IVD models become available.


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Osteoporosis-related vertebral fractures represent a major health problem in elderly populations. Such fractures can often only be diagnosed after a substantial deformation history of the vertebral body. Therefore, it remains a challenge for clinicians to distinguish between stable and progressive potentially harmful fractures. Accordingly, novel criteria for selection of the appropriate conservative or surgical treatment are urgently needed. Computer tomography-based finite element analysis is an increasingly accepted method to predict the quasi-static vertebral strength and to follow up this small strain property longitudinally in time. A recent development in constitutive modeling allows us to simulate strain localization and densification in trabecular bone under large compressive strains without mesh dependence. The aim of this work was to validate this recently developed constitutive model of trabecular bone for the prediction of strain localization and densification in the human vertebral body subjected to large compressive deformation. A custom-made stepwise loading device mounted in a high resolution peripheral computer tomography system was used to describe the progressive collapse of 13 human vertebrae under axial compression. Continuum finite element analyses of the 13 compression tests were realized and the zones of high volumetric strain were compared with the experiments. A fair qualitative correspondence of the strain localization zone between the experiment and finite element analysis was achieved in 9 out of 13 tests and significant correlations of the volumetric strains were obtained throughout the range of applied axial compression. Interestingly, the stepwise propagating localization zones in trabecular bone converged to the buckling locations in the cortical shell. While the adopted continuum finite element approach still suffers from several limitations, these encouraging preliminary results towardsthe prediction of extended vertebral collapse may help in assessing fracture stability in future work.


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Pneumococcal meningitis (PM) results in high mortality rates and long-lasting neurological deficits. Hippocampal apoptosis and cortical necrosis are histopathological correlates of neurofunctional sequelae in rodent models and are frequently observed in autopsy studies of patients who die of PM. In experimental PM, inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and/or tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-converting enzyme (TACE) has been shown to reduce brain injury and the associated impairment of neurocognitive function. However, none of the compounds evaluated in these studies entered clinical development. Here, we evaluated two second-generation MMP and TACE inhibitors with higher selectivity and improved oral availability. Ro 32-3555 (Trocade, cipemastat) preferentially inhibits collagenases (MMP-1, -8, and -13) and gelatinase B (MMP-9), while Ro 32-7315 is an efficient inhibitor of TACE. PM was induced in infant rats by the intracisternal injection of live Streptococcus pneumoniae. Ro 32-3555 and Ro 32-7315 were injected intraperitoneally, starting at 3 h postinfection. Antibiotic (ceftriaxone) therapy was initiated at 18 h postinfection, and clinical parameters (weight, clinical score, mortality rate) were recorded. Myeloperoxidase activities, concentrations of cytokines and chemokines, concentrations of MMP-2 and MMP-9, and collagen concentrations were measured in the cerebrospinal fluid. Animals were sacrificed at 42 h postinfection, and their brains were assessed by histomorphometry for hippocampal apoptosis and cortical necrosis. Both compounds, while exhibiting disparate MMP and TACE inhibitory profiles, decreased hippocampal apoptosis and cortical injury. Ro 32-3555 reduced mortality rates and cerebrospinal fluid TNF, interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and collagen levels, while Ro 32-7315 reduced weight loss and cerebrospinal fluid TNF and IL-6 levels.