46 resultados para Materiali compositi, CFRP, Combined Loading Compression (CLC) test method
BACKGROUND: Complete investigation of thrombophilic or hemorrhagic clinical presentations is a time-, apparatus-, and cost-intensive process. Sensitive screening tests for characterizing the overall function of the hemostatic system, or defined parts of it, would be very useful. For this purpose, we are developing an electrochemical biosensor system that allows measurement of thrombin generation in whole blood as well as in plasma. METHODS: The measuring system consists of a single-use electrochemical sensor in the shape of a strip and a measuring unit connected to a personal computer, recording the electrical signal. Blood is added to a specific reagent mixture immobilized in dry form on the strip, including a coagulation activator (e.g., tissue factor or silica) and an electrogenic substrate specific to thrombin. RESULTS: Increasing thrombin concentrations gave standard curves with progressively increasing maximal current and decreasing time to reach the peak. Because the measurement was unaffected by color or turbidity, any type of blood sample could be analyzed: platelet-poor plasma, platelet-rich plasma, and whole blood. The test strips with the predried reagents were stable when stored for several months before testing. Analysis of the combined results obtained with different activators allowed discrimination between defects of the extrinsic, intrinsic, and common coagulation pathways. Activated protein C (APC) predried on the strips allowed identification of APC-resistance in plasma and whole blood samples. CONCLUSIONS: The biosensor system provides a new method for assessing thrombin generation in plasma or whole blood samples as small as 10 microL. The assay is easy to use, thus allowing it to be performed in a point-of-care setting.
CONTEXT: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) combined with magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging (MRSI) emerged as a promising test in the diagnosis of prostate cancer and showed encouraging results. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this systematic review is to meta-analyse the diagnostic accuracy of combined MRI/MRSI in prostate cancer and to explore risk profiles with highest benefit. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: The authors searched the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases and the Cochrane Library, and the authors screened reference lists and contacted experts. There were no language restrictions. The last search was performed in August 2008. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: We identified 31 test-accuracy studies (1765 patients); 16 studies (17 populations) with a total of 581 patients were suitable for meta-analysis. Nine combined MRI/MRSI studies (10 populations) examining men with pathologically confirmed prostate cancer (297 patients; 1518 specimens) had a pooled sensitivity and specificity on prostate subpart level of 68% (95% CI, 56-78%) and 85% (95% CI, 78-90%), respectively. Compared with patients at high risk for clinically relevant cancer (six studies), sensitivity was lower in low-risk patients (four studies) (58% [46-69%] vs 74% [58-85%]; p>0.05) but higher for specificity (91% [86-94%] vs 78% [70-84%]; p<0.01). Seven studies examining patients with suspected prostate cancer at combined MRI/MRSI (284 patients) had an overall pooled sensitivity and specificity on patients level of 82% (59-94%) and 88% (80-95%). In the low-risk group (five studies) these values were 75% (39-93%) and 91% (77-97%), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: A limited number of small studies suggest that MRI combined with MRSI could be a rule-in test for low-risk patients. This finding needs further confirmation in larger studies and cost-effectiveness needs to be established.
PURPOSE: Resonance frequency analysis (RFA) offers the opportunity to monitor the osseointegration of an implant in a simple, noninvasive way. A better comprehension of the relationship between RFA and parameters related to bone quality would therefore help clinicians improve diagnoses. In this study, a bone analog made from polyurethane foam was used to isolate the influences of bone density and cortical thickness in RFA. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Straumann standard implants were inserted in polyurethane foam blocks, and primary implant stability was measured with RFA. The blocks were composed of two superimposed layers with different densities. The top layer was dense to mimic cortical bone, whereas the bottom layer had a lower density to represent trabecular bone. Different densities for both layers and different thicknesses for the simulated cortical layer were tested, resulting in eight different block combinations. RFA was compared with two other mechanical evaluations of primary stability: removal torque and axial loading response. RESULTS: The primary stability measured with RFA did not correlate with the two other methods, but there was a significant correlation between removal torque and the axial loading response (P < .005). Statistical analysis revealed that each method was sensitive to different aspects of bone quality. RFA was the only method able to detect changes in both bone density and cortical thickness. However, changes in trabecular bone density were easier to distinguish with removal torque and axial loading than with RFA. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that RFA, removal torque, and axial loading are sensitive to different aspects of the bone-implant interface. This explains the absence of correlation among the methods and proves that no standard procedure exists for the evaluation of primary stability.
BACKGROUND Besides carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel syndrome, other nerve compression or constriction syndromes exist at the upper extremity. This study was performed to evaluate and summarize our initial experience with endoscopically assisted decompression. MATERIALS AND METHODS Between January 2011 and March 2012, six patients were endoscopically operated for rare compression or hour-glass-like constriction syndrome. This included eight decompressions: four proximal radial nerve decompressions, and two combined proximal median nerve and anterior interosseus nerve decompressions. Surgical technique and functional outcomes are presented. RESULTS There were no intraoperative complications in the series. Endoscopy allowed both identifying and removing all the compressive structures. In one case, the proximal radial neuropathy developed for 10 years without therapy and a massive hour-glass nerve constriction was observed intraoperatively which led us to perform a concurrent complementary tendon transfer to improve fingers and thumb extension. Excellent results were achieved according to the modified Roles and Maudsley classification in five out of six cases. All but one patient considered the results excellent. The poorest responder developed a CRPS II and refused post-operative physiotherapy. CONCLUSION Endoscopically assisted decompression in rare compression syndrome of the upper extremity is highly appreciated by patients and provides excellent functional results. This minimally invasive surgical technique will likely be further described in future clinical studies.
Computer tomography (CT)-based finite element (FE) models of vertebral bodies assess fracture load in vitro better than dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, but boundary conditions affect stress distribution under the endplates that may influence ultimate load and damage localisation under post-yield strains. Therefore, HRpQCT-based homogenised FE models of 12 vertebral bodies were subjected to axial compression with two distinct boundary conditions: embedding in polymethylmethalcrylate (PMMA) and bonding to a healthy intervertebral disc (IVD) with distinct hyperelastic properties for nucleus and annulus. Bone volume fraction and fabric assessed from HRpQCT data were used to determine the elastic, plastic and damage behaviour of bone. Ultimate forces obtained with PMMA were 22% higher than with IVD but correlated highly (R2 = 0.99). At ultimate force, distinct fractions of damage were computed in the endplates (PMMA: 6%, IVD: 70%), cortex and trabecular sub-regions, which confirms previous observations that in contrast to PMMA embedding, failure initiated underneath the nuclei in healthy IVDs. In conclusion, axial loading of vertebral bodies via PMMA embedding versus healthy IVD overestimates ultimate load and leads to distinct damage localisation and failure pattern.
Bone Anchored Hearing Implants (BAHI) are routinely used in patients with conductive or mixed hearing loss, e.g. if conventional air conduction hearing aids cannot be used. New sound processors and new fitting software now allow the adjustment of parameters such as loudness compression ratios or maximum power output separately. Today it is unclear, how the choice of these parameters influences aided speech understanding in BAHI users. In this prospective experimental study, the effect of varying the compression ratio and lowering the maximum power output in a BAHI were investigated. Twelve experienced adult subjects with a mixed hearing loss participated in this study. Four different compression ratios (1.0; 1.3; 1.6; 2.0) were tested along with two different maximum power output settings, resulting in a total of eight different programs. Each participant tested each program during two weeks. A blinded Latin square design was used to minimize bias. For each of the eight programs, speech understanding in quiet and in noise was assessed. For speech in quiet, the Freiburg number test and the Freiburg monosyllabic word test at 50, 65, and 80 dB SPL were used. For speech in noise, the Oldenburg sentence test was administered. Speech understanding in quiet and in noise was improved significantly in the aided condition in any program, when compared to the unaided condition. However, no significant differences were found between any of the eight programs. In contrast, on a subjective level there was a significant preference for medium compression ratios of 1.3 to 1.6 and higher maximum power output.
BACKGROUND CONTEXT The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health mandated a nationwide health technology assessment-registry for balloon kyphoplasty (BKP) for decision making on reimbursement of these interventions. The early results of the registry led to a permanent coverage of BKP by basic health insurance. The documentation was continued for further evidence generation. PURPOSE This analysis reports on the 1 year results of patients after BKP treatment. STUDY DESIGN Prospective multicenter observational case series. PATIENT SAMPLE The data on 625 cases with 819 treated vertebrae were documented from March 2005 to May 2012. OUTCOME MEASURES Surgeon-administered outcome instruments were primary intervention form for BKP and the follow-up form; patient self-reported measures were EuroQol-5D questionnaire, North American Spine Society outcome instrument /Core Outcome Measures Index (including visual analog scale), and a comorbidity questionnaire. Outcome measures were back pain, medication, quality of life (QoL), cement extrusions, and new fractures within the first postoperative year. METHODS Data were recorded preoperatively and at 3 to 6-month and 1-year follow-ups. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used for comparison of pre- with postoperative measurements. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify factors with a significant influence on the outcome. RESULTS Seventy percent of patients were women with mean age of 71 years (range, 18-91 years); mean age of men was 65 years (range, 15-93 years). Significant and clinically relevant reduction of back pain, improvement of QoL, and reduction of pain killer consumption was seen within the first postoperative year. Preoperative back pain decreased from 69.3 to 29.0 at 3 to 6-month and remained unchanged at 1-year follow-ups. Consequently, QoL improved from 0.23 to 0.71 and 0.75 at the same follow-up intervals. The overall vertebra-based cement extrusion rates with and without extrusions into intervertebral discs were 22.1% and 15.3%, respectively. Symptomatic cement extrusions with radiculopathy were five (0.8%). A new vertebral fracture within a year from the BKP surgery was observed in 18.4% of the patients. CONCLUSIONS The results of the largest observational study for BKP so far are consistent with published randomized trials and systematic reviews. In this routine health care setting, BKP is safe and effective in reducing pain, improving QoL, and lowering pain_killer consumption and has an acceptable rate of cement extrusions. Postoperative outcome results show clear and significant clinical improvement at early follow-up that remain stable during the first postoperative year.
OBJECTIVE To validate use of stress MRI for evaluation of stifle joints of dogs with an intact or deficient cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL). SAMPLE 10 cadaveric stifle joints from 10 dogs. PROCEDURES A custom-made limb-holding device and a pulley system linked to a paw plate were used to apply axial compression across the stifle joint and induce cranial tibial translation with the joint in various degrees of flexion. By use of sagittal proton density-weighted MRI, CrCL-intact and deficient stifle joints were evaluated under conditions of loading stress simulating the tibial compression test or the cranial drawer test. Medial and lateral femorotibial subluxation following CrCL transection measured under a simulated tibial compression test and a cranial drawer test were compared. RESULTS By use of tibial compression test MRI, the mean ± SD cranial tibial translations in the medial and lateral compartments were 9.6 ± 3.7 mm and 10 ± 4.1 mm, respectively. By use of cranial drawer test MRI, the mean ± SD cranial tibial translations in the medial and lateral compartments were 8.3 ± 3.3 mm and 9.5 ± 3.5 mm, respectively. No significant difference in femorotibial subluxation was found between stress MRI techniques. Femorotibial subluxation elicited by use of the cranial drawer test was greater in the lateral than in the medial compartment. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Both stress techniques induced stifle joint subluxation following CrCL transection that was measurable by use of MRI, suggesting that both methods may be further evaluated for clinical use.
INTRODUCTION An accurate description of the biomechanical behavior of the spine is crucial for the planning of scoliotic surgical correction as well as for the understanding of degenerative spine disorders. The current clinical assessments of spinal mechanics such as side-bending or fulcrum-bending tests rely on the displacement of the spine observed during motion of the patient. Since these tests focused solely on the spinal kinematics without considering mechanical loads, no quantification of the mechanical flexibility of the spine can be provided. METHODS A spinal suspension test (SST) has been developed to simultaneously monitor the force applied on the spine and the induced vertebral displacements. The system relies on cervical elevation of the patient and orthogonal radiographic images are used to measure the position of the vertebras. The system has been used to quantify the spinal flexibility on five AIS patients. RESULTS Based on the SST, the overall spinal flexibility varied between 0.3 °/Nm for the patient with the stiffer curve and 2 °/Nm for the less rigid curve. A linear correlation was observed between the overall spinal flexibility and the change in Cobb angle. In addition, the segmental flexibility calculated for five segments around the apex was 0.13 ± 0.07 °/Nm, which is similar to intra-operative stiffness measurements previously published. CONCLUSIONS In summary, the SST seems suitable to provide pre-operative information on the complex functional behavior and stiffness of spinal segments under physiological loading conditions. Such tools will become increasingly important in the future due to the ever-increasing complexity of the surgical instrumentation and procedures.
Computer tomography (CT)-based finite element (FE) models assess vertebral strength better than dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Osteoporotic vertebrae are usually loaded via degenerated intervertebral discs (IVD) and potentially at higher risk under forward bending, but the influences of the IVD and loading conditions are generally overlooked. Accordingly, magnetic resonance imaging was performed on 14 lumbar discs to generate FE models for the healthiest and most degenerated specimens. Compression, torsion, bending, flexion and extension conducted experimentally were used to calibrate both models. They were combined with CT-based FE models of 12 lumbar vertebral bodies to evaluate the effect of disc degeneration compared to a loading via endplates embedded in a stiff resin, the usual experimental paradigm. Compression and lifting were simulated, load and damage pattern were evaluated at failure. Adding flexion to the compression (lifting) and higher disc degeneration reduces the failure load (8–14%, 5–7%) and increases damage in the vertebrae. Under both loading scenarios, decreasing the disc height slightly increases the failure load; embedding and degenerated IVD provides respectively the highest and lowest failure load. Embedded vertebrae are more brittle, but failure loads induced via IVDs correlate highly with vertebral strength. In conclusion, osteoporotic vertebrae with degenerated IVDs are consistently weaker—especially under lifting, but clinical assessment of their strength is possible via FE analysis without extensive disc modelling, by extrapolating measures from the embedded situation.
BACKGROUND The purpose of this study is to compare clinical outcomes in the treatment of deep non-contained intrabony defects (i.e., with ≥70% 1-wall component and a residual 2- to 3-wall component in the most apical part) using deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) combined with either enamel matrix protein derivative (EMD) or collagen membrane (CM). METHODS Forty patients with multiple intrabony defects were enrolled. Only one non-contained defect per patient with an intrabony depth ≥3 mm located in the interproximal area of single- and multirooted teeth was randomly assigned to the treatment with either EMD + DBBM (test: n = 20) or CM + DBBM (control: n = 20). At baseline and after 12 months, clinical parameters including probing depth (PD) and clinical attachment level (CAL) were recorded. The primary outcome variable was the change in CAL between baseline and 12 months. RESULTS At baseline, the intrabony component of the defects amounted to 6.1 ± 1.9 mm for EMD + DBBM and 6.0 ± 1.9 mm for CM + DBBM sites (P = 0.81). The mean CAL gain at sites treated with EMD + DBBM was not statistically significantly different (P = 0.82) compared with CM + DBBM (3.8 ± 1.5 versus 3.7 ± 1.2 mm). No statistically significant difference (P = 0.62) was observed comparing the frequency of CAL gain ≥4 mm between EMD + DBBM (60%) and CM + DBBM (50%) or comparing the frequency of residual PD ≥6 mm between EMD + DBBM (5%) and CM + DBBM (15%) (P = 0.21). CONCLUSION Within the limitations of the present study, regenerative therapy using either EMD + DBBM or CM + DBBM yielded comparable clinical outcomes in deep non-contained intrabony defects after 12 months.
Introduction: Treating low back pain (LBP) has become an increasing challenge, as it is one of the main factors causing pain and is accompanied by high costs for the individual and the society. LBP can be caused by trauma of the intervertebral disc (IVD) or IVD degeneration. In the case of disc herniation the inner gelatinous part of the IVD, called nucleus pulposus, is pressed through the fibrous, annulus fibrosus that forms the outer part of the IVD. Today’s gold standard for treatment is extensive surgery as removal of the IVD and fusion of the vertebrae. In order to find a more gentle way to treat LBP and restore the native IVD we use a novel silk fleece-membrane composite from genetically modified silk worms whose silk contains a growth factor (GDF-6) that is associated with pushing stem cells towards a disc like phenotype (1). By combining it with a genipin-enhanced fibrin hydrogel we tested its suitability in organ culture on prior injured bovine IVD in our custom built two-degree of freedom bioreactor to mimic natural loading conditions. Material & Methods: Bovine IVDs of 12-17 months old animals were isolated by first removing all surrounding tissue followed by cutting out the IVDs as previously described (2). Culturing of discs occurred in high glucose Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (HG-DMEM) supplemented with 5% serum as previously described (2). On the next day injury was induced using a 2mm biopsy punch (Polymed, Switzerland). The formed cavity was filled with (0.4%) genipin-enhanced human based fibrin hydrogel (35-55mg/mL human fibrinogen, Baxter, Austria) and sealed with a silk fleece-membrane composite (Spintec Engineering, Germany). Different culture conditions were applied: free swelling, static diurnal load of 0.2MPa for 8h/d and complex loading at 0.2MPa compression combined with ± 2° torsion at 0.2Hz for 8h/d (2). After 14 days of culture cell activity was determined with resazurin assay. Additionally, glycosaminoglycan (dimethyl-methylene blue), DNA (Hoechst) and collagen content (hydroxy- proline) were determined. Finally, real-time qPCR of major IVD marker and inflammation genes was performed to judge integrity of IVDs. Results: The fibrin hydrogel is able to keep the silk seal in place throughout the 14 days of in organ culture under all conditions. Additionally, cell activity showed optimistic results and we could not confirm negative effects of the repaired discs regarding overexpression of inflammation markers. Conclusions: The genipin-enhanced fibrin hydrogel in combination with the silk fleece- membrane composite seems to be a promising approach for IVD repair. Currently we assess the capability of GDF-6 incorporated in our silk composites on human mesenchymal stem cells and later on in organ culture. References 1. Clarke LE, McConnell JC, Sherratt MJ, Derby B, Richardson SM, Hoyland JA. Growth differentiation factor 6 and transforming growth factor-beta differentially mediate mesenchymal stem cell differentiation, composition and micromechanical properties of nucleus pulposus constructs. Arthritis Res Ther 2014, Mar 12;16(2):R67. 2. Chan SC, Gantenbein-Ritter B. Preparation of intact bovine tail intervertebral discs for organ culture. J Vis Exp 2012, Feb 2;60(60):e3490. Acknowledgements. This work is funded by the Gebert Rüf Foundation, project number GRS-028/13.
Severe pincer impingement (acetabular protrusio) is an established cause of hip pain and osteoarthritis. The proposed underlying pathomechanism is a dynamic pathological contact of the prominent acetabular rim with the femoral head-neck junction. However, this cannot explain the classically described medial osteoarthritis in these hips. We therefore asked: (1) Does an overload exist in the medial aspect of the protrusio joint? and (2) What is the influence of three contemporary joint-preserving procedures on load distribution in protrusio hips? In vivo force and motion data for walking and standing to sitting were applied to six 3D finite element models (normal, dysplasia, protrusio, acetabular rim trimming, acetabular reorientation, and combined reorientation/rim trimming). Compared with dysplasia, the protrusio joint resulted in opposite patterns of von Mises stress and contact pressure during walking. In protrusio hips, we found an overload at the medial margin of the lunate surface (54% higher than normal). Isolated rim trimming further increased the medial overload (up to 28% higher than protrusio), whereas acetabular reorientation with/without rim trimming reduced stresses by up to 25%. Our results can be used as an adjunct for surgical decision making in the treatment of acetabular protrusio.
The Culture Fair Test (CFT) is a psychometric test of fluid intelligence consisting of four subtests; Series, Classification, Matrices, and Topographies. The four subtests are only moderately intercorrelated, doubting the notion that they assess the same construct (i.e., fluid intelligence). As an explanation of these low correlations, we investigated the position effect. This effect is assumed to reflect implicit learning during testing. By applying fixed-links modeling to analyze the CFT data of 206 participants, we identified position effects as latent variables in the subtests; Classification, Matrices, and Topographies. These position effects were disentangled from a second set of latent variables representing fluid intelligence inherent in the four subtests. After this separation of position effect and basic fluid intelligence, the latent variables representing basic fluid intelligence in the subtests Series, Matrices, and Topographies could be combined to one common latent variable which was highly correlated with fluid intelligence derived from the subtest Classification (r=.72). Correlations between the three latent variables representing the position effects in the Classification, Matrices, and Topographies subtests ranged from r=.38 to r=.59. The results indicate that all four CFT subtests measure the same construct (i.e., fluid intelligence) but that the position effect confounds the factorial structure