34 resultados para Mandible deviation
Current techniques for three-dimensional correction of the chin in patients with mandibular retrusion may increase mentolabial fold depth, but have limited effect on the lips. The authors present a single surgical technique to support the mentolabial fold and improve labial competence. The visor osteotomy is performed from canine to canine. The bone fragment pedicled to the lingual periosteum is coronally mobilized and fixed in the new position. Preserved vascularization is supposed to minimize the amount of bone resorbed. Visor osteotomy of the anterior mandible may improve the existing treatments for micrognathia by creating an aesthetic mentolabial fold and a competent lip seal.
devcon transforms the coefficients of 0/1 dummy variables so that they reflect deviations from the "grand mean" rather than deviations from the reference category (the transformed coefficients are equivalent to those obtained by the so called "effects coding") and adds the coefficient for the reference category. The variance-covariance matrix of the estimates is transformed accordingly. The transformed estimated can be used with post estimation procedures. In particular, devcon can be used to solve the identification problem for dummy variable effects in the so-called Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition (see the oaxaca package).