45 resultados para Major histocompatibility complexes (MHC) presentation


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Although porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2)-associated diseases have been evaluated for known immune evasion strategies, the pathogenicity of these viruses remained concealed for decades. Surprisingly, the same viruses that cause panzootics in livestock are widespread in young, unaffected animals. Recently, evidence has emerged that circovirus-like viruses are also linked to complex diseases in humans, including children. We detected PCV2 genome-carrying cells in fetal pig thymi. To elucidate virus pathogenicity, we developed a new pig infection model by in vivo transfection of recombinant PCV2 and the immunosuppressant cofactor cyclosporine A. Using flow cytometry, immunofluorescence and fluorescence in situ hybridization, we found evidence that PCV2 dictates positive and negative selection of maturing T cells in the thymus. We show for the first time that PCV2-infected cells reside at the corticomedullary junction of the thymus. In diseased animals, we found polyclonal deletion of single positive cells (SPs) that may result from a loss of major histocompatibility complex class-II expression at the corticomedullary junction. The percentage of PCV2 antigen-presenting cells correlated with the degree of viremia and, in turn, the severity of the defect in thymocyte maturation. Moreover, the reversed T-cell receptor/CD4-coreceptor expression dichotomy on thymocytes at the CD4(+)CD8(interm) and CD4SP cell stage is viremia-dependent, resulting in a specific hypo-responsiveness of T-helper cells. We compare our results with the only other better-studied member of Circoviridae, chicken anemia virus. Our data show that PCV2 infection leads to thymocyte selection dysregulation, adding a valuable dimension to our understanding of virus pathogenicity.


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Cell-based strategies represent a new frontier in the treatment of immune-mediated disorders. However, the paucity of markers for isolation of molecularly defined immunomodulatory cell populations poses a barrier to this field. Here, we show that ATP-binding cassette member B5 (ABCB5) identifies dermal immunoregulatory cells (DIRCs) capable of exerting therapeutic immunoregulatory functions through engagement of programmed cell death 1 (PD-1). Purified Abcb5(+) DIRCs suppressed T cell proliferation, evaded immune rejection, homed to recipient immune tissues, and induced Tregs in vivo. In fully major-histocompatibility-complex-mismatched cardiac allotransplantation models, allogeneic DIRCs significantly prolonged allograft survival. Blockade of DIRC-expressed PD-1 reversed the inhibitory effects of DIRCs on T cell activation, inhibited DIRC-dependent Treg induction, and attenuated DIRC-induced prolongation of cardiac allograft survival, indicating that DIRC immunoregulatory function is mediated, at least in part, through PD-1. Our results identify ABCB5(+) DIRCs as a distinct immunoregulatory cell population and suggest promising roles of this expandable cell subset in cellular immunotherapy.


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It is well established that the balance of costimulatory and inhibitory signals during interactions with dendritic cells (DCs) determines T cell transition from a naïve to an activated or tolerant/anergic status. Although many of these molecular interactions are well reproduced in reductionist in vitro assays, the highly dynamic motility of naïve T cells in lymphoid tissue acts as an additional lever to fine-tune their activation threshold. T cell detachment from DCs providing suboptimal stimulation allows them to search for DCs with higher levels of stimulatory signals, while storing a transient memory of short encounters. In turn, adhesion of weakly reactive T cells to DCs presenting peptides presented on major histocompatibility complex with low affinity is prevented by lipid mediators. Finally, controlled recruitment of CD8(+) T cells to cognate DC-CD4(+) T cell clusters shapes memory T cell formation and the quality of the immune response. Dynamic physiological lymphocyte motility therefore constitutes a mechanism to mitigate low avidity T cell activation and to improve the search for "optimal" DCs, while contributing to peripheral tolerance induction in the absence of inflammation.


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CD4(+) T cells play a central role in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Generation, activation and effector function of these cells crucially depends on their interaction with MHC II-peptide complexes displayed by antigen presenting cells (APC). Processing and presentation of self antigens by different APC therefore influences the disease course at all stages. Selection by thymic APC leads to the generation of autoreactive T cells, which can be activated by peripheral APC. Reactivation by central nervous system APC leads to the initiation of the inflammatory response resulting in demyelination. In this review we will focus on how MHC class II antigenic epitopes are created by different APC from the thymus, the periphery and from the brain, and will discuss the relevance of the balance between creation and destruction of such epitopes in the context of MS. A solid understanding of these processes offers the possibility for designing future therapeutic strategies.


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Background: Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) in very young patients have been poorly described. We therefore evaluate ACS in patients aged 35 years and younger. Methods: In this prospective cohort study, 76 hospitals treating ACS in Switzerland enrolled 28,778 patients with ACS between January 1, 1997, and October 1, 2008. ACS definition included ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and unstable angina (UA). Results: 195 patients (0.7%) were 35 years old or younger. Compared to patients N35 years, these patients were more likely to present with chest pain (91.6% vs. 83.7%; P=0.003) and less likely to have heart failure (Killip class II to IV in 5.2% vs. 23.0%; Pb0.001). STEMI was more prevalent in younger than in older patients (73.1% vs. 58.3%; Pb0.001). Smoking, family history of CAD, and/or dyslipidemia were important cardiovascular risk factors in young patients (prevalence 77.2%, 55.0%, and 44.0%). The prevalence of overweight among young patients with ACS was high (57.8%). Cocaine abuse was associated with ACS in some young patients. Compared to older patients, young patients were more likely to receive early percutaneous coronary interventions and had better outcome with fewer major adverse cardiac events. Conclusions: Young patients with ACS differed from older patients in that the younger often presented with STEMI, received early aggressive treatment, and had favourable outcomes. Primary prevention of smoking, dyslipidemia and overweight should be more aggressively promoted in adolescence.


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The concept of chronic critical limb ischaemia (CLI) emerged late in the history of peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD). The historical background and changing definitions of CLI over the last decades are important to know in order to understand why epidemiologic data are so difficult to compare between articles and over time. The prevalence of CLI is probably very high and largely underestimated, and significant differences exist between population studies and clinical series. The extremely high costs associated with management of these patients make CLI a real public health issue for the future. In the era of emerging vascular surgery in the 1950s, the initial classification of PAOD by Fontaine, with stages III and IV corresponding to CLI, was based only on clinical symptoms. Later, with increasing access to non-invasive haemodynamic measurements (ankle pressure, toe pressure), the need to prove a causal relationship between PAOD and clinical findings suggestive of CLI became a real concern, and the Rutherford classification published in 1986 included objective haemodynamic criteria. The first consensus document on CLI was published in 1991 and included clinical criteria associated with ankle and toe pressure and transcutaneous oxygen pressure (TcPO(2)) cut-off levels <50 mmHg, <30 mmHg and <10 mmHg respectively). This rigorous definition reflects an arterial insufficiency that is so severe as to cause microcirculatory changes and compromise tissue integrity, with a high rate of major amputation and mortality. The TASC I consensus document published in 2000 used less severe pressure cut-offs (≤ 50-70 mmHg, ≤ 30-50 mmHg and ≤ 30-50 mmHg respectively). The thresholds for toe pressure and especially TcPO(2) (which will be also included in TASC II consensus document) are however just below the lower limit of normality. It is therefore easy to infer that patients qualifying as CLI based on TASC criteria can suffer from far less severe disease than those qualifying as CLI in the initial 1991 consensus document. Furthermore, inclusion criteria of many recent interventional studies have even shifted further from the efforts of definition standardisation with objective criteria, by including patients as CLI based merely on Fontaine classification (stage III and IV) without haemodynamic criteria. The differences in the natural history of patients with CLI, including prognosis of the limb and the patient, are thus difficult to compare between studies in this context. Overall, CLI as defined by clinical and haemodynamic criteria remains a severe condition with poor prognosis, high medical costs and a major impact in terms of public health and patients' loss of functional capacity. The major progresses in best medical therapy of arterial disease and revascularisation procedures will certainly improve the outcome of CLI patients. In the future, an effort to apply a standardised definition with clinical and objective haemodynamic criteria will be needed to better demonstrate and compare the advances in management of these patients.


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Intraperitoneal larval infection (alveolar echinococcosis, AE) with Echinococcus multilocularis in mice impairs host immunity. Metacestode metabolites may modulate immunity putatively via dendritic cells. During murine AE, a relative increase of peritoneal DCs (pe-DCs) in infected mice (AE-pe-DCs; 4% of total peritoneal cells) as compared to control mice (naive pe-DCs; 2%) became apparent in our study. The differentiation of AE-pe-DCs into TGF-beta-expressing cells and the higher level of IL-4 than IFN-gamma/IL-2 mRNA expression in AE-CD4+pe-T cells indicated a Th2 orientation. Analysis of major accessory molecule expression on pe-DCs from AE-infected mice revealed that CD80 and CD86 were down-regulated on AE-pe-DCs, while ICAM-1(CD54) remained practically unchanged. Moreover, AE-pe-DCs had a weaker surface expression of MHC class II (Ia) molecules as compared to naive pe-DCs. The gene expression level of molecules involved in MHC class II (Ia) synthesis and formation of MHC class II (Ia)-peptide complexes were down-regulated. In addition, metacestodes excreted/secreted (E/S) or vesicle-fluid (V/F) antigens were found to alter MHC class II molecule expression on the surface of BMDCs. Finally, conversely to naive pe-DCs, an increasing number of AE-pe-DCs down-regulated Con A-induced proliferation of naive CD4+pe-T cells. These findings altogether suggested that TGF-beta-expressing immature AE-pe-DCs might play a significant role in the generation of a regulatory immune response within the peritoneal cavity of AE-infected mice.


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Dendritic cells (DC) represent a heterogeneous cell family of major importance for innate immune responses against pathogens and antigen presentation during infection, cancer, allergy and autoimmunity. The aim of the present study was to characterize canine DC generated in vitro with respect to their phenotype, responsiveness to toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands and T-cell stimulatory capacity. DC were derived from monocytes (MoDC) and from bone marrow hematopoietic cells cultured with either Flt3-ligand (FL-BMDC) or with GM-CSF (GM-BMDC). All three methods generated cells with typical DC morphology that expressed CD1c, CD11c and CD14, similar to macrophages. However, CD40 was only found on DC, CD206 on MPhi and BMDC, but not on monocytes and MoDC. CD1c was not found on monocytes but on all in vitro differentiated cells. FL-BMDC and GM-BMDC were partially positive for CD4 and CD8. CD45RA was expressed on a subset of FL-BMDC but not on MoDC and GM-BMDC. MoDC and FL-DC responded well to TLR ligands including poly-IC (TLR2), Pam3Cys (TLR3), LPS (TLR4) and imiquimod (TLR7) by up-regulating MHC II and CD86. The generated DC and MPhi showed a stimulatory capacity for lymphocytes, which increased upon maturation with LPS. Taken together, our results are the basis for further characterization of canine DC subsets with respect to their role in inflammation and immune responses.


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The interaction of developing thymocytes with peptide-MHC complexes on thymic antigen presenting cells (APC) is crucial for T cell development, both for positive selection of "useful" thymocytes as well as negative selection of autoreactive thymocytes to prevent autoimmunity. The peptides presented on MHC II molecules are generated by lysosomal proteases such as the cathepsins. At the same time, lysosomal proteases will also destroy other potential T cell epitopes from self-antigens. This will lead to a lack of presentation on negatively selecting thymic antigen presenting cells and consequently, escape of autoreactive T cells recognizing these epitopes. In order to understand the processes that govern generation or destruction of self-epitopes in thymic APC, we studied the antigen processing machinery and epitope processing in the human thymus. We find that each type of thymic APC expresses a different signature of lysosomal proteases, providing indirect evidence that positive and negative selection of CD4(+) T cells might occur on different sets of peptides, in analogy to what has been proposed for CD8(+) T cells. We also find that myeloid dendritic cells (DC) are more efficient in processing autoantigen than plasmacytoid DC. In addition, we observed that cathepsin S plays a central role in processing of the autoantigens myelin basic protein and proinsulin in thymic dendritic cells. Cathepsin S destroyed a number of known T cell epitopes, which would be expected to result in lack of presentation and consequently, escape of autoreactive T cells. Cathepsin S therefore appears to be an important factor that influences selection of autoreactive T cells.


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OBJECTIVES: The role of statin use in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) is not clear. The aim of our study was to evaluate the role of statins in ACS. METHODS: Using data from the Acute Myocardial Infarction in Switzerland (AMIS Plus) Project, we compared the effects of chronic statin use, statin therapy after admission and no statin therapy on presentation mode and outcomes in ACS. RESULTS: Available data from the period 2001-2006 including 11,603 patients were analyzed. Major cardiac event rates and in-hospital mortality were more common in statin-naive patients compared to patients who received statins. CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the importance of statin treatment in ACS. Chronic statin therapy seems to alter the initial presentation of ACS but it is questionable whether it provides an additional effect on early outcomes compared to the establishment of statin therapy after admission in statin-naive patients.


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Late presentation remains a major concern despite the dramatically improved prognosis realized by ART. We define a first presentation for HIV care during the course of HIV infection as 'late' if an AIDS-defining opportunistic disease is apparent, or if CD4+ T-cells are <200/microl. In the Western world, approximately 10 and 30% of HIV-infected individuals still present with CD4+ T-cells <50 and <200/microl, respectively; estimates are substantially higher for developing countries. Diagnosis and treatment of opportunistic diseases and intense supportive in-hospital care take precedence over ART. Benefits of starting ART without delay, that is, when opportunistic diseases are still active, include faster resolution of opportunistic diseases and a decreased risk of recurrence. The downside of starting ART without delay could include toxicity, drug interactions and immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS). Among asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic individuals presenting late, where ART and primary prophylaxis are initiated, approximately 10-20% will become symptomatic from drug toxicity or undiagnosed opportunistic complications, including IRIS, which require appropriate therapies. In this review we describe late presentation to HIV care, the scale of the problem, the evaluation of a late-presenting patient and challenges associated with initiation of potent antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the setting of acute opportunistic infections and other comorbidities.


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Bovine papillomavirus type 1 or 2 (BPV-1, BPV-2) are accepted causal factors in equine sarcoid pathogenesis. Whereas viral genomes are consistently found and expressed within lesions, intact virions have never been detected, thus permissiveness of sarcoids for BPV-1 replication remains unclear. To reassess this issue, an immunocapture PCR (IC/PCR) was established using L1-specific antibodies to capture L1-DNA complexes followed by amplification of the viral genome. Following validation of the assay, 13 sarcoid-bearing horses were evaluated by IC/PCR. Samples were derived from 21 tumours, 4 perilesional/intact skin biopsies, and 1 serum. Tissue extracts from sarcoid-free equines served as controls. IC/PCR scored positive in 14/24 (58.3%) specimens obtained from sarcoid-patients, but negative for controls. Quantitative IC/PCR demonstrated <125 immunoprecipitable viral genomes/50 microl extract for the majority of specimens. Moreover, full-length BPV-1 genomes were detected in a complex with L1 proteins. These complexes may correspond to virion precursors or intact virions.


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The long-term risk associated with different coronary artery disease (CAD) presentations in women undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with drug-eluting stents (DES) is poorly characterized. We pooled patient-level data for women enrolled in 26 randomized clinical trials. Of 11,577 women included in the pooled database, 10,133 with known clinical presentation received a DES. Of them, 5,760 (57%) had stable angina pectoris (SAP), 3,594 (35%) had unstable angina pectoris (UAP) or non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and 779 (8%) had ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) as clinical presentation. A stepwise increase in 3-year crude cumulative mortality was observed in the transition from SAP to STEMI (4.9% vs 6.1% vs 9.4%; p <0.01). Conversely, no differences in crude mortality rates were observed between 1 and 3 years across clinical presentations. After multivariable adjustment, STEMI was independently associated with greater risk of 3-year mortality (hazard ratio [HR] 3.45; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.99 to 5.98; p <0.01), whereas no differences were observed between UAP or NSTEMI and SAP (HR 0.99; 95% CI 0.73 to 1.34; p = 0.94). In women with ACS, use of new-generation DES was associated with reduced risk of major adverse cardiac events (HR 0.58; 95% CI 0.34 to 0.98). The magnitude and direction of the effect with new-generation DES was uniform between women with or without ACS (pinteraction = 0.66). In conclusion, in women across the clinical spectrum of CAD, STEMI was associated with a greater risk of long-term mortality. Conversely, the adjusted risk of mortality between UAP or NSTEMI and SAP was similar. New-generation DESs provide improved long-term clinical outcomes irrespective of the clinical presentation in women.


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The movement of ions across specific channels embedded on the membrane of individual cardiomyocytes is crucial for the generation and propagation of the cardiac electric impulse. Emerging evidence over the past 20 years strongly suggests that the normal electric function of the heart is the result of dynamic interactions of membrane ion channels working in an orchestrated fashion as part of complex molecular networks. Such networks work together with exquisite temporal precision to generate each action potential and contraction. Macromolecular complexes play crucial roles in transcription, translation, oligomerization, trafficking, membrane retention, glycosylation, post-translational modification, turnover, function, and degradation of all cardiac ion channels known to date. In addition, the accurate timing of each cardiac beat and contraction demands, a comparable precision on the assembly and organizations of sodium, calcium, and potassium channel complexes within specific subcellular microdomains, where physical proximity allows for prompt and efficient interaction. This review article, part of the Compendium on Sudden Cardiac Death, discusses the major issues related to the role of ion channel macromolecular assemblies in normal cardiac electric function and the mechanisms of arrhythmias leading to sudden cardiac death. It provides an idea of how these issues are being addressed in the laboratory and in the clinic, which important questions remain unanswered, and what future research will be needed to improve knowledge and advance therapy.