40 resultados para MOLYBDENUM IONS
Soft X-ray lasing across a Ni-like plasma gain-medium requires optimum electron temperature and density for attaining to the Ni-like ion stage and for population inversion in the View the MathML source3d94d1(J=0)→3d94p1(J=1) laser transition. Various scaling laws, function of operating parameters, were compared with respect to their predictions for optimum temperatures and densities. It is shown that the widely adopted local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) model underestimates the optimum plasma-lasing conditions. On the other hand, non-LTE models, especially when complemented with dielectronic recombination, provided accurate prediction of the optimum plasma-lasing conditions. It is further shown that, for targets with Z equal or greater than the rare-earth elements (e.g. Sm), the optimum electron density for plasma-lasing is not accessible for pump-pulses at View the MathML sourceλ=1ω=1μm. This observation explains a fundamental difficulty in saturating the wavelength of plasma-based X-ray lasers below 6.8 nm, unless using 2ω2ω pumping.
The numerical simulations of the magnetic properties of extended three-dimensional networks containing M(II) ions with an S = 5/2 ground-state spin have been carried out within the framework of the isotropic Heisenberg model. Analytical expressions fitting the numerical simulations for the primitive cubic, diamond, together with (10−3) cubic networks have all been derived. With these empirical formulas in hands, we can now extract the interaction between the magnetic ions from the experimental data for these networks. In the case of the primitive cubic network, these expressions are directly compared with those from the high-temperature expansions of the partition function. A fit of the experimental data for three complexes, namely [(N(CH3)4][Mn(N3)] 1, [Mn(CN4)]n 2, and [FeII(bipy)3][MnII2(ox)3] 3, has been carried out. The best fits were those obtained using the following parameters, J = −3.5 cm-1, g = 2.01 (1); J = −8.3 cm-1, g = 1.95 (2); and J = −2.0 cm-1, g = 1.95 (3).
The abundance of atmospheric oxygen and its evolution through Earth's history is a highly debated topic. The earliest change of the Mo concentration and isotope composition of marine sediments are interpreted to be linked to the onset of the accumulation of free O2 in Earth's atmosphere. The O2 concentration needed to dissolve significant amounts of Mo in water is not yet quantified, however. We present laboratory experiments on pulverized and surface-cleaned molybdenite (MoS2) and a hydrothermal breccia enriched in Mo-bearing sulphides using a glove box setup. Duration of an experiment was 14 days, and first signs of oxidation and subsequent dissolution of Mo compounds start to occur above an atmospheric oxygen concentration of 72 ± 20 ppmv (i.e., 2.6 to 4.6 × 10−4 present atmospheric level (PAL)). This experimentally determined value coincides with published model calculations supporting atmospheric O2 concentrations between 1 × 10−5 to 3 × 10−4 PAL prior to the Great Oxidation Event and sets an upper limit to the molecular oxygen needed to trigger Mo accumulation and Mo isotope variations recorded in sediments. In combination with the published Mo isotope composition of the rock record, this result implies an atmospheric oxygen concentration prior to 2.76 Ga of below 72 ± 20 ppmv.
In order to estimate the Mo isotope composition and Mo abundance in the Bulk Silicate Earth (BSE), a total of thirty komatiite samples from five localities on three continents were analyzed using an isotope dilution double spike technique. Calculated Mo concentrations of the emplaced komatiite lavas range from 25±325±3 to 66±22 ng/g66±22 ng/g, and the inferred Mo concentrations in the deep mantle sources of the komatiites range between 17±417±4 and 30±12 ng/g30±12 ng/g, with an average value of 23±7 ng/g23±7 ng/g (2SE). This average value represents our best estimate for the Mo concentration in the BSE; it is identical, within the uncertainty, to published previous estimates of 39±16 ng/g39±16 ng/g, but is at least a factor of 2 more precise. The Mo isotope compositions of the komatiite mantle sources overlap within uncertainty and range from View the MathML sourceδMo98=−0.04±0.28 to 0.11±0.10‰0.11±0.10‰, with an average of 0.04±0.06‰0.04±0.06‰ (2SE). This value is analytically indistinguishable from published Mo isotope compositions of ordinary and enstatite chondrites and represents the best estimate for the Mo isotope composition of the BSE. The inferred δ98Mo for the BSE is therefore lighter than the suggested average of the upper continental crust (0.3 to 0.4‰). Thus, from the mass balance standpoint, a reservoir with lighter Mo isotope composition should exist in the Earth's mantle; this reservoir can potentially be found in subducted oceanic crust. The similarity of δ98Mo between chondritic meteorites and estimates for the BSE from this study indicates that during the last major equilibration between Earth's core and mantle, i.e., the one that occurred during the giant impact that produced the Moon, chemical and isotopic equilibrium of Mo between Fe metal of the core and the silicate mantle was largely achieved.
Cancer is one of the most severe and widespread diseases and an ideal treatment has not yet been found. In the last decades, cisplatinum was commonly applied in cancer therapy with very good results. However, serious side effects and resistant tumors necessitated the development of new antineoplastic agents, such as metallocenes dihalides. These are metal-based compounds exhibiting two cyclopentadienyl ligands and a cis-dihalide motif. They resemble the cis-chloro configuration of cisplatinum, which propounds a similar mode of action. Metallocenes comprising one of the transition metals titanium, molybdenum, vanadium, niobium, and zirconium as the metal center have been shown to be effective against several cancer cell lines. Evidence for the accumulation of metallocenes in the nucleus implied that DNA is one of the major targets. Although several studies reported adduct formation of metallocenes with nuclear DNA, as yet substantial information about the general binding pattern and the binding to higher-order structures is lacking. Mass spectrometry can fill this gap as it constitutes a powerful technique to investigate the formation of organometallic adducts. Presented data demonstrate that the two agents titanocene dichloride and molybdenocene dichloride bind to single-stranded DNA and RNA. Distinct fragment ions formed upon collision-induced dissociation help to unravel preferential binding sites within the oligonucleotides. Moreover, adducts with duplexes and quadruplexes shed light on the molecular mechanism of action.
As Rosetta was orbiting comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the Ion and Electron Sensor detected negative particles with angular distributions like those of the concurrently measured solar wind protons but with fluxes of only about 10% of the proton fluxes and energies of about 90% of the proton energies. Using well-known cross sections and energy-loss data, it is determined that the fluxes and energies of the negative particles are consistent with the production of H- ions in the solar wind by double charge exchange with molecules in the coma.