81 resultados para Locomotor sensitization


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In this study, we have investigated the role of CD69, an early inducible leukocyte activation receptor, in murine dendritic cell (DC) differentiation, maturation, and migration. Skin DCs and DC subsets present in mouse lymphoid organs express CD69 in response to maturation stimuli. Using a contact sensitization model, we show that skin DCs migrated more efficiently to draining lymph nodes (LNs) in the absence of CD69. This was confirmed by subcutaneous transfer of CD69-/- DCs, which presented an increased migration to peripheral LNs. Two-photon microscopy analysis showed that once DCs reached the LNs, CD69 deficiency did not alter DC interstitial motility in the LNs. Chemotaxis to sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) was enhanced in CD69-/- DCs compared with wild-type DCs. Accordingly, we detected a higher expression of S1P receptor type-1 (S1P(1)) by CD69-/- DCs, whereas S1P(3) expression levels were similar in wild-type and CD69-/- DCs. Moreover, in vivo treatment with S1P analogs SEW2871 and FTY720 during skin sensitization reduced skin DC migration to peripheral LNs. These results suggest that CD69 regulates S1P-induced skin DC migration by modulating S1P(1) function. Together, our findings increase our knowledge on DC trafficking patterns in the skin, enabling the development of new directed therapies using DCs for antigen (Ag) delivery.


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In drug hypersensitivity, change of drug treatment and continuation with a new drug may result in reappearance of drug hypersensitivity symptoms. This is not uncommon in patients with chronic infections requiring continued and long-lasting antibiotic treatments. For the clinician, the question arises whether these symptoms are due to cross-reactivity, are due to a new sensitization or are a reflection of a multiple drug hypersensitivity syndrome. Based on the p-i concept (pharmacological interaction with immune receptors), we propose that the efficient stimulation of T cells by a drug is the sum of drug-T-cell receptor affinity and readiness of the T cell to react, and therefore not constant. It heavily depends on the state of underlying immune activation. Consequently, drug hypersensitivity diseases, which go along with massive immune stimulations and often high serum cytokine values, are themselves risk factors for further drug hypersensitivity. The immune stimulation during drug hypersensitivity may, similar to generalized virus infections, lower the threshold of T-cell reactivity to drugs and cause rapid appearance of drug hypersensitivity symptoms to the second drug. We call the second hypersensitivity reaction a "flare-up" reaction; this is clinically important, as in most cases the second drug may be tolerated again, if the cofactors are missing. Moreover, the second treatment is often too short to cause a relevant sensitization.


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Once administered, a drug can activate the immune system by various mechanisms and lead to a large range of clinical manifestations closely related to the type of immune reaction elicited. Administration of the drug can classically result in an immunoglobulin E (IgE)-type sensitization, but can also result in more complex activation of the immune system potentially resulting in severe syndromes, such as the drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS). Although there has been a major increase in our knowledge over the last years, the exact mechanisms of drug allergy are not well understood for most clinical manifestations. A complex interaction between individual characteristics, environmental factors, and the drug itself is usually responsible for adverse reactions to drugs. In this educational review series, we described three cases of drug allergy: first, a child with a typical IgE-mediated drug allergy, second, a child with a non-immediate reaction to penicillin, and in the third patient, we will discuss the drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome, which is rare but potentially fatal. These cases are correlated to the immune mechanism potentially involved.


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Stereotypies in captive animals typically occur under conditions that are stressful for the animals, and there is some anecdotal evidence that stress levels during early stereotypy development predict later stereotypy levels. Based on this and on the involvement of stress in the behavioural sensitization to psychostimulant drugs, it has been hypothesized that stereotypy development might be causally related to stress. To address this question further, we used mice of the commercial outbred stock CD-1 (ICR) and mice of two lines derived from the outbred CD-1 (ICR) strain by selective breeding for high (HR) and low (LR) stress reactivity, respectively, and examined whether genetically driven variation in stress reactivity is associated with variation in the expression of cage-induced stereotypies. From 21 days of age, 10 females of each line were housed in pairs under standard laboratory conditions until they were video recorded for stereotypic behaviour and tested for corticosterone responses in a stress reactivity test (SRT) at 12 weeks of age. As expected, HR females showed a significantly stronger corticosterone response in the SRT than LR females, while ICR females were intermediate. Unexpectedly, however, both HR and LR females showed very low levels of stereotypic behaviour, while ICR females developed the high levels of stereotypies typical for this strain of mouse. Consequently, there was no significant relationship between measures of acute corticosterone reactivity and stereotypy performance, but a trend for reduced recovery of the corticosterone response in the ICR line suggests that variation in recovery rather than the acute response might predict stereotypy levels in these mice. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Salivary gland proteins of Culicoides spp. have been suggested to be among the main allergens inducing IgE-mediated insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH), an allergic dermatitis of the horse. The aim of our study was to identify, produce and characterize IgE-binding salivary gland proteins of Culicoides nubeculosus relevant for IBH by phage surface display technology. A cDNA library constructed with mRNA derived from C. nubeculosus salivary glands was displayed on the surface of filamentous phage M13 and enriched for clones binding serum IgE of IBH-affected horses. Ten cDNA inserts encoding putative salivary gland allergens were isolated and termed Cul n 2 to Cul n 11. However, nine cDNA sequences coded for truncated proteins as determined by database searches. The cDNA sequences were amplified by PCR, subcloned into high level expression vectors and expressed as hexahistidine-tagged fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. Preliminary ELISA results obtained with these fusions confirmed the specific binding to serum IgE of affected horses. Therefore, the putative complete open reading frames derived from BLAST analyses were isolated by RACE-PCR and subcloned into expression vectors. The full length proteins expressed in Escherichia coli showed molecular masses in the range of 15.5-68.7 kDa in SDS-PAGE in good agreement with the masses calculated from the predicted protein sequences. Western blot analyses of all recombinant allergens with a serum pool of IBH-affected horses showed their ability to specifically bind serum IgE of sensitized horses, and ELISA determinations yielded individual horse recognition patterns with a frequency of sensitization ranging from 13 to 57%, depending on the allergen tested. The in vivo relevance of eight of the recombinant allergens was demonstrated in intradermal skin testing. For the two characterized allergens Cul n 6 and Cul n 11, sensitized horses were not available for intradermal tests. Control horses without clinical signs of IBH did not develop any relevant immediate hypersensitivity reactions to the recombinant allergens. The major contribution of this study was to provide a repertoire of recombinant salivary gland allergens repertoire from C. nubeculosus potentially involved in the pathogenesis of IBH as a starting basis for the development of a component-resolved serologic diagnosis of IBH and, perhaps, for the development of single horse tailored specific immunotherapy depending on their component-resolved sensitization patterns.


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Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is an IgE-mediated seasonal dermatitis of the horses associated with bites of Simulium (black fly) and Culicoides (midge) species. Although cross-reactivity between Simulium and Culicoides salivary gland extracts has been demonstrated, the molecular nature of the allergens responsible for the observed cross-reactivity remains to be elucidated. In this report we demonstrate for the first time in veterinary medicine that a homologous allergen, present in the salivary glands of both insects, shows extended IgE cross-reactivity in vitro and in vivo. The cDNA sequences coding for both antigen 5 like allergens termed Sim v 1 and Cul n 1 were amplified by PCR, subcloned in high level expression vectors, and produced as [His](6)-tagged proteins in Escherichia coli. The highly pure recombinant proteins were used to investigate the prevalence of sensitization in IBH-affected horses by ELISA and their cross-reactive nature by Western blot analyses, inhibition ELISA and intradermal skin tests (IDT). The prevalence of sensitization to Sim v 1 and Cul n 1 among 48 IBH-affected horses was 37% and 35%, respectively. In contrast, serum IgE levels to both allergens in 24 unaffected horses did not show any value above background. Both proteins strongly bound serum IgE from IBH-affected horses in Western blot analyses, demonstrating the allergenic nature of the recombinant proteins. Extended inhibition ELISA experiments clearly showed that Sim v 1 in fluid phase is able to strongly inhibit binding of serum IgE to solid phase coated Cul n 1 in a concentration dependent manner and vice versa. This crucial experiment shows that the allergens share common IgE-binding epitopes. IDT with Sim v 1 and Cul n 1 showed clear immediate and late phase reactions to the allergen challenges IBH-affected horses, whereas unaffected control horses do not develop relevant immediate hypersensitivity reactions. In some horses, however, mild late phase reactions were observed 4h post-challenge, a phenomenon reported to occur also in challenge experiments with Simulium and Culicoides crude extracts probably related to lipopolysaccaride contaminations which are also present in E. coli-expressed recombinant proteins. In conclusion our data demonstrate that IgE-mediated cross-reactivity to homologous allergens, a well-known clinically relevant phenomenon in human allergy, also occurs in veterinary allergy.


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Chemotherapeutic drug resistance is one of the major causes for treatment failure in high-risk neuroblastoma (NB), the most common extra cranial solid tumor in children. Poor prognosis is typically associated with MYCN amplification. Here, we utilized a loss-of-function kinome-wide RNA interference screen to identify genes that cause cisplatin sensitization. We identified fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) as an important determinant of cisplatin resistance. Pharmacological inhibition of FGFR2 confirmed the importance of this kinase in NB chemoresistance. Silencing of FGFR2 sensitized NB cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis, which was regulated by the downregulation of the anti-apoptotic proteins BCL2 and BCLX(L). Mechanistically, FGFR2 was shown to activate protein kinase C-δ to induce BCL2 expression. FGFR2, as well as the ligand fibroblast growth factor-2, were consistently expressed in primary NB and NB cell lines, indicating the presence of an autocrine loop. Expression analysis revealed that FGFR2 correlates with MYCN amplification and with advanced stage disease, demonstrating the clinical relevance of FGFR2 in NB. These findings suggest a novel role for FGFR2 in chemoresistance and provide a rational to combine pharmacological inhibitors against FGFR2 with chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of NB.Oncogene advance online publication, 1 October 2012; doi:10.1038/onc.2012.416.


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Objective To examine the associations between pet keeping in early childhood and asthma and allergies in children aged 6–10 years. Design Pooled analysis of individual participant data of 11 prospective European birth cohorts that recruited a total of over 22,000 children in the 1990s. Exposure definition Ownership of only cats, dogs, birds, rodents, or cats/dogs combined during the first 2 years of life. Outcome definition Current asthma (primary outcome), allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis and allergic sensitization during 6–10 years of age. Data synthesis Three-step approach: (i) Common definition of outcome and exposure variables across cohorts; (ii) calculation of adjusted effect estimates for each cohort; (iii) pooling of effect estimates by using random effects meta-analysis models. Results We found no association between furry and feathered pet keeping early in life and asthma in school age. For example, the odds ratio for asthma comparing cat ownership with “no pets” (10 studies, 11489 participants) was 1.00 (95% confidence interval 0.78 to 1.28) (I2 = 9%; p = 0.36). The odds ratio for asthma comparing dog ownership with “no pets” (9 studies, 11433 participants) was 0.77 (0.58 to 1.03) (I2 = 0%, p = 0.89). Owning both cat(s) and dog(s) compared to “no pets” resulted in an odds ratio of 1.04 (0.59 to 1.84) (I2 = 33%, p = 0.18). Similarly, for allergic asthma and for allergic rhinitis we did not find associations regarding any type of pet ownership early in life. However, we found some evidence for an association between ownership of furry pets during the first 2 years of life and reduced likelihood of becoming sensitized to aero-allergens. Conclusions Pet ownership in early life did not appear to either increase or reduce the risk of asthma or allergic rhinitis symptoms in children aged 6–10. Advice from health care practitioners to avoid or to specifically acquire pets for primary prevention of asthma or allergic rhinitis in children should not be given.


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Early in the 1990s, several case series described adults suffering from dysphagia and children with refractory reflux symptoms, both accompanied by an eosinophil-predominant infiltration, thereby conclusively distinguishing it from gastroesophageal reflux disease. Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) was recognized as its own entity in the adult and in the pediatric literature. In the last decade, evidence has accumulated that EoE represents a T-helper (Th)2-type inflammatory disease. Remodeling of the esophagus is a hallmark of EoE, leading to esophageal dysfunction and bolus impaction. Familial occurrence and disease association with single-nucleotide polymorphisms underscore the influence of genetics in this disease. Eosinophilic esophagitis may affect individuals at any age, although the clinical presentation is highly age dependent. There is a significant allergic bias in the EoE population, with the majority of patients having concurrent allergic rhinitis, asthma, eczema, and/or a history of atopy. One noteworthy difference is that in children, EoE seems to be primarily a food antigen-driven disease, whereas in adults, mainly aeroallergen sensitization has been observed. Treatment modalities for EoE include the 3Ds: drugs, diet, and dilation. The crucial question of whether adult and pediatric EoE are different phenotypes of one single entity or whether we are confronted with two different diseases is still open. Here, we review similarities and differences between EoE in adults and children.


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The receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)/phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway is fundamental for cancer cell proliferation and is known to be frequently altered and activated in neoplasia, including embryonal tumors. Based on the high frequency of alterations, targeting components of the PI3K signaling pathway is considered to be a promising therapeutic approach for cancer treatment. Here, we have investigated the potential of targeting the axis of the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) and PI3K signaling in two common cancers of childhood: neuroblastoma, the most common extracranial tumor in children and medulloblastoma, the most frequent malignant childhood brain tumor. By treating neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma cells with R1507, a specific humanized monoclonal antibody against the IGF-1R, we could observe cell line-specific responses and in some cases a strong decrease in cell proliferation. In contrast, targeting the PI3K p110α with the specific inhibitor PIK75 resulted in broad anti-proliferative effects in a panel of neuro- and medulloblastoma cell lines. Additionally, sensitization to commonly used chemotherapeutic agents occurred in neuroblastoma cells upon treatment with R1507 or PIK75. Furthermore, by studying the expression and phosphorylation state of IGF-1R/PI3K downstream signaling targets we found down-regulated signaling pathway activation. In addition, apoptosis occurred in embryonal tumor cells after treatment with PIK75 or R1507. Together, our studies demonstrate the potential of targeting the IGF-1R/PI3K signaling axis in embryonal tumors. Hopefully, this knowledge will contribute to the development of urgently required new targeted therapies for embryonal tumors.


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The pattern of contact sensitization to the supposedly most important allergens assembled in the baseline series differs between countries, presumably at least partly because of exposure differences. Objectives. To describe the prevalence of contact sensitization to allergens tested in consecutive patients in the years 2007 and 2008, and to discuss possible differences.


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In clinical routine, adverse drug reactions (ADR) are common, and they should be included in the differential diagnosis in all patients undergoing drug treatment. Only part of those ADR are immune-mediated hypersensitivity reactions and thus true drug allergies. Far more common are non-immune-mediated ADR, e.g. due to the pharmacological properties of the drug or to the individual predisposition of the patient (enzymopathies, cytokine dysbalance, mast cell hyperreactivity). In true drug allergiesT cell- and immunoglobulin E (lgE)-mediated reactions dominate the clinical presentation. T cell-mediated ADR usually have a delayed appearance and include skin eruptions in most cases. Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that they may involve systemic T cell activation and thus take a severe, sometimes lethal turn. Clinical danger signs are involvement of mucosal surfaces, blistering within the exanthematous skin areas and systemic symptoms, e.g. fever or malaise. Drug presentation via antigen-presenting cells to T cells can either involve the classical pathway of haptenization of endogenous proteins or be directly mediated via noncovalent binding to immune receptors (MHC molecules or T cell receptors), the so-called p-i concept. Flare-up reactions during the acute phase of T cell-mediated ADR should not be mistaken for true drug allergies, as they only occur in the setting of a highly activated T cell pool. IgE-mediated ADR are less frequent and involve mast cells and/or basophils as peripheral effector cells. Recent data suggest that certain patients with drug allergy have a preexistent sensitization although they have never been exposed to the culprit drug, probably due to cross-reactivity. Thus, allergic drug reactions on first encounter are possible. In general, the extent of cross-reactivity is higher in IgE-compared to T cell-mediated ADR. Based on a specific ethnic background and only for severe T cell-mediated ADR to certain drugs, a strong HLA association has been established recently.


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BACKGROUND: Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) is a rare cutaneous eruption which is often provoked by drugs. CASE REPORT: We report 2 cases of AGEP which showed rapidly spreading pustular eruptions accompanied by malaise, fever and neutrophilia after the administration of systemic prednisolone (corticosteroid of group A, hydrocortisone type). The histological examination showing neutrophilic subcorneal spongiform pustules was consistent with the diagnosis of AGEP. In both cases the rash cleared within a week upon treatment with topical steroids (corticosteroid of group D1, betamethasonedipropionate type and corticosteroid of group D2, hydrocortisone-17-butyrate type). Three months after recovery, the sensitization to corticosteroids of group A was confirmed by epicutaneous testing and positive lymphocyte transformation tests. CONCLUSION: These cases show that systemic corticosteroids can induce AGEP and demonstrate that epicutaneous testing and lymphocyte transformation tests may be helpful in identifying the causative drug. Our data support previous reports indicating an important role for drug-specific T cells in inducing neutrophil inflammation in this disease.


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BACKGROUND: Eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) is often associated with concomitant atopic diseases. In children with EE in whom food allergens have been identified as causative factors, elemental and elimination diets result in an improvement or resolution of symptoms. Most adult EE patients are sensitized to aeroallergens, which cross-react with plant-derived food allergens, most commonly to grass pollen and cereals. AIMS OF THE STUDY: To investigate the clinical relevance of the sensitization to wheat and rye, and the efficacy of an allergen-specific elimination diet in adult EE patients. METHODS: Six patients (five men, one women) with permanently active EE sensitized to grass pollen and the cereals wheat and rye underwent a double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge and were kept on an elimination diet avoiding wheat and rye for 6 weeks. RESULTS: The challenge tests with wheat and rye did not provoke any EE symptoms in all patients. The elimination diet failed in reducing disease activity. Although one patient noticed an improvement of symptoms, endoscopic and histopathologic findings remained unchanged. CONCLUSIONS: In adult EE patients, sensitization to wheat and rye does not seem causative for EE. Elimination diet is not a reliable and efficient therapeutic measure in EE patients sensitized to wheat and rye. Low specific immunoglobulin-E levels to wheat and rye may be a consequence of the underlying grass pollen allergy.


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (Apo2L/TRAIL) belongs to the TNF family known to transduce their death signals via cell membrane receptors. Because it has been shown that Apo2L/TRAIL induces apoptosis in tumor cells without or little toxicity to normal cells, this cytokine became of special interest for cancer research. Unfortunately, cancer cells are often resistant to Apo2L/TRAIL-induced apoptosis; however, this can be at least partially negotiated by parallel treatment with other substances, such as chemotherapeutic agents. Here, we report that cardiac glycosides, which have been used for the treatment of cardiac failure for many years, sensitize lung cancer cells but not normal human peripheral blood mononuclear cells to Apo2L/TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Sensitization to Apo2L/TRAIL mediated by cardiac glycosides was accompanied by up-regulation of death receptors 4 (DR4) and 5 (DR5) on both RNA and protein levels. The use of small interfering RNA revealed that up-regulation of death receptors is essential for the demonstrated augmentation of apoptosis. Blocking of up-regulation of DR4 and DR5 alone significantly reduced cell death after combined treatment with cardiac glycosides and Apo2L/TRAIL. Combined silencing of DR4 and DR5 abrogated the ability of cardiac glycosides and Apo2L/TRAIL to induce apoptosis in an additive manner. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that glycosides up-regulate DR4 and DR5, thereby reverting the resistance of lung cancer cells to Apo2/TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Our data suggest that the combination of Apo2L/TRAIL and cardiac glycosides may be a new interesting anticancer treatment strategy.