47 resultados para Liberty Revolution


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On the Limits of Greenwich Mean Time, or The Failure of a Modernist Revolution From the introduction of World Standard Time in 1884 to Einstein’s theory of relativity, the nature and regulation of time was a highly contested issue in modernism, with profound political, social and epistemological consequences. Modernist aesthetic sensibilities widely revolted against the increasingly strict rule of the clock, which, as Georg Simmel observed in “The Metropolis and Mental Life,” was established as the necessary basis of a capitalist, urban life. This paper will focus on the contending conceptions of time arising in key modernist texts by authors like Joyce, Woolf and Conrad. I will argue that the uniformity and regularity of time necessary to a rising capitalist society came under attack in a similar way by both modernist literary aesthetics and new scientific discoveries. However, while Einstein’s theory of relativity may have led to a subsequent change of paradigm in scientific thought, it has failed to significantly alter social and popular conceptions of time. Although alternative ways of thinking and living with time are proposed by modernist authors, they remain isolated aesthetic experiments, ineffectual against the regulatory pressure of economic and social structures. In this struggle about the nature of time, so I suggest, science and literature join force against a society that is increasingly governed by economic reason. The fact that they lost this struggle can serve as a striking illustration of an increasing shift of social influence from science and art towards economy.


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Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts veraenderte die Dampfmaschine den Transportsektor, die Produktion und viele andere Bereiche der Wirtschaft grundlegend. Aufgrund der Erfindung der Spinnmaschinen konnte die Garnproduktion um ein Vielfaches erhoeht werden, mit Wasser und Dampf konnten Webmaschinen betrieben werden, der Wohlstand der Bevoelkerung wuchs. Gleichzeitig verloren viele Arbeiter ihre Jobs als Spinner, Weber oder Faerber, es gab Proteste und Aufstaende. Nach dieser ersten industriellen Revolution folgte mit der Elektrifizierung Ende 19. Jahrhundert die zweite Revolution. Wieder gewann die Gesellschaft als Ganzes an Wohlstand, aber viele Menschen verloren ihr Einkommen. Die dritte industrielle Revolution folgte Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts mit den Informationstechnologien. Und nur wenig spaeter befinden wir uns bereits an der Schwelle zur vierten industriellen Revolution, der Vernetzung physischer und digitaler Systeme.


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Artists have spent a century claiming Egypt for the Egyptians. Now the powerful murals of January 25 have created a new public space dedicated to every citizen.