68 resultados para Isolation,


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Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) are specialized subsets of T cells with distinct functional capacities. While some IEL subsets are circulating, others such as CD8alphaalpha TCRalphabeta IEL are believed to represent non-circulating resident T cell subsets [Sim, G.K., Intraepithelial lymphocytes and the immune system. Adv. Immunol., 1995. 58: 297-343.]. Current methods to obtain enriched preparations of intraepithelial lymphocytes are mostly based on Percoll density gradient or magnetic bead-based technologies [Lundqvist, C., et al., Isolation of functionally active intraepithelial lymphocytes and enterocytes from human small and large intestine. J. Immunol. Methods, 1992. 152(2): 253-263.]. However, these techniques are hampered by a generally low yield of isolated cells, and potential artifacts due to the interference of the isolation procedure with subsequent functional assays, in particular, when antibodies against cell surface markers are required. Here we describe a new method for obtaining relatively pure populations of intestinal IEL (55-75%) at a high yield (>85%) by elutriation centrifugation. This technique is equally suited for the isolation and enrichment of intraepithelial lymphocytes of both mouse and human origin. Time requirements for fractionating cell suspensions by elutriation centrifugation are comparable to Percoll-, or MACS-based isolation procedures. Hence, the substantially higher yield and the consistent robust enrichment for intraepithelial lymphocytes, together with the gentle treatment of the cells during elutriation that does not interfere with subsequent functional assays, are important aspects that are in favor of using this elegant technology to obtain unmanipulated, unbiased populations of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes, and, if desired, also of pure epithelial cells.


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Aims The effect Of anthropogenic landscape fragmentation on the genetic diversity and adaptive potential of plant populations is a major issue in conservation biology. However, little is known about the partitioning of genetic diversity in alpine species, which occur in naturally fragmented habitats. Here, we, investigate molecular patterns of three alpine plants (Epilobium fleischeri, Geum reptans and Campanula thyrsoides) across Switzerland and ask whether Spatial isolation has led to high levels of populations differentiation, increasing over distance, and a decrease of within-population variability. We further hypothesize that file contrasting potential for long-distance dispersal (LDD) of Seed in these Species will considerably influence and explain diversity partitioning. Methods For each study species, we Sampled 20-23 individuals from each of 20-32 populations across entire Switzerland. We applied Random Amplified Polymorphic Dimorphism markers to assess genetic diversity within (Nei's expected heterozygosity, H-e; percentage of polymorphic hands, P-P) and among (analysis of molecular variance, Phi(st)) populations and correlated population size and altitude with within-populalion diversity. Spatial patterns of genetic relatedness were investigated using Mantel tests and standardized major axis regression as well as unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean cluster analyses and Monmonier's algorithm. To avoid known biases, We standardized the numbers of populations, individuals and markers using multiple random reductions. We modelled LDD with a high alpine wind data set using the terminal velocity and height of seed release as key parameters. Additionally, we assessed a number of important life-history traits and factors that potentially influence genetic diversity partitioning (e.g. breeding system, longevity and population size). Important findings For all three species, We found a significant isolation-by-distance relationship but only a moderately high differentiation among populations (Phi(st): 22.7, 48 and 16.8%, for E. fleischeri, G. reptans and C. thyrsoides, respectively). Within-population diversity (H-c: 0.19-0.21, P-p: 62-75%) was not reduced in comparison to known results from lowland species and even small populations with < 50 reproductive individuals contained high levels of genetic diversity. We further found no indication that a high long-distance seed dispersal potential enhances genetic connectivity among populations. Gene flow seems to have a strong stochastic component causing large dissimilarity between population pairs irrespective of the spatial distance. Our results suggest that other life-history traits, especially the breeding System, may play an important role in genetic diversity partitioning. We conclude that spatial isolation in the alpine environment has a strong influence on population relatedness but that a number of factors can considerably influence the strength of this relationship.


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Transitory binding between photoactivated rhodopsin (Rho* or Meta II) and the G protein transducin (Gt-GDP) is the first step in the visual signaling cascade. Light causes photoisomerization of the 11-cis-retinylidene chromophore in rhodopsin (Rho) to all-trans-retinylidene, which induces conformational changes that allow Gt-GDP to dock onto the Rho* surface. GDP then dissociates from Gt, leaving a transient nucleotide-empty Rho*-Gt(e) complex before GTP becomes bound, and Gt-GTP then dissociates from Rho*. Further biochemical advances are required before structural studies of the various Rho*-Gt complexes can be initiated. Here, we describe the isolation of n-dodecyl-beta-maltoside solubilized, stable, functionally active, Rho*-Gt(e), Rho(e)*-Gt(e), and 9-cis-retinal/11-cis-retinal regenerated Rho-Gt(e) complexes by sucrose gradient centrifugation. In these complexes, Rho* spectrally remained in its Meta II state, and Gt(e) retained its ability to interact with GTPgammaS. Removal of all-trans-retinylidene from Rho*-Gt(e) had no effect on the stability of the Rho(e)*-Gt(e) complex. Moreover, opsin in the Rho(e)*-Gt(e) complex with an empty nucleotide-binding pocket in Gt and an empty retinoid-binding pocket in Rho was regenerated up to 75% without complex dissociation. These results indicate that once Rho* couples with Gt, the chromophore plays a minor role in stabilizing this complex. Moreover, in complexes regenerated with 9-cis-retinal/11-cis-retinal, Rho retains a conformation similar to Rho* that is stabilized by Gt(e) apo-protein.


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The mammalian inner ear has very limited ability to regenerate lost sensory hair cells. This deficiency becomes apparent when hair cell loss leads to hearing loss as a result of either ototoxic insult or the aging process. Coincidently, with this inability to regenerate lost hair cells, the adult cochlea does not appear to harbor cells with a proliferative capacity that could serve as progenitor cells for lost cells. In contrast, adult mammalian vestibular sensory epithelia display a limited ability for hair cell regeneration, and sphere-forming cells with stem cell features can be isolated from the adult murine vestibular system. The neonatal inner ear, however, does harbor sphere-forming stem cells residing in cochlear and vestibular tissues. Here, we provide protocols to isolate sphere-forming stem cells from neonatal vestibular and cochlear sensory epithelia as well as from the spiral ganglion. We further describe procedures for sphere propagation, cell differentiation, and characterization of inner ear cell types derived from spheres. Sphere-forming stem cells from the mouse inner ear are an important tool for the development of cellular replacement strategies of damaged inner ears and are a bona fide progenitor cell source for transplantation studies.


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OBJECTIVE: Nursing in 'live islands' and routine high dose intravenous immunoglobulins after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation were abandoned by many teams in view of limited evidence and high costs. METHODS: This retrospective single-center study examines the impact of change from nursing in 'live islands' to care in single rooms (SR) and from high dose to targeted intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) on mortality and infection rate of adult patients receiving an allogeneic stem cell or bone marrow transplantation in two steps and three time cohorts (1993-1997, 1997-2000, 2000-2003). RESULTS: Two hundred forty-eight allogeneic hematopoetic stem cell transplantations were performed in 227 patients. Patient characteristics were comparable in the three cohorts for gender, median age, underlying disease, and disease stage, prophylaxis for graft versus host disease (GvHD) and cytomegalovirus constellation. The incidence of infections (78.4%) and infection rates remained stable (rates/1000 days of neutropenia for sepsis 17.61, for pneumonia 6.76). Cumulative incidence of GvHD and transplant-related mortality did not change over time. CONCLUSIONS: Change from nursing in 'live islands' to SR and reduction of high dose to targeted IVIG did not result in increased infection rates or mortality despite an increase in patient age. These results support the current practice.


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BACKGROUND: Control of brucellosis in livestock, wildlife and humans depends on the reliability of the methods used for detection and identification of bacteria. In the present study, we describe the evaluation of the recently established real-time PCR assay based on the Brucella-specific insertion sequence IS711 with blood samples from 199 wild boars (first group of animals) and tissue samples from 53 wild boars (second group of animals) collected in Switzerland. Results from IS711 real-time PCR were compared to those obtained by bacterial isolation, Rose Bengal Test (RBT), competitive ELISA (c-ELISA) and indirect ELISA (i-ELISA). RESULTS: In the first group of animals, IS711 real-time PCR detected infection in 11.1% (16/144) of wild boars that were serologically negative. Serological tests showed different sensitivities [RBT 15.6%, c-ELISA 7.5% and i-ELISA 5.5%] and only 2% of blood samples were positive with all three tests, which makes interpretation of the serological results very difficult. Regarding the second group of animals, the IS711 real-time PCR detected infection in 26% of animals, while Brucella spp. could be isolated from tissues of only 9.4% of the animals. CONCLUSION: The results presented here indicate that IS711 real-time PCR assay is a specific and sensitive tool for detection of Brucella spp. infections in wild boars. For this reason, we propose the employment of IS711 real-time PCR as a complementary tool in brucellosis screening programs and for confirmation of diagnosis in doubtful cases.


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We synthesized recombinant Echinococcus granulosus protoscolex recP29 antigen to be preliminarily assessed by ELISA and immunoblotting. RecP29-serology was carried out on 54 young patients with cystic echinococcosis (CE). Patients were classified into either cured (CCE) (n=40) or non-cured (NCCE) (n=14) CE patients. RecP29 ELISA showed a gradual decrease of antibody concentrations in all CCE cases that were initially (before treatment) seropositive to this antigen (25 out of 40) or that seroconverted following treatment. A complete seronegativity was reached within 3 years post-surgery in all of these cases. Conventional HCF ELISA yielded seronegativity in only 10% of initially recP29-seropositive CCE patients (P=0.086). Likewise, recP29 immunoblotting yielded seronegativity in 93% of 29 out of 40 initially recP29-immunoblot-positive CCE patients after 3 years follow-up, compared with 72% in the HCF immunoblotting (P=0.060). Eleven out of 14 NCCE patients were initially positive by recP29 ELISA, and 10 out of these maintained a marked anti-recP29 antibody reactivity until the endpoint of the follow-up period. All 14 NCCE cases were initially seropositive by recP29 immunoblotting, and 13 cases remained seropositive until the end of the study. Thus, recombinant P29 protein appears prognostically useful for monitoring those post-surgical CE cases with an initial seropositivity to this marker.


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In this protocol we provide a method to isolate dendritic cells (DC) and epithelial cells (TEC) from the human thymus. DC and TEC are the major antigen presenting cell (APC) types found in a normal thymus and it is well established that they play distinct roles during thymic selection. These cells are localized in distinct microenvironments in the thymus and each APC type makes up only a minor population of cells. To further understand the biology of these cell types, characterization of these cell populations is highly desirable but due to their low frequency, isolation of any of these cell types requires an efficient and reproducible procedure. This protocol details a method to obtain cells suitable for characterization of diverse cellular properties. Thymic tissue is mechanically disrupted and after different steps of enzymatic digestion, the resulting cell suspension is enriched using a Percoll density centrifugation step. For isolation of myeloid DC (CD11c(+)), cells from the low-density fraction (LDF) are immunoselected by magnetic cell sorting. Enrichment of TEC populations (mTEC, cTEC) is achieved by depletion of hematopoietic (CD45(hi)) cells from the low-density Percoll cell fraction allowing their subsequent isolation via fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) using specific cell markers. The isolated cells can be used for different downstream applications.


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OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to analyze trigger activity in the long-term follow-up after left atrial (LA) linear ablation. BACKGROUND Interventional strategies for curative treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) are targeted at the triggers and/or the maintaining substrate. After substrate modification using nonisolating linear lesions, the activity of triggers is unknown. METHODS With the LA linear lesion concept, 129 patients were treated using intraoperative ablation with minimal invasive surgical techniques. Contiguous radiofrequency energy-induced lesion lines involving the mitral annulus and the orifices of the pulmonary veins without isolation were placed under direct vision. RESULTS After a mean follow-up of 3.6 +/- 0.4 years, atrial ectopy, atrial runs, and reoccurrence of AF episodes were analyzed by digital 7-day electrocardiograms in 30 patients. Atrial ectopy was present in all patients. Atrial runs were present in 25 of 30 patients (83%), with a median number of 9 runs per patient/week (range 1 to 321) and a median duration of 1.2 s/run (range 0.7 to 25), without a significant difference in atrial ectopy and atrial runs between patients with former paroxysmal (n = 17) or persistent AF (n = 13). Overall, 87% of all patients were completely free from AF without antiarrhythmic drugs. CONCLUSIONS A detailed rhythm analysis late after specific LA linear lesion ablation shows that trigger activity remains relatively frequent but short and does not induce AF episodes in most patients. The long-term success rate of this concept is high in patients with paroxysmal or persistent AF.


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OBJECTIVES This study was conducted to determine if an additional procedural endpoint of unexcitability (UE) to pacing along the ablation line reduces recurrence of atrial fibrillation (AF) or atrial tachycardia (AT) after radiofrequency catheter ablation. BACKGROUND AF/AT recurrence is common after pulmonary vein isolation (PVI). METHODS We included 102 patients from 2 centers (age 63 ± 10 years; 33 women; left atrium 38 ± 7 mm; left ventricular ejection fraction 61 ± 6%) with symptomatic paroxysmal AF. A 3-dimensional mapping system and circumferential mapping catheter were used in all patients for PVI. In group 1 (n = 50), the procedural endpoint was bidirectional block across the ablation line. In group 2 (n = 52), additional UE to bipolar pacing at an output of 10 mA and 2-ms pulse width was required. The primary endpoint was freedom from any AF/AT (>30 s) after discontinuation of antiarrhythmic drugs. RESULTS Procedural endpoints were successfully achieved in all patients. Procedure duration was significantly longer in group 2 (185 ± 58 min vs. 139 ± 57 min; p < 0.001); however, fluoroscopy times were not different (23 ± 9 min vs. 23 ± 9 min; p = 0.49). After a follow-up of 12 months in all patients, 26 patients (52%) in group 1 versus 43 (82.7%) in group 2 were free from any AF/AT (p = 0.001) after a single procedure. No major complications occurred. CONCLUSIONS The use of pacing to ensure UE along the PVI line markedly improved near-term single-procedure success, compared with demonstration of bidirectional block alone. This additional endpoint significantly improved patient outcomes after PVI. (Unexcitability Along the Ablation as an Endpoint for Atrial Fibrillation Ablation; NCT01724437).


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The aim of the present study was to describe the prevalence of Nicoletella semolina in equine airways and its relationships with cytological evaluation of tracheal wash (TW). Samples were collected in the framework of routine bacteriological diagnostics of equine TW between May 2010 and June 2011. N semolina has been isolated, along with either common pathogens or contaminants, from 19 (1.8%) of the 1,054 TW samples. Median TW neutrophil counts (87.0%) in specimens from N semolina-positive horses were significantly different from those from N semolina-“negative” horses (52.0%). The data presented in this report may suggest considering such bacteria in horses clinically suffering from airway inflammation.