40 resultados para Intergenerational equit
Based on systematically prepared data and indicators, the Social Report 2012 informs about the current status and development trends in the Swiss society. This issue focuses on intergenerational relationships: How, for example, are intergenerational transfers carried out and what are they caused by? Does different cultural behaviour depend on the age group or do other social differences play a role? Do age-specific discriminations exist? Are young adults less politically involved than their parents? What impact has the demographic development of recent years had on the geographic structure? In addition to a selection of 75 indicators on these and other subjects, the Social Report contains five analytically oriented in-depth articles that are written from the perspective of the generational issue and which are dedicated to the following individual aspects: Equality of opportunities, cultural behaviour, age-specific discrimination, political involvement and the spatial reflection of the demographic changes. The Social Report 2012 is rooted in the tradition of the earlier issues of 2000, 2004 and 2008, which have been completely updated and supplemented with additional indicators. All the data are graphically presented and available in electronic form on this website. The five in-depth articles and all the short commentaries on the indicators were completely rewritten.
Background In Switzerland, age is the predominant driver of solidarity transfers in risk adjustment (RA). Concerns have been voiced regarding growing imbalances in cost sharing between young and old insured due to demographic changes (larger fraction of elderly >65 years and rise in average age). Particularly young adults aged 19–25 with limited incomes have to shoulder increasing solidarity burdens. Between 1996 and 2011, monthly intergenerational solidarity payments for young adults have doubled from CHF 87 to CHF 182, which corresponds to the highest absolute transfer increase of all age groups. Results By constructing models for age-specific RA growth and for calculating the lifetime sum of RA transfers we investigated the causes and consequences of demographic changes on RA payments. The models suggest that the main driver for RA increases in the past was below average health care expenditure (HCE) growth in young adults, which was only half as high (average 2% per year) compared with older adults (average 4% per year). Shifts in age group distributions were only accountable for 2% of the CHF 95 rise in RA payments. Despite rising risk adjustment debts for young insured the balance of lifetime transfers remains positive as long as HCE growth rates are greater than the discount rate used in this model (3%). Moreover, the life-cycle model predicts that the lifetime rate of return on RA payments may even be further increased by demographic changes. Nevertheless, continued growth of RA contributions may overwhelm vulnerable age groups such as young adults. We therefore propose methods to limit the burden of social health insurance for specific age groups (e.g. young adults in Switzerland) by capping solidarity payments. Conclusions Taken together, our mathematical modelling framework helps to gain a better understanding of how demographic changes interact with risk adjustment and how redistribution of funds between age groups can be controlled without inducing further selection incentives. Those methods can help to construct more equitable systems of health financing in light of population aging.
Migrants into European countries are often less educated than European natives. We investigate whether migrants' children are able to catch up to their native counterparts in educational attainment, and analyze the drivers of differences in intergenerational educational upward mobility between natives' versus migrants' descendants. We find that migrants' children are more likely than natives' children to surpass their parents' educational attainment in the majority of countries studied. Their parents' low education is often the strongest determinant for their ability to move up in education class across generations.
INTRODUCTION We apply capital interplay theory to health inequalities in Switzerland by investigating the interconnected effects of parental cultural, economic and social capitals and personal educational stream on the self-rated health of young Swiss men who live with their parents. METHODS We apply logistic regression modelling to self-rated health in original cross-sectional survey data collected during mandatory conscription of Swiss male citizens in 2010 and 2011 (n = 23,975). RESULTS In comparison with sons whose parents completed mandatory schooling only, sons with parents who completed technical college or university were significantly more likely to report very good or excellent self-rated health. Parental economic capital was an important mediating factor in this regard. Number of books in the home (parental cultural capital), family economic circumstances (parental economic capital) and parental ties to influential people (parental social capital) were also independently associated with the self-rated health of the sons. Although sons in the highest educational stream tended to report better health than those in the lowest, we found little evidence for a health-producing intergenerational transmission of capitals via the education stream of the sons. Finally, the positive association between personal education and self-rated health was stronger among sons with relatively poorly educated parents and stronger among sons with parents who were relatively low in social capital. CONCLUSIONS Our study provides empirical support for the role of capital interplays, social processes in which capitals interpenetrate or co-constitute one another, in the intergenerational production of the health of young men in Switzerland.
A main assumption of social production function theory is that status is a major determinant of subjective well-being (SWB). From the perspective of the dissociative hypothesis, however, upward social mobility may be linked to identity problems, distress, and reduced levels of SWB because upwardly mobile people lose their ties to their class of origin. In this paper, we examine whether or not one of these arguments holds. We employ the United Kingdom and Switzerland as case studies because both are linked to distinct notions regarding social inequality and upward mobility. Longitudinal multilevel analyses based on panel data (UK: BHPS, Switzerland: SHP) allow us to reconstruct individual trajectories of life satisfaction (as a cognitive component of SWB) along with events of intragenerational and intergenerational upward mobility—taking into account previous levels of life satisfaction, dynamic class membership, and well-studied determinants of SWB. Our results show some evidence for effects of social class and social mobility on well-being in the UK sample, while there are no such effects in the Swiss sample. The UK findings support the idea of dissociative effects in terms of a negative effect of intergenerational upward mobility on SWB.
The sustainable development paradigm raises issues of global, intra- and intergenerational social equity as well as respect for nature, and economic welfare. Switzerland is confronted by these issues within its own country, and has a moral responsibility vis-a-vis the rest of the world. Syndromes of global change are affecting many eco-regions, not only in developing and transition countries, but to a lesser extent also the affluent countries. Switzerland as a nation has an impact on syndromes through its far-reaching economic activities, which are non-sustainable. At the global level, more modest consumption patterns, a considerably slowed demographic change, a nonconsumptive but sustainable use of natural resources, and conflict transformation are the main prerequisites for improving sustainability. Switzerland's current contribution to sustainability is much less than what it could be, hence the need for additional action along general principles in,accordance with Swiss traditions and innovative potentials. A number of concrete actions could be taken immediately. These are: labelling the socially and ecologically sustainable production of goods and services, and their negotiation at WTO level; enhancing international cooperation and research; strengthening education and research for sustainability, and emphasizing energy and material flux efficiency at home and abroad.
Welchen berulichen Status haben junge Erwachsene in der Schweiz zehn Jahre nach Beendigung der obligatorischen Schule im Alter von durchschnittlich 26 Jahren erreicht – und welche Faktoren beeinlussen ihn? Wie nehmen junge Erwachsene ihren Status im Vergleich zum elterlichen wahr und wie, denken sie, wird er sich in Zukunt noch verändern? Diese Forschungsfragen werden auf der Basis der TREE-Daten (Transitionen von der Erstausbildung ins Erwerbsleben) analysiert. Die Ergebnisse dieses Beitrags zeigen, dass viele 26-Jährige den elterlichen Status bereits erreicht haben, in Zukunt aber noch mit einem weiteren Statusanstieg rechnen. Askriptive Merkmale wie Geschlecht, soziale Herkunt und Migrationshintergrund sowie der auf Sekundarstufe I besuchte Schultyp haben unter sonst vergleichbaren Bedingungen über den ganzen Bildungsverlauf hinweg einen bedeutsamen Einluss auf den berulichen Status. Dies deutet einerseits auf eine vergleichsweise hohe Status-“Vererblichkeit“ zwischen den Generationen hin, andererseits auf erhebliche Verletzungen des meritokratischen Prinzips, wonach für den Bildungserfolg und die erreichte Position in der Gesellschat vor allem die individuelle Leistung massgeblich sein sollte.
Dass es geschlechtstypische Berufe gibt, und dass die Berufsaspirationen und die Wahl der Berufsausbildung nach der Pflichtschulzeit zwischen den Geschlechtern deutlich differieren, ist eine vielfach empirisch belegte Tatsache. Diese geschlechtstypische Segregation bei der Berufswahl und der zum ausgewählten Beruf führenden schulischen und beruflichen Ausbildung wird bei der Erklärung oftmals (pauschal) auf die geschlechtsspezifische Sozialisation und darin vermittelte Geschlechterstereotype zurückgeführt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden aus strukturell-individualistischer Sicht Mechanismen der geschlechtstypischen Berufsaspiration und Berufsbildungsentscheidung beschrieben, die theoriegeleitet empirisch aufgedeckt werden sollen. Für die Analysen werden Daten der drei Wellen des DAB-Panels verwendet, die für die Deutschschweiz Informationen von 203 Schulklassen mit rund 3.300 Schülerinnen und Schüler zur Verfügung stellen. Mittels dieser Paneldaten wird für Jugendliche der Deutschschweiz gezeigt, dass der sozioökonomische Status des Elternhauses, das damit einhergehende Motiv des intergenerationalen Statuserhalts sowie der Lebenslaufplanungen wichtige Beiträge zur Erklärung der Segregation der Berufswahl nach Geschlecht liefern. Diese mit dem Sozialstatus des Elternhauses verbundenen Mechanismen sind weitaus einflussreicher als die geschlechtsspezifische Sozialisation.
Despite various efforts to promote sport participation among youth, social inequalities still exist. An explanation for these social inequalities could be traced back to transgenerational transmission of sport-related values and behaviour patterns in a family (Baur, 1989). Therefore, children’s socialisation to sport is strongly influenced by the parents’ sport-related values and sport behaviour (Burrmann, 2005). However, findings of previous studies are inconsistent, and the daily sport-related behaviour patterns of families have often not been taken into account. The paper deals with the question, to what extent sport participation of youth is influenced by factors such as the importance of sport, the self-evidence of regular sport activity, mutual support, shared sport activities, sport-related health-awareness and communication about sport in the family. In order to pursue this research question, socialisation theories were used as theoretical framework (Hurrelmann, 2006). Based on this approach, a quantitative online survey where 4’039 adolescents and young adults from the ages of 15 to 30 (n = 4’039, M = 21.48, SD = 4.64) answered questions according their sport participation and the sport-related patterns of their families. Furthermore, a qualitative study that included guideline-based interviews with adolescents and young adults (n = 13) were undertaken. Content analysis was used to analyse the interviews. Initial findings of the multiple regression analysis reveal that the most important predictors of sport participation of youth are communication about sport (β = .18, p < .001), mutual support (β = .13, p < .001), regular sport activity (β = .10, p < .01) and the importance of sport in the family (β = .10, p < .01). By means of content analysis, more in-depth information could be identified. The promotion of sport through sport-related behaviour patterns in the family appears to be a successful strategy to develop a durable sport commitment in youth. References Baur, J. (1989). Körper- und Bewegungskarrieren [Body and exercise careers]. Schorndorf: Hofmann. Burrmann, U. (2005). Zur Vermittlung und intergenerationalen "Vererbung" von Sport(vereins)engagements in der Herkunftsfamilie [On placing and "inheriting" intergenerational sport(club) commitment in the family of origin]. Sport und Gesellschaft, 2, 125–154. Hurrelmann, K. (2006). Einführung in die Sozialisationstheorie [Introduction to socialisation theory] (9th ed.). Studium Paedagogik. Weinheim: Beltz.
Es wird für Westdeutschland untersucht, ob sowohl der intergenerationale Abstieg als auch der intergenerationale Statuserhalt Beweggründe für berufliche Weiterbildung sind. Des Weiteren wird untersucht, ob mit beruflicher Weiterbildung ein intergenerationaler Abstieg ausgeglichen oder das Risiko für intergenerationale Abwärtsmobilität minimiert werden kann. Mit Längsschnittdaten der Deutschen Lebensverlaufsstudie finden sich für westdeutsche Frauen und Männer in fünf aufeinander folgenden Geburtskohorten im Zeitraum von 1949 bis 1999 Indizien dafür, dass das Statuserhaltmotiv ein Weiterbildungsmotiv für Personen sein könnte, die einen intergenerationalen Statusverlust erfahren haben. Mit Weiterbildungsanstrengungen können im weiteren Berufsverlauf intergenerationale Abstiege ausgeglichen werden. Ferner haben statuskonsistente Teilnehmer geringere Risiken für einen intergenerationalen Abstieg als Nichtteilnehmer. Berufliche Weiterbildung hat statusreproduzierende Wirkungen im Berufsverlauf.