96 resultados para Intensive-care Patients
INTRODUCTION Dexmedetomidine was shown in two European randomized double-blind double-dummy trials (PRODEX and MIDEX) to be non-inferior to propofol and midazolam in maintaining target sedation levels in mechanically ventilated intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Additionally, dexmedetomidine shortened the time to extubation versus both standard sedatives, suggesting that it may reduce ICU resource needs and thus lower ICU costs. Considering resource utilization data from these two trials, we performed a secondary, cost-minimization analysis assessing the economics of dexmedetomidine versus standard care sedation. METHODS The total ICU costs associated with each study sedative were calculated on the basis of total study sedative consumption and the number of days patients remained intubated, required non-invasive ventilation, or required ICU care without mechanical ventilation. The daily unit costs for these three consecutive ICU periods were set to decline toward discharge, reflecting the observed reduction in mean daily Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System (TISS) points between the periods. A number of additional sensitivity analyses were performed, including one in which the total ICU costs were based on the cumulative sum of daily TISS points over the ICU period, and two further scenarios, with declining direct variable daily costs only. RESULTS Based on pooled data from both trials, sedation with dexmedetomidine resulted in lower total ICU costs than using the standard sedatives, with a difference of €2,656 in the median (interquartile range) total ICU costs-€11,864 (€7,070 to €23,457) versus €14,520 (€7,871 to €26,254)-and €1,649 in the mean total ICU costs. The median (mean) total ICU costs with dexmedetomidine compared with those of propofol or midazolam were €1,292 (€747) and €3,573 (€2,536) lower, respectively. The result was robust, indicating lower costs with dexmedetomidine in all sensitivity analyses, including those in which only direct variable ICU costs were considered. The likelihood of dexmedetomidine resulting in lower total ICU costs compared with pooled standard care was 91.0% (72.4% versus propofol and 98.0% versus midazolam). CONCLUSIONS From an economic point of view, dexmedetomidine appears to be a preferable option compared with standard sedatives for providing light to moderate ICU sedation exceeding 24 hours. The savings potential results primarily from shorter time to extubation. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00479661 (PRODEX), NCT00481312 (MIDEX).
BACKGROUND Family satisfaction of critically ill patients has gained increased interest as important indicator to evaluate the quality of care in the intensive care unit (ICU). The family satisfaction in the ICU questionnaire (FS-ICU 24) is a well-established tool to assess satisfaction in such settings. We tested the hypothesis that an intervention, aiming at improved communication between health professionals and patients' next of kin in the ICU improves family satisfaction, as assessed by FS-ICU 24. METHODS Using a multicenter before-and-after study design, we evaluated medium-term effectiveness of VALUE, a recently proposed strategy aiming at improved communication. Satisfaction was assessed using the FS-ICU 24 questionnaire. Performance-importance plots were generated in order to identify items highly correlated with overall satisfaction but with low individual score. RESULTS A total of 163 completed family questionnaires in the pre-intervention and 118 in the post-intervention period were analyzed. Following the intervention, we observed: (1) a non-significant increase in family satisfaction summary score and sub-scores; (2) no decline in any individual family satisfaction item, and (3) improvement in items with high overall impact on satisfaction but quoted with low degree of satisfaction. CONCLUSION No significant improvement in family satisfaction of critically ill adult patients could be found after implementing the VALUE strategy. Whether these results are due to insufficient training of the new strategy or a missing effect of the strategy in our socio-economic environment remains to be shown.
The purpose of the study was to assess long-term mortality after an intensive care unit (ICU) stay and to test the hypotheses that (1) quality of life improves over time and (2) predictions of outcome made by caregivers during an ICU stay are reliable.
Two major difficulties arise when taking blood samples in children: the challenge of venous access and the comparatively large amount of blood required.
BACKGROUND: Physiological data obtained with the pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) are susceptible to errors in measurement and interpretation. Little attention has been paid to the relevance of errors in hemodynamic measurements performed in the intensive care unit (ICU). The aim of this study was to assess the errors related to the technical aspects (zeroing and reference level) and actual measurement (curve interpretation) of the pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP). METHODS: Forty-seven participants in a special ICU training program and 22 ICU nurses were tested without pre-announcement. All participants had previously been exposed to the clinical use of the method. The first task was to set up a pressure measurement system for PAC (zeroing and reference level) and the second to measure the PAOP. RESULTS: The median difference from the reference mid-axillary zero level was - 3 cm (-8 to + 9 cm) for physicians and -1 cm (-5 to + 1 cm) for nurses. The median difference from the reference PAOP was 0 mmHg (-3 to 5 mmHg) for physicians and 1 mmHg (-1 to 15 mmHg) for nurses. When PAOP values were adjusted for the differences from the reference transducer level, the median differences from the reference PAOP values were 2 mmHg (-6 to 9 mmHg) for physicians and 2 mmHg (-6 to 16 mmHg) for nurses. CONCLUSIONS: Measurement of the PAOP is susceptible to substantial error as a result of practical mistakes. Comparison of results between ICUs or practitioners is therefore not possible.
OBJECTIVE: To examine a once daily dosing regimen of netilmicin in critically ill neonates and children. DESIGN AND SETTING: Open, prospective study on 81 antibiotic courses in 77 critically ill neonates and children, hospitalized in a multidisciplinary pediatric/neonatal intensive care unit. For combined empiric therapy (aminoglycoside and beta-lactam), netilmicin was given intravenously over 5 min once every 24 h. The dose ranged from 3.5-6 mg/kg, mainly depending upon gestational and postnatal age. Peak levels were determined by immunoassay 30 min after the second dose and trough levels 1 h before the third and fifth dose or after adaptation of dosing. RESULTS: All peak levels (n = 28) were clearly above 12 mumol/l (mean 22, range 13-41 mumol/l). Eighty-nine trough levels were within desired limits (< 4 mumol/l) and 11 (11%) above 4 mumol/l, mostly in conjunction with impaired renal function. CONCLUSIONS: Optimal peak and trough levels of netilmicin can be achieved by once daily dosing, adapted to gestational/postnatal age and renal function.
OBJECTIVE: To review trial design issues related to control groups. DESIGN: Review of the literature with specific reference to critical care trials. MAIN RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Performing randomized controlled trials in the critical care setting presents specific problems: studies include patients with rapidly lethal conditions, the majority of intensive care patients suffer from syndromes rather than from well-definable diseases, the severity of such syndromes cannot be precisely assessed, and the treatment consists of interacting therapies. Interactions between physiology, pathophysiology, and therapies are at best marginally understood and may have a major impact on study design and interpretation of results. Selection of the right control group is crucial for the interpretation and clinical implementation of results. Studies comparing new interventions with current ones or different levels of current treatments have the problem of the necessity of defining "usual care." Usual care controls without any constraints typically include substantial heterogeneity. Constraints in the usual therapy may help to reduce some variation. Inclusion of unrestricted usual care groups may help to enhance safety. Practice misalignment is a novel problem in which patients receive a treatment that is the direct opposite of usual care, and occurs when fixed-dose interventions are used in situations where care is normally titrated. Practice misalignment should be considered in the design and interpretation of studies on titrated therapies.
Hyperglycaemia is common in acute illness and more severe hyperglycaemia is associated with worse outcomes in critically ill patients in general and after acute myocardial infarction, stroke, and trauma. Normalization of blood glucose by intensive insulin therapy has been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality in one study in surgical intensive care patients; a subsequent study in medical intensive care patients resulted in reduced morbidity but not a reduction in mortality. Multicentre studies and current meta-analyses in the critically ill have not demonstrated improved outcomes when normalization of blood glucose was targeted; furthermore all studies to date have detected an increased risk of hypoglycaemia in patients subjected to intensive insulin therapy. At present, universal treatment guidelines or recommendations to target strict normoglycaemia must be considered premature. Further data will be available after the completion of the NICE-SUGAR study which has recruited 6103 patients; the NICE SUGAR study will add significant power to future meta-analyses and may help define the role of intensive insulin therapy in critically ill patients.
INTRODUCTION Hemodynamic management in intensive care patients guided by blood pressure and flow measurements often do not sufficiently reveal common hemodynamic problems. Trans-esophageal echocardiography (TEE) allows for direct measurement of cardiac volumes and function. A new miniaturized probe for TEE (mTEE) potentially provides a rapid and simplified approach to monitor cardiac function. The aim of the study was to assess the feasibility of hemodynamic monitoring using mTEE in critically ill patients after a brief operator training period. METHODS In the context of the introduction of mTEE in a large ICU, 14 ICU staff specialists with no previous TEE experience received six hours of training as mTEE operators. The feasibility of mTEE and the quality of the obtained hemodynamic information were assessed. Three standard views were acquired in hemodynamically unstable patients: 1) for assessment of left ventricular function (LV) fractional area change (FAC) was obtained from a trans-gastric mid-esophageal short axis view, 2) right ventricular (RV) size was obtained from mid-esophageal four chamber view, and 3) superior vena cava collapsibility for detection of hypovolemia was assessed from mid-esophageal ascending aortic short axis view. Off-line blinded assessment by an expert cardiologist was considered as a reference. Inter-rater agreement was assessed using Chi-square tests or correlation analysis as appropriate. RESULTS In 55 patients, 148 mTEE examinations were performed. Acquisition of loops in sufficient quality was possible in 110 examinations for trans-gastric mid-esophageal short axis, 118 examinations for mid-esophageal four chamber and 125 examinations for mid-esophageal ascending aortic short axis view. Inter-rater agreement (Kappa) between ICU mTEE operators and the reference was 0.62 for estimates of LV function, 0.65 for RV dilatation, 0.76 for hypovolemia and 0.77 for occurrence of pericardial effusion (all P < 0.0001). There was a significant correlation between the FAC measured by ICU operators and the reference (r = 0.794, P (one-tailed) < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS Echocardiographic examinations using mTEE after brief bed-side training were feasible and of sufficient quality in a majority of examined ICU patients with good inter-rater reliability between mTEE operators and an expert cardiologist. Further studies are required to assess the impact of hemodynamic monitoring by mTEE on relevant patient outcomes.
Despite the universal prescription of sedative drugs in the intensive care unit (ICU), current practice is not guided by high-level evidence. Landmark sedation trials have made significant contributions to our understanding of the problems associated with ICU sedation and have promoted changes to current practice. We identified challenges and limitations of clinical trials which reduced the generalizability and the universal adoption of key interventions. We present an international perspective regarding current sedation practice and a blueprint for future research, which seeks to avoid known limitations and generate much-needed high-level evidence to better guide clinicians' management and therapeutic choices of sedative agents.
Acinetobacter baumannii is a nosocomial pathogen associated with high morbidity and mortality in humans. Whereas infections with strains of Acinetobacter species have been reported in various situations, the importance of A baumannii as a nosocomial pathogen in veterinary hospitals has not been studied so far. In this retrospective case series, we describe 17 dogs and 2 cats from which A baumannii had been isolated during a 2 1/2-year period. In 7 dogs, A baumannii induced systemic signs of illness, whereas 12 animals showed signs of local infection. In all animals with systemic infection, and in 2 with localized infection, A baumannii contributed to the death of the animal or contributed to euthanasia; the remaining 8 dogs and both cats recovered. Molecular typing of the isolates with restriction polymorphisms of ribosomal DNA provided evidence of nosocomial spread of this pathogen and for the presence of several strains of A baumannii in the hospital environment.
The medical training model is currently immersed in a process of change. The new paradigm is intended to be more effective, more integrated within the healthcare system, and strongly oriented towards the direct application of knowledge to clinical practice. Compared with the established training system based on certification of the completion of a series or rotations and stays in certain healthcare units, the new model proposes a more structured training process based on the gradual acquisition of specific competences, in which residents must play an active role in designing their own training program. Training based on competences guarantees more transparent, updated and homogeneous learning of objective quality, and which can be homologated internationally. The tutors play a key role as the main directors of the process, and institutional commitment to their work is crucial. In this context, tutors should receive time and specific formation to allow the evaluation of training as the cornerstone of the new model. New forms of objective summative and training evaluation should be introduced to guarantee that the predefined competences and skills are effectively acquired. The free movement of specialists within Europe is very desirable and implies that training quality must be high and amenable to homologation among the different countries. The Competency Based training in Intensive Care Medicine in Europe program is our main reference for achieving this goal. Scientific societies in turn must impulse and facilitate all those initiatives destined to improve healthcare quality and therefore specialist training. They have the mission of designing strategies and processes that favor training, accreditation and advisory activities with the government authorities.
PURPOSE To develop internationally harmonised standards for programmes of training in intensive care medicine (ICM). METHODS Standards were developed by using consensus techniques. A nine-member nominal group of European intensive care experts developed a preliminary set of standards. These were revised and refined through a modified Delphi process involving 28 European national coordinators representing national training organisations using a combination of moderated discussion meetings, email, and a Web-based tool for determining the level of agreement with each proposed standard, and whether the standard could be achieved in the respondent's country. RESULTS The nominal group developed an initial set of 52 possible standards which underwent four iterations to achieve maximal consensus. All national coordinators approved a final set of 29 standards in four domains: training centres, training programmes, selection of trainees, and trainers' profiles. Only three standards were considered immediately achievable by all countries, demonstrating a willingness to aspire to quality rather than merely setting a minimum level. Nine proposed standards which did not achieve full consensus were identified as potential candidates for future review. CONCLUSIONS This preliminary set of clearly defined and agreed standards provides a transparent framework for assuring the quality of training programmes, and a foundation for international harmonisation and quality improvement of training in ICM.