48 resultados para Indoor geolocation


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Recent reports identified Tritrichomonas fetus, the causative agent of bovine trichomonosis, in cats with large-bowel diarrhea in the US. Between July 2007 and August 2008, a total of 105 Swiss cats were tested for T. fetus with the InPouchTM culture system and/or PCR, whereof 27 (26%) yielded positive results. All positive cats were pedigree cats, whereof 22 (81%) were less than 1 year of age (median 5 months). 25 (93%) of these cats lived in multi-cat households, and all but one were kept indoor. The clinical picture was dominated by large bowel diarrhea with increased frequency of defecation and fresh blood and mucus. Furthermore, inflamed anus and fecal incontinence was common. 52% of the T. fetus-positive cats were tested positive for Giardia before, but the treatment with fenbendazole or metronidazole only temporarily alleviated the clinical signs. The treatment with 30 mg/kg of ronidazole q12h p.o. was successful in all but 1 cat with only minor transient adverse effects in 3 cats. In conclusion, T. fetus has to be considered an important causative agent of large bowel diarrhea in cats in Switzerland, especially in young indoor pedigree cats.


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An 11-year-old neutered female domestic shorthair indoor cat was presented to our hospital for treatment of a left-sided rostro-temporal basal meningioma. Focal seizures in the facial muscles had been observed sporadically for 1 year. Two weeks prior to presentation the cat had developed generalised seizures and was treated with symptomatic anticonvulsive treatment. Focal facial seizures, especially on the right side, persisted after medical therapy. From the computed tomography scan, a basal meningioma was suspected by the treating veterinarian. A left-sided suprazygomatical temporobasal approach to the zygomatic arch was chosen because it causes less soft tissue damage. After craniotomy, durotomy and gentle dorsal retraction of the left piriform lobe, the meningioma was removed. Postoperative magnetic resonance imaging confirmed complete excision of the tumour. One day after surgery the cat was alert and a left-sided facial nerve palsy was noticed. Otherwise the neurological examination was normal. Anticonvulsive and eye moistening therapy was continued for 3 months. Six months after surgery the cat was clinically normal without any recurrence of seizures.


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REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Airway mucus accumulation is associated with indoor irritant and allergen exposure in horses with recurrent airway obstruction (RAO). Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and a chloride channel (calcium activated, family member 1; CLCA1) are key signalling molecules involved in mucin gene expression. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesised that exposure to irritants and aeroallergens would lead to increased expression of the mucin gene eqMUC5AC and increased stored mucosubstance in the airways of RAO-affected horses, associated with increased neutrophils and CLCA1 and EGFR mRNA levels. METHODS: We performed quantitative RT-PCR of eqMUC5AC, CLCA1 and EGFR; volume density measurements of intraepithelial mucosubstances; and cytological differentiation of intraluminal inflammatory cells in small cartilaginous airways from cranial left and right and caudal left and right lung lobes of 5 clinically healthy and 5 RAO-affected horses that had been exposed to indoor stable environment for 5 days before euthanasia. RESULTS: Neutrophils were increased in RAO-affected horses compared to clinically healthy controls. EqMUC5AC mRNA levels were positively correlated with both CLCA1 and EGFR mRNA levels in RAO-affected horses but only with CLCA1 in controls. The relationship between eqMUC5AC and CLCA1 differed in the 2 groups of horses with RAO-affected animals overexpressing CLCA1 in relation to eqMUC5AC. CONCLUSIONS: These data implicate CLCA1 as a signalling molecule in the expression of eqMUC5AC in horses but also suggest differential regulation by CLCA1 and EGFR between horses with RAO and those with milder degrees of airway inflammation.


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Ausgehend vom Körper als Vermittler zwischen Subjekt und Gesellschaft wird die Frage beantwortet, wie Migrantinnen auf diskursiv erzeugte Normen und Werte der schweizerischen Mehrheitsgesellschaft im Kontext von Schwimmkursen als Integrationsmaßnahme reagieren. Die Feldaufenthalte und Interviews erlauben eine Analyse dominanter Macht- und subversiver Selbstermächtigungsprozesse innerhalb eines körperzentrierten, religiös-kulturell pluralisierten und ethnisch differenzierten Feldes. Hierbei werden Divergenzen in der verkörperten und objektiven Sozialstruktur sichtbar, was sich beispielsweise in den kontrovers geführten Debatten zur Wahl der Badekleidung und Badnutzung verdeutlicht. Bei den Aushandlungen um die Durchsetzung von Deutungs- sowie Ordnungsmustern lassen sich Prozesse der kulturellen Anpassung, Anknüpfung und des Neuentwurfs beobachten.


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Radon plays an important role for human exposure to natural sources of ionizing radiation. The aim of this article is to compare two approaches to estimate mean radon exposure in the Swiss population: model-based predictions at individual level and measurement-based predictions based on measurements aggregated at municipality level. A nationwide model was used to predict radon levels in each household and for each individual based on the corresponding tectonic unit, building age, building type, soil texture, degree of urbanization, and floor. Measurement-based predictions were carried out within a health impact assessment on residential radon and lung cancer. Mean measured radon levels were corrected for the average floor distribution and weighted with population size of each municipality. Model-based predictions yielded a mean radon exposure of the Swiss population of 84.1 Bq/m(3) . Measurement-based predictions yielded an average exposure of 78 Bq/m(3) . This study demonstrates that the model- and the measurement-based predictions provided similar results. The advantage of the measurement-based approach is its simplicity, which is sufficient for assessing exposure distribution in a population. The model-based approach allows predicting radon levels at specific sites, which is needed in an epidemiological study, and the results do not depend on how the measurement sites have been selected.


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Time-based localization techniques such as multilateration are favoured for positioning to wide-band signals. Applying the same techniques with narrow-band signals such as GSM is not so trivial. The process is challenged by the needs of synchronization accuracy and timestamp resolution both in the nanoseconds range. We propose approaches to deal with both challenges. On the one hand, we introduce a method to eliminate the negative effect of synchronization offset on time measurements. On the other hand, we propose timestamps with nanoseconds accuracy by using timing information from the signal processing chain. For a set of experiments, ranging from sub-urban to indoor environments, we show that our proposed approaches are able to improve the localization accuracy of TDOA approaches by several factors. We are even able to demonstrate errors as small as 10 meters for outdoor settings with narrow-band signals.


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Sie wollen fitter werden, etwas für Ihre Gesundheit tun? Dieser Beobachter-Ratgeber unterstützt Sie dabei, Freude am Sport zu entwickeln. Die Autorinnen – zwei begeisterte Sportlerinnen – zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie von der Idee zum Tun gelangen. Wie Sie Ihren Willen stärken, sich klare Ziele setzen und diese auch erreichen. Mithilfe von Fragebogen und Aufgabenboxen setzen Sie die Ratschläge konkret um und finden Ihren persönlichen Zugang zu mehr Bewegung. Besonders hilfreich sind die Beschreibungen unterschiedlicher Indoor- und Outdoorsportarten. So finden Sie den Weg zu einem aktiven Lebensstil. Denn das ist die wichtigste Botschaft dieses Buches: Sport und Bewegung tun gut und können richtig Spass machen.


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Eine dreizehnjährige, weibliche, nicht kastrierte Hauskatze wurde zur chirurgischen Therapie eines multiplen Meningeoms in der Kleintierklinik des Tierspital Bern vorgestellt. Eine leichtgradige generalisierte Ataxie wurde beobachtet, die Propriozeption war generalisiert herabgesetzt und der Drohreflex war beidseitig reduziert. Es wurden eine prä- und eine postoperative Magnetrezonanztomographie durchgeführt. Drei supratentoriale extra-axiale Raumforderungen wurden diagnostiziert. Eine vierte Masse wurde infratentorial extra-axial über der linken zerebellären Hemisphere lokalisiert. Eine Herniation des kaudoventralen Kleinhirn (Vermis) von ungefähr einem Zentimeter Länge durch das Foramen magnum wurde beobachtet. Eine zervikale Syringohydromyelie wurde als Zufallsbefund diagnostiziert. Die Meningeome wurden durch 3 Kraniotomiestellen entfernt. Zwei Jahre nach der Operation ist die Katze normal. Anhand der vorhandenen Literatur wird die tumor-assoziierte Syringohydromyelie besprochen. Die Therapie der Syringohydromyelie sollte gegen den kausalen pathologischen Prozess (z.B. intrakranieller Tumor) für die Liquorzirkulationsstörung gerichtet sein.


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Time-based indoor localization has been investigated for several years but the accuracy of existing solutions is limited by several factors, e.g., imperfect synchronization, signal bandwidth and indoor environment. In this paper, we compare two time-based localization algorithms for narrow-band signals, i.e., multilateration and fingerprinting. First, we develop a new Linear Least Square (LLS) algorithm for Differential Time Difference Of Arrival (DTDOA). Second, fingerprinting is among the most successful approaches used for indoor localization and typically relies on the collection of measurements on signal strength over the area of interest. We propose an alternative by constructing fingerprints of fine-grained time information of the radio signal. We offer comprehensive analytical discussions on the feasibility of the approaches, which are backed up by evaluations in a software defined radio based IEEE 802.15.4 testbed. Our work contributes to research on localization with narrow-band signals. The results show that our proposed DTDOA-based LLS algorithm obviously improves the localization accuracy compared to traditional TDOA-based LLS algorithm but the accuracy is still limited because of the complex indoor environment. Furthermore, we show that time-based fingerprinting is a promising alternative to power-based fingerprinting.


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In this work, we provide a passive location monitoring system for IEEE 802.15.4 signal emitters. The system adopts software defined radio techniques to passively overhear IEEE 802.15.4 packets and to extract power information from baseband signals. In our system, we provide a new model based on the nonlinear regression for ranging. After obtaining distance information, a Weighted Centroid (WC) algorithm is adopted to locate users. In WC, each weight is inversely proportional to the nth power of propagation distance, and the degree n is obtained from some initial measurements. We evaluate our system in a 16m-18m area with complex indoor propagation conditions. We are able to achieve a median error of 2:1m with only 4 anchor nodes.


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We tested the assumption that persistent performance in an exhausting indoor cycling task would depend on momentarily available self-control strength (N = 20 active participants). In a within-subjects design (two points of measurement, exactly seven days apart), participants’ self-control strength was experimentally manipulated (depletion: yes vs. no; order counterbalanced) via the Stroop test before the participants performed a cycling task. In line with our hypothesis, hierarchical linear modelling (HLM) revealed that participants consistently performed worse over a period of 18 minutes when they were ego depleted. In addition, HLM analysis revealed that depleted participants invested less effort in the cycling task, as indicated by their lower heart rate. This effect escalated over time, as indicated by a time × condition interaction. These results indicate that self-control strength is necessary to obtain an optimal level of performance in endurance tasks requiring high levels of persistence. Practical implications are discussed.


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Indoor localization systems become more interesting for researchers because of the attractiveness of business cases in various application fields. A WiFi-based passive localization system can provide user location information to third-party providers of positioning services. However, indoor localization techniques are prone to multipath and Non-Line Of Sight (NLOS) propagation, which lead to significant performance degradation. To overcome these problems, we provide a passive localization system for WiFi targets with several improved algorithms for localization. Through Software Defined Radio (SDR) techniques, we extract Channel Impulse Response (CIR) information at the physical layer. CIR is later adopted to mitigate the multipath fading problem. We propose to use a Nonlinear Regression (NLR) method to relate the filtered power information to propagation distances, which significantly improves the ranging accuracy compared to the commonly used log-distance path loss model. To mitigate the influence of ranging errors, a new trilateration algorithm is designed as well by combining Weighted Centroid and Constrained Weighted Least Square (WC-CWLS) algorithms. Experiment results show that our algorithm is robust against ranging errors and outperforms the linear least square algorithm and weighted centroid algorithm.


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Service providers make use of cost-effective wireless solutions to identify, localize, and possibly track users using their carried MDs to support added services, such as geo-advertisement, security, and management. Indoor and outdoor hotspot areas play a significant role for such services. However, GPS does not work in many of these areas. To solve this problem, service providers leverage available indoor radio technologies, such as WiFi, GSM, and LTE, to identify and localize users. We focus our research on passive services provided by third parties, which are responsible for (i) data acquisition and (ii) processing, and network-based services, where (i) and (ii) are done inside the serving network. For better understanding of parameters that affect indoor localization, we investigate several factors that affect indoor signal propagation for both Bluetooth and WiFi technologies. For GSM-based passive services, we developed first a data acquisition module: a GSM receiver that can overhear GSM uplink messages transmitted by MDs while being invisible. A set of optimizations were made for the receiver components to support wideband capturing of the GSM spectrum while operating in real-time. Processing the wide-spectrum of the GSM is possible using a proposed distributed processing approach over an IP network. Then, to overcome the lack of information about tracked devices’ radio settings, we developed two novel localization algorithms that rely on proximity-based solutions to estimate in real environments devices’ locations. Given the challenging indoor environment on radio signals, such as NLOS reception and multipath propagation, we developed an original algorithm to detect and remove contaminated radio signals before being fed to the localization algorithm. To improve the localization algorithm, we extended our work with a hybrid based approach that uses both WiFi and GSM interfaces to localize users. For network-based services, we used a software implementation of a LTE base station to develop our algorithms, which characterize the indoor environment before applying the localization algorithm. Experiments were conducted without any special hardware, any prior knowledge of the indoor layout or any offline calibration of the system.


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Service providers make use of cost-effective wireless solutions to identify, localize, and possibly track users using their carried MDs to support added services, such as geo-advertisement, security, and management. Indoor and outdoor hotspot areas play a significant role for such services. However, GPS does not work in many of these areas. To solve this problem, service providers leverage available indoor radio technologies, such as WiFi, GSM, and LTE, to identify and localize users. We focus our research on passive services provided by third parties, which are responsible for (i) data acquisition and (ii) processing, and network-based services, where (i) and (ii) are done inside the serving network. For better understanding of parameters that affect indoor localization, we investigate several factors that affect indoor signal propagation for both Bluetooth and WiFi technologies. For GSM-based passive services, we developed first a data acquisition module: a GSM receiver that can overhear GSM uplink messages transmitted by MDs while being invisible. A set of optimizations were made for the receiver components to support wideband capturing of the GSM spectrum while operating in real-time. Processing the wide-spectrum of the GSM is possible using a proposed distributed processing approach over an IP network. Then, to overcome the lack of information about tracked devices’ radio settings, we developed two novel localization algorithms that rely on proximity-based solutions to estimate in real environments devices’ locations. Given the challenging indoor environment on radio signals, such as NLOS reception and multipath propagation, we developed an original algorithm to detect and remove contaminated radio signals before being fed to the localization algorithm. To improve the localization algorithm, we extended our work with a hybrid based approach that uses both WiFi and GSM interfaces to localize users. For network-based services, we used a software implementation of a LTE base station to develop our algorithms, which characterize the indoor environment before applying the localization algorithm. Experiments were conducted without any special hardware, any prior knowledge of the indoor layout or any offline calibration of the system.


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Low quality of wireless links leads to perpetual transmission failures in lossy wireless environments. To mitigate this problem, opportunistic routing (OR) has been proposed to improve the throughput of wireless multihop ad-hoc networks by taking advantage of the broadcast nature of wireless channels. However, OR can not be directly applied to wireless sensor networks (WSNs) due to some intrinsic design features of WSNs. In this paper, we present a new OR solution for WSNs with suitable adaptations to their characteristics. Our protocol, called SCAD-Sensor Context-aware Adaptive Duty-cycled beaconless opportunistic routing protocol is a cross-layer routing approach and it selects packet forwarders based on multiple sensor context information. To reach a balance between performance and energy-efficiency, SCAD adapts the duty-cycles of sensors according to real-time traffic loads and energy drain rates. We compare SCAD against other protocols through extensive simulations. Evaluation results show that SCAD outperforms other protocols in highly dynamic scenarios.