89 resultados para Immune System Diseases


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Metabolic adaptations during negative energy and nutrient balance in dairy cows are thought to cause impaired immune function and hence increased risk of infectious diseases, including mastitis. Characteristic adaptations mostly occurring in early lactation are an elevation of plasma ketone bodies and free fatty acids (nonesterified fatty acids, NEFA) and diminished glucose concentration. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of elevated plasma β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) at simultaneously even or positive energy balance and thus normal plasma NEFA and glucose on factors related to the immune system in liver and mammary gland of dairy cows. In addition, we investigated the effect of elevated plasma BHBA and intramammary lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge on the mammary immune response. Thirteen dairy cows were infused either with BHBA (HyperB, n=5) to induce hyperketonemia (1.7 mmol/L) or with a 0.9% saline solution (NaCl, n=8) for 56 h. Two udder quarters were injected with 200 μg of LPS after 48 h of infusion. Rectal temperature (RT) and somatic cell counts (SCC) were measured before, at 48 h after the start of infusions, and hourly during the LPS challenge. The mRNA abundance of factors related to the immune system was measured in hepatic and mammary tissue biopsies 1 wk before and 48 h after the start of the infusion, and additionally in mammary tissue at 56 h of infusion (8h after LPS administration). At 48 h of infusion in HyperB, the mRNA abundance of serum amyloid A (SAA) in the mammary gland was increased and that of haptoglobin (Hp) tended to be increased. Rectal temperature, SCC, and mRNA abundance of candidate genes in the liver were not affected by the BHBA infusion until 48 h. During the following LPS challenge, RT and SCC increased in both groups. However, SCC increased less in HyperB than in NaCl. Quarters infused with LPS showed a more pronounced increase of mRNA abundance of IL-8 and IL-10 in HyperB than in NaCl. The results demonstrate that an increase of plasma BHBA upregulates acute phase proteins in the mammary gland. In response to intramammary LPS challenge, elevated BHBA diminishes the influx of leukocytes from blood into milk, perhaps by via modified cytokine synthesis. Results indicate that increased ketone body plasma concentrations may play a crucial role in the higher mastitis susceptibility in early lactation.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS Alcoholic cirrhosis is associated with hyperactivation and dysregulation of the immune system. In addition to its ability to increase risk for infections, it also may increase the risk for autoimmune diseases. We studied the incidence of autoimmune diseases among patients with alcoholic cirrhosis vs controls in Denmark. METHODS We collected data from nationwide health care registries to identify and follow up all citizens of Denmark diagnosed with alcoholic cirrhosis from 1977 through 2010. Each patient was matched with 5 random individuals from the population (controls) of the same sex and age. The incidence rates of various autoimmune diseases were compared between patients with cirrhosis and controls and adjusted for the number of hospitalizations in the previous year (a marker for the frequency of clinical examination). RESULTS Of the 24,679 patients diagnosed with alcoholic cirrhosis, 532 developed an autoimmune disease, yielding an overall increased adjusted incidence rate ratio (aIRR) of 1.36 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.24-1.50). The strongest associations were with Addison's disease (aIRR, 2.47; 95% CI, 1.04-5.85), inflammatory bowel disease (aIRR, 1.56; 95% CI, 1.26-1.92), celiac disease (aIRR, 5.12; 95% CI, 2.58-10.16), pernicious anemia (aIRR, 2.35; 95% CI, 1.50-3.68), and psoriasis (aIRR, 4.06; 95% CI, 3.32-4.97). There was no increase in the incidence rate for rheumatoid arthritis (aIRR, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.69-1.15); the incidence rate for polymyalgia rheumatica decreased in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis compared with controls (aIRR, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.33-0.67). CONCLUSIONS Based on a nationwide cohort study of patients in Denmark, alcoholic cirrhosis is a risk factor for several autoimmune diseases.


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BACKGROUND Gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases in calves and piglets lead to significant economic losses in livestock husbandry. A high morbidity has been reported for diarrhea (calves ≤ 35 %; piglets ≤ 50 %) and for respiratory diseases (calves ≤ 80 %; piglets ≤ 40 %). Despite a highly diverse etiology and pathophysiology of these diseases, treatment with antimicrobials is often the first-line therapy. Multi-antimicrobial resistance in pathogens results in international accordance to strengthen the research in novel treatment options. Medicinal plants bear a potential as alternative or additional treatment. Based on the versatile effects of their plant specific multi-component-compositions, medicinal plants can potentially act as 'multi-target drugs'. Regarding the plurality of medicinal plants, the aim of this systematic review was to identify potential medicinal plant species for prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases and for modulation of the immune system and inflammation in calves and piglets. RESULTS Based on nine initial sources including standard textbooks and European ethnoveterinary studies, a total of 223 medicinal plant species related to the treatment of gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases was identified. A defined search strategy was established using the PRISMA statement to evaluate 30 medicinal plant species starting from 20'000 peer-reviewed articles published in the last 20 years (1994-2014). This strategy led to 418 references (257 in vitro, 84 in vivo and 77 clinical trials, thereof 48 clinical trials in veterinary medicine) to evaluate effects of medicinal plants and their efficacy in detail. The findings indicate that the most promising candidates for gastrointestinal diseases are Allium sativum L., Mentha x piperita L. and Salvia officinalis L.; for diseases of the respiratory tract Echinacea purpurea (L.) MOENCH, Thymus vulgaris L. and Althea officinalis L. were found most promising, and Echinacea purpurea (L.) MOENCH, Camellia sinensis (L.) KUNTZE, Glycyrrhiza glabra L. and Origanum vulgare L. were identified as best candidates for modulation of the immune system and inflammation. CONCLUSIONS Several medicinal plants bear a potential for novel treatment strategies for young livestock. There is a need for further research focused on gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases in calves and piglets, and the findings of this review provide a basis on plant selection for future studies.


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Humans harbour nearly 100 trillion intestinal bacteria that are essential for health. Millions of years of co-evolution have moulded this human-microorganism interaction into a symbiotic relationship in which gut bacteria make essential contributions to human nutrient metabolism and in return occupy a nutrient-rich environment. Although intestinal microorganisms carry out essential functions for their hosts, they pose a constant threat of invasion owing to their sheer numbers and the large intestinal surface area. In this Review, we discuss the unique adaptations of the intestinal immune system that maintain homeostatic interactions with a diverse resident microbiota.


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Despite evidence for the important role of oestrogens in the aetiology and pathophysiology of chronic immune/inflammatory diseases, the previous view of an unequivocal beneficial effect of oestrogens on RA compared with a detrimental effect on SLE has to be reconsidered. Likewise, the long-held belief that RA remits in the majority of pregnant patients has been challenged, and shows that only half of the patients experience significant improvement when objective disease activity measurements are applied. Pregnancies in patients with SLE are mostly successful when well planned and monitored interdisciplinarily, whereas a small proportion of women with APS still have adverse pregnancy outcomes in spite of the standard treatment. New prospective studies indicate better outcomes for pregnancies in women with rare diseases such as SSc and vasculitis. Fertility problems are not uncommon in patients with rheumatic disease and need to be considered in both genders. Necessary therapy, shortly before or during the pregnancy, demands taking into account the health of both mother and fetus. Long-term effects of drugs on offspring exposed in utero or during lactation is a new area under study as well as late effects of maternal rheumatic disease on children.


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Biologicals are proteins used as drugs. Biologicals target clearly defined molecular structures, being part of established pathogenetic pathways. Therefore, their focused mode of action seems to render them superior to classic small molecular drugs regarding "off-target" adverse drug reactions (ADR). Nevertheless, the increasing use of biologicals for the treatment of different diseases has revealed partially unexpected adverse reactions. The often direct interaction of a biological with the immune system provides a clue to most side effects, which have consequently been subclassified, based on pathogenetic principles, into 5 subtypes named alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon, reflecting overstimulation (high cytokine values, type alpha), hypersensitivity (type beta), immune deviation (including immunodeficiency, type gamma), cross-reactivity (type delta), and nonimmune mediated side effects (type epsilon). This article presents typical clinical manifestations of these subtypes of ADR to biologicals, proposes general rules for treating them, and provides a scheme for a thorough allergological workup. This approach should help in future handling of these often very efficient drugs.


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We generated Fas-activated serine threonine phosphoprotein (FAST)-deficient mice (FAST(-/-)) to study the in vivo role of FAST in immune system function. In a model of house dust mite-induced allergic pulmonary inflammation, wild type mice develop a mixed cellular infiltrate composed of eosinophils, lymphocytes, and neutrophils. FAST(-/-) mice develop airway inflammation that is distinguished by the near absence of neutrophils. Similarly, LPS-induced alveolar neutrophil recruitment is markedly reduced in FAST(-/-) mice compared with wild type controls. This is accompanied by reduced concentrations of cytokines (TNF-alpha and IL-6 and -23) and chemoattractants (MIP-2 and keratinocyte chemoattractant) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids. Because FAST(-/-) neutrophils exhibit normal chemotaxis and survival, impaired neutrophil recruitment is likely to be due to reduced production of chemoattractants within the pulmonary parenchyma. Studies using bone marrow chimeras implicate lung resident hematopoietic cells (e.g., pulmonary dendritic cells and/or alveolar macrophages) in this process. In conclusion, our results introduce FAST as a proinflammatory factor that modulates the function of lung resident hematopoietic cells to promote neutrophil recruitment and pulmonary inflammation.


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The immune system must be tightly held in check to avoid bystander tissue damage as well as autoreactivity caused by overwhelming immune reactions. A novel family of immunoregulatory, carbohydrate-binding receptors, the Siglecs (sialic acid binding immunoglobulin-like lectins), has received particular attention in light of their capacity to mediate cell death, anti-proliferative effects and to regulate a variety of cellular activities. Siglec receptors are mainly expressed on leukocytes in a cell type-specific and differentiation-dependent manner. Siglecs might potentially be exploited as targets of novel immune- and glycotherapeutics for cell-directed therapies in autoimmune and allergic diseases, as well as in haematologic malignancies. Here we present novel insights on structural and functional characteristics, expression patterns and evolutionary aspects of Siglecs and their ligands. Pharmacological strategies using Siglec agonistic cross-linking therapeutics, such as monoclonal or engineered antibodies, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), or glycomimetics are discussed. Modulation of immune responses by targeting Siglecs using agonistic or antagonistic therapeutics may have important clinical implications and may pave the way for novel pharmacological avenues for the treatment of autoimmune and allergic diseases or for tumor immunotherapy.


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To assess the 2009 influenza vaccine A/H1N1 on antibody response, side effects and disease activity in patients with immune-mediated diseases.


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During pregnancy, the fetus represents a natural allograft that is not normally rejected. While the maternal immune system retains the ability to respond to foreign antigens, tolerance mechanisms are up-regulated to protect the fetus from immunologic attacks by the mother. The profound immunologic adaptations during and after pregnancy do influence maternal autoimmune rheumatic diseases in several ways. One is triggering the onset of a rheumatic disease in the post partum period, the other influencing disease activity of established rheumatic disease. The review will discuss the mechanisms of increased susceptibility of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in the first year post partum with a specific emphasis on the role of fetal cells or antigens persisting in the maternal circulation (so called microchimerism). Furthermore, the different influences of pregnancy on established rheumatic diseases will be highlighted. A marked beneficial effect of pregnancy is observed on RA whereas several other rheumatic diseases as ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) show either no particular effect or an aggravation of symptoms during pregnancy. Differences emerging in regard to modulation of disease symptoms during pregnancy seem related to response to hormones, the type of cytokine profile and immune response prevailing as well as further downstream interactions of molecular pathways that are important in disease pathogenesis.


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Recently, the Centre for Immunity, Infection and Evolution sponsored a one-day symposium entitled "Wild Immunology." The CIIE is a new Wellcome Trust-funded initiative with the remit to connect evolutionary biology and ecology with research in immunology and infectious diseases in order to gain an interdisciplinary perspective on challenges to global health. The central question of the symposium was, "Why should we try to understand infection and immunity in wild systems?" Specifically, how does the immune response operate in the wild and how do multiple coinfections and commensalism affect immune responses and host health in these wild systems? The symposium brought together a broad program of speakers, ranging from laboratory immunologists to infectious disease ecologists, working on wild birds, unmanaged animals, wild and laboratory rodents, and on questions ranging from the dynamics of coinfection to how commensal bacteria affect the development of the immune system. The meeting on wild immunology, organized by Amy Pedersen, Simon Babayan, and Rick Maizels, was held at the University of Edinburgh on 30 June 2011.


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Drug hypersensitivity research has progressed enormously in recent years, and a greater understanding of mechanisms has contributed to improved drug safety. Progress has been made in genetics, enabling personalized medicine for certain drugs, and in understanding drug interactions with the immune system. In a recent meeting in Rome, the clinical, chemical, pharmacologic, immunologic, and genetic aspects of drug hypersensitivity were discussed, and certain aspects are briefly summarized here. Small chemicals, including drugs, can induce immune reactions by binding as a hapten to a carrier protein. Park (Liverpool, England) demonstrated (1) that drug haptens bind to protein in patients in a highly restricted manner and (2) that irreversibly modified carrier proteins are able to stimulate CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells from hypersensitive patients. Drug haptens might also stimulate cells of the innate immune system, in particular dendritic cells, and thus give rise to a complex and complete immune reaction. Many drugs do not have hapten-like characteristics but might gain them on metabolism (so-called prohaptens). The group of Naisbitt found that the stimulation of dendritic cells and T cells can occur as a consequence of the transformation of a prohapten to a hapten in antigen-presenting cells and as such explain the immune-stimulatory capacity of prohaptens. The striking association between HLA-B alleles and the development of certain drug reactions was discussed in detail. Mallal (Perth, Australia) elegantly described a highly restricted HLA-B∗5701-specific T-cell response in abacavir-hypersensitive patients and healthy volunteers expressing HLA-B∗5701 but not closely related alleles. Expression of HLA-B∗1502 is a marker known to be necessary but not sufficient to predict carbamazepine-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis in Han Chinese. The group of Chen and Hong (Taiwan) described the possible "missing link" because they showed that the presence of certain T-cell receptor (TCR) clonotypes was necessary to elicit T-cell responses to carbamazepine. The role of TCRs in drug binding was also emphasized by Pichler (Bern, Switzerland). Following up on their "pharmacological interactions of drugs with immune receptors" concept (p-i concept), namely that drugs can bind directly to TCRs, MHC molecules, or both and thereby stimulate T cells, they looked for drug-binding sites for the drug sulfamethoxazole in drug-specific TCRs: modeling revealed up to 7 binding sites on the CDR3 and CDR2 regions of TCR Vα and Vβ. Among many other presentations, the important role of regulatory T cells in drug hypersensitivity was addressed.


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Toll-like receptors are pattern recognition receptors with which hosts recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMP). This recognition process is translated rapidly into a meaningful defense reaction. This form of innate host defense is preserved in the animal kingdom: invertebrates heavily depend on it; higher vertebrates also have an adaptive immune system. Both adaptive and innate immune systems are intertwined in that the former also depends on an intact innate recognition and response system. Members of the TLR system cover recognition of parasitic, bacterial or viral germs. Due to the constraints imposed by the necessity to recognize PAMP and to interact with downstream signaling molecules, the TLR system is relatively conserved in evolution. Nevertheless, subtle species differences have been reported for several mammalian TLR members. Examples of this will be given. In all mammalian species investigated, part of the coding sequence is available for the most important TLR members, thus allowing study of expression of these TLR members in various tissues by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction in its classical (RT-PCR) and quantitative real time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) form. In some species, the whole coding sequences of the most important or even all TLR members are known. This allows construction of cDNA and transfection of common host cells, thus permitting functional studies. Extensive investigations were devoted to the study of non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms. In a few cases, expression of a given amino acid in the extracellular (ligand-binding) portion of TLR members could be associated with infectious diseases. This will be discussed below.


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Different pathogens, such as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, can be responsible for different outcomes of mastitis; that is, acute and severe or chronic and subclinical. These differences in the disease could be related to different mammary responses to the pathogens. The objective of this study was to determine if intramammary challenge with the endotoxins lipopolysaccharide (LPS), from E. coli, and lipoteichoic acid (LTA), from Staph. aureus, induce different immune responses in vivo in milk cells and mammary tissue. To provide a reference level for comparing the challenge and to show the different stimulation of the mammary immune system on a quantitatively similar level, dosages of LPS and LTA were chosen that induced an increase of somatic cells in milk to similar maxima. One udder quarter in each of 21 lactating dairy cows was challenged with 0.2 mug of LPS or 20 mug of LTA. From these quarters and from respective control quarters, milk cells or tissue biopsies were obtained at 0, 6, and 12h relative to the challenge to measure mRNA expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha), IL-1beta, IL-8, lactoferrin, and RANTES (regulated upon activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted). Furthermore, if no biopsies were performed, hourly milk samples were taken for measurement of somatic cell count, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and TNFalpha. Somatic cell count increased in all treatments to similar maxima with LPS and LTA treatments. Concentrations of TNFalpha in milk increased with LPS but not with LTA. The activity of LDH in milk increased in both treatments and was more pronounced with LPS than with LTA. The mRNA expression of TNFalpha, IL-1beta, IL-8, and RANTES showed increases in milk cells, and LPS was a stronger inducer than LTA. Lactoferrin mRNA expression decreased in milk cells with LPS and LTA treatments. The measured factors did not change in either treatment in mammary tissue. Challenge of udder quarters with dosages of LPS and LTA that induce similar increases in SCC stimulate the appearance of different immune factor patterns. This dissimilar response to LPS and LTA may partly explain the different course and intensity of mastitis after infection with E. coli and Staph. aureus, respectively.


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Programmed cell death (PCD) plays a central role in the regulation of granulocytes that are key effector cells of the innate immune system. Granulocytes are produced in high amounts in the bone marrow. A safe elimination of granulocytes by cell death (apoptosis) is essential to maintain the numbers of these cells balanced. In many acute and chronic inflammatory diseases, delayed apoptosis is one mechanism that contributes to accumulation of neutrophil and eosinophil granulocytes at the site of inflammation. On the other hand, a safe elimination of granulocytes by cell death is required to avoid unwanted tissue damage for instance by secretion of toxic products from these cells. Recent evidence shows that humans produce an array of naturally occurring autoantibodies (NAbs) with the capacity to regulate granulocyte death, including agonistic and antagonistic NAbs that bind to the receptors Fas, Siglec-8, and Siglec-9. Together with other factors, these various NAbs exhibit different properties in terms of the form of cell death they induce, the molecular signaling pathways they engage, as well as the efficacy or potency by which they induce cell death. Moreover, several regulatory mechanisms seem to exist that control their biological activity. Novel insights support the concept of granulocyte death regulation by NAbs, which might have important implications for our understanding of the pathogenesis and treatment of inflammatory diseases, including many autoimmune and allergic disorders.