38 resultados para Hysern Catá, Luis de.
A 13-year-old male neutered domestic shorthaired cat had repeated syncopal episodes over a 6 month period, which had variable duration and continued to increase in frequency. Intermittent ventricular asystole, due to complete heart block, and hyperthyroidism were documented. As the syncopal episodes did not respond to a 4-week medical treatment and symptoms became severe, a transvenous ventricular demand pacemaker system (VVIM) was implanted via the external jugular vein. The unipolar lead was tunneled subcutaneously and connected with the generator in a preformed ventral abdominal muscle pocket. During follow up of 18-months there were no recurrences of the syncopal episodes.
Eine dreizehnjährige, weibliche, nicht kastrierte Hauskatze wurde zur chirurgischen Therapie eines multiplen Meningeoms in der Kleintierklinik des Tierspital Bern vorgestellt. Eine leichtgradige generalisierte Ataxie wurde beobachtet, die Propriozeption war generalisiert herabgesetzt und der Drohreflex war beidseitig reduziert. Es wurden eine prä- und eine postoperative Magnetrezonanztomographie durchgeführt. Drei supratentoriale extra-axiale Raumforderungen wurden diagnostiziert. Eine vierte Masse wurde infratentorial extra-axial über der linken zerebellären Hemisphere lokalisiert. Eine Herniation des kaudoventralen Kleinhirn (Vermis) von ungefähr einem Zentimeter Länge durch das Foramen magnum wurde beobachtet. Eine zervikale Syringohydromyelie wurde als Zufallsbefund diagnostiziert. Die Meningeome wurden durch 3 Kraniotomiestellen entfernt. Zwei Jahre nach der Operation ist die Katze normal. Anhand der vorhandenen Literatur wird die tumor-assoziierte Syringohydromyelie besprochen. Die Therapie der Syringohydromyelie sollte gegen den kausalen pathologischen Prozess (z.B. intrakranieller Tumor) für die Liquorzirkulationsstörung gerichtet sein.
ABSTRACT The authors describe two animals (one dog and one cat) that were presented with severe respiratory distress after trauma. Computerized tomographic imaging under general anesthesia revealed, in both cases, complete tracheal transection. Hypoxic episodes during anesthesia were relieved by keeping the endotracheal tube (ETT) positioned in the cranial part of the transected trachea and by allowing spontaneous breathing. Surgical preparation was performed quickly, and patients were kept in a sternal position to improve ventilation and oxygenation, and were only turned into dorsal recumbency shortly before surgical incision. A sterile ETT was guided into the distal part of the transected trachea by the surgeon, at which point mechanical ventilation was started. Both animals were successfully discharged from hospital a few days after surgery. Rapid and well-coordinated teamwork seemed to contribute to the good outcome. Precise planning and communication between anesthetists, surgeons, and technicians, as well as a quick course of action prior to correct ETT positioning helped to overcome critical phases.
The parasitic protists in the genus Tritrichomonas cause significant disease in domestic cattle and cats. To assess the genetic diversity of feline and bovine isolates of Tritrichomonas foetus (Riedmüller, 1928) Wenrich and Emmerson, 1933, we used 10 different genetic regions, namely the protein coding genes of cysteine proteases 1, 2 and 4-9 (CP1, 2, 4-9) involved in the pathogenesis of the disease caused by the parasite. The cytosolic malate dehydrogenase 1 (MDH1) and internal transcribed spacer region 2 of the rDNA unit (ITS2) were included as additional markers. The gene sequences were compared with those of Tritrichomonas suis (Davaine, 1875) Morgan and Hawkins, 1948 and Tritrichomonas mobilensisCulberson et al., 1986. The study revealed 100% identity for all 10 genes among all feline isolates (=T. foetus cat genotype), 100% identity among all bovine isolates (=T. foetus cattle genotype) and a genetic distinctness of 1% between the cat and cattle genotypes of T. foetus. The cattle genotype of T. foetus was 100% identical to T. suis at nine loci (CP1, 2, 4-8, ITS2, MDH1). At CP9, three out of four T. suis isolates were identical to the T. foetus cattle genotype, while the T. suis isolate SUI-H3B sequence contained a single unique nucleotide substitution. Tritrichomonas mobilensis was 0.4% and 0.7% distinct from the cat and cattle genotypes of T. foetus, respectively. The genetic differences resulted in amino acid changes in the CP genes, most pronouncedly in CP2, potentially providing a platform for elucidation of genotype-specific host-pathogen interactions of T. foetus. On the basis of this data we judge T. suis and T. foetus to be subjective synonyms. For the first time, on objective nomenclatural grounds, the authority of T. suis is given to Davaine, 1875, rather than the commonly cited Gruby and Delafond, 1843. To maintain prevailing usage of T. foetus, we are suppressing the senior synomym T. suisDavaine, 1875 according to Article 23.9, because it has never been used as a valid name after 1899 and T. foetus is widely discussed as the cause of bovine trichomonosis. Thus bovine, feline and porcine isolates should all be given the name T. foetus. This promotes the stability of T. foetus for the veterinary and economically significant venereal parasite causing bovine trichomonosis.
A 23-month-old tomcat was referred to our clinic because of male behavioral problems, cryptorchidism, and an undefined intra-abdominal organ resembling a uterus. Ultrasonography and computed tomography showed 2 fluid-filled tubular structures dorsolaterally to the bladder and connected to the pelvic urethra. The cat was castrated, and the tubular structures were surgically removed. Histology identified them as Müllerian duct remnants. The testes were hypoplastic, the epididymes and deferent ducts were normal. Cytogenetic analyses revealed the presence of a mosaic 37,X/38,XY karyotype which explains the clinical findings.