66 resultados para Hyperplasia


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BACKGROUND: Cancer initiation and progression might be driven by small populations of cells endowed with stem cell-like properties. Here we comparatively addressed the expression of genes encoding putative stemness regulators including c-Myc, Klf4, Nanog, Oct4A and Sox2 genes in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer (PCA). METHODS: Fifty-eight PCA and thirty-nine BPH tissues samples were used for gene expression analysis, as evaluated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The expression of specific Klf4 isoforms was tested by conventional PCR. Klf4 specific antibodies were used for protein detection in a tissue microarray including 404 prostate samples. RESULTS: Nanog, Oct4A and Sox2 genes were comparably expressed in BPH and PCA samples, whereas c-Myc and Klf4 genes were expressed to significantly higher extents in PCA than in BPH specimens. Immunohistochemical studies revealed that Klf4 protein is detectable in a large majority of epithelial prostatic cells, irrespective of malignant transformation. However, in PCA, a predominantly cytoplasmic location was observed, consistent with the expression of a differentially spliced Klf4α isoform. CONCLUSION: Klf4 is highly expressed at gene and protein level in BPH and PCA tissues but a cytoplasmic location of the specific gene product is predominantly detectable in malignant cells. Klf4 location might be of critical relevance to steer its functions during oncogenesis.


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A major challenge in the management of patients with prostate cancer is identifying those individuals at risk of developing metastatic disease, as in most cases the disease will remain indolent. We analyzed pooled serum samples from 4 groups of patients (n = 5 samples/group), collected prospectively and actively monitored for a minimum of 5 yrs. Patients groups were (i) histological diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia with no evidence of cancer 'BPH', (ii) localised cancer with no evidence of progression, 'non-progressing' (iii) localised cancer with evidence of biochemical progression, 'progressing', and (iv) bone metastasis at presentation 'metastatic'. Pooled samples were immuno-depleted of the 14 most highly abundant proteins and analysed using a 4-plex iTRAQ approach. Overall 122 proteins were identified and relatively quantified. Comparisons of progressing versus non-progressing groups identified the significant differential expression of 25 proteins (p<0.001). Comparisons of metastatic versus progressing groups identified the significant differential expression of 23 proteins. Mapping the differentially expressed proteins onto the prostate cancer progression pathway revealed the dysregulated expression of individual proteins, pairs of proteins and 'panels' of proteins to be associated with particular stages of disease development and progression. The median immunostaining intensity of eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 (eEF1A1), one of the candidates identified, was significantly higher in osteoblasts in close proximity to metastatic tumour cells compared with osteoblasts in control bone (p = 0.0353, Mann Whitney U). Our proteomic approach has identified leads for potentially useful serum biomarkers associated with the metastatic progression of prostate cancer. The panels identified, including eEF1A1 warrant further investigation and validation.


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OBJECTIVE: A severely virilized 46, XX newborn girl was referred to our center for evaluation and treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) because of highly elevated 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone levels at newborn screening; biochemical tests confirmed the diagnosis of salt-wasting CAH. Genetic analysis revealed that the girl was compound heterozygote for a previously reported Q318X mutation in exon 8 and a novel insertion of an adenine between nucleotides 962 and 963 in exon 4 of the CYP21A2 gene. This 962_963insA mutation created a frameshift leading to a stop codon at amino acid 161 of the P450c21 protein. AIM AND METHODS: To better understand structure-function relationships of mutant P450c21 proteins, we performed multiple sequence alignments of P450c21 with three mammalian P450s (P450 2C8, 2C9 and 2B4) with known structures as well as with human P450c17. Comparative molecular modeling of human P450c21 was then performed by MODELLER using the X-ray crystal structure of rabbit P450 2B4 as a template. RESULTS: The new three dimensional model of human P450c21 and the sequence alignment were found to be helpful in predicting the role of various amino acids in P450c21, especially those involved in heme binding and interaction with P450 oxidoreductase, the obligate electron donor. CONCLUSION: Our model will help in analyzing the genotype-phenotype relationship of P450c21 mutations which have not been tested for their functional activity in an in vitro assay.


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Lung stereology has a long and successful tradition. From mice to men, the application of new stereological methods at several levels (alveoli, parenchymal cells, organelles, proteins) has led to new insights into normal lung architecture, parenchymal remodelling in emphysema-like pathology, alveolar type II cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy and intracellular surfactant alterations as well as distribution of surfactant proteins. The Euler number of the network of alveolar openings, estimated using physical disectors at the light microscopic level, is an unbiased and direct estimate of alveolar number. Surfactant-producing alveolar type II cells can be counted and sampled for local size estimation with physical disectors at a high magnification light microscopic level. The number of their surfactant storage organelles, lamellar bodies, can be estimated using physical disectors at the EM level. By immunoelectron microscopy, surfactant protein distribution can be analysed with the relative labelling index. Together with the well-established classical stereological methods, these design-based methods now allow for a complete quantitative phenotype analysis in lung development and disease, including the structural characterization of gene-manipulated mice, at the light and electron microscopic level.


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Mast cells (MC), supposedly long-lived cells, play a key role in allergy and are important contributors to other inflammatory conditions in which they undergo hyperplasia. In humans, stem cell factor (SCF) is the main regulator of MC growth, differentiation, and survival. Although human MC numbers may also be regulated by apoptotic cell death, there have been no reports concerning the role of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway mediated by death receptors in these cells. We examined expression and function of death receptors for Fas ligand and TRAIL in human MC. Although the MC leukemia cell line HMC-1 and human lung-derived MC expressed both Fas and TRAIL-R, MC lines derived from cord blood (CBMC) expressed only TRAIL-R. Activation of TRAIL-R resulted in caspase 3-dependent apoptosis of CBMC and HMC-1. IgE-dependent activation of CBMC increased their susceptibility to TRAIL-mediated apoptosis. Results suggest that TRAIL-mediated apoptosis may be a mechanism of regulating MC survival in vivo and, potentially, for down-regulating MC hyperplasia in pathologic conditions.


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Ectopic acromegaly represents less than 1% of the reported cases of acromegaly. Although clinical improvement is common after treatment with somatostatin (SMS) analogs, the biochemical response and tumor size of the growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)-producing tumor and its metastases are less predictable. Subject A 36-year-old male was referred because of a 3-year history of acromegaly related symptoms. He had undergone lung surgery in 1987 for a "benign" carcinoid tumor. Endocrine evaluation confirmed acromegaly Plasma IGF-1: 984 ng/ml (63-380), GH: 49.8 ng/ml (<5). MRI showed a large mass in the left cerebellopontine angle and diffuse pituitary hyperplasia. Pulmonary, liver and bone metastases were shown by chest and abdominal CT scans. Ectopic GHRH secretion was suspected. Methods Measurement of circulating GHRH levels by fluorescence immunoassay levels and immunohistochemical study of the primary lung tumor and metastatic tissue with anti-GHRH and anti-somatostatin receptor type 2 (sst2A) antibodies. Results Basal plasma GHRH: 4654 pg/ml (<100). Pathological study of liver and bone biopsy material and lung tissue removed 19 years earlier was consistent with an atypical carcinoid producing GHRH and exhibiting sst2A receptor expression. Treatment with octreotide LAR 20-40 mg q. month resulted in normalization of plasma IGF-1 levels. Circulating GHRH levels decreased dramatically. The size of the left prepontine cistern mass, with SMS receptors shown by a radiolabeled pentetreotide scan, decreased by 80% after 18 months of therapy. Total regression of pituitary enlargement was also observed. No changes were observed in lung and liver metastases. After 24 months of therapy the patient is asymptomatic and living a full and active life.


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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the second most common primary malignant hepatic tumor in children. It often develops in patients with underlying liver disease. We report the clinicopathologic features of an unusual HCC occurring in an infant who presented with features of Cushing's syndrome due to bilateral adrenal hyperplasia. The tumor is characterized by epithelial syncytial giant cells. Giant cell carcinoma of the liver has been previously reported, but the cells were osteoclast-like (ie, mesenchymal type) and not epithelial type as it is in this patient. We propose to use the term HCC, syncytial giant cell type, to denote this apparently novel lesion.


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BACKGROUND: Surfactant protein D (SP-D) deficient mice develop emphysema-like pathology associated with focal accumulations of foamy alveolar macrophages, an excess of surfactant phospholipids in the alveolar space and both hypertrophy and hyperplasia of alveolar type II cells. These findings are associated with a chronic inflammatory state. Treatment of SP-D deficient mice with a truncated recombinant fragment of human SP-D (rfhSP-D) has been shown to decrease the lipidosis and alveolar macrophage accumulation as well as production of proinflammatory chemokines. The aim of this study was to investigate if rfhSP-D treatment reduces the structural abnormalities in parenchymal architecture and type II cells characteristic of SP-D deficiency. METHODS: SP-D knock-out mice, aged 3 weeks, 6 weeks and 9 weeks were treated with rfhSP-D for 9, 6 and 3 weeks, respectively. All mice were sacrificed at age 12 weeks and compared to both PBS treated SP-D deficient and wild-type groups. Lung structure was quantified by design-based stereology at the light and electron microscopic level. Emphasis was put on quantification of emphysema, type II cell changes and intracellular surfactant. Data were analysed with two sided non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test. MAIN RESULTS: After 3 weeks of treatment, alveolar number was higher and mean alveolar size was smaller compared to saline-treated SP-D knock-out controls. There was no significant difference concerning these indices of pulmonary emphysema within rfhSP-D treated groups. Type II cell number and size were smaller as a consequence of treatment. The total volume of lamellar bodies per type II cell and per lung was smaller after 6 weeks of treatment. CONCLUSION: Treatment of SP-D deficient mice with rfhSP-D leads to a reduction in the degree of emphysema and a correction of type II cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy. This supports the concept that rfhSP-D might become a therapeutic option in diseases that are characterized by decreased SP-D levels in the lung.


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Vascular birthmarks can be classified into hemangioma and vascular malformations. Hemangioma are frequent tumours of early infancy demonstrating endothelial hyperplasia, a history of rapid neonatal growth and slow involution during later childhood. Treatment of hemangioma is dependent of stage and type of the lesion. Given the current availability of drugs, lasers, and other techniques to treat hemangioma safely, philosophy of "benign neglect" should not be considered anymore. Vascular malformations show a normal endothelial turnover, being present at birth and growing commensurately with the child. Exact diagnosis by employing modern diagnostic means,which are able to differentiate low-flow from high flow lesions is important for further therapeutic management. Beside conservative treatment strategies, use of laser, sclerotherapy, interventional embolization and surgical treatment are possible management options. Patients should receive multidisciplinary care in qualified vascular centres.


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Pituitary tissue is rarely to be found among the constituents of ovarian teratomas (dermoid cysts). In some exceptional cases, however, such ectopic pituitary anlagen may even give rise to secondary organ-specific pathologies. Akin to those of the pituitary in its natural location, these tend to be adenomas. We describe a unique example of lymphocytic hypophysitis incidentally encountered in a mature left ovarian teratoma from a 30-year-old woman in the 19th week of pregnancy. Amidst various fully differentiated derivatives of all three embryonic layers, the cyst wall also included a miniature replica of the anterior pituitary lobe 0.5 cm in diameter. While a full set of adenohypophyseal hormone-producing cell types could be identified, there was characteristic pregnancy-related hyperplasia of lactotrophs. This was further overlaid by prominent mononuclear inflammation, including infiltration by T lymphocytes, follicular aggregates of B cells, and attendant destruction of parenchyma. There was no significant inflammatory reaction elsewhere. Discounting the non-standard location, the ensemble of the clinical setting and histology were felt to be indistinguishable from the classical paradigm of lymphocytic hypophysitis complicating pregnancy. To date, lymphocytic thyroiditis is the sole form of organ-specific inflammatory process within an ovarian teratoma on record. By analogy, we hypothesize that this ectopic manifestation of immune-mediated inflammation of pituitary parenchyma may possibly be read as a preclinical sentinel lesion of lymphocytic hypophysitis.


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To study the specific role of transmembrane tumor necrosis factor (tmTNF) in protective and pathological responses against the gastrointestinal helminth Trichinella spiralis, we compared the immune responses of TNF-alpha/lymphotoxin alpha (LTalpha)(-/-) mice expressing noncleavable transgenic tmTNF to those of TNF-alpha/LTalpha(-/-) and wild-type mice. The susceptibility of TNF-alpha/LTalpha(-/-) mice to T. spiralis infection was associated with impaired induction of a protective Th2 response and the lack of mucosal mastocytosis. Although tmTNF-expressing transgenic (tmTNF-tg) mice also had a reduced Th2 response, the mast cell response was greater than that observed in TNF-alpha/LTalpha(-/-) mice and was sufficient to induce the expulsion of the parasite. T. spiralis infection of tmTNF-tg mice resulted in significant intestinal pathology characterized by villus atrophy and crypt hyperplasia comparable to that induced following the infection of wild-type mice, while pathology in TNF-alpha/LTalpha(-/-) mice was significantly reduced. Our data thus indicate a role for tmTNF in host defense against gastrointestinal helminths and in the accompanying enteropathy. Furthermore, they also demonstrate that TNF-alpha is required for the induction of Th2 immune responses related to infection with gastrointestinal helminth parasites.


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The transmembrane ligand ephrinB2 and its cognate Eph receptor tyrosine kinases are important regulators of embryonic blood vascular morphogenesis. However, the molecular mechanisms required for ephrinB2 transduced cellular signaling in vivo have not been characterized. To address this question, we generated two sets of knock-in mice: ephrinB2DeltaV mice expressed ephrinB2 lacking the C-terminal PDZ interaction site, and ephrinB2(5F) mice expressed ephrinB2 in which the five conserved tyrosine residues were replaced by phenylalanine to disrupt phosphotyrosine-dependent signaling events. Our analysis revealed that the homozygous mutant mice survived the requirement of ephrinB2 in embryonic blood vascular remodeling. However, ephrinB2DeltaV/DeltaV mice exhibited major lymphatic defects, including a failure to remodel their primary lymphatic capillary plexus into a hierarchical vessel network, hyperplasia, and lack of luminal valve formation. Unexpectedly, ephrinB2(5F/5F) mice displayed only a mild lymphatic phenotype. Our studies define ephrinB2 as an essential regulator of lymphatic development and indicate that interactions with PDZ domain effectors are required to mediate its functions.


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We report a case of 34 year old woman how has been hospitalized at the age of 6 month with persistent vomitus. The vomitus was found to be caused by adrenal insufficiency with lack of all hormones of steroidobiosynthesis. The phenotypical femal child was diagnosed to have congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia with 46,XY DSD. 24 years later a homozygote mutation in the StAR-gene (L260P), which was first described in Switzerland, has been identified.


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A 27-year-old Caucasian (gravida 2 para 1) presented in week 16 of her twin pregnancy with worsening of hyperandrogenic symptoms. In week 17, she developed an acute abdomen due to a twisted, incarcerated right ovary, which was surgically removed. Histological analysis revealed a diffuse steroid cell hyperplasia. Postsurgery testosterone levels fell temporarily within normal limits, diminishing the hyperandrogenic symptoms. Over time androgen levels rose again slowly above normal values with clinical worsening of hirsutism. In the 32nd week of gestation, a cesarean section of two healthy female infants was necessary due to the development of preeclampsia. An ovarian biopsy revealed again the picture of hyperreactio luteinalis. Postpartum peripheral hormone levels fell within normal limits and the hyperandrogenic symptoms subsided.


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Postmenopausal bone loss can be prevented by continuous or intermittent estradiol (E2) administration. Concomitant progestogen therapy is mandatory in nonhysterectomized women to curtail the risk of endometrial hyperplasia or cancer. However, the recurrence of vaginal bleeding induced by sequential progestogen therapy in addition to continuous estrogen administration is one of the reasons for noncompliance to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Tibolone, a synthetic steroid with simultaneous weak estrogenic, androgenic, and progestational activity, which does not stimulate endometrial proliferation, has recently been proposed for the treatment of climacteric symptoms. To compare the efficacy of conventional oral and transdermal HRT with that of tibolone in the prevention of postmenopausal bone loss, 140 postmenopausal women (age, 52 +/- 0.6 years; median duration of menopause, 3 years) were enrolled in an open 2-year study. Volunteers had been offered a choice between HRT and no therapy (control group, CO). Patients selecting HRT were randomly allocated to one of the following three treatment groups: TIB, tibolone, 2.5 mg/day continuously, orally; PO, peroral E2, 2 mg/day continuously, plus sequential oral dydrogesterone (DYD), 10 mg/day, for 14 days of a 28-day cycle; TTS, transdermal E2 by patch releasing 50 microg/day, plus DYD as above. Bone densitometry of the lumbar spine, upper femur, and whole body was performed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at baseline, and then 6, 12, 18, and 24 months after initiation of therapy. One hundred and fifteen women (82%) completed the 2 years of the study. The dropout rate was similar in each group. Over 2 years, bone preservation was observed in all three treatment groups as compared with controls, without significant differences among treatment regimens. In conclusion, tibolone can be regarded as an alternative to conventional HRT to prevent postmenopausal bone loss.