46 resultados para Hagen


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Wie bisherige experimentelle Forschung gezeigt hat, beeinflusst die geschlechtergerechte Formulierung von Stellenausschreibungen die angesprochene Zielgruppe und damit die Personalauswahl. Wie verbreitet ist nun geschlechtergerechte Sprache in Stellenausschreibungen und mit welchen Faktoren hängt ihre Verwendung zusammen (z.B. Sprache, Kultur, Status und Geschlechtstypikalität des Berufes)? Wir untersuchten die Verwendung geschlechtergerechter Sprache in online publizierten Stellenausschreibungen in vier europäischen Ländern mit unterschiedlicher Geschlechtergleichstellung (World Economic Forum, 2011), nämlich die Schweiz, (10), Österreich (Rang 34), Polen (42) und Tschechien (75). Aus vier Branchen mit unterschiedlichen Anteilen weiblicher Angestellter – Stahl- und Metallbau, Forschung, Gastronomie und Gesundheitswesen – wurden jeweils 100 Stellenausschreibungen analysiert. Erste Analysen zeigen, dass die Formulierung der Stellenausschreibungen eng mit der Geschlechtstypikalität des Berufes zusammenhängt. So werden im Gesundheitswesen vorwiegend Formulierungen verwendet, die beide Geschlechter ansprechen. Dagegen sind die Stellenausschreibungen im Stahl- und Metallbau vermehrt rein maskulin formuliert. Feminine Formen werden kaum verwendet. Kultur- und sprachspezifische Unterschiede sowie Zusammenhänge mit sozioökonomischem Status werden diskutiert.


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In vielen Sprachen – wie dem Deutschen – wird das generische Maskulinum (z.B. ‘Geschäftsführer’) verwendet, um beide Geschlechter zu adressieren. Geschlechtergerechtere Formen (z.B. Beidnennung, ‘Geschäftsführerin/Geschäftsführer’), führen zu einem höheren mentalen Einbezug von Frauen im Gegensatz zum Maskulinum. In mehreren Studien sind wir der Frage nachgegangen, welche Konsequenzen geschlechtergerechte Sprache in Organisationen, speziell im Kontext Führung haben, in dem Frauen nach wie vor unterrepräsentiert sind. Wenn Organisationen für die Bezeichnungen von Führungspositionen (z.B. in Stellenanzeigen) das Maskulinum verwenden, werden Frauen weniger eingestellt (Studie 1) und negativer evaluiert (Studie 2). Ebenso finden Frauen diese Organisationen weniger attraktiv und sind weniger geneigt, sich zu bewerben, als Männer – (Studie 3). Wenn Organisationen jedoch die Beidnennung für die jeweiligen Führungspositionen verwenden, zeigen sich keine derartigen Unterschiede; des Weiteren werden Organisationen als weniger geschlechtsdiskriminierend und mit einem stärkeren Gleichstellungs-Image wahrgenommen (Studie 4).


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Background: Percutaneous iliosacral screw placement following pelvic trauma is a very demanding technique involving a high rate of screw malpositions possibly associated with the risk of neurological damage or inadequate stability. In the conventional technique, the screw’s correct entry point and the small target corridor for the iliosacral screw may be difficult to visualise using an image intensifier. 2D and 3D navigation techniques may therefore be helpful tools. The aim of this multicentre study was to evaluate the intra- and postoperative complications after percutaneous screw implantation by classifying the fractures using data from a prospective pelvic trauma registry. The a priori hypothesis was that the navigation techniques have lower rates of intraoperative and postoperative complications. Methods: This study is based on data from the prospective pelvic trauma registry introduced by the German Society of Traumatology and the German Section of the AO/ASIF International in 1991. The registry provides data on all patients with pelvic fractures treated between July 2008 and June 2011 at any one of the 23 Level I trauma centres contributing to the registry. Results: A total of 2615 patients were identified. Out of these a further analysis was performed in 597 patients suffering injuries of the SI joint (187 � with surgical interventions) and 597 patients with sacral fractures (334 � with surgical interventions). The rate of intraoperative complications was not significantly different, with 10/114 patients undergoing navigated techniques (8.8%) and 14/239 patients in the conventional group (5.9%) for percutaneous screw implantation (p = 0.4242). Postoperative complications were analysed in 30/114 patients in the navigated group (26.3%) and in 70/239 patients (29.3%) in the conventional group (p = 0.6542). Patients who underwent no surgery had with 66/197 cases (33.5%) a relatively high rate of complications during their hospital stay. The rate of surgically-treated fractures was higher in the group with more unstable Type-C fractures, but the fracture classification had no significant influence on the rate of complications. Discussion: In this prospective multicentre study, the 2D/3D navigation techniques revealed similar results for the rate of intraoperative and postoperative complications compared to the conventional technique. The rate of neurological complications was significantly higher in the navigated group.


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Hinter dem vielleicht etwas zu stark auf ein weiteres Publikum zielenden Titel verbirgt sich ein durch und durch seriöses Buch über das "faszinierendste Projekt“, mit dem der Autor sich je befasst habe (S. 7). Wenn es überhaupt Menschheitsfragen gebe, zähle die Frage, ob wir "allein" im Universum sind, mit Sicherheit dazu. Da damit die erste deutschsprachige Monographie seit mehreren Jahrzehnten zum Thema vorliegt, ist sie hier sicher einer Besprechung wert.


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The QT interval, an electrocardiographic measure reflecting myocardial repolarization, is a heritable trait. QT prolongation is a risk factor for ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death (SCD) and could indicate the presence of the potentially lethal mendelian long-QT syndrome (LQTS). Using a genome-wide association and replication study in up to 100,000 individuals, we identified 35 common variant loci associated with QT interval that collectively explain ∼8-10% of QT-interval variation and highlight the importance of calcium regulation in myocardial repolarization. Rare variant analysis of 6 new QT interval-associated loci in 298 unrelated probands with LQTS identified coding variants not found in controls but of uncertain causality and therefore requiring validation. Several newly identified loci encode proteins that physically interact with other recognized repolarization proteins. Our integration of common variant association, expression and orthogonal protein-protein interaction screens provides new insights into cardiac electrophysiology and identifies new candidate genes for ventricular arrhythmias, LQTS and SCD.


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Das Ressourcenmodell der Selbstkontrolle (Baumeister et al., 2007; Muraven & Baumeister, 2000) soll die Frage beantworten, wann und warum es zu Versäumnissen bezüglich der willentlichen Kontrolle des eigenen Erlebens und Verhaltens kommt. Die Autoren des Modells gehen davon aus, dass die erfolgreiche Ausführung von Selbstkontrolle von einer begrenzten Ressource abhängt. Demnach soll anfängliche Selbstkontrolle zu einer erschöpften Selbstkontrollressource (Ego Depletion) führen, was anschließende Selbstkontrolle beeinträchtigt. In letzter Zeit mehrt sich jedoch die Kritik an diesem Ressourcenansatz. In meinem Vortrag werde ich einen alternativen Erklärungsansatz für die bisher gefundenen Ego-Depletion-Effekte vorstellen. Ausgangspunkt meines Modells ist die Annahme, dass die Ausübung von Selbstkontrolle mit der impliziten oder expliziten Registrierung psycho-physiologischer Veränderungen einhergeht. Diese führt meiner Ansicht nach zur Aktivierung eines kognitiven Erschöpfungskonzepts. Als Folge davon sollte die Anstrengungsbereitschaft, und damit die gezeigte Selbstkontrolle, reduziert werden. Der neue Erklärungsansatz integriert unter anderem dem bisherigen Ressourcenmodell zuwiderlaufende Evidenz in einem einzelnen moderierten Mediationsmodell.


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CONCLUSION Bone conduction implants are useful in patients with conductive and mixed hearing loss for whom conventional surgery or hearing aids are no longer an option. They may also be used in patients affected by single-sided deafness. OBJECTIVES To establish a consensus on the quality standards required for centers willing to create a bone conduction implant program. METHOD To ensure a consistently high level of service and to provide patients with the best possible solution the members of the HEARRING network have established a set of quality standards for bone conduction implants. These standards constitute a realistic minimum attainable by all implant clinics and should be employed alongside current best practice guidelines. RESULTS Fifteen items are thoroughly analyzed. They include team structure, accommodation and clinical facilities, selection criteria, evaluation process, complete preoperative and surgical information, postoperative fitting and assessment, follow-up, device failure, clinical management, transfer of care and patient complaints.


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Tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome (TRPS) is characterized by craniofacial and skeletal abnormalities, and subdivided in TRPS I, caused by mutations in TRPS1, and TRPS II, caused by a contiguous gene deletion affecting (amongst others) TRPS1 and EXT1. We performed a collaborative international study to delineate phenotype, natural history, variability, and genotype-phenotype correlations in more detail. We gathered information on 103 cytogenetically or molecularly confirmed affected individuals. TRPS I was present in 85 individuals (22 missense mutations, 62 other mutations), TRPS II in 14, and in 5 it remained uncertain whether TRPS1 was partially or completely deleted. Main features defining the facial phenotype include fine and sparse hair, thick and broad eyebrows, especially the medial portion, a broad nasal ridge and tip, underdeveloped nasal alae, and a broad columella. The facial manifestations in patients with TRPS I and TRPS II do not show a significant difference. In the limbs the main findings are short hands and feet, hypermobility, and a tendency for isolated metacarpals and metatarsals to be shortened. Nails of fingers and toes are typically thin and dystrophic. The radiological hallmark are the cone-shaped epiphyses and in TRPS II multiple exostoses. Osteopenia is common in both, as is reduced linear growth, both prenatally and postnatally. Variability for all findings, also within a single family, can be marked. Morbidity mostly concerns joint problems, manifesting in increased or decreased mobility, pain and in a minority an increased fracture rate. The hips can be markedly affected at a (very) young age. Intellectual disability is uncommon in TRPS I and, if present, usually mild. In TRPS II intellectual disability is present in most but not all, and again typically mild to moderate in severity. Missense mutations are located exclusively in exon 6 and 7 of TRPS1. Other mutations are located anywhere in exons 4-7. Whole gene deletions are common but have variable breakpoints. Most of the phenotype in patients with TRPS II is explained by the deletion of TRPS1 and EXT1, but haploinsufficiency of RAD21 is also likely to contribute. Genotype-phenotype studies showed that mutations located in exon 6 may have somewhat more pronounced facial characteristics and more marked shortening of hands and feet compared to mutations located elsewhere in TRPS1, but numbers are too small to allow firm conclusions.


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To increase the efficiency of equine semen, it could be useful to split the artificial insemination dose and refreeze the redundant spermatozoa. In experiment I, semen of 10 sires of the Hanoverian breed, with poor and good semen freezability, was collected by artificial vagina, centrifuged, extended in INRA82 at 400 × 106 sperm/mL, and automatically frozen. After this first routinely applied freezing program, semen from each stallion was thawed, resuspended in INRA82 at 40 × 106 sperm/mL, filled in 0.5-mL straws, and refrozen. These steps were repeated, and sperm concentration was adjusted to 20 × 106 sperm/mL after a third freezing cycle. Regardless of stallion freezability group, sperm motility and sperm membrane integrity (FITC/PNA-Syto-PI-stain) decreased stepwise after first, second, and third freezing (62.3% ± 9.35, 24.0% ± 15.4, 3.3% ± 4.34, P ≤ .05; 29.6% ± 8.64, 14.9% ± 6.38, 8.3% ± 3.24, P ≤ .05), whereas the percentage of acrosome-reacted cells increased (19.5% ± 7.59, 23.9% ± 8.51, 29.2% ± 6.58, P ≤ .05). Sperm chromatin integrity was unaffected after multiple freeze/thaw cycles (DFI value: 18.6% ± 6.6, 17.2% ± 6.84, 17.1% ± 7.21, P > .05). In experiment II estrous, Hanoverian warmblood mares were inseminated with a total of 200 × 106 spermatozoa of two stallions with either good or poor semen freezability originating from the first, second, and third freeze/thaw cycle. First-cycle pregnancy rates were 4/10, 40%; 1/10, 10%; and 0/10, 0%. In conclusion, as expected, sperm viability of stallion spermatozoa significantly decreases as a consequence of multiple freezing. However, sperm chromatin integrity was not affected. Pregnancy rates after insemination of mares with refrozen semen are reduced.


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Bereits in der ersten Grundschulklasse bekunden Mädchen ein stärkeres Interesse am Lesen als Jungen, die ihrerseits vergleichsweise mehr Interesse an der Mathematik angeben. In einer Stichprobe von 65 Jungen und 70 Mädchen wurde längsschnittlich geprüft, inwieweit die Geschlechtstypisierung in schulischen Interessen auf das Ausmaß zurückgeführt werden kann, in dem das Geschlechtsrollen-Selbstkonzept und die Einstellungen gegenüber Geschlechtsrollen (traditionell vs. egalitär) des Kindes in Übereinstimmung mit Geschlechtsstereotypen ausgeprägt sind. Erwartungsgemäß wiesen die Kinder bereits in der ersten Schulklasse geschlechtstypisierte Selbstkonzepte auf: Jungen schrieben sich mehr maskulin typisierte Merkmale zu als Mädchen, die ihrerseits mehr feminin-typisierte Merkmale für selbstbeschreibend hielten. Mädchen waren egalitärer gegenüber Geschlechtsrollen eingestellt als Jungen. Die Geschlechtsrollen-Selbstkonzepte beeinflussten moderiert durch die Einstellungen gegenüber Geschlechtsrollen das Interesse am Lesen und der Mathematik in der zweiten Grundschulklasse. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen kognitiver Entwicklung und geschlechtstypisierten Sozialisationseinflüssen wird diskutiert.


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As pelvic fractures in children and adolescents are very rare, the surgical management is not well delineated nor are the postoperative complications. The aim of this study using the prospective data from German Pelvic Trauma Registry study was to evaluate the various treatment approaches compared to adults and delineated the differences in postoperative complications after pelvic injuries.Using the prospective pelvic trauma registry established by the German Society of Traumatology and the German Section of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen (AO), International in 1991, patients with pelvic fractures over a 12-year time frame submitted by any 1 of the 23 member level I trauma centers were reviewed.We identified a total of 13,525 patients including pelvic fractures in 13,317 adults and 208 children aged ≤14 years and compared these 2 groups. The 2 groups' Injury Severitiy Score (ISS) did not differ statistically. Lethality in the pediatric group was 6.3%, not statistically different from the adults' 4.6%. In all, 18.3% of the pediatric pelvic fractures were treated surgically as compared to 22.7% in the adult group. No child suffered any thrombosis/embolism, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), multiorgan failure (MOF), or neurologic deficit, nor was any septic MOF detected. The differences between adults and children were statistically significant in that the children suffered less frequently from thrombosis/embolism (P = 0.041) and ARDS and MOF (P = 0.006).This prospective multicenter study addressing patients with pelvic fractures reveals that the risk for a thrombosis/embolism, ARDS, and MOF is significant lower in pediatric patients than in adults. No statistical differences could be found in the ratios of operative therapy of the pelvic fractures in children compared to adults.