42 resultados para HEK293


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FUS/TLS (fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma) is a ubiquitously expressed RNA-binding protein, that has been discovered as fused to transcription factors in several human sarcomas and found in protein aggregates in neurons of patients with an inherited form of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis [1]. To date, FUS has been implicated in a variety of cellular processes such as gene expression control, transcriptional regulation, pre-mRNA splicing and miRNA processing [2]. In addition, some evidences link FUS to genome stability control and DNA damage response. In fact, mice lacking FUS are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation and show high levels of chromosome instability and in response to double-strand breaks, FUS gets phosphorylated by the protein kinase ATM [3, 4, 5]. Moreover, upon DNA damage stress, FUS mediates Ebp1 (ErbB3 receptor-binding protein) SUMOylation, a post-translational modification that is required for its onco-suppressive activity, by acting as SUMO E3 ligase [6]. The study aims to investigate the role of FUS in DNA damage response and SUMOylation, two cellular pathways tightly interconnected to each other. Moreover, we will exploit biochemical and mass spectrometry-based approaches in order to identify other potential substrates of the E3 SUMO ligase activity of FUS. Preliminary results of mass spectrometric identification of FUS interacting proteins, in HEK293 and SHSY5Y cells, highlighted the interaction of FUS with several proteins involved in DNA damage response and many of those have been described already as target of SUMOylation, such as XRCC5, DDX5, PARP1, Nucleophosmin, and others. These evidences strengthen the hypothesis that FUS might represent a link between these pathways, even thou its exact role still needs to be clearly addressed. [1] Vance C. et al. (2009) Science 323(5918): p. 1208-11 [2] Fiesel FC., Kahle PJ. (2011) FEBS J. 278(19): p. 3550-68 [3] Kuroda M. et al. (2000) Embo J. 19(3): p. 453-62 [4] Hicks GG. et al. (2000) Nat Genet. 24(2):p. 175-9 [5] Gardiner M. et al. (2008) Biochem J. 415(2): p. 297-307 [6] Oh SM. et al. (2010) Oncogene 29(7): p. 1017-30


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The cardiac late Na (+) current is generated by a small fraction of voltage-dependent Na (+) channels that undergo a conformational change to a burst-gating mode, with repeated openings and closures during the action potential (AP) plateau. Its magnitude can be augmented by inactivation-defective mutations, myocardial ischemia, or prolonged exposure to chemical compounds leading to drug-induced (di)-long QT syndrome, and results in an increased susceptibility to cardiac arrhythmias. Using CytoPatch™ 2 automated patch-clamp equipment, we performed whole-cell recordings in HEK293 cells stably expressing human Nav1.5, and measured the late Na (+) component as average current over the last 100 ms of 300 ms depolarizing pulses to -10 mV from a holding potential of -100 mV, with a repetition frequency of 0.33 Hz. Averaged values in different steady-state experimental conditions were further corrected by the subtraction of current average during the application of tetrodotoxin (TTX) 30 μM. We show that ranolazine at 10 and 30 μM in 3 min applications reduced the late Na (+) current to 75.0 ± 2.7% (mean ± SEM, n = 17) and 58.4 ± 3.5% ( n = 18) of initial levels, respectively, while a 5 min application of veratridine 1 μM resulted in a reversible current increase to 269.1 ± 16.1% ( n = 28) of initial values. Using fluctuation analysis, we observed that ranolazine 30 μM decreased mean open probability p from 0.6 to 0.38 without modifying the number of active channels n, while veratridine 1 μM increased n 2.5-fold without changing p. In human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes, veratridine 1 μM reversibly increased APD90 2.12 ± 0.41-fold (mean ± SEM, n = 6). This effect is attributable to inactivation removal in Nav1.5 channels, since significant inhibitory effects on hERG current were detected at higher concentrations in hERG-expressing HEK293 cells, with a 28.9 ± 6.0% inhibition (mean ± SD, n = 10) with 50 μM veratridine.


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BACKGROUND Sodium channel NaV1.5 underlies cardiac excitability and conduction. The last 3 residues of NaV1.5 (Ser-Ile-Val) constitute a PDZ domain-binding motif that interacts with PDZ proteins such as syntrophins and SAP97 at different locations within the cardiomyocyte, thus defining distinct pools of NaV1.5 multiprotein complexes. Here, we explored the in vivo and clinical impact of this motif through characterization of mutant mice and genetic screening of patients. METHODS AND RESULTS To investigate in vivo the regulatory role of this motif, we generated knock-in mice lacking the SIV domain (ΔSIV). ΔSIV mice displayed reduced NaV1.5 expression and sodium current (INa), specifically at the lateral myocyte membrane, whereas NaV1.5 expression and INa at the intercalated disks were unaffected. Optical mapping of ΔSIV hearts revealed that ventricular conduction velocity was preferentially decreased in the transversal direction to myocardial fiber orientation, leading to increased anisotropy of ventricular conduction. Internalization of wild-type and ΔSIV channels was unchanged in HEK293 cells. However, the proteasome inhibitor MG132 rescued ΔSIV INa, suggesting that the SIV motif is important for regulation of NaV1.5 degradation. A missense mutation within the SIV motif (p.V2016M) was identified in a patient with Brugada syndrome. The mutation decreased NaV1.5 cell surface expression and INa when expressed in HEK293 cells. CONCLUSIONS Our results demonstrate the in vivo significance of the PDZ domain-binding motif in the correct expression of NaV1.5 at the lateral cardiomyocyte membrane and underline the functional role of lateral NaV1.5 in ventricular conduction. Furthermore, we reveal a clinical relevance of the SIV motif in cardiac disease.


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The transient receptor potential channel, TRPM4, and its closest homolog, TRPM5, are non-selective cation channels that are activated by an increase in intracellular calcium. They are expressed in many cell types, including neurons and myocytes. Although the electrophysiological and pharmacological properties of these two channels have been previously studied, less is known about their regulation, in particular their post-translational modifications. We, and others, have reported that wild-type (WT) TRPM4 channels expressed in HEK293 cells, migrated on SDS-PAGE gel as doublets, similar to other ion channels and membrane proteins. In the present study, we provide evidence that TRPM4 and TRPM5 are each N-linked glycosylated at a unique residue, Asn(992) and Asn(932), respectively. N-linked glycosylated TRPM4 is also found in native cardiac cells. Biochemical experiments using HEK293 cells over-expressing WT TRPM4/5 or N992Q/N932Q mutants demonstrated that the abolishment of N-linked glycosylation did not alter the number of channels at the plasma membrane. In parallel, electrophysiological experiments demonstrated a decrease in the current density of both mutant channels, as compared to their respective controls, either due to the Asn to Gln mutations themselves or abolition of glycosylation. To discriminate between these possibilities, HEK293 cells expressing TRPM4 WT were treated with tunicamycin, an inhibitor of glycosylation. In contrast to N-glycosylation signal abolishment by mutagenesis, tunicamycin treatment led to an increase in the TRPM4-mediated current. Altogether, these results demonstrate that TRPM4 and TRPM5 are both N-linked glycosylated at a unique site and also suggest that TRPM4/5 glycosylation seems not to be involved in channel trafficking, but mainly in their functional regulation.


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CONTEXT Human NR5A1/SF-1 mutations cause 46,XY disorder of sex development (DSD) with broad phenotypic variability, and rarely cause adrenal insufficiency although SF-1 is an important transcription factor for many genes involved in steroidogenesis. In addition, the Sf-1 knockout mouse develops obesity with age. Obesity might be mediated through Sf-1 regulating activity of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), an important regulator of energy balance in the ventromedial hypothalamus. OBJECTIVE To characterize novel SF-1 gene variants in 4 families, clinical, genetic and functional studies were performed with respect to steroidogenesis and energy balance. PATIENTS 5 patients with 46,XY DSD were found to harbor NR5A1/SF-1 mutations including 2 novel variations. One patient harboring a novel mutation also suffered from adrenal insufficiency. METHODS SF-1 mutations were studied in cell systems (HEK293, JEG3) for impact on transcription of genes involved in steroidogenesis (CYP11A1, CYP17A1, HSD3B2) and in energy balance (BDNF). BDNF regulation by SF-1 was studied by promoter assays (JEG3). RESULTS Two novel NR5A1/SF-1 mutations (Glu7Stop, His408Profs*159) were confirmed. Glu7Stop is the 4th reported SF-1 mutation causing DSD and adrenal insufficiency. In vitro studies revealed that transcription of the BDNF gene is regulated by SF-1, and that mutant SF-1 decreased BDNF promoter activation (similar to steroid enzyme promoters). However, clinical data from 16 subjects carrying SF-1 mutations showed normal birth weight and BMI. CONCLUSIONS Glu7Stop and His408Profs*159 are novel SF-1 mutations identified in patients with 46,XY DSD and adrenal insufficiency (Glu7Stop). In vitro, SF-1 mutations affect not only steroidogenesis but also transcription of BDNF which is involved in energy balance. However, in contrast to mice, consequences on weight were not found in humans with SF-1 mutations.


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Zinc is an essential micronutrient that is crucial for many vital cellular functions such as DNA and protein synthesis, metabolism, and intracellular signaling. Therefore, the intracellular zinc concentration is tightly regulated by zinc transporters and zinc-binding proteins. The members of the SCL39 transporter family transport zinc into the cytosol. The SLC39A2 (hZIP2) protein is highly expressed in prostate epithelial cells and was found to be involved in prostate cancer development. Thus far, there is no specific modulator available for the SLC39 transporters. The aim of this study was to develop a screening assay for compound screening targeting hZIP2. Employing the pIRES2-DsRed Express 2 bicistronic vector, we detected human ZIP2 expression at the plasma membrane in transiently transfected HEK293 cells. Using the FLIPR Tetra fluorescence plate reader, we demonstrated that ZIP2 transports Cd(2+) with an apparent Km value of 53.96 nM at an extracellular pH of 6.5. The cadmium influx via hZIP2 was inhibited by zinc in a competitive manner. We found that hZIP2 activity can be measured using cadmium in the range of 0.1 to 10 µM with our assay. In summary, for the first time we developed an assay for human ZIP2 that can be adapted to other zinc transporters.


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Radiolabeled pansomatostatin-like analogues are expected to enhance the diagnostic sensitivity and to expand the clinical indications of currently applied sst2-specific radioligands. In this study, we present the somatostatin mimic [DOTA]LTT-SS28 {[(DOTA)Ser1,Leu8,D-Trp22,Tyr25]SS28} and its 111In radioligand. [DOTA]LTT-SS28 exhibited a pansomatostatin-like profile binding with high affinity to all five hsst1-hsst5 subtypes (IC50 values in the lower nanomolar range). Furthermore, [DOTA]LTT-SS28 behaved as an agonist at hsst2, hsst3, and hsst5, efficiently stimulating internalization of the three receptor subtypes. Radioligand [111In-DOTA]LTT-SS28 showed good stability in the mouse bloodstream. It displayed strong and specific uptake in AR42J tumors 4 h postinjection (9.3±1.6% ID/g vs 0.3±0.0% ID/g during sst2 blockade) in mice. Significant and specific uptake was also observed in HEK293-hsst2-, HEK293-hsst3-, and HEK293-hsst5-expressing tumors (4.43±1.5, 4.88±1.1, and <3% ID/g, respectively, with values of <0.5% ID/g during receptor blockade). In conclusion, the somatostatin mimic [111In-DOTA]LTT-SS28 specifically localizes in sst2-, sst3-, and sst5-expressing xenografts in mice showing promise for multi-sst1-sst5 targeted tumor imaging.


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The serotonin (5-hydroxtryptamine, 5-HT) system plays a role in analgesia and emesis. The aim of this study was to test whether opioids or ketamine inhibit the human 5-HT transporter and whether this increases free plasma 5-HT concentrations. HEK293 cells, stably transfected with the human 5-HT transporter cDNA, were incubated with morphine, hydromorphone, fentanyl, alfentanil, pethidine (meperidine), tramadol, ketamine, and the reference substance citalopram (specific 5-HT transporter inhibitor). The uptake of [(3)H]5-HT was measured by liquid scintillation counting. In a second series of experiments, study drugs were incubated with plasma of ten healthy blood donors and change of 5-HT plasma-concentrations were measured (ELISA). The end point was the inhibition of the 5-HT transporter by different analgesics either in HEK293 cells or in human platelets ex vivo. Tramadol, pethidine, and ketamine suppressed [(3)H]5-HT uptake dose-dependently with an IC50 of 1, 20.9, and 230 μM, respectively. These drugs also prevented 5-HT uptake in platelets with an increase in free plasma 5-HT. Free 5-HT concentrations in human plasma were increased by citalopram 1 μM, tramadol 20 μM, pethidine 30 μM, and ketamine 100 μM to 280 [248/312]%, 269 [188/349]%, and 149 [122/174]%, respectively, compared to controls without any co-incubation (means [95 % CI]; all p < 0.005). No change in both experimental settings was observed for the other opioids. Tramadol and pethidine inhibited the 5-HT transporter in HEK293 cells and platelets. This inhibition may contribute to serotonergic effects when these opioids are given in combination, e.g., with monoamine oxidase inhibitors or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.


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Prostaglandins such as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) play a pivotal role in physiological and pathophysiological pathways in gastric mucosa. Little is known about the interrelation of the prostaglandin E (EP) receptors with the prostaglandin transporter OATP2A1 in the gastric mucosa and gastric carcinoma. Therefore, we first investigated the expression of OATP2A1 and EP4 in normal and carcinoma gastric mucosa. Different PGE2-mediated cellular pathways and mechanisms were investigated using human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293) and the human gastric carcinoma cell line AGS stably transfected with OATP2A1. Colocalization and expression of OATP2A1 and EP4 were detected in mucosa of normal gastric tissue and of gastric carcinomas. OATP2A1 reduced the PGE2-mediated cAMP production in HEK293 and AGS cells overexpressing EP4 and OATP2A1. The expression of OATP2A1 in AGS cells resulted in a reduction of [(3)H]-thymidine incorporation which was in line with a higher accumulation of AGS-OATP2A1 cells in S-phase of the cell cycle compared to control cells. In contrast, the expression of OATP2A1 in HEK293 cells had no influence on the distribution in the S-phase compared to control cells. OATP2A1 also diminished the PGE2-mediated expression of interleukin-8 mRNA (IL-8) and hypoxia-inducible-factor 1α (HIF1α) protein in AGS-OATP2A1 cells. The expression of OATP2A1 increased the sensitivity of AGS cells against irinotecan which led to reduced cell viability. Taken together, these data show that OATP2A1 influences PGE2-mediated cellular pathways. Therefore, OATP2A1 needs to be considered as a key determinant for the understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology of prostaglandins in healthy and tumorous gastric mucosa.


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A heterozygous mutation (c.643C>A; p.Q215X) in the monocarboxylate transporter 12-encoding gene MCT12 (also known as SLC16A12) that mediates creatine transport was recently identified as the cause of a syndrome with juvenile cataracts, microcornea, and glucosuria in a single family. Whereas the MCT12 mutation cosegregated with the eye phenotype, poor correlation with the glucosuria phenotype did not support a pathogenic role of the mutation in the kidney. Here, we examined MCT12 in the kidney and found that it resides on basolateral membranes of proximal tubules. Patients with MCT12 mutation exhibited reduced plasma levels and increased fractional excretion of guanidinoacetate, but normal creatine levels, suggesting that MCT12 may function as a guanidinoacetate transporter in vivo. However, functional studies in Xenopus oocytes revealed that MCT12 transports creatine but not its precursor, guanidinoacetate. Genetic analysis revealed a separate, undescribed heterozygous mutation (c.265G>A; p.A89T) in the sodium/glucose cotransporter 2-encoding gene SGLT2 (also known as SLC5A2) in the family that segregated with the renal glucosuria phenotype. When overexpressed in HEK293 cells, the mutant SGLT2 transporter did not efficiently translocate to the plasma membrane, and displayed greatly reduced transport activity. In summary, our data indicate that MCT12 functions as a basolateral exit pathway for creatine in the proximal tubule. Heterozygous mutation of MCT12 affects systemic levels and renal handling of guanidinoacetate, possibly through an indirect mechanism. Furthermore, our data reveal a digenic syndrome in the index family, with simultaneous MCT12 and SGLT2 mutation. Thus, glucosuria is not part of the MCT12 mutation syndrome.


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The Brugada syndrome (BrS) is an inherited arrhythmia characterized by ST-segment elevation in V1-V3 leads and negative T wave on standard ECG. BrS patients are at risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) due to ventricular tachyarrhythmia. At least 17 genes have been proposed to be linked to BrS, although recent findings suggested a polygenic background. Mutations in SCN5A, the gene coding for the cardiac sodium channel Nav1.5, have been found in 15-30% of index cases. Here, we present the results of clinical, genetic, and expression studies of a large Iranian family with BrS carrying a novel genetic variant (p.P1506S) in SCN5A. By performing whole-cell patch-clamp experiments using HEK293 cells expressing wild-type (WT) or p.P1506S Nav1.5 channels, hyperpolarizing shift of the availability curve, depolarizing shift of the activation curve, and hastening of the fast inactivation process were observed. These mutant-induced alterations lead to a loss of function of Nav1.5 and thus suggest that the p.P1506S variant is pathogenic. In addition, cascade familial screening found a family member with BrS who did not carry the p.P1506S mutation. Additional next generation sequencing analyses revealed the p.R25W mutation in KCNH2 gene in SCN5A-negative BrS patients. These findings illustrate the complex genetic background of BrS found in this family and the possible pathogenic role of a new SCN5A genetic variant.


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Scopolamine is a high affinity muscarinic antagonist that is used for the prevention of post-operative nausea and vomiting. 5-HT3 receptor antagonists are used for the same purpose and are structurally related to scopolamine. To examine whether 5-HT3 receptors are affected by scopolamine we examined the effects of this drug on the electrophysiological and ligand binding properties of 5-HT3A receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes and HEK293 cells, respectively. 5-HT3 receptor-responses were reversibly inhibited by scopolamine with an IC50 of 2.09 μM. Competitive antagonism was shown by Schild plot (pA2 = 5.02) and by competition with the 5-HT3 receptor antagonists [3H]granisetron (Ki = 6.76 µM) and G-FL (Ki = 4.90 µM). The related molecule, atropine, similarly inhibited 5-HT evoked responses in oocytes with an IC50 of 1.74 µM, and competed with G-FL with a Ki of 7.94 µM. The reverse experiment revealed that granisetron also competitively bound to muscarinic receptors (Ki = 6.5 µM). In behavioural studies scopolamine is used to block muscarinic receptors and induce a cognitive deficit, and centrally administered concentrations can exceed the IC50 values found here. It is therefore possible that 5-HT3 receptors are also inhibited. Studies that utilise higher concentrations of scopolamine should be mindful of these potential off-target effects.