118 resultados para Glutamatergic Pathway


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The receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)/phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway is fundamental for cancer cell proliferation and is known to be frequently altered and activated in neoplasia, including embryonal tumors. Based on the high frequency of alterations, targeting components of the PI3K signaling pathway is considered to be a promising therapeutic approach for cancer treatment. Here, we have investigated the potential of targeting the axis of the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) and PI3K signaling in two common cancers of childhood: neuroblastoma, the most common extracranial tumor in children and medulloblastoma, the most frequent malignant childhood brain tumor. By treating neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma cells with R1507, a specific humanized monoclonal antibody against the IGF-1R, we could observe cell line-specific responses and in some cases a strong decrease in cell proliferation. In contrast, targeting the PI3K p110α with the specific inhibitor PIK75 resulted in broad anti-proliferative effects in a panel of neuro- and medulloblastoma cell lines. Additionally, sensitization to commonly used chemotherapeutic agents occurred in neuroblastoma cells upon treatment with R1507 or PIK75. Furthermore, by studying the expression and phosphorylation state of IGF-1R/PI3K downstream signaling targets we found down-regulated signaling pathway activation. In addition, apoptosis occurred in embryonal tumor cells after treatment with PIK75 or R1507. Together, our studies demonstrate the potential of targeting the IGF-1R/PI3K signaling axis in embryonal tumors. Hopefully, this knowledge will contribute to the development of urgently required new targeted therapies for embryonal tumors.


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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson's disease often alleviates the motor symptoms, but causes cognitive and emotional side effects in a substantial number of cases. Identification of the motor part of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) as part of the presurgical workup could minimize these adverse effects. In this study, we assessed the STN's connectivity to motor, associative, and limbic brain areas, based on structural and functional connectivity analysis of volunteer data. For the structural connectivity, we used streamline counts derived from HARDI fiber tracking. The resulting tracks supported the existence of the so-called "hyperdirect" pathway in humans. Furthermore, we determined the connectivity of each STN voxel with the motor cortical areas. Functional connectivity was calculated based on functional MRI, as the correlation of the signal within a given brain voxel with the signal in the STN. Also, the signal per STN voxel was explained in terms of the correlation with motor or limbic brain seed ROI areas. Both right and left STN ROIs appeared to be structurally and functionally connected to brain areas that are part of the motor, associative, and limbic circuit. Furthermore, this study enabled us to assess the level of segregation of the STN motor part, which is relevant for the planning of STN DBS procedures.


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Background: The lectin pathway of complement activation, in particular mannose-binding lectin (MBL), has been extensively investigated over recent years. So far, studies were exclusively based on venous samples. The aim of this study was to investigate whether measurements of lectin pathway proteins obtained by capillary sampling are in agreement with venous samples. Methods: Prospective study including 31 infants that were admitted with suspected early-onset sepsis. Lectin pathway proteins were measured in simultaneously obtained capillary and venous samples. Bland–Altman plots of logarithmized results were constructed, and the mean capillary to venous ratios (ratiocap/ven) were calculated with their 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: The agreement between capillary and venous sampling was very high for MBL (mean ratiocap/ven, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.85–1.19). Similarly, high agreement was observed for H-ficolin (mean ratiocap/ven, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.72–1.44), MASP-2 (1.04; 0.59–1.84), MASP-3 (0.96; 0.71–1.28), and MAp44 (1.01; 0.82–1.25), while the agreement was moderate for M-ficolin (mean ratiocap/ven, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.27–2.28). Conclusions: The results of this study show an excellent agreement between capillary and venous samples for most lectin pathway proteins. Except for M-ficolin, small volume capillary samples can thus be used when assessing lectin pathway proteins in neonates and young children.


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Endocrine and neuroendocrine cells differ from cells which rapidly release all their secreted proteins in that they store some secretory proteins in concentrated forms in secretory granules to be rapidly released when cells are stimulated. Protein aggregation is considered as the first step in the secretory granule biosynthesis and, at least in the case of prolactin and growth hormone, greatly depends on zinc ions that facilitate this process. Hence, regulation of cellular zinc transport especially that within the regulated secretory pathway is of importance to understand. Various zinc transporters of Slc30a/ZnT and Slc39a/Zip families have been reported to fulfil this role and to participate in fine tuning of zinc transport in and out of the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and secretory granules, the main cellular compartments of the regulated secretory pathway. In this review, we will focus on the role of zinc in the formation of hormone-containing secretory granules with special emphasis on conditions required for growth hormone dimerization/aggregation. In addition, we highlight the role of zinc transporters that govern the process of zinc homeostasis in the regulated hormone secretion.


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In modern life- and medical-sciences major efforts are currently concentrated on creating artificial photoenzymes, consisting of light- oxygen-voltage-sensitive (LOV) domains fused to a target enzyme. Such protein constructs possess great potential for controlling the cell metabolism as well as gene function upon light stimulus. This has recently been impressively demonstrated by designing a novel artificial fusion protein, connecting the AsLOV2-Jα-photosensor from Avena sativa with the Rac1-GTPase (AsLOV2-Jα-Rac1), and by using it, to control the motility of cancer cells from the HeLa-line. Although tremendous progress has been achieved on the generation of such protein constructs, a detailed understanding of their signaling pathway after photoexcitation is still in its infancy. Here, we show through computer simulations of the AsLOV2-Jα-Rac1-photoenzyme that the early processes after formation of the Cys450-FMN-adduct involve the breakage of a H-bond between the carbonyl oxygen FMN-C4O and the amino group of Gln513, followed by a rotational reorientation of its sidechain. This initial event is followed by successive events including β-sheet tightening and transmission of torsional stress along the Iβ-sheet, which leads to the disruption of the Jα-helix from the N-terminal end. Finally, this process triggers the detachment of the AsLOV2-Jα-photosensor from the Rac1-GTPase, ultimately enabling the activation of Rac1 via binding of the effector protein PAK1.


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Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida contains a functional type III secretion system that is responsible for the secretion of the ADP-ribosylating toxin AexT. In this study, the authors identified AopP as a second effector protein secreted by this system. The aopP gene was detected in both typical and atypical A. salmonicida isolates and was found to be encoded on a small plasmid of approximately 6.4 kb. Sequence analysis indicates that AopP is a member of the YopJ family of effector proteins, a group of proteins that interfere with mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and/or nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) signalling pathways. AopP inhibits the NF-kappaB pathway downstream of IkappaB kinase (IKK) activation, while a catalytically inactivated mutant, AopPC177A, does not possess this inhibitory effect. Unlike other effectors of the YopJ family, such as YopJ and VopA, AopP does not inhibit the MAPK signalling pathway.


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Current treatments for Alzheimer's disease (AD) are only able to slow the progression of mental deterioration, making early and reliable diagnosis an essential part of any promising therapeutic strategy. In the initial stages of AD, the first neuropathological alterations occur in the perforant pathway (PP), a large neuronal fiber tract located at the entrance to the limbic system. However, to date, there is no sensitive diagnostic tool for performing in vivo assessments of this structure. In the present bimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study, we examined 10 elderly controls, 10 subjects suffering from mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and 10 AD patients in order to evaluate the sensitivity of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), a new MRI technique, for detecting changes in the PP. Furthermore, the diagnostic explanatory power of DTI data of the PP should be compared to high-resolution MRI volumetry and intervoxel coherences (COH) of the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex, two limbic regions also involved in the pathophysiology of early AD. DTI revealed a marked decrease in COH values in the PP region of MCI (right side: 26%, left side: 29%, as compared to controls) and AD patients (right side: 37%, left side: 43%, as compared to controls). Reductions in COH values of the PP region were significantly correlated with cognitive impairment. DTI data of the PP zone were the only parameter differing significantly between control subjects and MCI patients, while the volumetric measures and the COH values of the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex did not. DTI of medial temporal brain regions is a promising non-invasive tool for the in vivo diagnosis of the early/preclinical stages of AD.


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We showed that when CA3 pyramidal neurons in the caudal 80% of the dorsal hippocampus had almost disappeared completely, the efferent pathway of CA3 was rarely detectable. We used the mouse pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), and injected iontophoretically the anterograde tracer phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) into gliotic CA3, medial septum and the nucleus of diagonal band of Broca, median raphe, and lateral supramammillary nuclei, or the retrograde tracer cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) into gliotic CA3 area of hippocampus. In the afferent pathway, the number of neurons projecting to CA3 from medial septum and the nucleus of diagonal band of Broca, median raphe, and lateral supramammillary nuclei increased significantly. In the hippocampus, where CA3 pyramidal neurons were partially lost, calbindin, calretinin, parvalbumin immunopositive back-projection neurons from CA1-CA3 area were observed. Sprouting of Schaffer collaterals with increased number of large boutons in both sides of CA1 area, particularly in the stratum pyramidale, was found. When CA3 pyramidal neurons in caudal 80% of the dorsal hippocampus have almost disappeared completely, surviving CA3 neurons in the rostral 20% of the dorsal hippocampus may play an important role in transmitting hyperactivity of granule cells to surviving CA1 neurons or to dorsal part of the lateral septum. We concluded that reorganization of CA3 area with its downstream or upstream nuclei may be involved in the occurrence of epilepsy.


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Consistent with findings of Wnt pathway members involved in vascular cells, a role for Wnt/Frizzled signaling has recently emerged in vascular cell development. Among the few Wnt family members implicated in vessel formation in adult, Wnt7b and Frizzled 4 have been shown as involved in vessel formation in the lung and in the retina, respectively. Our previous work has shown a role for secreted Frizzled-related protein-1 (sFRP-1), a proposed Wnt signaling inhibitor, in neovascularization after an ischemic event and demonstrated its role as a potent angiogenic factor. However the mechanisms involved have not been investigated. Here, we show that sFRP-1 treatment increases endothelial cell spreading on extracellular matrix as revealed by actin stress fiber reorganization in an integrin-dependent manner. We demonstrate that sFRP-1 can interact with Wnt receptors Frizzled 4 and 7 on endothelial cells to transduce downstream to cellular machineries requiring Rac-1 activity in cooperation with GSK-3beta. sFRP-1 overexpression in endothelium specifically reversed the inactivation of GSK-3 beta and increased neovascularization in ischemia-induced angiogenesis in mouse hindlimb. This study illustrates a regulated pathway by sFRP-1 involving GSK-3beta and Rac-1 in endothelial cell cytoskeletal reorganization and in neovessel formation.


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Eph receptor tyrosine kinases play a critical role in embryonic patterning and angiogenesis. In the adult, they are involved in carcinogenesis and pathological neovascularization. However, the mechanisms underlying their role in tumor formation and metastasis remain to be defined. Here, we demonstrated that stimulation of EphB1 with ephrinB1/Fc led to a marked downregulation of EphB1 protein, a process blocked by the lysosomal inhibitor bafilomycin. Following ephrinB1 stimulation, the ubiquitin ligase Cbl was recruited by EphB1 and then phosphorylated. Both Cbl phosphorylation and EphB1 ubiquitination were blocked by the Src inhibitor PP2. Overexpression of wild-type Cbl, but not of 70Z mutant lacking ligase activity, enhanced EphB1 ubiquitination and degradation. This negative regulation required the tyrosine kinase activity of EphB1 as kinase-dead EphB1-K652R was resistant to Cbl. Glutathione S-transferase binding experiments showed that Cbl bound to EphB1 through its tyrosine kinase-binding domain. In aggregate, we demonstrated that Cbl induces the ubiquitination and lysosomal degradation of activated EphB1, a process requiring EphB1 and Src kinase activity. To our knowledge, this is the first study dissecting the molecular mechanisms leading to EphB1 downregulation, thus paving the way to new means of modulating their angiogenic and tumorigenic properties.