37 resultados para Gelman, Jorge Daniel


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Plant-plant interactions are driven by environmental conditions, evolutionary relationships (ER) and the functional traits of the plants involved. However, studies addressing the relative importance of these drivers are rare, but crucial to improve our predictions of the effects of plant-plant interactions on plant communities and of how they respond to differing environmental conditions. To analyze the relative importance of - and interrelationships among - these factors as drivers of plant-plant interactions, we analyzed perennial plant co-occurrence at 106 dryland plant communities established across rainfall gradients in nine countries. We used structural equation modelling to disentangle the relationships between environmental conditions (aridity and soil fertility), functional traits extracted from the literature, and ER, and to assess their relative importance as drivers of the 929 pairwise plant-plant co-occurrence levels measured. Functional traits, specifically facilitated plants' height and nurse growth form, were of primary importance, and modulated the effect of the environment and ER on plant-plant interactions. Environmental conditions and ER were important mainly for those interactions involving woody and graminoid nurses, respectively. The relative importance of different plant-plant interaction drivers (ER, functional traits, and the environment) varied depending on the region considered, illustrating the difficulty of predicting the outcome of plant-plant interactions at broader spatial scales. In our global-scale study on drylands, plant-plant interactions were more strongly related to functional traits of the species involved than to the environmental variables considered. Thus, moving to a trait-based facilitation/competition approach help to predict that: (1) positive plant-plant interactions are more likely to occur for taller facilitated species in drylands, and (2) plant-plant interactions within woody-dominated ecosystems might be more sensitive to changing environmental conditions than those within grasslands. By providing insights on which species are likely to better perform beneath a given neighbour, our results will also help to succeed in restoration practices involving the use of nurse plants. (C) 2014 Geobotanisches Institut ETH, Stiftung Ruebel. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Disruption of the blood-brain and blood-spinal cord barriers (BBB and BSCB, respectively) and immune cell infiltration are early pathophysiological hallmarks of multiple sclerosis (MS), its animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), and neuromyelitis optica (NMO). However, their contribution to disease initiation and development remains unclear. In this study, we induced EAE in lys-eGFP-ki mice and performed single, nonterminal intravital imaging to investigate BSCB permeability simultaneously with the kinetics of GFP(+) myeloid cell infiltration. We observed a loss in BSCB integrity within a day of disease onset, which paralleled the infiltration of GFP(+) cells into the CNS and lasted for ∼4 d. Neutrophils accounted for a significant proportion of the circulating and CNS-infiltrating myeloid cells during the preclinical phase of EAE, and their depletion delayed the onset and reduced the severity of EAE while maintaining BSCB integrity. We also show that neutrophils collected from the blood or bone marrow of EAE mice transmigrate more efficiently than do neutrophils of naive animals in a BBB cell culture model. Moreover, using intravital videomicroscopy, we demonstrate that the IL-1R type 1 governs the firm adhesion of neutrophils to the inflamed spinal cord vasculature. Finally, immunostaining of postmortem CNS material obtained from an acutely ill multiple sclerosis patient and two neuromyelitis optica patients revealed instances of infiltrated neutrophils associated with regions of BBB or BSCB leakage. Taken together, our data provide evidence that neutrophils are involved in the initial events that take place during EAE and that they are intimately linked with the status of the BBB/BSCB.


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Archäologie in den Hochalpen: Vom Rückgang der Gletscher sind auch archäologische Objekte betroffen. Über Jahrtausende hinweg haben sie im Eis überdauert, nun kommen sie zum Vorschein. Im Hitzesommer 2003 fand eine Wanderin am Schnidejoch ein fremdartiges Objekt aus Birkenrinde. Es erwies sich als Teil eines 4800 Jahre alten Bogenfutterals. In den Jahren 2004 bis 2011 unternahm der Archäologische Dienst des Kantons Bern über 30 Begehungen der Nordseite und – zusammen mit der Walliser Kantonsarchäologie – auch der Südseite des Schnidejochs. Zahlreiche weitere Funde aus Holz, Leder und Metall konnten geborgen und wissenschaftlich untersucht werden. Einzigartige Funde Zu den spektakulärsten Funden vom Schnidejoch zählt das Bogenfutteral aus Birkenrinde. Weiter stechen aus den rund 900 Funden ein Pfeilbogen, mehrere vollständige Pfeile und Fragmente einer Schale aus Ulmenholz hervor. Es handelt sich dabei um das älteste Holzgefäss der Schweiz. Weitere herausragende Funde sind ein bronzezeitliches Holzgefäss aus Birkenrinde, eine bronzezeitliche Gewandnadel sowie Bekleidung und Schuhe aus Leder. Archéologie dans les Alpes bernoises Le recul des glaciers a aussi un impact sur les découvertes archéologiques. Il fait réapparaître des objets préservés dans les glaces depuis des millénaires. Pendant l’été caniculaire de 2003, une randonneuse a découvert un objet singulier en écorce de bouleau, qui s’est avéré être un morceau de carquois vieux de 4800 ans. De 2004 à 2011, le Service archéologique du canton de Berne s’est rendu plus de trente fois sur le versant nord du Schnidejoch et, en collaboration avec le Service d’archéologie du canton du Valais, sur le versant sud de ce col. De nombreux autres objets en bois, cuir et métal ont pu être mis au jour et étudiés scientifiquement. Des découvertes uniques Le carquois en écorce de bouleau constitue l’une des découvertes les plus sensationnelles du Schnidejoch. Parmi les quelque 900 objets mis au jour figurent un arc, plusieurs flèches complètes et les fragments d’un bol en bois d’orme. Ce bol est le plus ancien récipient en bois de Suisse. D’autres trouvailles spectaculaires ont été faites, notamment un récipient en écorce de bouleau et une épingle à vêtements datant de l’Âge du Bronze ainsi que des vêtements et des chaussures en cuir.